Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 03, 1901, Image 1

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NO. .52.
Mil 01 u. w.iian a o.
V , ' Visit Lakcylcv.
5ay l.akevlrw Will Undoubtedly
I lie the Tcrminu of the Nevada,
California & Oregon Wy,
S. M. Sample, who fur ntinlr of i
jvcer Iihh ln-ld tln jHmiUon Ot, forward -
!uigiigenl f-.r l. W. I rl Airro -
'several days during the st w?k. Mr.
.Nun pie's i-fjHTiol luiiifri lief wa to
sliaightell nut iiiiIihi wool JreigM
shiptuciiiH, ii 1 1 I tn iniiirv hit I tin in.- r-)
oti gncviauce I it-! i ugainst none one in !
iiulhoritv Ml Aitii-ili'n. Mr. tUsiph is ui
genial gentleman, iiml ull'Oiir jeople j
who ever liiul business rcintiuiH itli i
t li. W. Furl .V
fc'rnoiially ki
Vmgh they
I). W. Furl .V Co. Mt thm Uic iml
kiioHii liiiu lor vfiir. .vn '
iota ih v i uitx Mm i in-.
iring hi service a luriliiitf elit
i I Ainedi-e Mr. Suini a alway ai
Siiiuiolaliiig ami coin Icons , , i,
I renle. Mini it in with regr Ui the
.UNr4i-H iiii'ii l Lake coiuly n. -u iin.
sever lux connection with !i tiria by
w limn he in employed, nilt,a hit !
. art iiu for new field of action. Owing
In hi" will?' iil In-all li li w'U soon go 1
lw Aiik' I'" r-m.nn. In'uope that
tin- sunny clime nl ll l w'-tiuii oia ic
store her rtlf . t
Mr. Sample n tl ( it t4 the lutcn
lion of I. W. Karl A C. t render their
iiriiiiii gmsl service at all j times, ami
W llilu Sollltf lltllu IHt OllVIVm.m;, 1Hy
liave Ui-ii felt, in tin) iai, incitlcut to
t haiiK' tli"t liavi- Un-ii n,aie jn .u
jilnyra, tint llrni xtumt rar'l to
giiiiruiitwv (iMl uinl arrfiil jrvlc,. in
the futurr. A llio ruilroJ - l,ihmc
lirourKWH, it I ril'iili1i tl)U ,, C.
. iiiHiiHtfciiit'tit may ronti y" tliriiiKf
.!t,Mii ol -Mititut . tli frv'itf't r' "
ltniV, tnotiffh Mr."Stmp'l' nt
,.),. k autlinritutlvu'v in tlii" f'tirl.
"Tin- N. t;. O. iw.jilwnmk u- H-rn-t
Umir inti-iiliniiH n K Uiliil futdrit
union," aid Mr. mpl. .( bnve ! lulJi,.r H,iy thi much about llob gles
ery rc.iH.n. to l- li.-ve thai they intend ! j,v ud hi minileedH. It in true, he ha
I nniki- I.ukeie'.t their teruilnun. If
jit during IIHH, purely I lift yw follow.
kg." He Piij H Hie new railed manage.
Jienl uh a.-tiiiiihlied at t j ' buxince
. folic over the N. C. (). line ny the bilBl
I Iuwa men of l4ke county. Mr fviiiijile
' If much pleamxl with ljkrvw ad its
if-np)c, mid couiphmeiita Vvo buninci-H
ron highly for their krvV.,hjdgi ami
licticc of iip-to-dule bumu:t methixla.
t i )Mya it I MMihle that 1 may at
rttiH' future time, when tJ p railr.nnl
r iie. here, cal I U lot io Ijikeview.
It iliin opinion liiul ow ing A the efTorls
f new management of th( ( o.
Wji Kay there will )e a
gcupoti to Uike county in'
Rabbit Killing ConU.
On Christum eve ft. Iarg C,t(Wj 1M,Jt
ft the Crane ('reek m hool bolr, a
jh dH-idvil to Imlil a liig rbv'i-klllitig
, 'contest, tn hist uno week, the ltitlow
jug tlie i"ft rabbit culon Yeur'i
uignt to lie the winner tt supper
fo be paid for by the lning l y j'jjnt
Vernon and J. N. Kitxgerald wv 1t-
4'd cuptaina of the opponinif tef
nil during holiday week the Cri). ;,) (A.
-.i were out in force killing 'ant.gfi,.
lug the bunrilcp. Sixty men a'dj boy
tiMik part lu the contest and SCO iSi.bit
were killud, the Fitzgerald tide Vii'.nlug
the content and upcr by 34 wi'utp.
( Tho Bupptr fc a mosi njoyabln (iftt
' mix! was partaken of by about 80)
. I.. I 1. .!.... I I
ine. An inmresiniK piograiu ui f Air
eikos followed the fciiBting. Hev.i
Meyer mado smne hnppy . and aJ)rn.
.oriate remarks; Mis (iertrude VtrVon
vavna recitation, "Miss Maloneyoi, lie
Chirese Queetion," which . was vJry
aiuiii-ing, and delivered in nuch-i'Wvr
Irish dialect that a stranger coftlS jjj.
lieve nothing elxe than that Mil Vr.
lion was just over from th "l.l llafitw
- ...
recitation "Uncle Jim" Williams
dered some vocal selections in his UM,M.
ly splendid voice, and A. J. Davis pleaded
Davis pleu'm,j
i-al solo. 'i iiw
hrotigjiouti A
I lie tug auuience wun a vocai s
affair was most enjoyable throi;
George li. Ayres received lust Satir
day for Mrs. W, 8. Morley a check .l,r
$1,500 from the Penu Mutual InsuraL.
ompany, the aaiouut ol lnsiiranceU)r,
the life of her late husband
Miss Johnson also delivered a NtUdUff.t couiniandoe continue to dis-
Leaves Threshold
the Bridal Chamber
For Cot in the Jail.
; R(h OClesbV (IOCS
. C '
to Portland to
Answer for the
Crimeof Rifling
the U. S. Mail.
Told the Officials Where the Hidden
nail Wa Cached" and They r Ind
It Secreted lieneath a Log; in l)cne
Thicket on the Mountain Side.
II li.ih Ojili'oliy in not rrary lio U a lc
IffiHTale if not the latter la) i a "lin
(r'r f'Hil l.ian Thoiiiiiwin'a colt," who
wam hit' im the rivi-r to fti't a drink.
If In- !h not tin- i-riininul who, an nar
ilmnof tin; Cniti'il Stati'N iiiuild U-t rayed
Inn triint nml riihlx-d the vi-ry mail- lui
waHHworit to irotwt and kfp Had-,
then he la the luoKt m VKlcrioiiK iudivid
uul that the mnte ol Oregon baa ever
produced ut any rule he can be known
hereafter bm the man from l.uke who
broke Into the ciiileiitiiiry .
A ii clever criminul (ilexby in a rank
failure. II ih in the "eoaraeat" piece of
work that him ever come up fur iiiNpce
tion. lie waa not couiM-lled to inukc
cimfcM-ion, but lie did oina"huiiliMg"
iwjiv. A clean breast of the whole limt
ti rwm.ld avail more ll.un die haft-heai t
ed cuiifcci-i hi lie made to the ollii'er
who w ijjled into bin (joud t;racea.
It ia wiih dinevre reuiet that The Kx-
not yet been remanded for trial, but
that is neither here nor there since he
leave no uround for hope in hi case
and is a self-convicte.1 man. There wa
no law to ci mi I him to tell what little
he did tell, and his heretofoie good con
duct and resH-ctability would have been
a shield against the shaft of scorn and
suspicion ami doubt and guilt now
hurled against him by all unprejudiced
mind. He has left no avenue of esciie
for himself, no ground umiii which hi
friend can stand by him in the hour of
trial and misfortune and regret, if he
ha any and surely he ha that. Conscience-stricken
be no doubt is, and
what he has divulged hu doubtless re
lieved hi mind. He bus not acted a
an innocent man would net. If he is
not guilty, then he is certainly insane or
weak-minded. ICiiv'mg the threshold of
the bridal chamber for the ''t in the
juil was sullicient change iu n man's
life and man' hopes of the future to
turn hi brain if he was not proof
uguinst the vagat ie of life.
He tells his friend that all hope of
escuping the ticuilciitiary has vanished ;
lliut he w ill go before the court nml con
fess Ids guilt with the hope that the law
will U) lenient w ith him and the sent
ence of the court may be tempered with
mercy. Toother he avers his inno
cence, but that he is a victim of circum-
stances and must take the consequence 1
A tl'uirN iu South Africa.
latest dispatches from South
Africa show that Lord Kitchener lias
Succeeded in holding the Boeis in check.
He bus not yet been successful in ex-
rveilliiir lliem from Cane Colonv. while
play an astonishing activity over an im
mensely wido field. It is questionable
whether his proclamation, announcing
thut those burghers w ho voluntarily sur
render will la) allowed to live with their
families in the government laagers uutil
tho guerrilla warfare has abated, will
have much effect until DeWett has been
captured (if he will be captured). The
lioers uie likely to itgurd it as a ign of
miffer tho KMialty for another' crime.
Iet un hoie that the former 'xnl repu
tation and ktandin nf the H "rn-ed may
prove a fwtor in the niniiniii up of the
cnxi to jiiHtify the i-ommittiiit; mauii
trnte in uiakintt the Heiitetn-e an liht an i not believed by the odirero, and the
MinHihle (or it in not believed by any I opinion in Urtmn that thin mail i 'till
rme who know liob (leithy that he i a cached away where O'enby secreted it.
crii.iinal at heart. In an unguarded It appeared that Marrhal Whorton
moment, ratncr, w hen hia firHt and only the only peroon Oiilenby would con
thought w n for the future when he . fi le in, ae w hat he told was wormed out
believed he mi'iled money more than
ever before to carry out a purme that
wan cloceHt to hi heart, temptation
crocked bin path and battled with his
U-lter principle with the rciiult that he
(ell, a victim to that terrible temptation
Iroui which many men have ufferel be
fore him, thereby deKtroyingall hope for
the liappliieHH of the tiear future.
On Chri-tuiaH Kve, junt an Koliert
Oledby wa preparini; to attend the j
niHi-k bull in Iakeview, the cold hand of ;
the law huh laid upon him and Sheriff
Ouiilap paid the worda that blasted bin j
' future Iiokh "Buh, ym arc my irinoie
er ; I arret you tor rotiouig tlie LniteJ
State mailt." The prisoner wa taken
to the county jail, and protexted hi
innocence, paying "I don't know what
I iii 14 meiiriM '
Kver i,.ee the robl-ery of the Lake-
ii.i.lHiW niRil Rrul ii n to tl. AV A
OtfUhliyM arnft( Slu'riff iMnUp, Murtih
Hi hortoii and l uHtuiantcr ilcox
were win king hard for a cluo to fanU'n
1im i-riitiM iiimiii Mit i ih imp. ftiuf nlitniiitxl
Mini -Jem x. , ..Uulv t, ,. ...i, .f ,
. i . ,V k
mus to jiihtil'v the arrest of Ogleshy.
certain f 10 bill sent through the mail
the dav of the robU-rv was found to have
iH'eu aHM'd hy liiiu, us tlie I oHtmanter
ut I'nisley had kept a record of the bill
according to the (sistal laws regarding
money of this character. Then upon
searching his room Marshal Whorton
found in a vest belonging to Oglesby,
w raped in a clipping from The Ex
aminer (the article of the previous week
regarding the "llold, ISad Uoad Agent")
the sum of 'JO cents in postage stamps.
When confronted with this evidence by
Whorton, the accused began .to weaken,
and finally told the ollicer where to find
a part of the mail that was taken. The
sheriff and marshal accompanied by C.
A. llrahch went to the place indicated
by Oglesby, on the mountain, to the left
of the road traveling north, and just
north of Mr. liianrh's wood camp,
and after a prolonged search failed to dis
cover the hidden mail. After re
turning to town, and a second interview
with Oglesby, the two ollicer started
again next day, mid went to the spot at
once, theie discovering the mail secreted
under a log in a thicket of brush 100
yards from the main road. The mail
found was mostly comprised of letters
and puckage from Silver Lake, and was
at once turned over to Postmaster Wil
cox. On Sunduy following the officers
again interviewed Oglesby and told hint
they were going to make a search for the
mail, (the missing mail from Paisley
and asked him for instructions where to
make the search. The prisoner inform-
ed them that it would le no use to make
weakness, and to have a wholesome
dread of vengeance if they surrender.
The proclamation is approved by the
party at home that favors concilatory
terms to the Boers as a step in the right
direction. Queen Victoria, it is said,
has approved the proposal to institute a
new order of Knighthood, to reward offi
cers who have served in South Africa.
On the 20th ult. the Boers iu consider
able numbers, it is said, were making a
movement westward. They had 150
wagons. It is believed they were trek
king to Damaralund, although the Boers
themselves denied any such intention.
leWct Muy (Surrender.
There are renewed but unconfirmed
further neareh an that mail was hiirnel
at 8alt Creek ; that lie aw it burned;
that he did not dentrny it liimm-lf ; ami
that he would not ilivulie the name of
the pHr:y w ho did it. Thin, of course, ii
of ti i in by Whorton, who did Rome effi
cient detectire work in the cane, to nay
the leant. He informed Whorton that
he would plead guilty when arraigned
in the United Mate Court; that the
evidence wad too etrong apaintit him,
and that he knew they had him, and
hi lchire wa to gel as liht a punish
ment a potmible. He changed his mind
alxiut several thing and made frequent
contradiction. In explaining how he
came in iioecenHion of the " marked"'
flU-bill, he raid he had Hold hi bicycle
to a M ratine man, and that $10 wa a
part of the payment money. Hut when
the oftlivrg told him they had found the
bicycle, in hi room, he could give lio
eulinfa'-tory explanation of that fact.
It i not believed that Oglexby had a
confederate. The facts elicited do not
Xo "," ll,al iit Oglesby
wa ' cuMni
1 himself
was to
: have been married on Christmas day,
and had furnished rooms at the residence
! of Frank D. Smith.
The total amount taken from the mails
- " n liim. a fii uijiimcp ui uio as iu
currency (the bill that eealed OgleshyT
1 .ia1 IhIoh fl.i hu untw.ii .v.l.k
and wao a portion of the f(U sent by
i . ' 1
uiuHier in rau rrnuciruu. rive uuiiitro
in currency and 90 cents in stamps was
sent hy lr. A. A. William of Paisley to
Rev. K. M. Iiliss, Sellwood street, Port
land, Oregon. A money order from Dr.
Withani to W. P. Fuller A Co., San
Francisco, in the sum of Eleven
dollars in currency sent by Mrs. Daisy
Porter of Silver Lake to Lipnian Wolfe
& Co., Portland. Anting other valu
ables taken from this 'mail was Check
No. 3 on Bank of Lakeview from Wood
man Hall Association of Paislev,in favor
of Bailey Sc Massingill, amount 24.
Money Order No. 743, A. B. Harrow,
Paisley, to Weiustock, l.ubin & Co.,
Sacramento, amount 7.t5. A Christ
mas f resent of a silver match-box ad
dressed to Major Christman, Auburn,
Cat., and several other small articles.
Sheriff Dunlap modestly gives all the
credit to others for the work done iu
this case. His reward of flOO will be
paid to w hoever the court decides is en
titled to it, as well as the reward of 300
offered by the United States Govern
ment for the arrest and conviction of
the guilty party or parties.
United States Marshal George Hum
phrey arrived from Portland last Tues
day, and the prisoner was turned over
to him. In company with Marshal
Whorton, Humphrey started with his
prisoner for Portland yesterday morning.
Let us hope that the fate of Bob Ogles
by will serve as a winning to others,
who may be tempted from the path of
rectitude and honor.
rumors in official circles that General
iHtWet, President Steyn and General
Haasbroek have had a conference and
decided to offer to surrender providing
the Colonial rebels are not punished
and the leaders, including themselves,
are not deported.
Report of DeWet'u Capture.
A dispatch from London, under date
of the 28th ult., says that persistent re
ports are in circulation there and on the
continent that General DeWet has
been captured. The British Chartered
South Africa Company received the in
formation from a source in which it is
accustomed to place implicit confidence.
The English war office, however, is with
out any continuation of the report.
New Pine Creek People
Have a Merry Time.
Cannon Hall Filled With Happy Peo
ple Who Listen to Appropriate
Exercises by Children.
Pine Creek probably had the most in
teresting time of any of iu neighboring
communities. The Christmas tree was
in the Cannon Hall on Christmas eve.
The crowd 'oegsn to gather quite early,
and by 7 o'clock the building was packed
and all seemed anxious for the exercises
to begin. There was hardly standing
room so great was the crowd, but much
credit is due them for the good order
which prevailed, not only during the ex
ercises, but, while the presents
were being distributed. When we think
of the program being tw o hours in length
and another two hours for the tree,
while the larger ptrt of the crowd waa
standing we feel very thankful for the
excellent order. It has never been our
pleasure to witness such good order at
such a place before.
At 7 o'clock the house was called to
order, and the exercises opened with a
song by the choir, followed by prayer by
Kev. Foster. The program which fol
lowed w as, to say the least, excellent
pnd the Committee cn Program surely
is deserving of much credit. Most of
the program was given by the Kelley
i Creek school, with Mr. Dexter Amick as
teacher. It was one of the best, con
sisting of song, dialogues and recita
tions. Every part was well acted, and,
while there are some w ho deserve special
mention, it would be doing others an
tnjutice since all acted their respective
parts so well.
Several of the dialogues met with
loud applause, but when "The Lost
Dog" was played it took so well that it
was ?Hke.l to be p!ve i over, and waa
even more laughable the second time.
The "Chinaman" as personated by Jay
I'ammersley was very good.
Following is the program :
Song, Woudrou Story by the Choir
"ryer Kev. Easter
Kec - hciitii Rlurton, The HoliJjr are coming
Dialogue by Ave Utile girls True Bravery
Bee. by OUie Kobaett Pitcher or Jug
Dia. by tour boys Which Is right
Rec. by Vera Law sou Mrs. Rabbit's School
Kec. W illie Blurton Christmas
Dia. by two pupils-A Slight Misunderstanding
Kec.-UUle Cannon-The Delinquent Subscriber
Recital aud Song by Mr. Chas. Rhodes and
Prof. Ctilcquvtte Ends Men's Jokes
Rec. by Cuba Amick Curly Head
Kecilal - three girls-Morning, Noon aud Night
Kec. by Ethel McLaughlin .... 11 you're good
Kec. b) MabelFollctt The Last Hymn
Dia. by tour implls Mulrooney's Mistake
Kec. by Roy Blurton Santa Claui is coming
Kec. by Odessa Aiuii-k How Kateohelly
Crossed Ihe Bridge.
Solo by Miss Miuuie Keid Our Savior
Kec. by Lilian Taylor My Dolly
Dia. by two pupils Taking the Census
Res. by Edua Smith Why
Song by Mr. Chas. Rhodes and Prof. Chicquette
"She was bred in old Kentucky"
Dia. by tour little boys.. ..Christmas Stocking
Solo - Cuba Auiitk-Jut as lueSuu Went Down
Kec. by Philip (jsllagher Mary's Latnb with
Kec. by Ernnst Kobnett
A Striking Instance ot a Man's Devotion
Dia. by seven pupil. The Lost Dog
Ke. by NoraO'Neil A Model Church
Dia. by two pupils Water Melon Pickles
Kec. by Philip Uallagher-Keading a K. R. Sign
Song, Uood Night by the Choir
After the entertainment the tree waa
uncovered and it "fairly groaned" un
der its burden of lovely presents. It
w as nicely trimmed, and a beauty. There
were many beautiful and costly presents
aud many hearts were made glad by be
ing so kinuiy remembered by frienda
aud dear ones.
Sauta Claue was not present. The
reason must be his accident here last
Christmas. Possibly his beard had nob
grown out since it was burned off last
year and he wouldn't come because he
would not have looked natural.
May we enjoy tuauy such Christniasea.
New Pine Creek, Or., X. X.
Dec. 2tf, 1000.
The Lakeyiew Woodmen will hold an
installation aud banquet at Masonic
hall on Weduesday evening, January 0.
Mrs. C. A. Moore (nee llattie New
bury) of Portland, returned to Jackson
ville on the 27th from San Francisco
w here she has beeu for sometime for the
beueflt ot her health which has not im
proved, says the Ashland Record.