Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 13, 1900, Image 3

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    V 4 L i i, M , A 4 i J. A 1 1, 1 A i.a A A A I, A i JLU.AJU, ijL. UUUUUt. t-U. LiU.JkJJLTrrt
Freighters urn still doing business lx'
twcen 1 jiki'vlcw and Torino.
Mm. Joe Howard of )rimi Valley
was a visitor in lakeview last Friday.
Tim Hotel I-akovlow bar Inn a flue
window display of case goods
Mr. nri'I Mm. Corwln Vlnyard of New
I'lno Crock wore visiting Mr. and Mr.
V. II. Harr last week.
Try the liverwiirst sausago for sale at
Ayr-H'. It is delicious. 47-3
Elmer H I was in Lakeview last
work attending to business XTtiiiniiiK to
Ilia late fatlir'n estate.
Judge TonulngHrn hiiJ family have
moved into their home, near Judge
Hja-rry's residence, on Court street.
Keo tint lino assortment of tliti Intent
patent wringers ut Ayrea'. 47-3
Mr. nml Mr. Jack Mrliouald arrival
from Paisley lant Thursday, called here
owing to the illm-MN of Mm. McDonald's
aunt, Mm. Whorton.
John I. Dm-kwirtli left last week for
New I'iiid Creek to take a oltion an
driver on the KoiiIImtii stage line from
the slate lino to AltnraN.
When voii come to town
iimtilry don't fail to I'ete
under tliti ojn-ra house. 4 1 -if
William E. llornard and family arriv
ed from tlu Sacramento Valley last
Tliuraday ami left for their home on the
West Side the follow i I K day.
Mr. ami Mm. E. It. I'ollctt drove, up
from New l'ine (.'reek hint Thumday.
Eh. la succeeding well in the merchan
dise business at the state line.
I r iti k nothing hut Jcshu Moore whisky
and you'll always Ih 1 m l ' . On sale at
Whorloii A I itxpatrii k'a. 3.'J-lf
Mra. Arthur Miller, who ha la-en
visiting with Mra. J.K. Mcdurrey fortlie
pat two months, i-tarted for her home in
Sacramento last Thtiradiiy via the West
trn rout't.
I. II. HarUog and John Welter of
linotw I-aku valley have purchased a
wcll-loriiig apparatus and will bore (or
artesian water on the I lui t r. n (arm down
the valley.
The most effective little liver pilla
made are PcWiti's Little F.arlv Misers.
They never Kri l-akeview lrug Co.
Strangers remark alMiut the neat and
handsome stores in lakeview and the
clever window displaya of catchy gooda.
Ijtkeview merchaiita are certainly not
la-hind the times.
Attorney J. W. Moore was ill aoveral
daya hint week with fever, hut ia feclitiK
well enough no'v to altemt to profeaaional
dutiea. ThurHihiy inorninn one of his
young aona waa taken ill w ith fever, and
it ia excctfd the entire family will have
a ait-go of it.
I'oHt A King loat a bin atock in the fire
hut they have another juat as itootl. tine
liUora and cigara; A. U. C. beer. Under
the opera houe. 23
Aahland ia to have a new hanking in
stitutioii, the Firat National Iiank of
Aahland, with a capital of f.'5,(XK). The
Comptroller o( Currency at Washington
lias approved the application. II. L.
McWilliitma, K. A. Sherwin, T. E. Hills,
C. A. Miller, A. H. Hames and C. II.
Van pel, well known citizens of Ashland,
are named as stockholders.
It ia a real pleasure and enjoyment to
take a hot hath at Ievine'a, Hotel Iake
view- building. Everything is so com
fortable and neat there.
If reports are true, John Green, the
West hide farmer, will succeed in getting
artesian water on his place. If Mr.
Green ia successful it will no doubt be the
cause of many of our farmers trying the
experiment. Artesian water would prove
a wonderful source of wealth to Lake
county. Its success would be followed
by countless fields of alfalfa.
8. D. Coulter & Co. are making some
elegunt liverworst and blood sausage.
The sauaage is highly flavored, pleasant
and palatable. Coulter & Co. have
everything up-to-date in their market.
One of Aahland's prominent buainea
men, K. Edellioff, general manager of
the Aahland Grocery Company, went
wrong last week and "skipped the town."
Aaa result the company has made an
assignment. Gambling was EdelhofTs
dow nfall. He left his w ife and two chil
dren destitute. He belonged to three
or four fraternal organisations and these
orders are caring for his family.
For more than fifty years the famous
Jeaae Moore "A A" whiskey has la-en
the atamlard brand of the world. Geo.
Jaminerthal, aole agent.
De Witt's Little Early ltiaers are dainty
little pills, but. Ihev never fail to cleanse
the liver, remove obstruction and in
vigorate the system. I.akeview rug Co.
Will I'.ishop, nephew of Ii. Grutnan,
arrived here from Iowa last Monday
night, coming in from Iteno via the
Southern. The young man left immedi
ately for the desert, where his uncle is
engaged w ith sheep. The arrival of his
nephew will be somewhat of a surprise
to Mr. Gruman, a he was not aware
that the young man had undertaken the
journey. Mr. Hiahop will probably re
main in this county.
Andy Devine's new tonsorial and bath
from the ' parlor,' in the Hotel I-akeview, is a per
ami Jonas ! (ect palace. Go there for elegant baths
in porcelain IuIik, a giaxl clean stiave
and artistic hair-cut.
If you hava never tasted Jesse Moore
"AA" whickey, try it and lie convinced
that it is the best whir-key in the world.
Geo. jAmmcrthal, sole agent.
To-day the seat of the shee-shearing
industry of the I'nion has shifted from
the Middle West to the plateau region
U-tween the Hia kies Blid Sierras. Ohio
is still doing very well in the business
with I. early 3.(HKI,(HIU head, hut she has
dropjx-d from firt to fourth in the lint of
mutton-producing states. New Mexico
is at the head, with more than 4, (XX), 000;
Montana has nearly as many, while
Wyoming leada Ohio by a few hundred
thousand head. Idaho closely follows in
the rating. Oregon, California and Texas
each has alsjut 2,.r00,000 sheep.
S. U. Sublette A Co. have a fine line
of furniture. Mr. Sublette ia now mak
ing to order a very tine spring bed
lounge with the latest conveniences.
Covered with a very handsome piece of
taK-stry it will lie an ornament to any
home. Sublette makes everything but
You can't call for any brand of whis
kies in case that cannot be furnished by
I'ost A King. Some of the whiskies
carried by thorn are highly recommend
ed by physicians (or medicinal pursues.
Kev. Father II. J. McDovitt, who
made iiia first visit to Lakevlew last
week, ia a very clever and pleai-ant pre
late. I-akeview diiaisse is now under
his chaige, and Father MclVvitt will
make occasional visits here to say mass
and look after the spiritual welfare of a
small Hock. The Flxaminer acknowl
edges a pleasant call from the Father
during his stay here. He is located in
Bums. He has with him a picture of a
new Catholic church, now in course of
construction at Hums, which will lie a
massive structure, built of atone and of
ancient style of architecture. The peo
ple of Hums, of all denominations, are
assisting in the building of this beauti
ful editlce, and it will certainly be an
ornament to their pretty tow n as well as
a monument to their unselfish enter
prise. The building will be of native
My son hag Ix-on troubled for years
with chronic diarrhu'.i. Some time ago
I (airsuaded him to take some of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea
Hemedy. After using two bottles of the
25-ccnt size lie was cured. I give this
teatimonial, hoping some one similarly
attlicted mav read it and be lienetited.
Thomas C. Itower, Glencoe, O. For sale
by I-ee iicall, druggist.
Now is the time whan croup and lung
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only
harmless remedy that produces immedi
ate results is One Minute Cough Cure.
It ia very pleasant to take and can be
relied uimiii to Quickly cure coughs, colds
and all lung diaeases. It will prevent
consumption. Lakeview Drug Co.
$26 YARDS of GOOD CALICO for $1.00 (
Jg Why don't you
M buy your wife
K something use
1 ful as well as
vf ornamental for
a Christmas
"S It will please her a
W whole year
SC. - U. SNIDER "porlNEaOODS 1
Buy her a FINE JACKET,
Fur SCARF, Silk or Wool
Deep Bored Well.
Typhoid fever seems to have lanm epi
demic in different (airtions of Modoc
and Southern Oreeon this fall, says the
Cedarville Kecord. Numerous cases
have been reported, a number having a
fatal termination. At one time Cedar
ville seemed to have its annual run of
typhoid, until about three years ago,
when Hr. Meredith advocated and in
sisted on our citizens digging or boring
deeper wells in order to get below the
surface water. II in efforts in that direc
tion largely prevailed, and, with the
sinking of good wells, the cases of ty
phoid fever became fewer f j si til this fall
not a single resident of Cedarville has
had a case of it, while many cases have
la-en reported from other parts of the
The Arbuckles have advanced the
price of sugar five points.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tali
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
tu re is on each box. 25c. 38-lyr
This ((mature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabieu
he remedy that rare a cold la M day
This advertisement is changed evert week Watch it.
You will find at the Monogram
A Good Watch
A Fine Diamond
Solid Gold Jewelry
Fine Umbrellas
An elegant line of Novelties
All suitable for a good
sensible Xmas
Ahlstrom Bro's
When the stomach is tired out it must
have a rest, but we can't live without
food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests
what you eat" so that you can eat all
the good food you want while it is re
storing the digestive organs to hea'th.
It is the only preparation that digests
all kinds of food. Lpkeview Drug Co.
Help is needed at once when a per
son's life is in danger. A neglected
cough or cold may soon become serious
and should be stopped at once. One
Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs
and colds and the worst cases of croup,
bronchitis, grippe and other throat and
lung troubles. Lakeview Drug Co.
3. JBernart & Son
Xaheview, - rcflon
J!1 W)HSli