Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 20, 1900, Image 8

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Foundation Per th Rumor That tha
Oraffoa Midland Will Nat b Belli.
"The Old Maids' Convention."
Merrill, Klamath county, is to have i
Swiss cheese, st Railey A Maasingill'a
Reno experienced s slight earthquake
last wet-k.
Carving sets st Bailey A MassingiU'a
George Whorton has beti very ill for
ver a week.
Buckwheat flour, rye flour, etc., at
II. C. Kothe A Co.'a.
Chas. Lohrengel of Ailel was a Tues
Jay visitor in Lakeview.
The office o( the Southern stage line
is now located at A. Hieber'f store.
Be prepared lor a long laugh at the
pera house tomorrow evening.
C. O. Metxker spent several days at
the Camas mill last week as head sawyer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sessions of Ft.
Bidwell have gone to San Francisco on
a visit.
All kinds of fancy dishes, at Bailey A
The Alturas creamery is a go. Al
ready lumber is on the ground for the
Mrs. Mollie Heck of Adin has been
granted a divorce from her husband,
Vm. J. Berk, in the Modoc court.
Ladies' wool shirt waists, at your owu
price, at Bailey A Massingill'.
Born In Jacksonville, Oregon, Pec.
3, 1900, to the wife of Frank Obcnchain,
of Sprague river, a daughter.
Charley Trumbo, foreman at the
Coughlin ranch in Chewaucan, was
visiting friends in Modoc lust week.
Sliced peaches, "the finest in the
sarket," at II. C. Rother & Co.'s.
A. McCullen is making addition and
improvements at his residence property
on Main street, says the Ashland Tid
igs. Gov. A. II. Burke, land office inspec
tor, has been making a tour of Oregon,
visiting the various offices throughout
the state.
Rogers Brothers "1847" knives, forks
and 8 toons, at Bailey A MasHingili's.
And now, as the legislative session in
Oregon is atout to convene, the man
mho wants the state divided " bobs up
Father McPevitt returned from Mo
doc county last Saturday night, and
started for Burns on the Northern Mon
day morning.
II . I'. Rothe ct Co. have a line line of
lightweight overcoats for men and boys.
The Alturas New Era is getting up a
tock Brand Book. The book when com
pleted will contain every brand in
Modoc county.
Mis Lillie Gordon, formerly an Ash
land Iwlle, was married last Tuesday at
Fredericksburg, Virginia, to Arthur
Presley Thornton.
All kinds of Christmas goods to suit
all kinds of people, at Bailey & Mas
ainiU's. There were shipped from Baker City
to SeaO.U last week 2Hii head of bee!
rattle that brought 3,'g cents on foot,
iking the price per '.lead about 42.
J. fcilliugsley, of Malheur county,
has sold liis 1900 clip of wool, amounting
to f4o,UU0, to Charles Johnson, of a Bus
ton firm. The price paid was U.1 cents.
Lrtiitrli and grow fat at "The Old
Maid' Convention,, at the Opera House
Friday night.
Miss "Titty" Smith, sister of Mrs. I.
H. Converse of .Sew line Lreek, is
dangerously ill with fever. It is reported
that all the other fever cases are recover
ing. T!ie Camas sawmill is still running
tnd will probably not close down until
about Christmas. The mill is being run
at hast a month later this season than
Morris Wingfield has about SO tons of
hay for sale at the stack or delivered in
town. 4112
I. F. Pavics, the retired woolgrower,
expects to leave Lakeview for San Fran
cisco this week, where he w ill spend the
winter. The Lick House will be his
Be v. Frank Thompson, late of New
Pine Creek, is assisting in a revival at
Goldciidale, Washington, and in a letter
to T!jtt Examiner says he don't know
just w fn- he will return.
If you want to enjoy a good hearty
biugh for a full hour and a half, go and
je "The Old Maids' Convention" to
morrow night.
Win. Barnes, w ho is supposed to have
At his death by foul means at Hampton
Buttes, a few months ago, has a sister,
Miss Frances Barnes, teacher in the
Jacksonville public school.
"Pinkerton's Electric Transform' h)er"
is a marvelous invention and will be
but in woiking order tomorrow evening
t "The Old Maids' Convention."
Look out for local hid st the "Old
Maids' Convention."
II. A. Brattain, the Chewaucan stock
man, was an arrival here Tuesday even
ing. Swell auits for small sums, st Bielr'a.
The Lakeview public acho 1 will ad
journ neat Monday evening until Janu
ary 2, HK1.
Ievine'a is the place for fine baths
and s neat shave.
Andy IXwine received this week from
below s beautiful barber's sign that con
forms nicely to the palace tonaorial ar-
lor within the Hotel Lakeview building.
Auction Sale of general household
goods, Saturday, Pecember
in front of Hart A Beach's
22. at 2 p.m.,
Backet store.
See the fourteen Ketekali old maids
in convention and what Professor
linker ton does to them, at the otaira
house tomorrow night.
E. II. Pagnello, formerly of I-akeview,
and recently traveling representative of
Sanborn A Vail, San Francisco, has
accepted a position as hook keeper
for E. I-auer A Sons, Alturas.
Good, serviceable and dressy overcoats
at ttteoer a.
I he south nelil in lama prairie is
aaid to be almost a complete lake cov
ered with ue. There is a solid section
of ice covering MO acres, and it is just
right for enjoyable skating now.
Press pants, (ancv worsted stripes.
at isicuer s.
V. Z. Moss had about M head of
horses on pasture here this fall, w hich
he has had broken to ride and work by
trainer Gupton. I-ul week he drove
the band back to the Warner range.
Children' 1
Misses Juliets
Indies J
Fur-top slipjiers at Bieber'a.
Tomorrow, Pecemlier I'l, will lie the
shortest day in the year. The days
will begin to lengthen after tomorrow
and continue to get longer until June
22, the longest day of the year.
You w ill miss the hit ol the season if
you fail to attend the Kebekah enter
tainment at the opera house tomorrow
(Friday) evening.
Stanley Mclaughlin was up from
New Pine Creek last Saturday. He in
forms us that Tom Colviu, who is at
Lincoln, Cal., to reside this w inter, is
now in better health than he has been
for years.
China Sam has opened a new restaur
ant next to the Brewery Saloon, where
can be had a tine meal at anv tone, day
or night. Fresh oysters, nice juicy steaks
and turkey dinners. 4S-lm j
It is reported thut an attempt will lie
made to procure a sufficient immlier of
signers to a )etition to le presented to
the 1-uke county court asking for license
to establish a temple of Bacrhus at New
Pine Creek.
Bielier's Groceries cannot be l?aten
for goodness and in price.
Attorney Cleland of Portland has been
sojourning in Lakeview this week, with
the view of locating here, lie is a
brother of Judge Cleland of Portland, a
cousin of I). C Cleland, the Iike county
woolgrower, and a very agreeable gen
tleman. Henry Musselman, teacher of the Pry
Creek school, was in town last Saturday
and reports the sick in his district all
recovering. The Cnion and Pry Creek
school district Christmas tree entertain
ment promises to be a most enjoyable
affair. Entertainment w ill begin at 7
p. in. Pecember 24th.
Mantel Chicks, a useful Christmas
present, at Biebcr's.
We understand there came near being
a tragedy at the Camas sawmill one day
last week. A misunderstanding arose
lietween employes at the mill, in w hich
clubs and a six-shooter played conspicu
ous parts. The man behind the gun, of
loii rue, won the day and held the fort,
w ithout, spilling a drop of Mood.
Get one of those serviceable Lino
leoum Bugs at Bieber'a and save your
The temporary building used by thu
town council and recorder was removed
this week from the town lot to the
ground upon which the Post & King
saloon formerly stood. Recorder Cm
bach will build an addition to the struc
ture, and when thu new town hall is
constructed he will use the present
G. L. lfolbrsik, popular employe of
the XL cattle firm, started last '1 uceday
for his old home at W'albatch, Nebraska,
where he will visit w ith relatives d'iring
the winter, 'i lie young man has leeu
away from there seven years, and says
he knows he will be glad to return to
Lakeview in the spring. His numerous
friends wish him a pleasant trip and
safe return. He left here on the Southern.
While our nelghhora of Klamath Falls
vehemently deny it, and aay there ia
some mistake about it that the report
ia erroneous, atill there appears to lie
some foundation for the rumor that the
Oregon Midland Railway from Klain
sthon, on the Southern Pacific to Klam
ath Falls, may not be built. In this
connection the Reading Free Press has
the following:
"The people of Siskiyou and South
ern Oregon are much exercised over the
rumor that the Oregon Midland Bailway,
which waa to run from Klamath Falls,
in Oregon, to a point on the mainline
near llombrook, in Siskiyou county,
may not la built. The information has
dampened some large hopes, for the new
line waa exiected to oien up a large
lielt of the choicest tinilier and also agri
cultural land. In fact, the lino was ex
pected to give a tremendtious iuielUH to
all Siskiyou county.
The enterprise w as projected by Chi
cago railroad men. Mirveys are com
plete and contracts for supplies have
already Uen let. Late advices from the
Windy City are very discouraging. The
real cause of the hitch is not yet under
stissl. The people of Siskiyou are sin
cerely hoping that the obstacle, what
evar it is, will tie surmounted and the
work proceed.
Kebekah Entertainment.
The ladies of Lakeview Kebekah Pe
gree Islge, No. 22, will give one of the j
most amusing entertainments ever seen I
in IJtkeview, at the Upera Mouse, to
morrow (Friday) evening, IVcember 21.
The entertainment is to lx a benefit for
the lodge, the prm-eeds to lie used in
furnishing the new l.O.O. F. hall. The
characters will bo fourteen old maids.
and the scene is laid at the residence of
one of the old maids. It is actually too
funny to tie dcscrilied. The admission
price will lie oil cents; children, 2' cents,
Following is a brief synopsis of "The
Hid Maids Convention":
SfKNK-Tlie M Ml.t' Matrimonial Hill. ...
Tin- Club III KxiMiillvi' SVmOoii . , Ijiiiita
tliim .. An rnpopular S,' ii ( I in i-ii t Tin-K.M-rnary'i
Kfis.rt . TIih l!rKrt ,( tin-
Trcamirrr "'ainl)r Kl V .. Thu lsik
out I 'nin in it tec . . . "Wlilim it U'mmI Inns'" . .
A Hnrhi'lur ljr die Name ii( Klby . "t
Iioii't l ure It Hi- Hn't a Ixillar" A
HiiKKi'ulloua Tiiunrit th" rrnHKtlM '
Matrimony... The C'luli In IH-Iialv.. .A
Literary Inttrtii'li' . I'mf. I'nikf
A'lvt'iit ..A Hilcntlrte Kxpniltluli Tv
tlmonlala . . . "hvfnrc t'sing Your Tran
fnrni(li)iT 1 wax Totally Itllii'l, ami now I
oulM My Klillnh" Tin' i.vl Ilivi'lillmi
at work . , " Hloii'li or Iiriun'tti " .. OM
Malils Mailt- Ni'W A i.nat Siii'ti .. A
1'irtii'iilt 'k . . Koini'A Ii h t iiirriloiii' ..
" The Maililni- tan Make no Ml-iak." ...
A Hani I'rol.l.'in "I Want to Is-a Man"
. . ,T lie l rof. or laifil. I.ul not IhiiiiIi I"
" I r in k the stuff anl I'll" In" . All
Kxploiilun -ol UwkIiI'T.
Remember the date: To-morrow
(Friday) evening, at the Opera House.
McJilton Sells Ranch.
Win. M ''Jilt on went to Alturas last
week to make out the necessary papers
calling for the sale of his ranrh one ami
a half miles north of Pavis Creek,
known us the VcCullcv plaee. Matt
M Culley of Luke county, settled on
that place alxiiit the year 1H70, when
Misloc county was a part of Siskiyou.
Mr. McJilton has been the owner for
ten years, and settled on his home place
at PavifM'reck in lHOH. He was the
first permanent settler in the Pavis
('reek country. The McCulley place
was sold last week to Wayne uud I'er
kins, two gentlemen who have been
renting it for two years. The place con
tains 1M) acres, and is considered u fine
ranch, all ini'adow. Mr. McJilton re
ceived f 2,."MHI for the place.
School Report.
Following is the report of I'nion
School for the month ending November
IJO, liXX):
Number days taught 1H
Number of holidays '2
Whole number enrolled HI
Average number belonging 15
Average daily attendance 14
Numlier of visitors during month 4
Those neither absent nor tardy during
the month were Oas and Wesley Holton,
Alice and Julia Morris, Oracle McCrary,
Roy, Arthur and Uichard Morris.
1'arents are cordially invited to visit
us and see w hat we are doing.
W. II. Mchhki.mak, Teacher.
Christmas Hall.
A grand ball and supper will lie given
at tiie home of Fred Snyder, Spring
Creek school district, on Christmas
night. All arrangements are made to
insure those who attend a most enjoy
able time. Tickets ball and supper f 1. 60.
1'ublic cordially invited.
4S ::t Cham. Uaiu us,
When you go to Klamath Falls don't
fail to see C. P. Wilson thu popular
caterer at the Gem saloon. He carries
thu finest stock in town and will treat
you riiht, The Gem is the iiular resort.
Try the Hermitage whisky there. !i5-tf
Only four days more
In which to 5elcct your Christmas Presents
Why not buy useful
Christians presents while
you' are about it Articles
to be admired not only for
their beauty, but for their
pruetiele value as well?
You prefer such pfts
yourself no doubt your
friends do the same you'll
see many valuable Christ
mas suggestions hre if
you'll walk in and look
no f;i;.Ku yjsOUJiidvi-s m;ci.
I; in lor the new mauairoinent
mill is now prepared to furnish
customers with Hie lest of
and is paying highest price for
& Orders Promptly Filled.
0 I: very body likes a good
i meal and all know Sib
Main 5t., lakeview
GAINS orr-ERi-p you
Mantel Clocks
Dress Patterns
Ladies IJelts
Vesty Suits for boys
Silk I'ront Shirts
Pancy Slippers
Toys, Dolls, etc.
Flour, Bran, Shorts.
Corn meal, Germea.
Try the New Management. A
5lte superintend. all o
the COOKINO herself
do there for a Fine Meal
Special Inducements of
fered for board by the
week or by the month
north ol Coulter A Co Mat rtarket