Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 20, 1900, Image 3

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D. II. Ilartzog and John
' VVcllcr to Make Test
in This Valley.
Other Farmers Will Try tht Expert
merit. -The Went Side Will Alto
be Tried Fairly by Farmer
John (Ircen.
I. II. IIhi-Uok hh intcrvlfHl ly an
l'.miiiliuT r'ir'wi(lntlvn IhkI Katiinlity
ffKHrdintf liiit work In liorliitf for arti-almi
Mater on liia t itii -r ciiliuro near Cram
(Wk. lit ififor tiifl tit) Dial ho ami
John WVIIrr, a ynuiiK riiiui who arrive!
alxint a year ao Iroiu Oklitlioma, re
crntly iinr hnwil tlx Crl well loriiif
HplwratiiM at New Tint Cret k, am) -im-iH
fil at oih'o l' horo fur an artinn
I .ant Friday they had reaehil a depth
of fa) feet, and the water whn within fix
feet of the top of the rotiml. The
t'UttiitK 'i"1! wan not of ihe l'".t material
and they found it dillli-iilt to make iiiiirh
headway In mu ll a depth of water. They
liavi neveral more feet of raaiiiK, w hich
they intend to drive, and will almi ar
range a pmnpinK ajiaratu to cet rid of
the water while Ihe work of drilling
.... . i i . i . t.
pron-awa. Hell tin remaimier 01 ire
raaiiiK now at htnd in driven, they wilt
have ni'ire and a letter ipiali y on the
road from Mow with which to continue
the work.
Mr. llart.otfiH confident that he will
Ptrike a flow. " I am k'"'"K to put con
aiderahlu money into thi proMaitinn,"
Hiti.l Mr. llitrt"H. "and if it i pofcihle
tc et an arlcKiun How I will get It, for
the left we w ill make w ill he a thorough
one. I have i.lwrvcd the IuikI lay of
(iiKwe Ijtku valley and comparetl it with
ttml of Hirprine Valley, and I aee no
particular difference other than on the
hnrprii-o Valley fide the mountain are
more ahrupt and eieudicular. It in my
opinion that arUniari water can Ik
found on thin aide Junt aa canity ax the
Other, where there are hundredi of
llowa. I alfo U-lieve that taring for
arteNian water would U anmaifiil if
trii-1 on any of the low Data or valleya
in the mountain unrroumlini; uh."
Mr. HartxoK hax made a careful atudy
of the arlenian proMitin, and il'mlil
he will fiicceeil in hi undertakinu,
aa he prox.eH to lvi the matter a fair
Ut. Should he jn a flow of water it
would irovo an incentive to other to
follow hia example, and toon every farm
and ranch in Oooau I-ako valley would
have an artenian How.
S. J. tSimllev. a!o Uvea alxtut four
miles Honth of the Hurl-otf plane, ia of
the opinion that he tuiikl t-awily tind
arteHian water at hut place, horyearx
he haa hail hia home and harnyard fur
liixhcd with water from a aprinii at the
fixithilla iuHl oiiHiHite the holme, the
water la-intf pipetl from the HpriiiK-
John (ireen. a farmer on the Went
hide, in ii I ho (Miring for an artexian flow,
with coiiHidernhlu promixe of aiiccexa
Should thia experiment prove auceexxful
on the Weft Side it would Ik) almoxt
eiiual to a cold mine,' aa all that ix
needed to make that aet'tion a wealthy
part of Luke county ia water.
The Kxaminer ia (.'lad to aeu the furui-
erx of thia valley hecomiiiK interexted in
the artcxiim propoxition, and Iiojh'h to
xi'u them continue until they aucceetl in
tti-lting water or prove the idea imprac
Nevada - California - Oregon Railway.
The Sevnda-Oiliforiiiu-OreKon Hail
way (Sierra Nevada lioute) Iiiim ixeued
iiiftnu-tionx to all of itx. xtation aentx
to eel I round trip ticket to all xtaliunx
on that railway at one fare for the round
trip, on aii.'ouui oi (.'hrixtmaa holidava.
Ticketx will he aold at Termo, Amedeu,
i'oiixlantia, I'Ihiiiiih Junction and Kcno,
on Monday, ItecemU-r 2-Uli, to all other
xtationx, kkI to return up to ami in
cludintt Saturday, Ileceuiher JS'tli. The
N.-C.-O. Kuilwiiv Iiuh Im 'en lilieral not
only in making the rate, hut in allow inn
ho long a limit (or the return trip, which
will doubtlcxH enable many pciaoim to
Hiiend a pleasant 1'lirititiiiun week with
their friend.
' Fine Schropshire Bucks
I have 40 Hue Kchropahlre buck for
halo. Hpeuk quickly If you want thoiu
-There ia a great hue and cry alxjut the
proposed increaxa of thu regular army,
but thoxe who about lolidext agaiuat the
inureaHO are people who know nothing
about the coiutltioiiH that confront the
nation. The need of an increaae in the
regular army was accenuuted by the fact
that, owing to a hoatilu movement of
the Apache Indiana near the Mexican
ladder, there were for a time only nine
hold in r s at Sau Carlos, Arizona, to look
after a reservation upon which were
H,(HH) Indiana, known to be reatlesa.
Thin ia only one instance in many.
Narrow Eacapa.
A narrow ea ape from a fatal accident
occurred at I lift riaidenee of Marion
Ilariiiim at this place Sunday evening,
when a -!4 Vlncheatcr rifle accidentally
liachar)ed ami the ramrod, which wan
In the barrel, xlruck the right hand of
Harry Slater, H ji arld-aori of Mra.
Pawxon, tearinx the fleah from three of
hlx finger, ex v the Klamath Itepiih
licaii. A numlx'r of children w fro play
iiK with the gun, and by working the
lever C'harlea Jt ljip threw a khell from
the into the bore. Minnie
llarniim then tx.k the rifle, and, while
It wax in her handx, it a'clleiitally lia
charged, the ball xtriking the aide of the
rMiiii a'id the ramrx pi-uetrating the
flngeixof young Slater. No Ixmen were
broken, the mimxI merely tearing Ihe
flexh. It wax a iiut fortunate exr-Hpe
from what might eaxly have la-en a fatal
a i iih-nt.
Will Not lie ' Overdone."
Some of our friemlx, in dixenx-'ing the
extahlixhing of crexineticx h 1 1 over Mo
dc county, xava the I'laimlealer, ex-
prex fear that the induxtry will Ixi
"overclone." '' xhow how grouudluia
and xiiM-rflciiil are thexo fear it ia only
necexxMry to xiinl U the fact that the
Hawaiian and Philippine ixlanda alone
will tHke the eniire pnxlui't of Cali
fornix, to xay nothing bImmiI our home
market. Ihitlcr making that ia the
riaht kind of butter making cannot be
overdone. There nliould Ix four cream
eriex in Stitnie( three or four in (iixxe
i-aae ami I in itivt-r valieyx, ami two or
three in liig valley. There ix no danger
whatever of overdoing the market. We
have U-hidcx our home market thoau of
the ialand and the Orient to aupply.
The Land for Ducks.
John II. Koxter, formerly of (xitton
wood, but now xtation agent at Ak'er,
waaavixttor to Hel iSlufT Thurxday.
He told the I'eople'a Cauxe that
Ihe Klamath Kexervation, which ix
alxiui iiiiietet'ii mile from Ager, ia the
laml for diicka. There are milliona of
them there, he'xayx, but no white man
ix permitted on the ruxervaliou. It ix
all for the Indiana, who iudulg in the
niot wanton dext ruction of the game.
The lakex and lulex about Klamath re
xerve ix a breeding ground for the fow l.
The IniliatiM go out and gather up the
egg in big tin punx liy the thiaixamlx.
They Mt lire to the lulea in order to
find the nests , and egg) and kill the
ducka in great numla-ra. Kedding
Mulllns' fine Cattle.
William Afullin of thia place, says
the Cedarville Hevord, last week pur
chaxil thirty eight head of thorough
bred cattle of Murdoc-k lirolhere, Kagle
Title, 20 of the 38 being thoroughbred
iMirhma milch cowa with calf from thts
regixtereil thoroughbred Heryford bull,
"I'iute," purchaxd by Murdx-k Urox.
from John sparks of Keno. He will
winter moat of hia cattle at Kagleville,
but w ill bring the. cowa now giving milk
to Cedarville. It ix a fine hand of cattle,
and anyone wanting a good milch cow
might prevail on Mr. Mulliua to cell
them one.
New Law Firm.
K. I. Serry of Ijtkeview ami A. S.
Hammond of Medford, have entered in
to co-partnership in the legal profession,
ami their professional business will
hereafter be conducted under the firm
name of Hammond Spcrry. The
firm's ollice in Lakeview is in the Cogs
well ollice building. Both gentlemen
are able lawyers ami hit -lied up togeth
er will make a rattling good law team.
Success to the new firm.
The Oregon Midland K. K.
Through reliable sources we get in
foi ination that it is altogether probable
that the contemplated railroad to Klam
ath Falls from eome oiiit on the South
ern Pacific will not le built. Ijity atl-
vices from Chicago are very discourag
ing, indeed, the enterprise seems fated
to languish unless limlwr men give it
vitalitv, which probability is very re
mote. Uoseburg He view.
I'alr K.xchuiiift.
"Take back the heart you gave me,"
The angry maiden cried ;
So the butcher gave her liver,
And the maid waa ratisfled.
And everyone is aalistied who deals
with H. 1). Coulter ill Co., uiarketmeii,
It is reported, says the He'publican,
that a Michigan lumberman will next
spring build at Klamath Falls an im
mense saw mill capable of cutting 300,-
000 feet of lumber per day. Should this
be done, it will necessitate the employ
ment of 250 or 300 hands to run the
Viewed through an inverted glasB,
Sometimes makes one see double;
Thus four quarts of beer ia apt
To make a full peck of trouble.
Hut if purchased at Host & King's
(A. H. C.) it w ill make a barrel of pleas
ure. . ou-ii
The Northerrf
Stage Line.
A. W.BRYAN, Proprietor.
I (uvea I.akeview ntO ft. in.
every day but Sunday.
Iti'titrnidg, Ir-nvca I'aixlev
at fl :.'if) a. tt every day but
Paiwaiiti' far tj. Roand trip tg
OI KICK C. U. Anldcr'a Mora, takavlcw. Or.
QKjV&?' Watchmaker
S,'rx"r and Jeweler
UKted at A 111 strom Bros
Al work in my line fully
At. I. W. Ilowiird'H
New Goods,
New Samples,
Everything Now.
Fit Guaranteed or no Pay..
I.nkei few Carpenter Shop and
Lumber Yard.
Thvanaa Handle) , fnp.
All klmU of CariK-ntrr Work promptly attended
to HuildWfir ContracU Tavkva uid lvUttt MJe
Will keep on httiid t all time Urge il'xk of dry
drewac! lurnfM-r, Now on hnd 1000 frt cvilini and
1 000 feet rtwtir. hhop otwmiim EitMiilnt-T otttc.
IjikwlfW, Oregon,
..Vegetable More..
The only Vegetable Hlore In
Lakevit-w la Iwateil at tbe
North and of Water Htrert
a) Vefeiables, Fruit, Produce;
Also (ivneral Merchandise
0 ( Ixari aud Tuhaccot.
Free Delivery.
Wtiorton & Barnes
Everything known
to the trade carried
in stock
fine 5oaps, Perfumes,
Toilet Goods, Etc.
Frank Smith's
Barber Shop
Hot and Cold Baths
One dour aouth of Oprr llouae
Line of
J. E. BERNARD & SON, Lakeview, Oregon
Voitl Cliojis, Mutton Chops, Sirloin,
I'oi Icrlioiisc, or and kind of Hoef
mi nnn, n
IAa tier an J j:;
(Jmmstl frfiuli otiil
L.'ird, Etc. Yon will always tind us
prompt and obliino; in serving you.
The Hungry Should Be Fed
nH that ix ny mixainn. For a
good meal go to the
HtiUiiwtn I7mI miffitil
Two ti'l !" North of 0x-ra Hou.e
O.i vl it, sr I.
Horseshoeing A -Special?
For ny on killfnir or wl
liiy itovn btfloaiiig to Ibt
South Eastern Oregon
Livs Stack Association
$500 REWdRfc
Will be given (or the rrot ami convution ol any per
on of pmmK aiAallnir any ruxk betonyinir
to oienilicr of thU Aaaoviation.
J. M. lXXi:s, President.
visit DR. JORDAN'S ant at?
Oni sixta amataj A
ThalartMta.BatomloalUuaeuin a
Grnint ottmefUm la thi City. A
uUrfui Mtyhtjor uili . M
Wfca. or any ena tract- .
d dlwiuM.Malilaal ri--a by
the oJdot BperUilat un ta PeoiAe
Coaab IbitataUaueaMyaara,
Oat Mid at I
tium lh decu of youthful India
aara wmmm wis aaj- atnfrMrtfw
' fMn NrrHiiand pbTwtrui lability . Im- f
urar k.
r wiuni. pvraarrnw, rroaialltr-
I mt t rlMMttBaj, mtm. It eoa:ouinilru of
rmllM.olaTrittt CUrfttlVti DOUer. fie Ikwti.r
haaOftrrDffd lil trtMtmf M thmt if IU not A
only fftrd liamrrHlUI rvilff. bui iDFrruiieiit W
1 cur. Th Doctor does not cinim UTrrfurni A
mlrikelM. biit tm wlt knnwn to h a t.Ar m,tA W
I iu tlpollty 1 I mt Jirn. S
, lUUHr Phvatrlan aind Hnra?aoii. hroniiiifni .
MTPHIIJtl IhftmiiaThly rHriirt.ld (mm .
I th ayttotu without Uiv two of JUrmr f. A
tilted by aa Lipert. Uadieal
Njre lor Rnplnro. A quU'lr and m
mnrm tetr llle. 1'lu.r. ami Fl.l.lj.. Im r
I Ir. Jordiui'a epectal pulnlea metbmla A
ETtKf M AX annlTlnatoaawlUraoalTa v
ouraonrXunOtianol tiisron iilMlnt. A
H will Uunrtmtr m tVHITlYM L Ol w
I wry m. f. fcm'rr"fra. i
c-onmiiiatinn ana Mncny rTaia, w
Treuiinaut parmmMy oi by Iviier. a
Write f..r Bnok. If 1 1 Iinot-HT r
aiHKUUL. MiiLKDtua A.Vm1uu4
bouk lor men.) Call or write
OR. JORDAN ft CO., 1051 Market tt. S. 1 9
If Wk
ia ni
nuiLiin tut iiviii .ui n:n
icy stock of priv.rr m:;ifs,
mtt!rirr If lin. 1! inn
South and Ea;t
Trfn I .-art Aar tor f'orlland am) irar a'a
tl'iii at l:.'1 a. m. and ll:ou p, m.
l.r rr:laud
8 Stu a i:t
. :ul a m
.1'XI a hi
. h:W p m
. 7:14 u ai
, l.isam
. 4:'Vj a ta
. 7 : a in
. :lu a in
. 1:20 pm
. aso p in
. 6: a ia
. 9:M a m
. 9: a in
. t:2fi p in
. K:i2a m
IJ: p in
: J p iu
f-:n7 p m
U:.i6 p m
4 V a m
:td a m
11:1 Cm
R : i.l p in.
?:Va r.l
'j:-A a in
7:00 a :n
:( p in
a iu
lii: a m
::rt a m
:M p m
r.-Al a m
1M tu
t Ai and
xl mnioio
" ttt frauvUKio ..
" ; 4n ;
' Di nvi-r
K'in. t'ily ...
' l.ltKO
" l.a Aueloi
" Kl 1'iw
" Kri r!i ,
" Hyor,
" H.iiitiiii
Wir Orlani
Sew Vurk
Pullman and Tonriai t-iir on l!h traina.
Chair car rumuuio to Od.-u an I fcl . tw,
and toorlal ewra -o ' liirno. .-t. Luin, Xe Or-K-aiin
aii.i W amount"!!.
on li.-- 1 nf al a-i tram-iM.-!) ariih th- tiveral
stfmrip ii.iea f..r U, Jup tn. t'hlua,
I'liiiii.-iiic... i'n:rai a id niu Ii Xm.-rira.
ixrtr a, cut at Ag -r in i, r l lr.-
c. v.;KU vM. i. I'. A ,
PorMand, Or.
! .
Stage Line
S. L. McWJGHTON, Proprietor
OvHce, Hotel Linkville,
Klamath Fallj, Or.
Dmlj, from Ag-r to Kiaitiili H-tSnnga,
Kriio Kiu.naih Fall. Dairy, li,auu,
Bty and Labrvhiw.
Duly trom Lk-i- t Blv. IVnam,
(-iry. Klamath Faile. Keno. iiauiath Hot
S(,riiia aixi Acr.
kra cvunectiou ith all min at An,
Excallent Accommodations
PaeoviiKfr. epr4a aud frliiht traffic
ol.i-itfd. All riueinraa cii'-rutied to ua
a til be? pxp.dit-il.
General Merchandise,
First-Class Hotel.
The Plush House,
Tonsorial Parlors.
Plush, Lake County, Oregon.
Dyspepsia Cure
I Digests what you eat.
! It artificially digests tbe food and aids
I Nature in strengthening and recon-
structing tbe exhausted digestive or
gans. It lathe latest discovereddlgest-
ant and tonic. No other preparation
I can approach It ia efficiency. It in
staatly relievesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
1 Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
! Sick Headache, Gastralgia Cramps an j
I all other results of imperfect digestion,
i PrlcefjOc. andft. Lanre site contains 8 V times
smmisixe. uook auatxiutayspeiutuaiieulrce
Prepared by E. C. DeV.'ITT A CO.. Chicago.
J.ukeviiw Drug Company.
' k i i -afM ir rr i - irrs. '.