Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 20, 1900, Image 7

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VWIIIIUhHiminMHUn uitmumn -TTr
Four horses now run out of Altum
north on Die Bunting line.
Tim Examiner wishes all iti readers a
"Mtrry, Merry Christinas."
Jesse Moore "AA" whiskey In a
gentleman's drink. Geo. Jamim-rlhal,
sole agent.
Kb. Foltetl, merchant of New I'ino
(reek, hun attending to 1iihIiiomm in
lakeview Friday.
Maurice IJenner and Mm. C. Iff land,
I wo oll residents of Yrcka, Cal., were
married at that place on tlio lOtli Inst.
Mis Maude Stevens of Alluraa ii now
improving rapidly, after a dangerous 111
urn lusting two month.
See the fine assortment of the latent
)atent wringers at Ayres'. 47-3
Hume of the I-akeview lmys say the
way the girls iiuiko them spend money
along alsiut Christmas time would hreak
Try the liver nrt sausage for snlu at
Ayr-D. It is delicious. 47-3
The Allura I'luimlenler in now agita
ting the establishment of a high school
for MimIoc. Right you are, neighbor.
Modoc iihoiill have a high school.
The iiiont effective little liver pills
made are DeWitt's Little F.arly Risers.
They never grie. I-akevlew Drug (Vi.
"A real menu man," say a lake-view
matron, " 1 a fellow who will puroely
tart a row with hi wife so he can go
down town and liavu a good time with
the Uys."
Irink nothing but Jesse Moore whisky
and you'll always le happy. On Dale at
Whortou A Fit "Patrick's. 33-tf
Oliver Charlton n nj from New
line Creek taut week on business. Mr.
Charlton reorts flairs at tin) stateline
ai flourishing, and numermis improve
ments made.
When von come to town from the
country don't fail to see l'eto and Jonas
under the opera hoilHe. 41-tf
Cary Kainshy Iiun Itought a one hall
interest in the old W. I. Woodcock
blacksmith fhop at Klamath Falls, and,
with Johnny Cuuihell as a artnur,
will conduct the business in the future.
ItaWilt's Little Karly Risers are dainty
little illN, hut thev never fail to demise
the liver, letnove obstructions and in
vigorate the system. Lakeview Drug Co.
The ice men of Lakeview are prepar
inif for the harvest anl our citizens are
gelling their cild storsge anrtmeutN
ready for next summer's stock. There
in no "ice trust" here.
For more than lift v Venn the fiuuouR
Jesse Moore "AA" whiHkey Iiiih been
the standard brand of the world, Geo.
Jammerthal, mile agent.
All persons having scalp Ixmnty war
wrantH which were issued and indorsed
prior to June 2. ltXH), should send
them to the rotate Treasurer and have
them cashed, says the Bums Newa.
If you have never tattled Jeaau Moore
"A A whiskey, try it and tie convinced
that it ia the lest whiskey in the world,
tieo. Jiimmerthal, sole agent.
A drunken man went to sleep on
railroad track near Hood River theother
day, and woke up in Kalamazoo. The
engineer atoped liia train, carried him
on ttoard, and droped him off at the
next atation.
You can't call for any hrand of wliis
kiea in rase that rannot le furnished liy
Post A King. Some of the whiskies
carried hy them are highly recommend
ed by physicians for medicinal purposes.
A tramp found a letter several daya
ago at Athena, this state, and bustled
around until he found the man to w hom
It was addressed, A. M. Otitis. Upon
opening it the gentleman found inclosed i
a check for $4,000,
You want a Christmas present. You
have been looking for something to buy
that ia different from what your neigh
bor is going to buy. Now, it you want
something new, something neat, and
not expensive, but up-to-date, go to
Ahlstrom liro.'a, where you are sure to
find what you want.
Mr. and Mrs. Willi Hcsmmnn, of
Rock Creek, have gone to San Francisco
to attend the winter.
In times of iteiire; in times of war:
The favorite drink is Jesse Moore.
(eo. Jauime rthal, sole agent
Lakeview merchants complain of dull
weeks hint ltefore the liolidays, hut
business a ill ttooui again within a few
months. Lakeview is always dull for a
few month in the fall of the year, after
stork sales have ! n closed for the
Tost A Kinjt lost a hi stock in the fire
hut they have another iuxt as mood. Fine
liUors and ciirnrs; A. It. C. Uer. Under
the oja-ra house. 2'A
C. M. Oliver, the stockman from New
Fine Cre-k, was in lakeview lant Thurs
day, and attended inialory ceremonies in
the A. O. U. W. llrfo in the evening.
Mr. Oliver recently returned from Sacra
mento where he sold a hand of Ijeef at
a satisfactory (Ipure.
Your silelxiard at home is incornrilete
if it is not stocked with Jesne Aloore
"AA" whiskey, (ieo. Jammerthal, sole
The postal ilc)artnient has authorized
postmasters to refuse to deliver mail to
school children, except on the written
request of parents, in order to remedy
the vexatious habit of continually call
ing for mail, w hich has Ucn formed by
children in many towns.
Have your watches, clocks and jewel
ry repaired hy Frank T. (iunther, and
buy your jewelry at Ahlstrom Ilroa.,
and you will get satisfaction in both
Handsome prizes will be given at the
Christmas masquerade for the best
dressed lady, the licst dressed gentleman
and the Itest sustained character, either
lady or gent. ' Sme elegant costumes
will be worn. Hectators will lie charg
ed 50 cents admission at the door; chil
dren 25 rents.
You don't want to forget that Tost A
King, the (Kipular dispensers, are still in
it. They are under the ojmra house.
Call and see them. 22
While you are preparing for a good
time during the holidays, remember the
printer and save out enough to pay him
upon Januury 1st, so he in turn can
pay the "butcher, the baker, the can
dlestick maker" and get a new pair of
overalls to boot.
.When the stomach is tired out it must
have a rest, but we can't live without
food. Kodol Oyspepxia Cure "digests
what you eat" so that you can eat all
the good food you want while it is re
storing the digestive organs to hea'th.
It is the only preparation that digests
all kinds of food. Lrkeview Drug Co.
The mask ball at the oera house on
Christmas night will be the Bole holiday
week attraction in Lakeview. We hear
of people who are coming from all over
Lake county, and it will doubtless le the
grandest affair of its character ever held
in the town. Spectators who desire to
have real enjoyment should not fail to
attend this mask ball.
One hundred pairs of English part
ridges are on their way to Portland
from Hamburg, and will be turned loose
in the Willamette Valley and Clataop
county. These fine birds are imported
into Oregon through the generosity of a
number of sportsmen who have con
tributed to a fund for the purpuse.
Now ia the time when croup and lung
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only
harmless remedy that produces immedi
ate results is One Minute Cough Cure.
It ia very pleasant to take and can be
relied upon to quickly cure coughs, cold
1 ll 1 i' a. ;n a
and all lung diseases
it win prevent
.. n.....
consumption. Lakeview Drug Co.
Mra. Harry Bailey arrived home
Thursday from the south altera month's
trip, during which time she visited Ash
land, Portland and San Francisco.
After a week's stay in Portland, Mrs.
Bailey took the ocean trip by steamer
to San Francisco, and visited there for
a week, returning home via Reno and
Termo. She had a very enjoyable trip
and returns much benefitted in health.
Why don't you
buy your wife
M nmpthln(r Iicp.
aVi fill n well tin
ornamental for
a Christmas
It will please her a
whole year
The town of Kesw ick has two thou
sand inhabitants, but, according to the
Kedding Free Press, there is not a living
plant w ithin its borders that has verdure
or blossom. Pot plants cannot even be
raised. This desolation is caused by the
sulphur smoke from the roasters near
by. What a delightful place Keswick
must be as a place of residence!
S. H. Sublette A Co. have a fine line
of furniture. Mr. Sublette is now mak
ing to order a very fine spring bed
lounire with the latest conveniences.
Covered with a very handsome piece of
tapestry it will be an ornament to any
home. Sublette makes everything but
Hundreds of Eastern people are com
ing to Oregon, and eastern Oregon,
w here the railroads penetrate, are get
ting a goodly share of these settlers,
who come, in most instances, with
plenty of capital to buy homes. Hun
dreds of these people are making inquiry
about Lake county, through The Exam
iner. The first question atked by these
people is, "How far are you from a rail
road?" The next, "when will the rail
road reach Lake county?" Which goes
to show that with the arrival of a rail
road nqw homeseekers with money to
invest will find places in this county.
My son has been troubled for years
with chronic diarrhtea. Some time ago
I persuaded him to take some of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Itemedy. After using two bottles of the
25-rent size he was cured. I give this
testimonial, lioping some one similarly
a lllic led mav read it and be lienetited.
Thomas C. Itower, Ulencoe, O. For sale
by Ixe Ileal!, druggist.
It was a Johnstown flood in the min
iature and made things hum for a little
while last Thursday afternoon when
Henry Heryford'a ice-dam in Hammers
ley canyon broke and precipitated its
waters down through the narrow chan
nel lied with a boom and a rush. The
waters swept everything before them in
the yard at the Heryford home for the
apace of sixty seconds or thereabouts.
Chickens were caught in the rushing
flood, but there were no fatalities and no
perceptible damage done. The dam has
been repaired and "Hank" ia now wait
ing for it to " freeze up."
When you need a soothing and heal
ing antiseptic application for any pur
pose, use the original DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, a well-known cure for piles
and skin diseases. It heals sores with
out leaving a scar. Beware of counter
feita. Lakeview Drug Co.
It is believed that Dr. J. N. Smith,
representative from Marion county,
leads the race for Speaker of the House
in the next legislative session. Dr.
Smith w as a member of the lower house
of the legislature in 1897, at the time of
the hold-up, and was the temporary
speaker of the organization forces. The
record he made then as a presiding
officer stands him in good stead, and be
is widely supported for the placethrough
out the state. The Marlon candidate
has announced that he will make the
contest for the Speakership. Dr. Smith
is a brother-in-law of Dr. V. E. Smith of
of GOOD CALICO for $1.00 1
Buy her a FINE JACKET,
Fur SCARF, Silk or Wool
This advertisement is changed every week Watch it.
Christmas is Coming:
Santa Claus has Arrived
And is now opening his large stock of Fairyland Mer
chandise at his usual headquarters,
Item from our Erie lit, X3-u-sry cry Stor
Wooden articles. Blocks, Tool Chests, Washing Sets, Doll
Carriages, Tdps, Wagons, Guns, Checkers, Trunks, Baskets.
A new line of Dolls arrived this week. Christmas Tree
Ornaments, Candle holders. A dazzling lot at small cost.
A grand array of Jewelry, Perfumery, Neckties and Fancy
Suspenders, all of which are carefully selected as gifts.
Ahlstrom Bro's
" I see by the papers," says Brother
Dickey in the Atlanta Constitution, "dat
de Publikins en sinners hes got in ; but,
de beauty er it is, de righteous will git
dar by en by. De wicked may flourish
lak' a green bay tree; but suddenly he
is cut down, en w'en he falls de right
eous is sho'ter find a 'possum under
him. I voted fer Mister Bryan and de
dimmicrat ticket, but, bless God, I only
voted twice! De publicans is done
'elected; but do' de house is done
blowed 'wav, please God, de Ian' ia lef '
Do you want to run up aeainst a good
thing? If you do, call on Pete A Jonas,
under the opera house. 41-tf
A great many people in San Diego
county are finding in the Australian salt
bush the exact thing that is needed for
feed in the dry valleys and deserts. It
goes far after what little moisture there
is in the ground, and the top spreads to a
diameter of from fifteen to twenty feet.
It is about the only thing that keeps
anything like green during the dry sum
mer months when there is no possibility
of irrigation. All animals are fond of it,
and w hen there is nothing else in the
country that is green the salt bush can
be depended on. There is a salt bush
growing in Lake county, in the alkali
portions of the Chewaucan Valley, and
there is a grass also growing on alkali
lands in various parts of the county that
is known as the salt grass. This grass
grows from 4 to 8 inches high and very
thick. Stock are very fond of it. In
places stockmen cut this grass and mix
it with other hay.
Help ia needed at once when a per
son's life is in danger. A neglected
cough or cold may soon become serious
and should be stopped at once. One
Minute Cough Cure Quickly cures coughs
and colds and the worst cases of croup,
bronchitis, grippe and other throat and
lung troubles. Lakeview Drug Co.
Ten thousand more El Commandants
smokers at Post A King's to make ten
thousand lovers of the weed happy.
Alturaa is now connected by telegraph
with Canby.
Don't use any of the counterfeits of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most of
them are worthless or liable to cause in '
jury. The original DeWitt's Witch
Hazel is a certain cure for piles, eczema,
cuts, scalds, burns, sores and skin dis
eases. Lakeview Drug Co. ,
The wood men still have an opportuni
ty to do business in Lakeview, and are
taking advantage of the good weatb er
and a better condition of the roads.
The Modoc county grand jury passed
appropriate resolutions of respect to the
memory of the late foreman of the
grand jury, Geo. Freeman.
As a cure for rheumatism Chamber
Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu
tation. D. B. Johnson, of Richmond.
Ind., haa been troubled with that ail
ment since 1862. In speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relieve me until I used Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. It acta like magic
with me. My foot was swollen and
paining me very much, but one good ap
plication of Pain Balm relieved me.
For sale by Lee Beall, druggist.
G. G. Boydstun was in town last Fri
day and gave The Examiner a call. Mr.
Boydstun is one, among several citizens
and taxpayers, who has given gratuit
ous labor and assistance to Road Super
visor Fred Snyder in repairing the pub
lic highways in his road district. Some
time ago the county made an appropri
ation for the repair of the road in the
vicinity of the lime kiln, which was in
an almost im passable condition for
loaded teams, and that piece of road has
been greatly improved. "Wishing to com
plet the good work in another direction,
Mr. Boydstun and about a dosen others
donated their time for three days in
graveling and repairing tbe bad portion
of the road near the 70 ranch for a dis
tance of about 300 yards, and that part
of the public highway from the bridge
to tbe hill ia now in first-class condition.
Tbia ia a display of public spirit highly