fiake Count OBsamtnetr PMIhd Evry Tharaday BEACH & AVGARREY Editors and Proprietors Masonic BullJInf (One Year, $2.00 TERMS: Six Month. 1.00 (Three Month. 50 THE CHINESE PROBLEH. The ruin of tlit Knsoian Kmpire in now predicted, and it is the Russian press that so predicts this terrihle calamity to it country. The"Kossiya," leading journal of St. Petersburg, cay that the Cninese trouble " threaten to ruin the Russian Kmpire." If the power, it i added, continue their pres ent policy, China w ill le unable to pay a money indemnity, and consequently the power will demand and secure mining, railroad and commercial eon cessions, which will result in the di vision, of the Chinese Kmpire into spheres of influence and, ultimately, in to the partition of China, in pite of the assurances of the power to the contrary. The Chinese, it is further asserted, in- dignantly, will emigrate to Siberia, and ; the "yellow hortle will again "precipi tate itself tow anl Kuroean Russia, which will sink to the position of second rate poaer. The other ower probably will le satisfied with thi eventually, their interests U-ing solely commercial." The Novoe Vremya finds the situation even worse, and say the powers must act independently. Henceforth, it as terts, each power must 1-ear the re- j sponsibility of its own army. It is true j that the English journals in Japanese ports have endeavored to convince the J Japanese, with some success, that they i can easily vanquish the Russians. The ; present campaign, however, gave the J armies of the two powers an opportuni ty to learn and esteem each other. The Novoe Vremya says : "Russia and Ja pan will dictate the future of East Asia." The English press has lieen severe in its criticisms upon the attitude of the United States telative to the Chinese complications, based "upon the uo reliable advices of their American cor respondents. After careful inquiry , . , . the6e correspondents are found to com- oletely misunderstand the policy of the i J ' ' L IlllC'l t lH.n. A,O.T W,ViiOO...W . , j high protective tariff ; stand for the not interposed any obstacle to an agree- ,.()Iltr ()f tril(l8 aml t.OIII,i,ieH by meth- ment among the powers at Pekin, but, ,,,1,1 not oppressive ; deiiiand an enlarge on the contrary, Mr. Conger has been i ment of the (lowers of the Interstate instructed frequently and in urgent Commer-e Commission ami the liberal ,. : improvement of harlsirs; insist on local terms to do everything possible to bring ' ... . .. ' - : delf goveriimeiit, and let the next prei- als-ut a speedy agreement. This govern-; ja, t.uriliillatw remain at home dur ment txik no part in the expedition to ; wi tl(, campuig'ti." I'ao Ting Fu, but it made no protest' Should this advice lie taken by the againi-t it, and has given no expression Democrat it will mean that the party of opinion to the other power us to its , w ill follow on lines almost identical to propriety. The L'nited States govern- those of the Republican party. In this ment agrees with the powers in de- j ,.aHe pryan will doubtless drift toward tnandiritf severe and swift punishment the doctrines of "Social Democracy," as of the principal wrong-doers, indemnity : advocated by Debs and Altgeld. for the past and security for the future, j . It does not, however, at this time arid! H seems that a standing army is distance, presume to decide who are the I necessary in Kentucky to keep the peace, most guilty, what punishment must be j No other state in the Union so disgraces inflicted in each particular case and j and debases itself as does the boasted what sentences are possibleof execution. The United States is in accord with the powers to exact a reparation from China which is wholly within the power ol China to grant, and no more. These corre-s,ndents of the English press should be "muzzled" as it is evident they woud like to create dissension in the general arrangement of the Chinese difficulty. WOKK FOI4 THE FOOL-KILLER "Jesus Christ, Thomas Jefferson and W. J. iiryan will live in the hearts of the true men and women until the end of time. To repudiate either one would be to repudiate all three. They will be the illustrious trio in the world's his tory." " Kentucky," correspondent from (J rant's Pass in Medford Enquirer. Then Christ has been repudiated along with lirymi. It's a wonder that "Ken tucky" did not include Kentucky state in the list, and put Krytn I fore the Sin of (iod. The fool-killer should make a trip to Grant's Puss. COMMISSIONER HERHANN. A telegram from Washington under date of Nov. IS, announce the rcsigna t ion of Hon. liiniter Hermann, Com missioner of the General I-ni! Otlice. Mr. Hermann i a candidate to succeed Mr. Mcllride a Senator from Oregon. The hitter' term exj-irea on Marih 4, next. Mr. Hermann feels confident of hi ability to w in the seat, and ha asked President McKinley to name a Commissioner to succeed him within three month. Mr. Hermann has many warm supporter in the state, but there appear to be a great opposition to hi candidacy in some quarters, particularly in Portland. The Orcgonian i a titter enemy of the Commissioner, as i of course the Telegram. The dispatch say there i a doubt in Washington among Oregonians about Hermann tciug able to win. It is announced in this con nection that President McKinlev lie-1 lieve in Mr. Hermann' sincerity of pur- Mise, and has promised the Cotnmission ership to a well know n Minnesota man. Mr. Hermann declines to say whether or not the rumors of his contemplated retirement and Candidacy for the Sena torship is nuthentic. If true there will no doubt lie a bitter contest, for the Clllini,iolwr i(l t ,lIy a ,mr ticularly fortunate man in politic and a brainy man, but he is a hard tighter as well. In connection with thi rumor, Commissioner Hermann advise a friend in Salem that w hile he visited the Presi dent immediately after the election, and Mr. McKinley expressed hi gratifies- tion at the splendid vote given him in Oregon Ian increase of nearly 12.000 over that of four years ago) no mention of hi resignation was made to the President, nor was anything said regarding the Senatorial situation in Oregon. So there you have it ! Congressman Caterings Advice. Congressman Catchings of Mississippi (gives the Democrats this advice: "Drop free silver, drop fnsionism, drop the cry of government by injunc tion, drop the cry of imperialism and militarism, drop all discussion alioiit the Philippines until peace has been re- I stored ; drop appeals to the passions and preiudi "es of the idle ami discontented ; i revive the Federal question of taxation ; ! , i .1 n . l . .i . I teach the Democratic doctrine that peo- ! I'le cannot U- made rich hy taxing them ; j .1 .1... t i i il-'-UII lilt' lUtlillirill HIMJ WrUIip Ol U 'blue-blood"s.tate. Murder.iold-bl xxled, dastardly murder, stalks abroad in that state, and no man is safe to express an honest opinion. If such a thing were possible, the right of state government i should be taken from Kentucky and a protectorate placed over it. Another clash is imminent between the Federal ani Mate authorities mere over the re cent gross election frauds. This is only the la-ginning of another prolonged anil bitter contest in Kentucky. The ISlue (irass State is certainly earning, with its repeated assassinations and ignoble deeds, tfie reputation of " The Dark and bloody Ground." Just now that state is a disgrace to the Union. ()ur good friends of Lake county who have not yet figured out that a creamery would be a well-paying industry, hut who are sitting down and waiting pa tiently for other fortunes to come along and smile on them, are apt to have need of soft cushions. Now for that Nicaraguan Canal ! 1 1 6 AT THE COIPT IIOLSE . Business Transactions round on the County Records. I Rrtordi of Important kUiln P1rd I IV Good Book ; loMAtlkrmSifclali. roMI'H.KI) BY VM. (,t NTIiKK. t'l.KHK. 1 The following transactions were re- i corded in the oll'ce of the ('utility Clerk ; of Lake county from Novcmlier 1, l'.HR), 1 1 to November 17, 1000, inclusive: LIKKDS KKCOHIIICU. November 2 C. C and Plant-he Can-' noli to Frank and Nettie Cannon Pieee of land at New Pine Creek ; consider- ation, l'.)5. November 4 L. T. Hhodes to Thomas .'I'-'irawi psi acr's in woose ume vmi- . ri)II,i,,.rn,i,,Mi h). "November ft-Mary .1.' Hammersley to ii ii . i.... I .., ;.. I .l....;..... . i . II. I lilllllllvl l, 1,1 III i,.i.vnrn f consideration, U'iO. November ft J. S. Field et ux to I-akeview Islge No. lili, I. O. (). F. 1 Support of second story huildiuk. I.ake-I view ; consideration, fl. I November M California A Oregon' Land Company to William Harvey lftUU acres of land, loose I.ake valley; con sideration, t:blh'i- ; November 12 John McKlhinnev in d : Ida K. Koss (trustees estate of Id K Uoss) to II. U. Duidip Lot in l.iko-l view; . on-ideratiou. fto'.). j Novcmlier lft J. 1. and Karne Ton-I ningsen to i. Schlagel Lot in Lukeview i undivided one hall interest); consider-j ation, fT.'si. November 111 fcicorgc II. Ayres et ux and J . 11 . Toiiniiigsen et ux to (ieorej Jainmerthul Lot in Lakeview j con sideration, $ 100. ( Novcmlier 17 Charles llutchiiiH to C. ( K. CampU'll It in Paisley; consider-, ation, f 1 00. MOHTOAOKH, KKA I.TY. November 5 William Sweeney et ux to Ctesfler A Poiiner Land in South Warner (1'iO a:res); consideration, f:trf. ' November ft Thomas Ferris to J. D. Filler Land in South Warner VM'.I' acres) ; consideration, flHM). November VA J. K. Field et ux to William Harvey lirick building and lot, ' Lakeview, consideration, fJ.tHHi. ! November PI P. W. Jones et ux to : Lulu Corum Land in Silver Lake; con- j sideration, f200. Novemla-r 17 (i. Schlagel et ux to J. II. 'lonningseii lyot in Lakeview (un-i i"iyi.ieii one-nan interest); consider-1 HIIOII, f MOIITOAflKH, (IIATTKI.. November 7 George H. Pogne to! Hank of Lakeview 7ft head of steers; onsideralion, f'100. November 7 li. W, Hartman to Iiank of Lakeview M bales of wool ; con sideration, fHOO. November 12 Manuel Sanders to J. L. Coleman 1,100 stock sheep and in crease; consideration, X!8.U7. November 12 L. K. MeCulley to J. S. Coleman IUH) head of stock sheep and increase; consideration, f 570. "it. November 13 J, W, JSrown to J. S. Field DM) head of sheep; consideration, fr00. Our esteemed contemporary, the Ilar eney Valley Items, advertises in its last issue a "neck-tie social" to be hold at Uurns. What! Is the good Prother Cochrane going to hang what is left of the Populist puity of Harney? We make Prospertiy a Fact to our Customers How? 1 1 y gitK flii'in tin1 most for tluir money. No iiintt-r bow )ht$ or bow small ii intti'n income it -lx tt 11 be nnut run-fully that i where it will oldiiin best value. A we have often Hit i tl trashy pxiil uro r nt nny price. Our I urge business Ihim Imcii built tip by Hi lling reliable lry fj.iotln lit close ricc. Never hiive wo been luoro thoroughly i iiiijijie to eeri e our customer Until thi fall. Wo t hnllen" cninpnriMoii of hio1h uikI price. BAILEY & MASSING ILL, ...THE PIONEER STORE... -i- j) Everybody likes a good meal and all know Sib THE EXCHANGE' CTS. SIB HARBER, Main St., Ijkcview Uwr C.Xi00'XMXKHXWOOOO5 W.D.W00DC0CK BLACK5HITH HORSESHOER All work done on short no. tice; guarantee satisfaction .-I1 g 1N(JK I Or OKIiKA IIUIDU j2 Stopf tha Cough and Work oil the Cold. Laxative Itromotiuinine Tablets cure ' a cold in one day. No cure no pay, :M-lyr Price 2ft cents. At freiMient intervals for three davs and niiihts snow has fallen in Goose i Lake Valley and nt Ibis wriling, to i i.... . :.. i:.. ..I...... eillllTl.onV IIIOIIOHU, I w ll.n hiihiil pia ( inches deep on (he level, and anywhere from ii fool to twenty inches in tint dr ills. The storm hasdoiiblle-s reached the desert, which will be joy for the sheepmen. When you go to Klamath Falls don't fail to see C. D. Wilson the popular caterer at the Gem saloon, lie carries the finest stock TYi town and will treat . ',u .. t t 1.. . I ..I.. - you num. t iioui'iii is vn o.iiiur ics.u i. i Try the Hermitage whisky tl.ere. 2ft tf l u W I 6 5 he superintends all o the COOKING herself do there for a l ine Meal Special Inducement of fered for board by the week or by the month Proprietress north ol Coullrr Co'. Mc n.rfcet Aluminum 1 STEEL RANGES e AIR TK1MT IIIlATflRS 3 Anil rvrrylhlng In HARDWARE 1 ...AT. T. J. M A.I I ETON'S E i,Aivi:vu:v- II ATtl I GEO. H. STEVENS, Proprietor. 1.1'Kvcii l.iilievlcw MoiiiUvh mill fc'rl- llH - ItfllirillllK, I-UVfH 1'llldll Tllt-H- iIh)h uinl Hiiiurilnyn, it I 7n'i loik h.iii. l urries l'iisni'iu(i'r, I'm kio-ih Hint Kn lKlil. HI'Ai.K OKI'K K lliill. j A MunhIiikIII.ii SKiri', Lakeview, Oregon. A4t Jie? SCM 1 Afl P I VJ. zzzz HAS MOVRD INTO HIS .NEW STORE WITH A COnPU-Tl! UNI: Ol' V;,? arness oaddleo ardware utove 0 g 0 ...I'm In It... s II See me for bargains g w tf .f r lf f . . . &$SK'i$'$ V-J !