Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 08, 1900, Image 2

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    fiuhr Count o Cxaminrt
PnbllilMd Ef J Tharadajr
Editors and Proprietors
Mamak BaiMInf
President Names Thurs
day, aQth Day of
(One Year, $2.00
: Six Months. 1.00
(Three Month. 30
Lake county, Oregon, I in favor of
con rin tied prosperity.
David Fagan, a deserter from the
Twenty-fourth Infantry, has been cap
tured lead i nu a force of 150 Filipino.
Fagan held the rank of General among
the insurgent.
The United States has made reply to
the British-German agreement respect
ing the maintenance of the "open door"
and territorial integrity of China. This
country ratifies the agreement.
Anna Gould's Count de Castellane is
a very expensive luxuiy. He S?nds
a million of Anna's money annually.
They come high, but American girls
who can afford it must have them.
The Louisville Evening Post prints an
affidavit of Fin ley Anderson, the tele
graph operator upon whose testimony
Caleb Powers was convicted of complici
ty in the murder of Goebel, in which
Anderson swears his story told on the
stand at Georgetown was perjured.
A belated dispatch from Pretroria tells
of the failure of British negotiations
with General Botha for the surrender of
the Boers. Iiotha received General
Paget's flag of truce courteously and ac-knowledged-defeat,
but said it was im
possible to treat for surrender as long as
the burghers wished to continue the
It is rumored that the French are pre
pared to send a thousand tnxjps from
8al Gonn to Canton. This report, to
gether with the presence of numerous
warships, has aroused suspicion among
the Chinese regarding the Freiuh de
signs. Tim reformers threaten that if! railway
the French attempt to seize Canton, the !
Cantonese will lay the city in ruins. I
A the Time for General Thanksglv
Ing anil Prayer Throughout
the Republic.
Washington, Octoler IN. The State
IVparlmcnt to-day issued the following :
By the President of the I'uitod States
of America.
It has pleased Almighty God to bring
our nation in safety and honor through
another year. The works of religion and
charity have every where been manifest.
Ourcountry has been blessed with abun
dant harvests. I.ahor and the industries
of the people have prospered beyond all
precedent. Our commerce has spread
over the world. Our power and in
fluence in the cause of freedom and en
lightenment have extended over the
distant seas and lands. The lives of
our official representatives and many of
our people in China have been marvel
ously preserved. We have been gener
ally exempt from estilence and other
great calamities, and even the tragic
visitation which overwhelmed the city
of Galveston made evident the senti
ments of sympathy and Christian char
ity by virtue of which we are one united
Now, therefore, I, William McKinley,
President of the United Mates, do
hereby appoint and set apart Thursday,
the 29th day of Noycniler next, to !
observed by all the people of the United
Slates, at home and abroad, as a day of
thanksgiving and praise to him who
holds the nations in the hollow of his
hand. I recommend that they gather
in their several places of worship and
devoutly give hint thanks for the pros
perity wherewith he has endowed us,
for seed time and for the harvest, for the
valor, devotion and humanity of our
armies and navies, and for all his tiene
tits to us as individuals and as a nation,
and that they humbly pray for the con
tinuance of his divine favor, for concord
and amity with other nations and for
righteousness and eace in all our ways.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of the
United States to lie attixed.
William McKinlky.
Chas. M. Hays, general manager of
the Grand Trunk line, has been selected
as the successor of Col lis P. Huntington
for President of the Southern Pacitic
President Hays will reside in
pending for the sale of the Southern Pa
citic road in Oregon to the Northern Pa-
citic Railway Company, and it is said
There is a lietter tone to the wool tllat ti. Validerbilts w'ill have control
market and the sales show a liberal J of the entire Southern Pacitic system.
-,., ,i i ... i .. : i .i A great revolution in railway matters
margin over the slow business of the ., i
I is exjecleil.
last fen- months. Prices are firm and i i- i i i i
u I red Spangeiiburg is haiinng red lire
dealers are looking for an advance with-; rock from the Crooked Creek iiuurry to
in a few days. Fleece wools have shown j the site of the tow n electric light plant
more activity during the past week than j to '-' bedding the boiler for the
at any other'time during the few months ' !""' )" 'rll " aifi"U a'
it y of rock, ami has been thoroughly
1-Ht past, and several heavy lines are ! d ,, ,,, ierfl.ttly ,ire ,,riJof. ,
recorded as sold to manufacturers. ; wjl stand a red-hot heat, then cool off
' - - and be in s;rfect condition. It would
Porto P'n-aii-) cannot vote as American i make an elegant building stone.
citizens. Justice Friedman, in his de-j James Young, of Surprise valley, has
Vision upon the application of Frank ' moved histhawmill to a jsjint about
Juarhe to register as a voter on the ' thrCli "lilc'M wt",t " Kagh-ville, where,
..... , ! the Record savs he has a tinu body of
ground that he became an American . ' , i
! timber to worn on. We were in hopes
citizen by virtue of the cession of Porto tiiat lne report was correct that Mr.
Rico by Spain to the United States, says j Young would move to the West Side,
that the treaties taking over the Island .opposite Lakeview, but presume it is
nf l'rtn . ., t . i .i -it-. I "all off " no. Good luck to vou, anv-i
ei l orto l.ico uji not make the inhabit-1 , " I
t : way, Mr. Noting. I
ants of the territory citizens of the ! , , I
i Mr. Samuel Hawkins, brother to our i
l. mted Mates, but, on the contrary, left . r n n i i i
- ' 1 1 townsman, J. H. Hawkins, arrived here
tne ueiermination of their civil rights j fr(),ii "Old Virginny" last Saturday, and
and of their political status to the future ; w ill visit his brothers here mid in Ore
action of Congress, which has not vet!1"" 'or time, Reese Hawkins, of
acted. " j Lakeview, also being a brother. Mr.
1 Haw kins states that he hail h pleasant
"Most serious trouble," says the tri'' ul"1 'H fav"ral,1y impressed with
Shanghai correspondent of the iJaiy our country. Cedarvilie liword.
I.-xpress "is brewing in the Yang-tse ; The lise in the price of horses is phe-
..,,,, i ,, .. .. , nominal. At a recent miction sale in
region, whither the Lruprcss Howager1.. . ,. ... , , ,. , ,
. . . i lloli.-ter 2o0 was bid and declined for a
lias ftcnt emissaries to raise nowerful 1 , i i i i
uib. powi.nui ! Mj,an i)l work animals. I wo year olds
armed bodies to exterminate converts j and yearlings averaged fS5 pur head.
and exjM;l foreigners. She has appointed Horses purchased at the Hardin sale a
Yu Chuan, a notriously aiiti-foreitfn ', ar a?" '""""is'''' double the pri:e paid
General, to be military mm.nmr f
Yank-Ue district." In tlje prov ince of
We have just received our
j stock of Fall Dry Goods
which will be sold at prices
ik heretofore unheard of in
Lake County
All other goods sold in proportion.
A terrific storm swept F.ugland on Oc
toler 'JTth. Many houses were Hosled
at Newcastle and. other cities, and rail
roads in the low lands were inundated.
Monday,. OctoU-r ll'th, was a day of
tragedies. Py the explosion of a large
wholesale drug-house building in New
York scores of jH'ople were killed and
injured ; in a New York jail break mur
der was done and several persons were
badly wounded ; an accident occurred on
the Northern Pacific at He Hurt, Mont.,
in which seven ieople were killed and
several wounded.
then. Kan lieiiito Advance.
; The Grand Central Hotel at Alturas,
; ii.i, ,. .,... ,.i it i i'.,;u
Kwang Tung, a.-cording to the Hong-j iH ra.idly acMuirii.g the reputation of
kong correspondent of the I'aily Mail, the best hotel in the northern country,
uie rebellion is subsiding, ow ing to the j
scarcity of arms and ammunition. The
Hhanghai correspondent of the Times
aays: "Li Hung Chang has wired to
Chang Chih Tung, the Wu Chang Vice
says the Alturas Plaiiidealer, Hick
knows how to conduct a bote! and treats
everybody alike. When yon go to
Alturas give him a call. j
If you have Rheumatism, and the (
doctors have failed to cure you if you i
roy, that the peace negotiations aru ! "ave sciatica, lame hack, knlney, liver, i
i stomach troubles, etc., enclose postage
uatisfactory, but to other leading ollicials stamp to T. C. Little, Lakeview, Oregon, I
for ll'H page book that will tell you how
lie has telegraphed exactly the reverse,
bidding them prepare forevcntualities."
the Klcct ropoiso cures w ithout the use
of medicine.
Oregon luinlsTinen have Is-en asked
to contribute the lumber necessary for
the erection of the entire forestry ex
hibit from other states and Canada, fniiu
the South American Republics and from
newly acquired American possessions,
at the proposed Pan-American exMisi
tion to lie held in Iiuffalo in 1!H)L No
state in the I'moii can make as varied
and valuable an exhibit of lumber as
the State of Oregon.
The purchase of horses and supplies
by the German government for shipment
to China, from the Pacific Coast, has
ceased. Some .'J.'SMj he.1i! of horses and
mules have been shiped from San Fran
cisco thus far to reinforce the Kaiser's
army in the Celestial empire, while over
,IMM) head how at Sun Francisco and
purchased in Oregon and California will
be held there awaiting further instruc
tions. The growth of the I'nited States in
the past ten years has been an increase
of nearly twenty-one mt cent. Theolli
cial announcement of the total popu
lation for l'.MH) is 7i,2ti,':'0, of which
74,i27,lK)7 ure contained in forty-five
states, representing approximately the
population to be used for apportionment
purposes. There is a total of 131,158
Indians not taxed. The total population
in H'.X), with which the aggregate popu
lation should be compared, was (ili.Oiii),
75li. Taking the IH'.io population us a
basis there has been a gain in popula
tion of l.'i,2i)5,-f,-i during the last ten
"I will take any one worthy of con
sideration in the matter to n man whose
business it is to semi out agents to I
scour the country for girls who, under
promises of good situations, are brought
to this city for hellish purposes. Never
was that business more flourishing than
at present. In June, IH'.IH, one of these
cases got into print. Fifteen young
women were brought to this city from
the neighborhood of Allentown, Penn
sylvania. Those cases got into the
courts j hundreds do not. The details
of this commerce ure the most shocking
of all that flotirith. His a trafliu that
invades the sanctity of the home, hun
dreds of miles away. It tugs at the
heartstrings of mothers." Franklin
Mathe ws in Harpers Weekly for October.
Everything In the line of Gents' Furnishing Goods
BLANKETS and COMFORTERS for Cold Weather
....C. H. DUNLAP....
' 14
l W '"-'If
Manufacturer of the Celebrated
I Guilty Chinamen Die to Escape
Punishment for Their Crimes.
The Chinese Minister at Washington has received a dispatch stilting
that Kuug Vi, a member of the Cabinet with Hung Lu, and one of the
intense anti-foreign lenders, whose punishment was demanded by the
Powers, died of illness on the IHth instant; also, that Yu Sicn, the late
Governor of Shan Si, who Is said to have been resonsible for the death of
many missionaries, has committed suicide by swallowing gold leaf. Min
ister' Wu regards this act us a sign of the disfavor they have received from
the throne. Kaug Vi was one of the ringleaders and held the position of
Assistant Grand Secretary ami President of the Civil Hoard, and also was
one of the statesmen making in the Privy Council or Cabinet, which is
the body nearest the throne. Following the demands of the Powers for
his punishment, an edict was ismed handing him over to the board of
Censors to consult and decide upon a penalty for his misdoing. The same
edict ordered the punishment of Prince Tuan, but it was thought that the
Tuan influence would secure leniency for Rung VI and for others. The
dispatch shows, however, that Kung Vi himself recognized that there was
no hope of imperial favor. Although the dispatch to Minister Wu says
that only Hang Vi "died" on the IHth instant, it is thought that his
"death was the natural result of the disgrace which has overtaken the
anti-foreign ami li oxer element. Governor Vu's method of suicide is
iieculiar to ('tiiua. It is a means by which high personages take their
lives, the gold leaf being representative of their high station. The leaf
forms a ball in the canals of the body and brings death from suffocation.
Minister Wu's advices also show that Prince Tuan had been visited with
severe censure from the throne, and to such an extent that it would lie no
surprise if he followed the course of Kung Vi and Yu. He has been pre
vented from accompanying the imperial court to Siting Fu and remains at
Shan Si, cut off from further influence on the throne. It is expected that
he will be banished, which, to a Prince of the blood, is worse than decapi
tation, and under the idea of propriety, suicide is likely to he his end.
Minister W'l laid his dispatch before Secretary Hay, And, still,
these reported deaths may be u lake.