Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 22, 1900, Image 2

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    fioU Count tf Sramlner
PubllBd Every TnrUy
Editors and Proprietor
MuMk BIMtfif
(One Year. $2.00
TERMS: Six Months. . I-1
(ThreMontha. 30
Th linn rnuiet.t of Morocco has
. i . th- Hmn.l. of net increase of M7,AV.3JW in
..I v..,- f. tl... nivment of I ' ' ,1"lt the deficiency of
mc v itni ..- i
au indemnity on account of the killing
This has leen moot rooirou year
for tit American Republic. Th annual
report of Trauirr Klli II. Kotwrta, on
the operation and conditinn of the
treasury, was submitted to Secretary
lint; on, the 12th insr Mr. Kolerts
says th grow th and prosperity of the
CMintrr and the general activity of busi
ness are reflected in the transaction! of
his ullice. The ordinary revenuea of the
Government for the fiscal year were
.'xi7,2Wii, the largest in the history
of the country, excepting those of I'.
On the side of expenditures there was a
mm pari
IS'.i.ML.VO for that year was een verted
into a surplus of 7V.527.SW in I mm.
by a mob of Man us F.essigian, natural
tied American citiren. The last request
. i . l.- - i.u.1 tt. ('iinl ( ,nm-
","""r"J . . , ., of Ashland, who has been at
mec, and the latest tteciinauon oi me
Government of Morocco was ao unpan
ieit bv an intimation of its freedom from
liabihty under the termsofthe convention j
between Morocco and Spain. The state j
department at Washington has conic to
the nni-lnsion that the Consul's repre-
It is reported that Hon. Max Pracht, j
Kl Paso, !
i Texas. fr a nuiiiticr of months past as a !
j special agent of the treasury department, i
j has resigned his sisilion ; the resign- (
ti.,1, . take effect on the 30th inst. Mr.
i j
Pracht was appointed in the early day J
of the McKinley administration as aj
Mentations w ill !e more effective if he is i
special agent of the land department.
I You see all kinds of advertisements in 3
a Newspaper.
One ftllov attempts to tell you that h has more j;ootl po.s
in a -xl than all the balance of the stores in Lake county,
while the other fellow trlls you he has the prettiest store in
the county, etc., etc. Let those fellows talk to their heart's
content, while they talk wo do the business. A glance at
our place of business will conduce you that we lo less
talking and more business than any store in the Co.
8upirted morally by .he presence, in
Moroccoan waters, of a I'nited States war
rhis field o( lalxir U ing in Oregon. He j
wa afterwards trati-ferred to New Mexi- j
co, and in a few months promoted to his j
present position in the treaurv depart
ment, with headquarters at K.I Paso.
ship, and it is probable he will niatel
bis visit to Fez to again present the case
itit a encer on a vessel to ! selected j
bytheNavv iK partment for that pur-1 T,,,.r,. art. nlni,,r!, ,,( Ganges in Presi
pose, which will proceed to the port ( M.-Kinlev's cabinet, but none will
l made in any event until after the 4th
of March next. Secretary of Mate ll.iy
Oct our prices before you buy your
fall supplies. We will save you money
nea.est to the Morocco capital. This i ;
as it should be. Uncle Sam allows no;
nation, however great, to step on the ; ( Alll,,a.a ,lur , ,e r(lrt ,.(
tail of his c-at, and the small fry should s, ' j.. Secretary U-.t and Mr.
lie no exception to the rule. The proud
Sultan should lie made to pay his just
due", and that forthwith. In this con
nection, if we rctneuiWr correctly, there
is another Sultan who" refuses to pay
what he oa-es us, and after collecting
the bill at Morocco the vessel should
carry Uncle Sam's collector down to
Turkey and take up that other account.
These Sultans are extreme' y "in-Sultan"
and should be taken dow n a .eg.
("hoate are lHth mentioned in connec
tion with the of lice of Secretary of State.
Secretaries t iage and are said to
desire retirement, but there is no
certainty that they will Is- allowed to
!o. President McKinley, it is said, de
sires no change in his present cabinet.
! letters jfrom
I Zk people.
1 I VI KJ V LL LJ STORI; ni-ar old situ
It is n s:ife nredictloli that II tl
IVm.ratic party is reorganised and the hatic and pyrotechnic polmcs which, 1
, , . . hope, w ill do it gsiil.
management of the new organization ,s .( ri(,
placed in the hands of men of soind )( ,.a.rilll h1(tt u.,i and get back
judgment, it w ill lie on lines similar to ', ,0 , ,,1 urincifles.
i The Iemocrutic party, on the Mb of
this month, received a lesson in acro-
The Prvanites now in control of the
IVm-H-ratij party propose to continue j tll((!J4, o( Uie uui.iican party and the i For the la-t four ears it has U-en run
that control if they can. The present
.Iemocra!ic National Committee has en
giged rooms in the Security IluiHing,
Chicago, and intends to keep up the
liryan propaganda until the next Nation
al convention. The cardinal principle
of party faith laid down will lie that no
Iemoc:ats, ex.vpt those who vorked
and voted for Hi van, are entitled to any
Voice in the rniurij'Tnent of the party,
and ail w ho i-ither ai led in the succesi.
of McKinley or r -fu-ed to take part in
issues upon w I
hi.h the battle four vears ! by pretenders; its fuMlamctal pr.nci-
. i ,.i.... I ..I . i,M ,iifi.-liiiiire trained
hence w ill lie fought w ill not la; so dia- ' ' '.. ,
; to serve the ambition of chronic, com-
metrically in opposition mother words, ! (,ajni.r ; j, agencies emploved to sow
the new organization w ill pr' liahlv stand l xn- seels of unrighteous discontent and
national di-hoiior.
on more tenable ground, and
avoid all false i.ue or try to.
The Prii.t-ville Journal truthfully
-ays: Political affairs having reached a
sint where they w ill remain at a lest
for a voiiple of year-, everyone can now
turn his attention to developing the ii ho- that the grand party will
turn over a new ieaf. It is necessary
that there should U- two great , holiest,
contending political parties nccrsnary
for the stability of American institution-'.
I hoie, therefore, to see the
lii inorratic party restored to its one
time legitimacy; lis honest leaders rein-
liverythinK in the line of Oents' l:urnishin Cioods
MATS and CAI5, 0L0VI-S, l;TC.
BLANKETS and COMPORTERS for Cold Weather
....C. H. DUNLAP....
. l :. . I ... ...... . .1 . .1 iu If 'i i I'M n ml
th campaign will I e dubled -traitors" ' (.((,1Iltr. iliri,u.,y i-,,provi.,g his ; M.xt Iir(.ri(,(.ntiil el.,.,ion fought out
and refused admission to the party, t eondittoii. Witii another fouryears illt.H ( principle ; national H,liries
iich Ie:n'MT.its as lion Iickinson, ))( .,r,,,M.r ,tv it.Mlr..d, with t.lenty of 1 not national fears and distrust, threats,
.larue- II. l.cklesani .itherw. w lio active! v
opposed the elect ion of liryan,
will !
money awaiting investment, with almost imcnaiism ami apis-ais ... en , ....
lice aid Mise passions, nnn .ir.j
Manuu I'aly, the well known mining'
upetator and ii.ulti inlllioiiaire of Mon- 1
tana, ified in New York Nov. 11, aged "!
unlo'iiided iiatural resources there seems
noreamwhy Pastern Oregon should
not go forward by leap-, and hounds.
Many of the sheepmen of Lake county
can now see their wav clear of diflicul-
jears. Jieceased was a large owner in ; ties disaster that stared them in the
face prior to the recent election. They
see their wool and sheep holding up in
prices that make their business, a paying
industry and that will bring them out
of debt in the coming four years.
the celebrated Anaconda Copper mine
and held large interests in other valu
able mining proerties. He was a
jiower in politics in his htate, and his in
fluence was strong enough to keep W. A.
Clark, out of the C. S. Senate after the
latter's election by the Mnontana legis
lature. Daly wan Clark's most bitter
political rival, and while the latter may
in a measure regret his opponent's
death, now that he is
The business men, and in fact the
whole people of Portland, are alive to the
proposition of holding an Exposition in
VM2 that will scarcely be ourpassed by
gone, he may j anything ever held on the Pacific Coast.
lioj-e that he w ill get a taste of the Ha
des that Daly gave Clark in politics dur
ing his lifetime.
The riftWB of the decision of the Com
missioner of the General Ijtnd Office
was first read by Warner Settlers in The
Examiner. Copies, of the last issue of
this patier were sent to South Warner
by private parties, ami the news spread
rapidly throughout the valley. The
oettleia are not perturbed over the ad
verse decision, however, as they pin
their faith, in the justness of their
cause, to the judgment of the higher
Lincoln, Nebraska, gave McKinley a
plurality of 1003. The figures "10" neein
to haunt Mr. Bryan wherever lie turns.
An exposition of this magnitude would
advance the entire Northwest.
Dii.k Croker, the Tain many boss, is
now up against the real thing. He lost
New York state for liryan and now the
police department of Greater New York
in to be wrested from the control of Tam
many which tneariH the political down
fall of Croker.
Hearst, w ith his three big newspapers,
wants to reorganize the Democratic
party. Iet Willie manage it and the
Hearse will sure enough be called into
action to carry the remains to the politi
cal graveyard.
Portland's police now patrol the city
without pay.
fair-minded American knows do not ex
ist. The Pepublican party last Tuesday
was indebted to tholl-ands of Democrats,
the hind over, who saw their party drag
ged at the wheels of demagogy and false
issues; insane and impractical ideas ad
vanced ; its old principles deserted, and
its traditions pushed aside. Thousands
of these Democrats could not stain! idle
on one side and see their country dis
honored ; its financial system prostrated
at the altar of a fad; its industries
paralyzed, and its foreign sdicy made a
mockery and a by-word in the mouths
of the nations of the earth.
Kather than endure such dishonor
these Denis:rats came boldly to the
front and clasped hands w ith their one
time political foes and put their country
above partisanship and voted for William
' Your humble servant is of the opin
ion that his party could not have won
this year no matter who would have
len its standard-bearer; for, as Old
Joe Wheeler remarked the other day
I fif
! W
Manufacturer of the Celebrated
THEIR OWN prices;
Biune reason growers are holding wool
off the market. It is something that
w ill keep, and they are in no hurry to
j sell as long as they have plenty of cash
BECAUSE THEY ARE PROSPEROUS , in tl" ir l"-kets.
Overstocked -Supply ol Cattle Not
Equal tn the Demand.
"Sheepmen are prosperous ami out of
debt. Ina nutshell, that is the reason
they are not selling at present prices."
This statement was made by a repre
sentative of one of the largest buying
and it was well said "No party w,1 fj,,g j the United (stales, . I. Fleming,
successfully carries a war to a victorious of Kva)( Hlli,)uri jtuu (;01 of Chi
end will be defeated for the term follow- Hay t)l0 jortiH,,d Telegram. In
ing," but with different lea.lers we woulljor(er to .)rovi(i against a recurrence of
not have been so disgracefully defeated.
I,oris Gkiiiikh
LoHKi.r.A, Ore., Nov. 1H, PXX).
All men who are afflicted with lame
hack, pain in the chest, constipation,
liver or kidney troubles and nervous
ness, should enclose postage stamp to
T. ( . Little, Lakeview, Oregon, for 128
page book, "How the Electropoise Cures
Without the Use of Medicine."
The lest method of cleansing the
liver is the use of the famous little pills
known as DeU'itt's Little Karly Hisers.
Kasy to take. Never gripe. Lakeview
Drug Co.
The immense local demand, in other
words, the demand of the Northwest,
A Chicago Buyer Says the Ranges Are Not cuts a pretty big figure in the market at
large. This is more noticeable regard
ing cattle than sheet). In certain
classes of stock the supply is not equal
to the demand. There are not enough
one and two-year-olds to supply your
local market, let alone the outside mar
ket. Why, your butchers and buyers
In Portland, Seattle and Spokane are
rounding up the Montana ranges in their
efforts to fill orders. Then they talk
about the ranges lieing overstocked.
Such talk makes me impatient. I dare say
that for every jaiund of mutton bought
iu the Northwest by the local butchers,
it costs them a cent a pound dressed."
The present market quotations in
Chicago, Mr. Fleming said, are 4 jar
hundred for sheep, $5.25 per hundred
for lambs, 5.05 per hundred for top
This is the season, when mothers are
alarmed on account ol the croup. It is
quickly cured, by One Minute Cough
Cure, which children like totuke. Lake
view Drug Co.
present conditions the firm is seriously
contemplating stocking a largo farm for
itself in the Middle West.
"It is a mistake," said Mr. Fleming,
"to suppose that the ranges in Oregon
and Washington are overstocked. These
ranges are not overstocked. They are
in good condition. The sheepmen, too,
are in good condition, financially, and do
not have to sell unless they want to.
Until they get in debt again, which does
not seetn likely under a McKinley ad
ministration, they are not likely to sell
unless they get their price. For the