Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 15, 1900, Image 7

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    . " V
tkAti ktt hint i ti i,U it Utt t .XXiJU.i.JJl..tJ-A.iLJ.lJU.JUU. ?
Frank (ionthrr went to California on
a vinil IiinI week.
Dr. J. S. Dewey Ik now located tcrnim
rarily nt Adin, Oil., practicing li in pro
(cinn. JiHt Morrow hih! W. M . Cmier were
in from Warner Friday. Joe wasn't
talking mi1 1 1 ii'H.
W. K. Harry recently purchael 10.1
I if(l I ill NtiM'k cattle Iriiin Steve Young of
Kix'k Creek, paying f'.M ier head.
Charlie HIkhIih, nf Cognwell Creek,
wa in Ijikcvicw hint week necking mcdi--nl
attention (r t'Murrli of tin hand.
Mr. Hint Mm. . I, (i. Walter attended
tint wedding nf Mr. KlipH-l nmt Mi
Fowler at Summer jiki nil (In) "ill iunt.
When that tired feeling ( omen along,
widi'triuk it w itli Jenne Moore ".A"
tint lienl in the Uii'l. tiro Jiiiniiii'rllitil
milt agent.
J. C. Oliver ha pon-haned the ntrip
ul 1 1 r 1 containing eight acre lying
pint north ol town, funnel ly owned by
It. K. Funk.
II you travel, (lull, liiml or play golf
Vour CullMallt companion lliollii lie
Jenne Mm, re. ii'o. Jhiiiiiii-i lllrtl toll!
Superintendent Smith ol I In- I', much
ill Harney county ha returned home
niter h viw t in I-iike rounty and North
ern California.
A fellow oiii'i' ni . "I want some
w hmkey . mnl 1 want it had ;" an tliev
ilnln't give liim Jcnno Mooro. tieo Jam
incrlhnl mile agent.
C. W. 1 N-iit wa in fnun ii Ft.
Warner lat week, uikI, licmdc wearing
the iinital habiliment, wore a pronierity
nuulc over the eleetioii returim.
Ifc-Witi'n Little Early Ittner are the '
Ih-hI liver pllln ever iitHile, F.any to take
ami never griie. l-akeview Drug t'o.
K. K. I link iiml mm led hint week lor
Itall Ferry. Shimta rounty, California, i
with a IimkI ol hornea which they vx- j
Kct to well ill Shanla. Win. Lamb1
anninled in the illive. 1
Miirln! Well, I nhoiild Minile. Ueiid i
the new iiiiiioiiiicfiiieiit ol Ahlnlroln .
Jlron. in thin innile then o unil nee lor
Mm. I'aiiii'l I'm M me unil Mm. I'. t.
I'leliiml raii.e oer from I'liinh hint
Thiirmliiy In have nome ilental woik
pi-rforinixl ly lr. lemoreit, ami alno
to vinit with (rieinln for a few layn.
I'onl A Kmu hint it hig nliH k in the lire
tint thev have unother iunt an koikI. Fine
liiiiorn ami ritfum ; A. It. ('. Iieer. 1'inler
the owra hoiine.
William llanilh y, nto khuyi r in Har
ney, han purihaneil 4'H( heinl of heel
Irom the Smnoii ranch ami lOXiheiiil from
Mr. ami Mm. .lumen MrMinne have
nioveil into their new resilience in North
To prevent connumptioii iiiickly cure
throat ami wtt troiihlen with (hie Min
ute CoiikIi ('lire. Lakeview I'niK Co.
(icomc M. Jonea came down from
I'ainley lant Thtimday with the eleetioii
return of thai precinct. Mr. June in
hiKhly elated over the renult of the elec
tion, Hint in very prom! of the hi( I'.e
piihlicaii majority Lake county rcgin
tered. Ili itli iniiker ami circulator of conn
tcili iln commit Iraud. Ilonenl men will
not deceive you into ImyiliK worlhlenn
counterfeit nl iH'Will'' W itch ilar.i-1
halve. The original in iiilallihh) (or cur-in-
pilen, mjiirii n, eczema and ek III din
eancn. Ijikcvicw lriitf (.'.
No other pilln can eipial iHWitt'
Little J-.arly Hmer lor prmiiptnenn, cer
laintv and elliciency. lakeview J'rux
S. & W.
20cts Can
Armour' Convassed Hams
Breakfast Bacon
Leaf Lard
Self-Rislnjr Buckwheat Flour
J l-l pound packaf.
Buckwheat Flour, 10 lb ack
Grape Nuts, Postum Ceral,
Sa polio and Savon Soap
Pearline and Oold Dust Wash
in Powders
Canned and Dried Fruits of all
Canned Vegetables, Etc.
I5cts Can
j F. T. tirohn, the wealthy ntm kmiiii
from Lanxfll valley, wan in town hint
week, uccoinpaiiied hy hi noli, on liuni-
lien N-foiit the Imal land oflice. Mr.
(iroli and family will leave for their
! w inter home, in Aiilmrn, Cal., alnnit the
! loth inntaiit.
; IVWitl'n Witch Hazel Salve will
I n irk ly heal the wornt huriii and wiild '
i and not h-tue a m ar. It can he applied !
to cut and taw Mirfaccn with prompt The land in Ijike county, known a
ami ..n.w.iiiK eii.i l. i ne ii or pnen ami the i.roiK-rlv of The Oreifon and Cali
fornia I-hiiiI Company, ha Ummi in liti
Kuiion for yearn, and in now in a fair
At any
it. iliey are under the oiier limine, rale tne piinnc na nuuicieni coniKienie
Call ami nee them. '."J in the outcome to invent in thene landa,
Kill liarry w a in from 1'lunh lant week Binl naleii are now In-iiiK
Miller A Lane and Wm. Harvey Buy
Land Near Lakeview
PurchaM Mad Fran Tha Oregon A Calllor
nla Land Company A((rcfit 2i4o Acraa
and In Money $7,016.
The finest up-to-date line in Town
nkiu dini-tiw. Ili-marc of worthlei
couiitcl li lln. Lakeview Iru Co.
V !.... u ..... I... H....I JL
Kim, il. mmolar .li..M..,N.rH. .r.. mill in . X f elear.-d up a to title.
r- i - - -
till? lHr4
ncekiiiK to purchane all the Itryau hut
ton he could get. Hill fayn he wan not
nure of the renult until he heard from
i'liinh and New York and Irew 'n valley
and Chicago, and when he heard from
Hull 1'rairie he thought it wa time to
Torturiinr nkin emotion, hiirnn and
Hore are niMilheil at once and promptly 'id w"1 f!LH4tl.
heahil hv applvintf IleWitt'n Witch William llarveV
1 1 axe I Salve, the In-nt known cure for
pili-n. Iteware of worthlen counter
leit. lakeview lruu Co.
Lant Thumday a deed to t40 acre of
land wan tiled in the office of the Clerk
of Ijike county, the section having been
nold hy the Oregon and California I-and
CompHiiy to Miller tV Lane of I-akeview.
The laud in nitilated jilt went of the
jke County Agricultural Society's race
track, adjoining the town, and the price
Callow valley, nold hy Catluw limn., I.
L. Shiik and Andrew Spangc nherg.
Thin in the ni'imoii when mothern nri
ahirmed on arconnt ol the cmii
oiiicklv cured hy
It in
Hue Minute
Cure, which clulilreli like lolaKc
view I rug Co.
All mhcin of Lakeview Camp, No.
.'i-'ii, W. 1 . W., are carncntly reipiented
to attend the next regular meeting,
Wednenilay, Nov. .'l, I'.Mi. an huninenH
ol great iniiMirtiiuce will come liefore the
When von want prompt acting little
pilln thiil'nevcr gripe line PeWitt n Little
Farly liim-rn. Lakeview Prug Co.
Charlie ScnnioiiH arrived from South
Warner hint Wcdm-mlay evening with
lite election retunia of that precinct.
SeMHioiia naid he knew how the county
wan going when he looked at McKinley'
inajority in South Wurner.
The heft method of cleaiiHiiig the
liver in the line of the fainoun litt le pilln
known an H.-WittV Little I'.arly liinern.
Fany to take. Never gripe. Lakeview
rug Co.
J. A. Ilarham, one of the runtling
laucheiH of Chewatu an, wan in Lake
view lant ThurHilay after u load of w ire,
with which to improve hi place. Mr.
Hiirhani huh mirprined at the wonderful
Htriilcn Lakeview luia inade Hince the
hig lire, lie biivh I'liinley in a k"ooil nee
olid in the improvement line, and that
the W. O. W. hull in alumni completed.
Sjiencer Chihlern of Medfoid, Oregon,
wa killed at liohl Hill, Nov. :id, while
trying to alight Imm a Southern 1'ai ilic
j freight train. iK-eeaneil and another
I young man Uianli-d the train to go to a
i ihince in ( iold i I ill, hut after the train
nlarteil found that it would not halt at
that plice, no they were climhing off
j when the train wan going at 1M mile an
; hour, and young Childern fell under the
wheeln and wan cut into piecen. He
j wun a relative of Contractor Childern of
j Lakeview .
j Many people woriy liecaimc they he
! lieve they have lu-art dincimf. The
I chaucen are that their heartn are all
right, hut their nlomachn are uiiahlc to
digi nt foml. Kmlol Jyni'pnia Cure di-
gentn what Volt eat and prevenin the
formation of ga which make the ntom
ai l i pren auaiunt the heart. It will cure
every form of indigestion. Lakeview
l'rug Co.
han alno purchased
from thin company two and a half nec
tioun or LIXX) acre o( land, nituatinl ad
joining hi ranch at the head of (ioone
Ijike valley, north of lakeview. The
price aid wun 3,lHo. (
Thin land being connidered a cafe in
ventmeut, and, having been thrown on
the market for nale, will iloubtleng be
nold out readily at leant a greater part
of it and very likely actual settlers
from ontnide w ill come to Ijike :ounty
to make purchane. The Oregon and
California I.and Company is annenned in
Lake county for llYi, )!. acre or nearly
1M nei'tiniiH. Thin would accom miniate
an hundred or more tut tier with Miiall
If you ever have Been a child in the
iigoiiv ol croup vou can realize how
...Ahlstrom Bro's The Monogram...
Hunters Should Read ThU.
A digest of the game law s of Oregon,
which effects this country east ol the
Cawaden, in: Spotted fawn protected
at all timea ; deer protected from Nov. 1,
to July 15th ; elk until 1910; silver gray
squirrel protected January let to Oct.
1st ; quail or "bob white" protected at
all times; grouse, November 1st to Aug.
1st; prairie chickens, November loth to
Septemlier 1st. It is against the law to
export deer or deer hides at any time,
for purpose of sale also quail, grouse,
wild duck, goose or swan. Penalty for
big game f 100 to t-iOO and costs, or im
prisonment ; for birds, f 15 to f200, or
imprisonment 7 to 100 days or both fine
and imprisonment. Hunters, arid those
w ho pose as "sjiortsnien," should bear
this in mind. Any true sportsman will
J have the game law at his tongue's end
! and will respect it ; a true sportsman
i will not pot shoot ; a true sportsman
grateful mothers are for One Minute j will never slaughter more birds than he
Cough Cure which gives relief an soon j thinks he can use, just for the fun of
an it in iiilmiuintereil. It quickly cures ' shooting them. In fact, a true sporta
couglm, colds and all throat and lung ; man will give his bird a fair chance for
troiihlen. Lakeview I 'rug Co. jits life.
Business of the Land Office
In the summary of the business of the
several local land offices in the United
States, embraced in the annual report
of the General Land Office, Lakeview
land district compares favorably with
the business of any other in the West.
During the year the local office
has received 209 entries of 24,813 acres,
w ith $21,896. The heaviest sales wereof
timber and stone, 6880 acres at $17,201.
Lakeview had but 100 acres wagon road
selection. Entries under the desert
land act aggregated 3218 acres in this
district, netting $804. Original home
stead enteries in this district covered
11,782 acres, and final homesteads 4815
acres, bringing in $1206 and $180 re
spectively. The state of Oregon selected
18!H) acres in this district.
Drink nothing but Jesse Moore whisky
and you'll always be happy. On sale at
Whorton A Fitzpatrick's. 33-tf
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful,
purifying little pills. Lakeview Drug Co.
Lakeview, Oregon, -
. 1
j ltwmMIIMMI)ll)MlllltM0HOl
jfrcsb ant Curct flftcats,
Boloonas, Etc.
1 ..