Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 13, 1900, Image 2

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    :'4 " T'A
fialtf CTonuUi Cxantttut
Pablltt4 Every Thartday
Masonk Building
(One Year, $2.00
TERMS: r Six Months. 1 .00
(Three Months, 50
LkMiKr :;. nrc. is, .
Creamery Plants Every
where Successful.
It now depend uhii the decision of
the Japs whether the vengeance policy
of the Herman", in China, will be adopt
ed or rejected. Japan' vote in favor of
policy of moderation will go far toward
solving the problem, (.treat Britain,
Germany, AustiU and Italy favor pre
senting to the Chinese Peace Com
missioner a demand for the imposition
of severe penalties ujkmi the authors of
the Roxer outrages.
Russia, and France are opposed to ask
' ing more than the Chinese (iovernment
an reasonably grant. It were well that
the Powers agree upon a seere punish
ment for the Iloxer assassins and rapists
a punishment of the highest degree
but the demand of outrageous and im
possible indemnity, which will end in the
partition of the great Empire, should I
smothered, (.'undoubtedly the Ameri
can Secretary's latest note has once
more shown Europe that the United
States purpoes to obtain renewed as
8ii ranees in line w ith those already given,
or segregate the power or powers which
have allowed ambition to smother their
unselfish purposes.
Minister Conger is said to contem
plate resigning his otlice because the
President does not indorse his suggest
ions for radical action in China. Con
ger advocates measures which President
McKinley regards as too radical, and
has not taken kindly to the fact that his
views have not been indorsed at Well
ington. Possibly Mr. Conger has reason
to believe in "radical action" in China
as he knows what that means w hen the
other fellow is on top, but, by all means
let his resignation come quickly and be
accepted at once. The people elected
Mr. McKinley President, not Mr. Con
ger, and he should be willing to take a
few orders from the boss without getting
ruffled. Mr. Ginger can have the next
chance at the Presidency, and can then
do as he likes. But not just yet.
A Virginian's View Lake County
5houiJ Have One Adin Plant
Distributes $1,040.
In conversation last week with S. lb
ilaw kins, the Virginian, regarding the
creamery busine-s, thb gentleman could
see no good reason why that industry
should not be successful iu Lake county.
He is somew hat of an enthusiast on the
creamery question, ami has learned con-
The I'nited States, ' Moeral'le about that business, lie lie-
lieves that when the railroad reaches
tins section a creamery wouiii ii a
wonderfully successful enterprise.
In his town, Toms lrook, Virginia, a
few farmers got together and formed a
stock company to build a creamery, and
it proved a big success. The plant with
the capacity of milk from 100 cows cost
1400, and besides obtaining the " very
best hotter possible, the stockholders
have made money. After the cream is
separated from the milk the latter is re
turned to the farmers for use ou the
ltefore the creamery was established
the regular ranch butter, made iu crude
form, sold at VI to lj cents per pound,
but creamery butter sold readily at 20
ceitts, and the pcopld were glad to gel it.
This i& a very interesting problem, yet can be
very readily solved If you give us a call before
buying elsewhere. The continual arrival of
goods that have been purchased at rediculous
ly low figures, places us in a position to offer
to see our tailor made suits at
They cannot be bought elsewhere for 7.00
to see our mens heavy ulsters at
They are well worth 10.00
A to see our boys clothing and overc
always lead in boys clothing.
There ia a movement on foot to have
the question of Malheur's county seat
settled by act of the legislature, follow
ed by vote of the county. Vale is now
On November 15th the little creamery
plant at Adin distributed 11040 among
its patrons, at the close of a month's
run. The business of that creamery is
steadily increasing. From this it can
readily be seen what an important in
dustry a creamery is.
In a summary of lite points in favor
of the creamery system, the I'm ted
Slates Department of Agriculture gives
the follow ing :
"First The quality of the whole fac
tory product is equal or belter than the
best of the single dairies in the same
"Second A greater quantity of butter
produced from the same cow s.
"Third Ttie average selling price and
the net returns per pound of butter con
siderably increased.
"Fourth The gains sufficient to cover
the w hole cost of running the creamery,
thus causing:
"Fifth The cash income of the farm- j
er from a given number of cows, as j
much and usually more than by the old
j system, w hile at the same time,
"Sixth All the lalior, trouble and ex
cuse of making and marketing the
butter is removed from the farms and
""eventh Pelicf from the labor of
caring for the mi.k and cream usually
HiCiBOTHE & CO 1 1 THE ledm merchants of lake county.
Pretty Miss Morrison on
Trial for Murder.
the capital of Malheur, but Ontario, a
progressive town thinks she ought to j rehUta , adding to the number of cows,
have it. The wide-awake citizens of j and the effect of the friendly rivalry he
Vale have forestalled the Ontarioans, ' tween patrons of the creamery, with the
however, by subscribing a suflicient freu";" money measure of the butter were MrS- CuBlle ail,i MiM(1 Morrison
amount of monev to build a two storv
"I Forgive You. Ask God to do so
and He Will Also." I Hope
She Will Live I"
Th Morrison murder case now on
trial in Kansas City is one of the strang
est cases that a jury ever had to ileal
w ith. The devotion of the accused girl's
father is one of the affecting features of
the remarkable judicial investigation. In
brief, the story of the case is as follows:
Miss Morrison, the good-looking
daughter of a Kansas Judge, in accused
of a terrible crime. On the morning of
the IMth of laxt June, in the vicinity of
the residence of Orin Castle, at Eldora
do, Kan., screams weie heard coming
from the Castle house. The neighlsirs
run to investigate. Iu the trout room
capacity of the cows, tends to a constant
a two storv . . .. ..... :
iiuproteiiitrm 111 wieui, h'iu ill uie conse-
etone court house "w ithout the aid or ,jUeiit rutit."
consent of any other nation on earth,"!
and without cost to a single taxpayer iu
the county. Such enterprise should
Oregon Bar Association.
The second annual banquet of the
Oregon liar Association was held at the
win and Vale continue to have the j Htel Portland on the 21st ultimo, C.E
honorof the capital city of Malheur. S. V ood, the newly elected President of
I the Association, presiding. Among those
It is thought that when Lo d Kitch-! who attended, and who are well known
in Lakeview, were Hon. if. L. IScnson,
Circuit Judge; II. IS. iieckman, A. S.
Hammond. ('. A. Cogswell ami Juik'e
South Africa, the frr hair ill fly and Webster. Mr. Hammond replied to the
the trouble soon cease, liut, probably toast, "discretion of the Court," and C.
ener succeeds Lord Roberts as eorn-iiianler-iii
chief of the liritiih forces in
Kitjhener places little importance to the
Boer slogan that before the w ar is over
the Transvaal veldts will "run red with
the blood of every burgher" in that
land. When men fight to the death the
battle is sometimes long drawn out.
The Sultan says that the reason lie
diies not want the newly appointed
United States Consul Norton located at
Harpoot to look out for our interests in
the land of the Turk is because Norton
is a "liar." Well, let the Consul say it
to his face when Norton goe there to
take up his new duties. He is already
on the way. But, by the way; how
about that little bill of Uncle's '.' Has
anybody lied about that?
It is now said that Paul Kruger's
mission to France is to formulate spe
cific charges of the breach of the code of
civilized warfare on the part of Lord
lioberts in instructing his officers to re
nort to reconceiitrado methods in the
effort to entirely crush Boer resistance.
A. Cogswell, "Exceptions." Judge
Mrs. Castle was lying on the fhsir, with
her throat cut from ear to ear and her
Istily badly brusied. Miss Morrison,
who was beiidiog over the bleeding
woman, was also cut about the hands
and face. She murmured something
about a letter. Mrs. Cuslle was placed in
h physician's hands and lived several
days. She was terrioly wounded, but
showed great vitality. When the end
was near she sent word to Miss Morri
son, "I forgive you. Ask io:l lo do so
and he will also." Miss Morrison turn
ed pale and said something aUiut "1
hope she will live." After Mrs. Castle's
death Miss Morrison was placed under
arrest. J lie motive is a mystery. I no
Henry L. Benson has been elected first' lnuht ,)e Uinivue(1 ,, 'tlt. witl.Hlj
vice-president of the Oregon Bar Asso
Among the recommendations passe J
by the association regarding the John
Marshall day was one to the effect that
a fitting celebration Is; held ut the capi
tal of the state on February 4, 1!01, iu
commemoration of Chief Justice John
Marshall, and that all the alleges and
schools throughout the state provide for
the ce'ebratiou of the day in some suit
able manner
Many persons have hail the experi
ence of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North
Stratford, X. II., who says: "For years
I suffered torture from chronic indiges
tion, but Kodel dyspepsia Cure made a
well man of me." It digests what you
eat and is a certain cure for dysiiepsia
and every form of stomach troi. ,1". It
gives relief at once, even in the worst
cases, and can't help but do you good.
Lakeview drug Co.
Most everyone who has whiskey far
sale compares it virtues to Jesse .Moore
"AA" w hiskey. (Jeo. Jamriierthal, sole
You don't want to forget that Post &
King, the popular dispensers, are still in
it. They aro under the opera house.
Call and see them, 22
It is believed that testimony at the
trial now in progress will reveal the fact
that jealousy of the woman she killed
was the method in Miss Morrison's
madness. She once loved Mrs. Castle's
Is Coming
Take a close observer's advice mid wateli
J)unlaj & Thurston's window for a
f?m tZZSSm GSgg
Vim like to see pretty things, don't you? Well,
rnll am observe the Silverware, voce, Cutlery,
Silver Crumb Trayc, Fruit ami Cake Uinhi-H, Hand
some Album, Children' I'iniioH that jilny any
kinl of music, Children's Stoves that cook, Toy
Dishes in fuct Toys in ondleioj variety.
Ami, Hiiy 'if anybody shou'd ask you," lx'ar in
tn i ii J that this is .
When you p t tired looking nt the goods in other
store call and Hue us ami wo will uiiiiihc, iim well an
iiiteiest you, in Hhotviiig you
..Dunlap & Thruston..
Twriity-flvr Yrara' l't? Without
TIlu licit i lid w.u t ii tn nf ..ruin !u limrui. I
ness, and in a child subject to that dis
ease, it may be taken as a sure sign of
the approach of an attack. Following
this hoiseness is a peculiar rough cough.
If Ciiamberluiu's Cough Kemedy is
given as soon as the child Incoiiich
hoarse, or even after the croupy cough
appears, it will prevent the attack. It
is used in many thousands of homes iu
this broad laud and never disappoints
the anxious mothers. We have yet to
learu of a single instance in which it
In- not proved effectual. No other
piei iirntion can show Hindi a record
twenty-live years' constant usu without
a failure. For sale by Leo lleall, druggist.
do you 'Aunt to run up iiuainst a good
thing? If you do, call on 1'otu & Jonas,
under the ope.a huubu. 41-U
Manufacturer of the Celebrated