Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 20, 1900, Image 2

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Tiik I1ei Buok
1 H
Important Dates of
the Nineteenth Century
A Chronological History of the Stirring KvnU
ot the Tast One Hundred Year.
Not. IS Qntt meteoric display vlasbss la
North America.
1 HH4
Aug. V Slavery abolished In British col
onies. Eight hundred thousand slaves
Sept. 8 Corporation reform act. granting
self-government to towns, denied since
fourteenth century, passed by British
Thomas Davenport, of Braddon. Vt.. built
flrat electric railway motor at Spring
field. Mass.
March 1 Teias declared Ita Independence.
May 14 Mexico acknowledged indepen
dence of Texas.
June IS Arkansas admitted to the union.
June S Ex-President James Madison died
at Montpeller. Vt., aged .
Nor. 8 Thirteenth presidential election.
Martin Van Ruren elected president with
761. MS popular and 170 electoral votes,
against 73 electoral rotes for bis nearest
competitor, William Henry Harrison.
Total popular vote, 1.4W.2U6. No vice
president chosen because of lack of ma
jority of electoral votes. Senate chose
Richard M. Johnson.
Jan. Michigan admitted to the union.
May 10 All banks In New Tork city sus
pended specie payment because of finan
cial panic.
First telegraph line set ap la Oreat Brit
ain on line of Great Western railway by
March Opium war between China and
England began.
Oct. 10 United States bank suspended.
causing financial panic.
Jan. 1 Lieut Wilkes discovered Antarctic
Feb. 10 yueen Vic
toria married to
her cousin, Prince
Albert of Saze-Co-burg.
June Fifth census
taken. Population,
Jul 19 "Britanla."
first of the Cunard
steamers, arrived
at Boston 14 days
( hours from Liver
pool. Nov. 10 Fourteenth
presidential elec
tion. William Hen-
wrm r.h u lse-uti eelved 234 electoral
' ?1 and 1.275.017 popu-
U.J u. uat. Ur voU, and Mir.
tin Van Buren 80 electoral and l.l,7ut
popular votes.
Nov. J Afghanistan rebelled against Eng
land. During this rebellion the JCngllah
ambassadors were murdered and the
greater part of the English army of oc
cupation, numbering 16,000 persons, were
killed. .
Aug. IS Peace treaty between England and
China signed at Nanking, China. This
treaty opened the first porta of China to
the trade of the world.
Oct. 18 First submarine cable laid by Prof.
Morse in New York harbor.
Feb. 28 Oreat comet seen at noon by
naked eye In North America.
June 17 Bunker Hill monument dedicated.
May 27 First telegram sent over a land
Una from Washington to Baltimore.
Nov. 14 Fifteenth presidential election.
James K. Polk received 170 electoral and
1.336,(3 popular voles. Henry Clay re
ceived lui electoral and popular
Feb. 2ft Texas annexed by joint resolution.
March (Florida admitted to the union.
June a Ex-President Andrew Jackson
died, aged 78.
Dec. 28 Texas admitted to the union aa a
April IS Hostilities between Mexico and
United States be
san br earture of
" J'.Z'' "I small force of U.
. troops or Mexi
cans. May 11 President
Polk announced
that state of war
exists d between
United States and
Jane 14 T r a a t y
signed with Oreat
Britain settling the
the Oregon bound
ary dispute.
Juns Kl Com laws
of England re
pealed by parlia
ment. This was
practically ths be
ginning or sag
!lsh free trade aa It exists to-day.
Sept. Ellas Howe patented first success
ful sewing machine.
Dec 28 Iowa admitted to the union.
1 84T.
Feb. 23- Battle of Buena Viet fought;
20,000 Mexicans defeated by I.0UO Ameri
cans. Sept. 18 City of Mesieo occupied by
American troops.
Nov. Chloroform first used aa aa anaes
thetic by Sir James Toting Simpson, of
Jan. 1 Gold dlscovared near Colotna,
Cel., by James Wilson Marshall.
Feb. 4 Treaty of peace between United
States and Mexico slgnsd at Ouadalups
Hidalgo. United States paid Mexico
$15,0(10.010 for New Mexico and California.
Feb. 23 Ex-Presldsnt John Qulncy Adams
died at Washington, aged 81.
Feb. 24 Louis Philippe compelled to abdi
cate French throne and the aecoad
French republic formed.
May A Wisconsin admitted to the union.
Nov. T Sixteenth presidential election.
Zachary Taylor received lot electoral
votes, and Lewis Cass, of Kentucky, 127
electoral votes.
March 4 New constitution combining em
pires of Austria and Hungary pro
claimed by Francis Joseph.
June 16 Ex-President James K. Polk died
at Nashville, Tenn., aged K
April 18 Bulwer-Clay ton treaty (or Joint
occupancy of aaaal assess Central
America signed.
June 1 Seventh census take; population,
23,1111,87 .
July 8-President Taylor died at Washing
ton, aged M.
Aug. Tas-plng rebellion began la China.
Sept. 8 California admitted to the union,
ttept. 20 "Omnibus" bill passed by con
gress. IW1,
April 28 Trial of slsctrio locomotive built
by Alfred Vail with congressional appro
priation on B. tk O. Ky. It attained a
speed of 18 miles per hour.
2k V', A
a r a m.ibji
era April tt. rm -PM
Aprti a. Mia
tUAi Howl
lea elf t, !, I-
Oct. 8 Hudson river railroad opened from
New York to Albany.
Nov. (Seventeenth presidential election
held. Franklin Itercs received (M elec
toral votes, and Oea. Wlnfisld Bcott 41
electoral votea.
Iec. (French empire restored. I .outs
Napoleon crowned emperor of Fraaoa aa
Napoleon 111.
Jan. 28 Louts Napoleoa married to Eugenie
As M on til a of
flee as vice presi
dent admlnla'.rrfd
to William K Klnit
by Consul Sharkey
at Cumbrt. Cuba.
Allowed by special
dent William H.
King died at Ca
hawba, Ala., aged
Oct. (Turkey de
clared war against
Kuaala. This wss
ths beginning of
the Crimean war
Dee. to Treaty pro
viding for Durchase
of territory south of ths Oils river from
Mexico approved. Extent of purchase,
46.636 square miles; consideration to Mex
April 11 RuMla declared war against Eng
land and France as allies of Turkey.
Mar 30 Kansas-Nebrsska bill passed by
congress. It repealed Missouri compro
mise act of U30.
Oct. 26 Battle of Baiaklava fought In the
Bept. 8 Sevastopol evaeuated by the Rus
sians snd occupied by the French and
March Jn Treaty of peace between Eng
land. France. Sardinia and Turkey and
Ruasla In Paris. This closed the Crimean
war. The treaty guaranteed the Inde
pendence of Turkey. In this war mors
than 1.000.000 men perished of dlseass and
In battle.
Nov. 4 Eighteenth presidential election
held. James Buchanan received 174 elec
toral votes. John C. Freemont 114 and
Millard Fillmore 8.
May 11 Mutiny of Sepoys In India broke
out. Engusn residents or ueini massa
I crsd.
lAug. 6 First attempt made at laying sub
marine cable. Start made from Valencia
. bay, Ireland. Cable broke and attempt
was abandoned until the following year.
! lnN.
May 11 Minnesota admitted to the union
.June 18 Owsllor taken bv the Rnglt'h
from the Sepov rebels. This practically
cloned the rebellion In Tndla.
July 2 Alexander II. of Hula Issued proc
lamation treeing sens on tne imperial do
main. Aug. 6 Flrat Atlantic cable completed.
Oct 8 Fir' overland mall 'mm Pin Fran-
claco reached St. Louis. Tims, 24 dsya, 18
Feb. 14 Oregon admitted to the union.
April 2 AuKtrlan army of 120.(O men In
vaded Sardinia. Thia was the beginning
of the war for Italian nationality.
Mav 10 Emperor Napoleon III. took the
field at the head of the French troops as
sn ally of Sardinia agalnat Auotrla.
June 4 Austrlans defted by French and
Sardinians at Magenta. Austrtaa Iocs,
27,000 men.
Dec. 2 John Brown aaaged at Charleston.
W. Va.
Nov. 10 Definite treaty of peace signed be
tween Auatrla and France and Sardinia
at Zurich. Italian nationality recognised
by Austria.
' 1BOO.
May U Garibaldi landed at Marsala. Sici
ly. On May 14 he
proclaimed n I in
self dictator In ths
name of King Vic
tor Emmanuel,
This was the be
ginning of the war
lor Italian unity.
May Is Abraham
Lincoln noiiili.att-d
for president on
fourth ballot at
June fclghth census
taken. Population,
Oct. 12 French and
English allies cap-
A&MAMAi uncoui ture Peking, China.
Born r.b. ii. use Dta Oct. 24 Treaty of
Died April u, mi. peace signed at
Peking between England and China.
Nov. t Nineteenth presidential election
held. Abraham Lincoln received 1H0 elec
toral and 1,866,362 popular votes: John C.
Breckeniidge 72 electoral and 847,614 pop
ular votes; John Bell 88 electoral and
6K7.830 popular votes, and Stephen A.
Douglas u slsctoral and 1.371,167 popular
Feb. 4 Confederate congress met at
Montgomery, Ala. Ma slates repre
sented. Feb. 8 Jefferson Da via chosen president
and Alsxandsr H. Stephens rice presi
dent of Southern Confederacy.
April 12 Fort Humtar fired upon. First
gun fired by Edmund Muffin of Virginia.
He committed suicide soon after close
of the war.
April 18-Prealdeat proeieleaed beookade
of southsrn ports.
July 21-Fsdsral troop flataasad s4 battle
of Bull (tun.
Jan. 1. Government suapendad xceeie
larch 8 Battle between Monitor and
Merrimac at Hampton Roads.
July 24-Ex-President Martin Van Bursa
died at Llndenwold, N. Y aged 80.
Oct. 8 Count Otto von Bismarck appoint
ed prime minister of Prussia.
Dec. (1 West Virginia admitted to the
union to data from Jun 20, 1808.
w iHiMiMiiiilll I'll II n
, ')'; tot
Tito Onl.v
In I julfo vl w
Ml The latest Up-To-Date Styles
-AttnT ' aswsewi xa
rn i as r-
High Grade
Vrif.r) fof Cctalosua and Prices. POHTLAND, or.ECON.
-t" .".V
Mrs. Tremper's Huabsnd Cuts Off Her Credit
snd the Plucky Women "Gets Back."
Mi.Mlfton. X. Y. Xov. . Th follow
i ii K H"ticcn apt'Ar in tlid LilxTty Ut'ifi"
trr ru'WfpnjHT tfluy ami It'll flmiu'ntly
hy thin t'oiiplt' Iihh (omul miirriiiKu a
WliercaH, my wife, llflcn, liaa left my
hcil ami bxiunl without Jnnt caum or
provoontion, I (orbiil all x'rsons from
truHtiiiK her on my Ht'coimt, an I cliull
pay no tlcbls of lier contrnctinn.
J. T. Trrmpkm.
And, wbt'rcBH, that the nil ImmI hImivi
nit'iitiont'il ItcliiD'H to me Rir.l in elill in
my fxtHHt'fion ; hikI whcrt-BH, the ail
hoHrfl was nothing to brag nhout, any
wuy ; and wliert-HN Milch hh it wux Iihh
It-It my htiHliand ami Im it, and not inu
hi-; and w hcrenn, th only other ttonrd
now rnnninif at lare and iinrlnillfiiycd
nan a half-pnid for tahle, which hut dix
apM'ared with the alleged provider and
non owner of the Ix-d aforesaid; and
vt herean, the aforenaitl trurt, ait aliove
naid, wa8 never oM'rative ; therefore Ui
it renolved that my htmhand never hud
any hed and but a very meager amount
of triiHt, and not more than half a txflrd '
to protect; and lie it resolved further
more, that he be allowed to titintlu fr
new fxiard, a place to lay his head and
Mich trtiMt an (Jk1 and man may nee fit
to endure ; and Im) it further and hiHlly
rcHolvcd, that undertakers are not barr
ed on the a foresaid, latly named truHt. Tremi'kh.
Hefote The Kxuminer pX'nr anain
happy, joyous 'h rinl in am day, with all
itn itweet and lender nieuiorti's, will have
pitHNed. Krienda and neiuhlMirs will
meet one another and exchange happy
Kreetinif. Mementoes of friendHhip and
Kimm) will in the HhnKof ('hrietmiiN gifts
w ill le exchanged a''ordini to the lime
honorel riiHtom ; the Kood men of the
pulpit will tell over huh in the lieautiful
nioryof the birth of Christ in the stable
at Bethlehem, ami Chritiuna will Imiw
their heitdM in prayer and offer thanks
for the mercies of (iod; the ('hrinlt)iiin
feHHt will have Ih-cii partaken of ; faiii
ilies lonu parted will hold reiiniou; the
lniHiricM man will take a part of the
(1'iy to HH'tid in the bosom of his family
ami the day will have been pinned in
love, joy and devotion. The Kxaiuiiicr
hope that there is not a single human
beinc or n Iminly w ithin the nco' of its
1'irciilutioii ho cannot and will not lie
happy on thia Chrixtma day.
A Ml' HK t l'HK
run t'Hoi r.
Without a
Jan. 1 Prsaldsnt Lincoln Issued proclama
tion freeing slaves In confsderata eta lee.
They numbered about 1,120,000.
Feb. i All Russian serfs freed by Alex
ander II, Previous to ths emancipation
of the serfs on Imperial domains In 1814
there were more than M,OU0,0O0 serfs In
ths Russian emplrs. Of these 16,000,000
were freed la 1868 and ths remainder In
July 1-8-8 Confederate army, numbering
82.000 men, defeated at Gettysburg by
federal army, numbering 71,800 rasa,
ept. 14 President Lincoln suspended writ
of habeas corpus.
8e'd That Hurely Grow.
The coat of need compared with the
value of the crop ia so Hmall that a lew
cento saved by buying second rate need
will amount to many dollar lout when
the harveat ia gathered. Far men have
found out by many coatly failure what
a rinky thing it ia to buy seeds without
tieing pretty aure that they are reliable
and true to name. The latent catalogue
of the seed house of D. M. Ferry A Co.,
of Detroit, Mich., is a reminder that
thousand of farmer in the United
States and Canada have pinned their
faith to the reputation of thia great
firm. During a buHineaa career ap
proaching half a century in time Ferry'
seed have won an annual increase in
popularity, which i perhaps the beat
evidence that they grow and give satis
faction. F'erry' eeed Annual for 1U01 is
a useful guide in selecting seed for the
farm, the truck garden and the flower
garden. It i sei.t free on application.
Treat yourself to a pair of those hand
some Keith shoes, at Charlie Graves'
Red Hhoe House.
"Dlenkulspeil" (George llobart) In the
Chicago Americans "No successful man
can efer count hi friend. Id is only
der man dot fail dot can count dem,
and dere is no danger dot he vill sprain
hi voice vile he is doing it. Buccees is
der hot-house vare de flowers of flattery
grow. Hveet odor squeeze ouid through
der vindows, und der whole vorld vishes
to get inside und helo der lucky owner
to pluck der roses. Failure is an ice
house, and all dot flourishes dere ia der
frozen face und a kick in der hack part
uf der vaist-coat ven der owner va nod
Inn' 1'a
The first indication of croup 1 hoarse
ness, and in a child subject to that dis
ease it m.ty I Ms taken as a sure sign of
the approach of an attack. Following
this hoieenesa i a peculiar rough cough.
If Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy is
given as soon as the child Is-comes
hoarse, or even after the crotipy cough
appears, it "ill prevent the attack. It
is used in .i,.n v thousands of home in
this broad hit", and never disappoint
the mix. on" mother. We have yet to
lea. ii f a ein.'Ie ine'ance in vl.ich it
ha not proved efectun'. .No other
preparation can Hnw such a record
twenty-five yeiu-' constant use without
a failure, tor bale by Ix-e Heall, drug
gist. A Harney county man, preparing to
start to Lakeview after winter supplies,
waa accosted by his good w ife thusly :
"Now, don't forgit, while ye'er in Lake
view to git aome of them electric light
plant we been heern so much about.
I see the town council of Lakeview air
goin to manifajtor 'em, and we kin jes
as well raise 'em ourselves, and save
Many persons have had the experi
ence of Mr. Peter Merman, of North
Stratford, N. H., who say: "F'oryear
I suffered torture from chronic indiges
tion, but Kodel Dyspepsia Cure made a
well man of me." It digests what you
eat and is a certain cure for dystepsia
and every form of stomach trouble. It
gives relief at once, even in the worst
case, and can't help but do you good.
Lakeview Drug Co.
" In the Toils," a fine drama, is to be
presented by home talent at F)agluville,
Modoc county, to-morrow evening.
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggist refund the money If
it fail to cure. K. W, Grove's signa
ture is on each box. 26c. 38-1 yr
'. V.. M1IITH, M. It.
I'hjelrlan and sMirarow.
Lake lew . lr ,
( ' y It K-Ileal I Wtlle Inig Mtnre. ielln sitae
miil) iljr ninM.
II. OII Til M l
lh)elrlan'atiri Sturgeon
l akrvlew, Or.
OIHl'K Ulintlx ping (Va St"te.
a. t. sresa at eria nmmm
MtMllnilla ItV,
Allornr-at-l aw,
lake view, Ur.
OKI'K'K In Coii'W'-lr.i.rtlre Imllilltig
I'h) elrlan nail Mnrgraa
l.akrvleM , Arrgeie
HKKIt K X. A l atu r'a ( aiili'iice .
Ii. iO
A Homey al l ae
lakeview., II regaie
OIHI K-W!, Ilulltliii.
c. ii i i.ii viri.K
Allersr) -at-lw.
lakeview. Or.
oirit K- ituiiiiiiif.
f. II HAT8
Allorary...jitt ,
Aahlann. Oregon.
W ill allrmt H ml.f l.iiiliin rlittuatol ti him
In n o( the ix.uniiM ut tt r int i.l r'l.irttu
W. J HOOHK Molar) Fablle
l.akolew. Or
OKI'ICR- Ul Itulldinf.
Merer Trainer.
lakeview, Oregoe
I tent let
Ukevlra, Oregaa
OKKICK-I'aly llull.lttis.
I'alalry. Orrgsa
as F F I HHtltllN
James Barry
llnid. with Swallow Fork In
right ear lor ewi ; rt'Vsrue
lor wi-tliera. Koine r Huarn frop snd Hilt
III rllil rsr. Tar Hranit 111. liaiive, Crann
l ake, riialofflce ailr-ai, I eki'l li v . Ilrrcon.
Zac Whitworth ;r.uu
rlylit fori-wi-a; n-vi-riw for wrihi-ra. Tarltrau
W. ItaiiKo, t rwk. I'linlofflce sililrmn.
Ijiki'vlrw , Ori'Knii
This slgTiaturs Is on every box of th genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabuu
he remedy that enrea at cold la tu slay
In eflWt October 2H, 1IKK).
No. 1.
:no a. in.
ll:Wa. in,
II lAa. m.
i:to p. in.
p. in.
H"rr ,..r
. riiiin .. Ar
. I'liimaa ,Ar
. A iiiimIiio.. Ar
. .Terms. . . I.v
No. 1.
4 40 p. til.
Ift p. in
2:1ft p. m.
ll:8Ua. hi.
8:0ua. in.
T. r. Ih huwav.
V. V. and ti. M.
i. II. HKNsrrr,
ti. V. anil Y. A.
t'nlu d Mtsti-a IjiiiiI OfTire, laki-vlew. Oregon,
Nov. Dili, Notice la lii r.-l.y kIvcii that tne
IoIIiiwIiik, iianiiiil m llliT ban filed iiotlce of
liia In tcmloii to make final proof In anpport ol
hla claim, ami tliat aalil priMil will lie made be
fore t J. H. M'anlwi'll V. H. t'oinnilMloner at
Hllvi-r lki, Orcenn, nn lier. IA, luou, vii: Jaa,
M. Welsh, If. K. No. WUKi for the HU of Hlt'-i. Hvv.
'i, ami N'i of NKt of He. 1 1, Tp, H.T H, K 15 K,
Wlllaini-tte Miirliflan, Ori-son. He nainea the
following wltneui-a to prove bin (loatlnnoiiH
reaidi'lii'v niien anil cilllhallnll nl said land,
via: H. (I. fladli'V, R. t!. rosier slid W, A.
Currier all of Pauley, Oregon and A. B. Hchroiler
nf Mi uu I alia tv as u
K, M. Brattain.
Keg liter.
United Hlattn Ijtnd tlfflce, Ukevlew, Oregon,
Nov. 8, 1WJU. Notice ii hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the set of
Coiixress of June 8,1878, entitled "An set for
tlissalcof timber lamia In the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as eit tided In sll the publlo lane
Htates by act of August 4, 1SW, Krank Orohs nl
I jingell Valley, roiiuty of Klamath, HtaUl of
Oregon, ban tills day filed In thia office his
sworn statement No. !tnu, for the purebaae oftliu
J' c;4 of Mtiotlftti No. 8 lii Township No.
41 H, Kaugii No. 16 K, and will offer proof to
iliow that the land son g lit Is more valuable for
Us timber or stone than for a-rimillural pur
poses, ami to establish hli claim to aaid land
liefore the Keglster ami Kooelvcr ol this office
at lakeview, Oregon on Haturday, the 19th (lay
of January, IW. He names his witnesses: .
W. tJrecn, of Ukevluw, Oregon K. A. Kltipal
rlek of Lakeview, Oregon, H. Ilm ralt of Ungell
Valley. K. Duncan of Langell Valley. Any
snd all perinna claiming adversely theabove
descrlued lands are requested to file their
clalmi In this office on or before said IHth day
of January, 1801. K. M. brattain,
46 heglster.
ow what
you're ulaiilluir
When you nlsnt
Ferry' Hauda. ii
buy cheap seeds you can't
sure. iaae uo obancei
it Kerry's, lxiaiurs every-
aarkau --II at ... .
ftr im Hd Annual-.
af jsv
Detroit, Mlok.