Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 20, 1900, Image 6

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    Pubtlh4 Every Taaraaay
Maaank RalMInf
(One Year, $2.00
TED MS: i SI Months 1.00
I Three Month.'. SO IK V . IKC. .
Sarah Bernhardt la to make another
"farewell tour" of this country. Sarah's
"all ritflit. all right."
The German prtfjfcr who proposes
to prove that the human race descended
from protoplasmic mud instead of from
the ape should liave a high chair in
Kingdom Come.
Aguinaldo is "dead again," Bryan is
"dead" (politically), the Cxar of Kuaaia
"is dying," the world is "coming to and
end" again in 1914. Mckinley is to be
'"assassinated" and, we don't feel well
A prominent sheepman reminds ua
that the woolgrowera of I-ake county
are now cat of debt and pmtpering, and
if there is one among them w ho hasn't
already prepared for a severe winter,
he's a "damphool."
Well, soon will the wiseacres be tell-
ins us again that "this is the beginning
of the 20th centurv," while the other
fellow will say "this is the beginning of
the second year of the 20 century."
The old argument will bob up serenely
It has lieen suggested that a bill be
presented to the next legislature com
pelling cattle buyers to brand stock
either in their regular brand or a road
brand before driving them out to the
railroad. This is a matter that should
interest all stockmen east of the Cascades.
A Lakeview girl, who read considera
bly during the "recent unpleasantness,"
drops us a line asking the editor what a
"paianiount issue" really is. The para
mount issue, dear Miss, is that which
in a girl's life results in a wedding.
There is no other paramount issue that
any girl need worry her gray matter
N Ik Paapla at Kama Knew at Oragva't A4
vantafw It Waald b. "All Oft ' With
tat araHhefipar Stat.
W. II. Kogers, of Sodgewick City,
Kansas, Is among the new arrival in
Oregon in search of homes. He has
TisiteJ several ortions of this state and
has foniul that the chances lor the farm
er of small means are much letter here
than in Kansas.
"There are splendid opportunities in
Oregon," said Mr. Kogera, "for a man
with $500 to $ l.tXW to invest, as he can
buy the makings of a line homo with
that amount. Land is valuable in Kan
sas, and a quarter section cannot l
purchased for less than f.'HMK) to $iilKH).
1 have not sold my farms back there
yet, but I anticipate no trouble in dia
lling of them while limes are as good
as they are now. However, gixnl larms
can be rented out for cash in Kansas,
the rent ranging from f 400 to ."U er
quarter section, collectible in Umm pay
"Crops have leen very good in Kan
sas this year, and prices have U-cn fair,
as agriculture is flourishing there, but I
don't like the hard Winter nor the hot
summers. 1 can staiui me cviti oeticr
than I can the heat.
'Oregon shonld U better advertised
in the Kasl than it is. If the cote of
my part of Kansas knew w hat a paradise
you have out heie, they would all be
coming out. (iiMxl crops are not the
rule every year in Kansas, and so times
are not always as properous as now. I
think now is a good time to move, while
lands are in brisk demand buck there.
"Kansas people are in ignorance of
Orenon'e fertility and resources. We
hear only of Oregon being a state w here
it rains six months out of the 12."
ik fct Li3
1 For a I
Than a pair of good Shoes for Lady or j
Gentleman. We have them in any
shape or style. See our window dis
play for everything in the Shoe Line.
tti'l'lj to iht'Ort'Konlaii on I'urlt) nf Klrrtlon. j
" It seems to me that something i
should be done in this state that would
tend toward a more direct choice of can
didates for oHice by the jx'oplo At the
present time 1 am not sufficiently in
formed upou this subject to indicate
what I will or will not support, as a
legislator, along this line. From what
I have rrad un
j STOCK ' NOTES ' " " ' " ' ' j
Mr. I-onard of Iavis Creek I art week
purchased of S. T. Colviu of 1-uUeyiew, ,
this subject, it is a j 2'i head of stoc cattle, and drove them !
Governor Koosevelt has disclosed his
magnanimity in the case of Mayor Van
Wyck. He dof not believe in jumping
on to a mau when ho is down. While
the facts disclose a bad show ing for the
New ork Mavor in the
Democratic ice trust, a record that
would justify his removal from otlice,
Governor Koosevelt refuses to remove
matter to be approached very cautiously
by legislation. Our public service, under
the present system of selecting our pub
lic servants, has attained a very high
standard of excellence in the main all
objectors ami reformers to the contrary
notw ithstandirg. And, before we take
too luiiK a leap ill the opposite direction.
I think it would le wiMj to note care
fully the ground upon which we are
going to land." J. N. Williamson,
f-enator for Crook, Klamath,
Lake and Wasco.
L'liicago has the raw material, not of
what liiiht te termed ttie "new
Settlement With the Indians.
The Commissioner of Indian Affair
transmitted to Congress, on the Hid in
stant, the treaty recently negotiated
with the Klamath Indians, whereby
they are to relinquish all claims to cer-
celebrated ' tam parts of their reservation as dc-
j scribed in the treaty of comprising
f21,K24 acres, for whi di the government
of the United States is to pay $5.'S2,000.
As The Kxamiier understand this mat
ter, there was an error made in the first
survey of this Indian reservation, said
to Davis Creek. We lailed to leuru the
Creed McKendree, strn kuiau of lily,
was here lat Meek intent to purchase
some cattle. We understand he billed
to purchase here, though olfering good
j prjees.
j I'eter Peterson of Surprise Valley last
! week purchased 2:OU head of tine yuung
I slice l from ticorne Khrhardt, imviutf
the going price. The Khrhurdt sheep
are exceptionully tine.
Chas. A. Punting, the stockman of
Western Ijike, was in Lakeview sevrral
days last week on husinca. He is feed
ing sett-rat hundred head itl entile on
pragu5 river, and has planty of hay, so
ha is not worrying much alsmt what
sort of a w inter may come. Hunting re
cently sold 214 head of to wansoii
of Sacramento for f7,5ts).
The llurns News is informed that a
great many sheep w ill lw herded this
winter in the desert lying south of
Wiigontire Unite. They are now camp-
' ... ,i . ,
1 survey not taking in all the lamls al-1 , ., . ,, . ,,
I , it j places waiting until Ui fall of snow w ill
I lotted to the Indians, ami subsequently . . . .
i - n . .111 I' - i 1H.T111H llieill lu imnu iiiuj iiiv iieneii.
woman," for the "new woman" is now j " ."" J" " ! Alwill). 1L. lUII1,.r u UM, ,,all re.llv
! rt i iiiuwii i turn . i pn,n i nti i - v II I n
.l.i 1.:.... p..
i...6. '.''l!"" , :,)ht., the fact that the settlers had ti'e.l
carret fine up to date wiinan. She ban ( 011 ail,l ,liade homes on the lauds really
obtained from the courts an injunction
ugainnt her husband, forbidding him to
ieak to her on the fctteet or even to
stand around near her place of abode.
This h government by injunction.
The holidays are near at hand, and
The Kxaminer takes pleasure in annohnc
ing that all the. merchant in I-akeview
W ho have advertise merits in this paper
have the finest holiday attractions in
the way of beautiful goods for Christ
mas presents that have ever before been
seen in Lakeview. Iok over the "ad
Vet tHing columns of The Examiner and
you will see the names of the houses
that are carrying the best goods, and
where you will get gisid treatment.
belonging to the reservation according
to the treaty Is-lween the government
and the Indians, and in order to satisfy
the latter and repair the error, the gov
ernment concluded to buy from the In
dians that portion of the lauds ieft out
of the reservation by the first survey,
thereby perpetuating and making safe
the title to the homes of the settlers.
The Judges, Assessors and Com
missioners of the htate of Oregon, in
vouvention a--embled, have made
Meveral wise recommendations in ihe
changing of existing laws, but the
)rosjsition to do away with the poll
lax is ap ingenious one-merely transfer
ing it to the road tax fund. The bur
len of tax will not lie uplifted, or lessen
ed, but the "poll tax" will be abolished
miuI taken up under another name.
However, the dose will probably not
jrove so distasteful under the new name.
Important Century Data.
The Kxaminer Is now publishing from
week to week a series of important dales
and happenings of the Nineteenth Cen
tury, beginning with the year 1K01,
"the legislative union established be
tween (ireat Britain and Ireland," and
ending with the "West Indian hurri
cane" in l'.itXi. This important data
will Is: concluded in our issue of Jan. 3,
HMJl , the end of the twenty-second vol
ume of The Kxaminer. It insufficiently
important to be preserved by all our
readers, and we would suggest that each
subscriber take the issues of this paper
from December ' Vi to, and including
January 'A, paste them together in book
form and put tbem away fur future
reference. As The Kxaminer is no a
cut and pasted in hook form the four
issues containing this century data will
make a neat Isjok.
I will pay a liberal reward for the re
covery of any horses branded "77" on
left shoulder or stifle, known as A. J.
Hunting's brand ; also, one buckskin
horse branded on left stifle.
50-lt V. A. 1!imi0, Ply, Oregon.
driven up from California.
K. II. Lofftus returned last week from
Warner. I le has 0 isposed of Inn one
t nt I f interest in 1X lambs and 172 tons
of hay to his partner Leu Thomas, Kor
7."j!1 Umbs he received f2.i() ier head
and for Hi; tons of hay f.j per too. Mr.
Iifltus i well pleased with the sale and
M r. Thomas is also, us his lamt are
extra lino ones, lor lambs at this
season, L'.'iO is a first-clans price.
A cable to the Sun from London says:
llie Morning leader states that the
American salesmen in the Hiuithficld
meut intti ket have acquired to n largu
extent the control of prices, owing to
their astute methods and their skillful
home backing. There has been no
organized opjsisition to them
lish dealers, who have long
the thumbs of the butchers.
ter's cupidity led them into
the Americans. The only active
lion to the Americans was duo
consumers' prejudice in favor of Kng and Scotch beef. It has' taken
twenty years to overcome this prejudice,
but new American beef brings the same
price as the Knglish and nearly the
same as the Scotch, The condition of
the market is such that the practice of
butchers in palming off American beef
hs Knglish will probably soon be revers
ed .
Lake county stockmen are pretty well
prepared for any kind of a winter, and
it ought to be an extremely chilly day
when they gut left.
Tree Ornaments
The Finest Display in Town, both in
Ornaments and Goods. Photo Al
bums for loose or mounted pictures
Dressing Cases, Hanicure Sets, Look
Glasses, Toys for the little ones and
Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, in endless variety
..Dunlap & Thruston..
m by Kng-J
u,",,,r 5 Xvt
i. The hit- fT,v
the arms of i bWv7I
OppOSl- Y'yi. ';
to the
i mm
MS 3 3 W
Manufacturer of the Celebrated