Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 08, 1900, Image 7

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tvt v i f t t t t v i f i t rrrvr'f t y ' y t t y r r ? t v i i r r?T r r it
Frank Howard whs taken HI suddenly
IttMt Thiirmhty.
Merchant Field vunplctod the remov
al of hi wares Into lil new brick build
ing last Friday.
F.I Coinandmite cigars and Iro cold A
H. C. MM-r at Post A KinK'a. 23
It will nut ln to judge of a niart'a
piety by )il pants being out at tli knee.
Il may Ixt a crap shooter.
No other i.HU can eojial DeWltt's
Little F.arly l(ier (or protnptucHii, cr
tMinty ami elliclency. lakeview Drug
Maurice Kcnnrr and John Miller of
Yreka, wh' have been looking after
thvlr slock intcroxtn at Silver aVq, have
returned to Yrcka.
Ton don't want to forget tliat Toot A
Klnif . the Mimlnr dinpensers, am still in
H. They are under the opera limine.
Call and see them. 22
An old maid iixn lieing akd her
age replied that she was thirty and
thorw whs line thing mIk had learned to
do, and thnt wan to mind her own bind
lifna. DeWitt's Little Kurly Kiwrs are
prompt, palatable, plenitntit, powerful .
purifying little illn. I.kcvicw Drug Co.
When we look around at the numler
if worthh'M nien we are mads to wood
r why the creator keeps on creating
them long an mules are in such de
mand. V.... aiilav M !.. Vnltf
P.., .1 k'li,,t ll.u I-.. I ii. I.,un ;ttOMl (MXlH.
the cclelirntixl Kit omantluntc. r ra
gout ami exhilarating. -il-tf
It in not always the until red girl
that iting the sweetest in the choir. A
The Kxainlncr two dollar! a year.
New Mibacribcra to The Examiner at
2 per annum are coining In rapidly.
And utill another wedding losurprise
the jiuhlic I reported to In? on tlie
Dan Maloy will he day barkecpef at
Post & King'. F. I'. Light will go into
the new hotel.
Tom Ferris arrived from South War
ner lant Thuraday. lie ay the late
now and raliiatorm did not eiteml into
Warner valley.
The force of laat week' atorm hroke
on Thuraday afternoon, and Friday
morning the nun came out a hright aa
on a aiiiiuner'a day.
If. It. Dunlap ha purchaser! Tom
Ferri' crop of hay in Honth Warner,
ml will send out 150 head of cattle to
winter at that place.
H. It. Sublette X Co., furniture dealer
ami undertaker, are now in the new
brick atore, no it to the Dafy building,
and have a large and hamlaome tock.
Hate hel lor 'a City F.xpreaa' is doing a
lively business, and i alwav at hand
, ready to curry your package, trunk,
Ixixen, etc. llang out the red flag at
your residence when in neel ol the
dcliveryman. 44
A. Ilielier ha moved hi ttock from
theamall building, next toArzner'aahop,
to hi new atore in the I.akeview Hotel
building, (io there and iiiivct Hietier'a
I Look
mud turtle can
thrill up a flh ole juat like a four
pound baaa.
Prink nothing ImtJeHae Moore lanky
and you'll alway he happy. On aale at
Whorlon A Fitzputrick'a. M il
The N. ('. A O. niHiiunoinent ia now
handling earn of ahecp ami 70 car a
of cattle from Amedee. The atiak ia
from I-ako county, Oregon, and North
ern California.
To prevent coiiNiiinplion ouickly cure
throat and lung trouhlea with One Min
ute Cough Cure. I.akeview Irng Co.
We understand that Virgil Conn will ;
ikmiii iH-gin the coiiatruction of a line
brick atore building on hi lot in 1'uialey, 1
next to the hotel on the oiith. I'tiinley '
i certuinly getting a move on in the !
building line.
I'oat A King IohI ii big ct'x k in the tire
but they have another iimt na good. Fine
liipiora ami cigura; A. It. C. Ix-er. I'nder
the ojmth hoilae.
The work of cleaning out and repair
ing the flume running through the town
from Milliard canyon ia now prngreing.
The late lire burnt out all the timbera
liecc HHitiiting the replacement of new
Thia la the aeiiNon when mother are
alarmed on account ol the croup. It in
4iilckly cured by One .Minute ( ough
Cure, which children like to take. Lake
yiow Irug Co.
Mr. and Mra. C. H. I'arker of Summer
Lake returned to l.nkeview hint Thurn
Iay from Steele Swamp, Modoc county,
where they B'tenl a week viaiting Hon.
A. .1. Jitckaon and wife. They aturted fur
Summer Luke Friday,
The laHt method of cleuiiHing the
liver ia the line of the filiiioiiri little pilla
known iih le'ilt'a Little Karly Kiaer.
Kuay to take. Never gripe. Lukeview
Krug Co.
W. A. Wilahiro left by private con
veyance for l'orthind, hint Thuraday,
where he exHicta to remain for Home
time. He wuh ucuoinpanied by Miss
Lillie IturriiH, who will iittcnd Arm
utrong' bilNiiH'HH collegu in 1'ortlaml,
Joe Hurriia took him to the railroad in
one of Field it Burma' lino carriages.
Torturing akin eruption, burns and
wire are aoothed ut once and promptly
lieuled by applying leVitt'n Witch Sulve, tlio beat known cure for
iiilca. liewaro of woiihleaa counter
leitri. Lekevicw Irug Co.
K1. ICice laU of New Fine Creek, ha
accepted a xiition a clerk in the atore
of A. liiebcr. Mr. Kice i an exemplary
young man and Mr. Itieber'a Relection of
aeml that delightful j an awtixtant ia a good one.
John Wall, of Ft. Hidwell, ha re
turned from the F'aat, where he hiped
a band of horaea. He viaiUnl Illinoi
and Indiana, ami aay the betting on
Ilryan and McKinley waa atiout even.
C. II. Dnnlap ha moved into hi new
atore, next door to lleall'a drug atore,
and will have an elegant place of buai
nea, a well a a haiidaome and well
delected atu.'k. Iunlap'a groceries are
high claa.
A. W. Ilryan, the mailing proprietor
of the Northern atage line, wan in Ijike
view aeveral day luat week. Owing to
the change to winter schedule, Mr.
Hryan ha changed hi atage olli-e in
Ijikeview to C. L'. Snider' atore. Uead
the time card of the I.ukeview-1'uiHley
atage line in thia inane.
s. &w.
20cts Can
Schilling's Best Tea
do Baking Powder
.da Flavoring Exts
A Ispice
At San Francisco
Retail Card Prices
IScts Can
Notwithstanding the report that Geo.
Man pin of South Warner Iiaa no hay
for sale, the fact is that he has about
300 tons of as fine hay as was ever grown
in this country, which he will sell at the
reguar price.
The towns of Modoc county are con
nee tod by a string of telephone lines,
which prove to !e a great convenience.
There should be a telephone and tele
graph line from Lakeview to Silver Lake,
and, we believe, it would pay.
Dave Musselman i another West Side
rancher who produces evidence that his
section cannot lie beaten In Oregon for
the growing of fine potatoes. He left a
few sample at The Kxaminer office laat
Thuraday. They are beauties, at a cent
a pound.
Manager Dunaway of the N. C. AO.
ha made the following appointments:
J. II. Bennett of Salt Lake, general
freight ami paaaenger agent; F. D.Dun
can, assistant; K. R. Dodge, general at
torney for the company; Dr. 8. C. Gib
son, chief surgeon; M. House, master
car builder.
On Monday, October 2ttth, the Narrow
Gauge began running double trains on
its line, one each way from Reno to
Termo. Heretofore one train daily per
formed the work of the system, running
from Reno to the terminus and return
the following day. A Sunday service
has been establiahed, bIho, making it a
seven times a week service. Truly, is
Manager Dunawuy making things hum
on this line.
Yv print Wedding Cards, Invitations, Etc. Get our prices.
r. (Offfene
mf ft
Wider is Here
i iaMHM)iiHV
Our Winter Lines
are Complete
...Ahlstrom Bro'sThe Monogram,
Cow Net Their Owmcrs From t to Sio Per
rtonth Tb Coet of Machinery lor a Flrt
Claaa Creamery l About $ I ,Roo Lie
Milk of looo Cow Dally.
A private letter from W. T. Mitchell
of the Adin Creamery, to the Surprise
Valley Record, expresses satisfaction at
the increaaing volume of the business of
the creamery and his entire confidence
in its complete success. Last month
the creamery distributed 10112 among
the farmers, each farmer's cow netting
him all the way from $4 to f 10 per
month. Most of those netting 4 per
month were cows that had been running
on the range all their lives and were
just broken to milk. At that rale it
will easily be seen that there ia money
in a creamery for our farmers. Ten
cows will bring from fW to $75 per
month, iafh, and the farmer will have
most of his time to devote to other duties !
on the ranch.
The coet of the machinery for a tfrst
class creamery would be about $1,800 and
the milk from 1000 cows could be handl
ed by it daily. Now, what is the mat
ter with Goose Lake farmers? Cream
eries all alout us, in every little valley
in the country, almost, are making
great successes. With a creamery here
our farmers would not be braking about
for some one to take their cows to use
and feed during the winter, but instead,
would be keeping more cows.
Northern Changes Time.
Beginning Nov. 1 the Northern, Lake-view-Paisley
stage, changed time to the
winter schedule. The stage carrying
passengers, mail and freight now leaves
Lakeview at 6 a. ra. instead of 7 :30, and
leaves Paisley at 6:30 instead of 9 a. m.
The public is hereby notified of this
change, so that passengers may not
make any mistake and be delayed.
Also, those who desire packages to go
by this route should deposit them the
evening before at the store of V. U.
For Charity's Sake.
"A couple of mon'hs ago," says an ex
change, "an old man came into this
office and stopped his paper." We
have frequently met him on the street
since that time and it's very ai.iueing to
us to note the look of surprise on the
old fellow's face that we are still in ex
istence regardless of the fact that be
"stopped his paper." Some day, and it
won't be long either, that poor old
fellow will turn up his toes. Neighbors
and friends will follow his lifeless clay
out to the cemetery and lay him to rest
among the flowers. An obituary will
appear in these columns, telling what a
kind father, good neighbor, and benevo
lent citizen he was whi'h lie the re
cording angel will kindly overlook for
charity's sake and in a short time there
after he will be forgotten. As be lies
out there in the cold graveyard, wrapped
in the silent slumber of death, he will
never know that the last kind words
spoken of him were those of the paper
which he "stopped."
A woman will yank up the guy ropes
of her corset until she almost squeezes
her immortal soul out of place and put
a dead bird on her hat and go strutting
around over town, selling tickets for aa
entertainment to raise money to help
send missionaries to China for the - pur
pose of teaching civilization to the poor
heathen who have never known what it
is to wear a corset, and who have been
struggling on in ignorant belief that
birds were created to sing instead of to
be wo-u on a bat.
Surveyors are now locating the rail
road survey on the line of the prelimi
nary survey recently made up the De
schutes, and predictions are freely made
that the road will be built within a year,
but it must be remembered that one
swallow- does not make a summer, nor
the location of a line make a railroad
track. That the timber belt on the
eastern slope of the Cascades will be
tapped by a railroad is a safe prediction,
but at what date is uncertain, says the
Prineville Journal.