Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 22, 1900, Image 8

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' - 1 . i';
I. I
Noble Deed of Young Man
Near Cedarville.
Johnny Mobbs Loses Mis Own Life
While Saving a Companion
From Drowning.
Tin' new came -o l-akeview lust week
by private letter to Willmm Mctiker l
the ii'l death of Johnny Hobbo, a brave
boy w ho. while a.f i.tin a companion
out of tlu water, loot hi own life by
drowning The, tragedy mrurnil at w lint
if known ai the IVlerimn warm cpring.
jul HiTiwh the lake from Cedarville, on j
Sundav, Nov. 11th. The facts luirra ed i
in the letter are as follow: The deceas
ed who was IS years of age, and Kay
Hill, a companion a year or two younger,
went on the day mentioned to where an
old bath house once stood near the lake,
for the purpose of taking a bath in the
warm waters of the pool. In the pool
is a very deep hole, and the tlccliiiiiig
bank is slippery. Yound Hill ventured
in first, and soo.i slipped into the hole
and wit Unable to get out. Seeing the
danger of his young companion brave
young ll.ibbs plunged into the water to
nis rescue, nut lie, too, lou:nl the imisi
TTtTTTTTrrfrrrrrr'rrTTArvvi Well Known Citizens Arc
Resting in the Grave.
1'rof. J. L. Smith in doing a uplendid
business in life insurance.
Ajax weather strips at II. ( Kothe A
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Smith arete-
covering from a siive of the measles.
Willow Ranch, Ccd.irv Itlc, III J well,
and Other Localities Mourn
Tor Their Dead.
I'adbiek slieiil peaches nt 11.0. Kollir '
A Co. 'a. !
A good fall of the "beautiful" last 1
Sunday came us a forerunner of w inter. '
tlil clothing, lectins, etc., at
Kothe A I'o.'s.
Morris lMek, ex-supcrvior of Modoc
county, and a resident near Willow
Kanch, iIknI at bis home on the lltli
int. alter a lotnr illness. Iccene.l via
" ' , in l.akcview last spring seeking medi -it I
, aid and afterward went to Sail I'rancisco
Kd. Creen arrive! last week from to consult a svialist. returning home
I'aiidcv after a load of thuir for V. f,.w wivks ago without iinproveineiii.
Conn. 'His ailment was catarrh of the stomach,
KubU-r goods of all kinds at 11. C. and eminent phjsici ins iiiloimcl him
KolheACo.'s. that hi condition was beyond medical
Mrs. J. l'lillen is down from Summer : aid. Twelve years Hgo deceased bought
Lake this week visiting relatives and the L. K. Henderson place, near I. Kob-
tton dnlicult ami was unable, to get
footing. Alter struggling for some tin. e,
as the surviving Uy tells it, he was en
abled to reach the bank, but his com
panion was not so fortunate, and after
struggling until lie was completely ex
hausted the brave boy fell back and
gave up lus life.
A few hours afterward the body was
recovered and taken to the home of the
llicler has the In-st selection of chil
dren's suits in Lakeview.
llorn At Medford, Oregon, Nov. l",
11HH1, to the wile of A. V. bish, an 11
pound girl.
Hieher'a good g'Xls are Isvuming
Hpular bis prices make ttiein m.
Horn At Paisley, lregon, November
K. Kundoui, a
j IS, l'HHl, to the w ife of
nine-pound git I.
Just think what kind of a bat or cap
you want, and depend upon linding it at
C. W. Withers, proprit tr of the I'.iis
ley Variety Mure, was in Lakeview thiJ
eck on business. Keull, the druggist, has the sole
, ., I .a. ... l..r tl I. 1,1 ,!...!
grief-stricken parents. The blow al- j ',,.,., , ... ' .......
most prove! latal to the loving mother,
and the lather is bowed down in incon
solable grief. There is always some-!
thing particularly sad in the death of a
hero, and J.ihny Hobbs will certainly
be remembered by ail who know him as !
a brave young hero who met an unex- j
l-ected and untimely death while re?en-j
ing a companion. i
The funeral of the young man was j
I.eM at Cel.irvi!!e on Monday, and the ;
remains were followed to the cemetery i
by the Invest procession of sympathi.
ing trie:,. Is ever witnes-ed in that place, j
None of our townspeople were sur-1
prised when that happy event, w hich
joii.i-.! together two well know n young 1
people nl" l.nkeview, occurred at the i e of Mr. and Mis W. A, ,'
lock Wednesday evening, November1
I4th. Cupid had been .laying with the
hc.u'-.-i t;.e.-e lovers for many months,
and. now that Mist L-tella Inikchas
become ioe happy biidc ,f Mr. ('.II.
iHihlap, their legion of friends stand up
to oiler l heir hearty congratulations ami
well w i-i..--.
The !..a:! i.,ge occurred at S p. in. in
the I c- , I relatives of parties
nd a U.-w intimate friends, a r . 1 Kev. '.
. U".i' man .-aid tin; words that
joined tio couple in the holy hands foi
life. The bride is the you nge.-t d mg h -ttrot
W. H. Jiuke, and a f-ister of M m '
Walter .-herlock, and she has many
rhann-and graces of the g-n: 1 -won ian
toeiiu-e .-r to he admired and lovul by
all who know her. llc-ides, she i- 1
bright, a complished and a model house- i
keeper. 1
The groom is a well known young I
businessman, who i- fast climbing the
ladder of lie. -ess in the mercantile hllsi-'
ne-s, and who is eminently "worthy of 1
bin fair oung bride, lie is a brother of
Sheriff II. . iMinlap of I.akeview, and j
in every vespeet a model young man. j
Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock gave an elegant j
wx-'lding .-upper after the ceremony, and ;
the oc -ash)!! was a most eniuvahle one. I
The Lakeview brass hand, of which
the groom is u member, Hereimded the
eouple on Thursday evening. The Kx-
luiner joins with many friends in wish
ing Mr. and Mrs. JJunlap all the joy of
nappy wedlock.
on. No
I .la. k
Horn At Summer Lake. 'i
vembcr b". to the wile
I'artin, Jr., a teu-pound son.
And there is going to another wed
ding in Lakeview li. It's going to b"
a hard, col I tv inter, evidently.
Councilman l'et r l'o-t is building a
coniliiodii'tis ice b"U-e on hi- lot i.eV. to
his residence on l.aguna -lie. t.
Henry Si hock oi Yreka want- a I - t of
big horses. I;, a I Iih not. re i;i th,
issue, -1 i a 1 1 Hor.-es Wanted."
I'r. (i. W. Stephen-oii, t. rin-ri v 'of
Lakt vie a has been dangerously ill at
; M.-dford, but is now recovei ing.
I John and Jacob Hiarp of Cedarville
! were visitors ill Lakeview la-t week, re
I turning to their home Minday morning.
1 If y hi are looking for a friend vmi are
apt to I. nil him at l'..-t A' popu
lar le.-olt, Neallv everv I hi. IV g' i s there.
L. I!. ir.-eii . ame itown from l'ov.-r
I'lat last Mind ly alter me !.. ;:.. i- r bi
lit lie son w ho i- ipi.te i.l . lb- returned
home Monday.
The butcher at S. I. Cotili.-r ('.,'.
is an ail right .-.uisag- ma'-. i r.
logna- cari'l be surpa-.-e-l anv vv
even in the
Coulter it Co. are fund Idng
patrons Willi the llie-t bei f. mult,
pork. Thev ;;! w ays liavu their !i
pel,.- well slocked.
Mis. ('has. K. .M , ,rj is report,
have sutfered a relapse this week,
alino-t recovering from the f.-ver, an
said to be ill a pie. aiious condition.
Hot w innew n rsts redhot from
gun at .. I. Couiter it Co.'s. I
heef, pork, mutton, sausages, bo.
ui-tt's, and with his family has rci led .
there Miice. Motrtsii. ti was held III
high esteem by his ncighliors and ft lends,
and inauv will regret to leani of his
death, lie leaves a wile and several
childien one of the daughters being
Mrs. '.. Keller of Line Creek w ho have
the sv inpalhy oi nil their lnctid- In
their pioloiiii.l sot r o .
The death from tvplmid fever of
Jacob . stevelis, a bright, proliil-mg I m .y
ag.ii in v ear-, w no nvcl with his
en's, Mr. U ji,,, ,,r,
L.igh v ilic. Modoc county,
to have occurreil at that pi
Ja.obSteVensvvashtl.ini high esteem
by all who knew him, and be was a:
nio-l beloved soli , the pi.e of fathel
: lid mother. Ills brother Lveictl and
sl-ter Mi-- Mm. I Mevi ns, aie al-o in a
very pn-cariou condition limn the same
dis. ase. and another si-ter, Mis. i, ,
Alex (ill s.,.,, of Alturas, I- j'l-l n cover
ing from a danger. .lis
lev i lis, (leal
lace .Nov. o'li.
, vv lie i.f
I'd ted ill d We
Iwell, Modoc
I I llll V II V lllll M, ION .
I thedc ill. o Mi-. Hairing
leirv 1 1 ai I n g. m, highiv
to ,!., c.ti., n .. It.
oiintv, was flashed
over the vi lie I i I ip.oaP.r boy. I la -t
Saturd.iv. I eatli oecuned on I nda i,
the Iml. in st. and the I ik, ral on mi. n
ill t he lolio ,v ing day. I'ecea'eil vva- a
highly rcpcct d woman, aged about ..
v ears, an. I sh.- I. avi s a lov ing bu-l and.
a son and daughter, I d. Ilaiiington,
and .Mrs. Lura I'.any, wife of J.n k I'.ari.v
of Warner Lake, i.e-i a l.ugc ci. ch-'
of warm In. i.d- to mourn her ! ith. '
Economy in buying!
Wo liopo thin
will full i(l-
M(nth the notico of prospfctivo luiyors. Tho
rt'sultw ill prolit (Ihmii and widen tho lUMpniint
nnco of Hiis voting hut row'mj; store, livery
tiling you've set your mind on jeltinr, wo have
for you.
DRT GOODS u"r Ml",u "r !""u u
ilecldeilly ill Cerent
from what you will whi In other loi-n. 'l'lnt
newest and choicest collection for winter wear.
CLOTHING W" ,"" l",lr,, w"" l " " "'"'I-
' eiale cot, ffn rui'oiu iiieml our Suits ami Oyer,
eoats nud In pla" ever) boil v, wo havn thnni at all prlee
Men' Suits front li..'il upwards.
CliildriMi's Ventry Suits from ,'i.iKI.
SHOES ,,,,P ,,l'l'H Mi and Chlblren. Vim know tho
price Is right. If you weiir ttiinn you know thi-y'i-u
right, too - If you don't, just try a pair ami nm. We suy they
an! the b. kI shoes sold In Luknvlrw. We should like to hav.i
o,i try a pair and disprove the stutniiiuit, If you eun. Vour
moni'V back If not on'lri-ly sal isfactor) .
HATS ,)"" 1 trV 1",,l I'1"1""' ' '" k-'it year's. Latest
sty les are sold here. Tln-y tempt every man who
wants a medium priced hat.
AN., an excellent variety of Moil's ami Hoy 'a winter Cups.
Yon ex poet torn! I 'mbirweitr al HieherV
Wh)'. I teen. ink wo hiivn ul says sol.) you tho
lh-l thii". money could buy. This store tulles
pl ido In selling giwid I'mhu'wiuir lit pi Ices
tint iippeil'to thii,. who are Inking trouble
to make comparisons.
l?or your ThankKiving Dinner:
'pii 'ireiin ( 'r ii b. i i v
Sanee, .'I cans
I'u. I. ling-. . ih i ial
liii mi. ing
I 'ho I
Mixed I'l. k!.-.
L i n u reun A
- ipi.ii t
f i 1 1 1 1 can
I pii u li mi I -ii ii'
'.'Oi- I I
I '.I .'"IV
Tsic nl
I pii iirinii Currnnts, .'I tl ."a I
I'llll'llpple, :U nils 1 (III
" linked I'.eaiis, ciin Itoc
" Si-eded liiilstiis, IV II.
" Cis'iiitimt, .V I'll
I'.ihice per can. ' Vale
L pic ut I'll 1 1 .vi hi Imps, ,1 eans 'si '
lines, per bottle .tile
I n iii h Mil-laid "
I 'ui keen nhid liessing"
Palace Mince Meat, I poiuul jar for 75c
v n
t jt .) " :r: r
AP) Ji) K$ Vr;i'
1 1 v .
n and
I to
I:. .
1 1 .
II. g
1 V I 1 ,
let!, r t .
u . i i y t "i
di ail, at I'.
I li
al., ! Mi -. l.lial,
I T. .. Loft m, aged no
! u.i" v. . li k now n in Lai
- v..::.- and si.iague i:.m 1-1' lllliV J.'.lli III this s,.r.
I e It .', rail. I- to the llged Woman
I ! o ..
'lie- I " .1 II-1 .--1 r
' . ( al., an- f
o Cedlo, n,.u
I. Loll., n . Jr
V -.
.IVI. W, l
r. ..n-
o i the j.'Illi and Has caused lion,
an al.i es-, of thi- hver. 1'i i i a-id leaves
a hiishand and tAo sons '. u..
lie. lulls Lotion. The llltel llielit took
place atlville on the 1 Ith in-t.
.ioiin ti.ii. iii
Al New I 'i ut- Creek, Oiegon, Nov.
I'M), death Vi-ited the ho; ,f J
.e., an. I claline.l for Its Victim ,
letcrs, a voting man who was well
Town (oiiiitil.
At a mecfiiiu of the Town Council of
Lakeview on Tuesday, November b'lth,
the vote of the town election wan can
vassed, bonds of the new ollicers ac
cepted and the elected ollicertj nworii in.
I'eter I'ost 'imilified as Town Council
man amf 15. Iieynolds. as Tow n Treasurer.
Mauley Whorton wan reupioiuted
1'own Murshal mid iiightwatchuiuu.
Several bills were acted on and war
rants drawn on the treanury in payment
IuiI'y Variety Store.
When you como to Paisley to the
yraiid ball at Thanksgiving time and to
the opening of the new Woodmen Hall,
don't fail to inspect the new and com
plete Hts k of Kent.' fiiriiiwliiiig goods at
Ihe 1'aisley Variety Htore, which will lie
opened on the first Hour of the Wood
men Hall on ThaukHgiviiiK Hay.
15-2 C. W. Witiikhm.
and pickled meats al w ay s on hand.
Lakeview Would be a slow town with
out a brass band. Help the boys out at
their dance on '1 hank-giving night and
encourage them to keep up the organization.
This must be a good fit Id for life in
surance business. Two new in-iiraiice
men arrivi d last week. A man's life is
a good risk in Lake county teoph; only
die here of old age.
The hardware store of 1 1. Schminck it !
Son u ill be a handsome one. The paint- flasket Supper and Dance,
ers are now puttini' on the finishing ; .r) i, ., i , ,, . t. , ,
touches, and next week the new goods! V ( n',l l""!
w ill be opened up and jiiit on display. ! will give an entertainment at L'nion
Flovd Auble, well known in Lake- j '""mi r','uy evening Nov. M).
viewand a Htuilent in dentistry under J "'-"'"'"t to be followed by
Hr. J. S. llewev, wan married last week ' H ,,"l":w- Vfrvlnaly cordially invited
at Canbv. Modoc tr, Miss I'.er.ii, l" ('"",! a'"1 ''"etH as the Slipper
i j i ------ -
spe. ted and held ill high e-teein.
cea-ed was a brother of Mrs. John lb-id
and his age was about "1 years. The
young man had been in ill health for a
long time, but recently typhoid fever
attacked him and his frail constitution
could not w ithstand the ravages of that
disease, to w hich he succu m bed on Sat ur
day evening hist. The funeral occurred
at New Line ('reek on Sunday.
17. j O
lohn ; r
M 1 TH
;KU' l'(.V.K l MM'', KK
AJDfifiKU l'M,(HI.l?t(; Xi (I
A. M. SMITH Proprietor.
I' iidcr I lie new ni;iiiii;ciiM'iit litis v
;, ....vv- : i i ,m.m.i, ' Flour, Bran, Shorts
cusloiiicrs Willi Ihi' iM'st el
iiml is paying liilicst prico forrain
Corn meal, Germea.
I'ope, a belle of Modoc county.
John Leiil and farnily, of New Line
Creek, have returned borne after aeveral
months visit at liiiihardsou Springs,
I'.utte county, Cal., where they went for
Mr. Keid'H health. We understand that
they are all much improved in health.
Cupid (iuutlier is doiiijj a great luihi-
ness in marriage licenses, and making
people happy, and ban added something
new to bin stock in the way of some
will be a basket supper. The entertain
ment and dance are for the benefit of a
Christmas tree. Lxhibition will begin
al 7 :.'i(J o'clock hharp.
Mvhti.k Smith and
North Winner ICoail.
T. A. Crump, the Hoad KuiHirviHor of
North Warner, wan in Lakeview Mon
day and called on The Kxamincr. Mr.
Is autiful marriage certiflcateH. When Crump ban done Home faithful work in
you call for your llcetiHe, ask to nee them, j his section, the most important purt of
Ira Venator bus bought the improve- v.i -h is the grade over tho rimrock
inentH on part of the Caw Ifield ranches, j leading to Catlow valley. lie ban coin
near the Narrows, and mudo filings Ml pleted tho grade about half-way up the
1W acres as a homi btead. Miss Kose niountaln, and nays when it is finished
Orders Promptly Filled. Try the New Management, h
Hello Central !
Give me Field's Store!
Where has he moved to?
Venator also took up Home laud in that
neighborhood, Bays the liurns Times-Herald.
to the Huijimit it will be a very good
road, over w hich a load of 2,000 pounds
can easily be drawn.
CENTRAL; "Why Into the hand
some new brick, corner of Main
and Court streets where he has
the finest line of carefully selected
(ioods of every description ever
shipped to Lakeview., Everybody
says Field's is the cheapest place
to buy goods in town. Talk about
saving- events, why you can save
dollars at Field's. What every
body says must be so.