Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 01, 1900, Image 8

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, 15 tiNTIKtiLY
L. 1. KlipjH-1 ia down from Summer
Lake thin week.
Mrs. V. A. Sherlock baa been serious
ly ill for the pot week.
The population of California, under
the new cenu, is 1,485,053.
Sam Dirks, cattleman, was a business
vUitor in Lakeview yesterday.
Take vour bicycles to E. Lake when
you want them repaired in first-class
Frank Williams, son of "Uncle Jim,"
is up from California on a visit with his
Born At Paris Creek, Cal., October
13, 190U, to the wife of J. li. Webb, a 10
pound son.
Schminck will soon be in his new
9tore with a complete stock. Nse tiira for
guns, ammunition, etc.
Alreai ly ramors are afloat of the an
nual masquerade ball, to be given in
Lakeview on Christmas niicht.
Charlie Graves is cellintf lots of shoes
at the Ked Shoe Store. He has some
beauties for winter wear.
Mrs. Will Morley is improving rapid
ly from a dangerous illness. Her littie
son is also able to be about the house.
When vou come to town from the
country don't fail to see Fete and Jonas
under the opera house. 41-tf
Republicans should be prepared for the
springing of ingenious campaign lies on
the eve of election. Look out for roor
backs. Do you want to run up aeainst a good
thing? If you do, call on l'ete A Jonas,
under the opera house. 41-tf
John Aviragnete, the tailor, is kept
constantly at work making new clothing.
He can be found at J. W. Howard's store
Mrs. John Withers and Miss Stewart
of Summer Lake are visiting in Lake
View, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Miss Carter is the new teacher at
Willow Ranch.
Win. McCormack ol Paisley was on
our streets yesterday.
Dr. F. E. Smith reports all his pa
tieutd on the improve.
Mr. and Mrs. Creed McKendree have
returned to their home near Illy.
J. J. Monroe, merchant of Adel, was
a business visitor in Lakeview yesterday.
Mrs. E. V. Iewis, who nasi been
seriously ill, was reported much better
No Danger of People Becoming Infect
el With Disease by Visiting this
Town to do their Trading.
If nnt , l... t,.f Kin tl.ia
winter and ut the same time save half ; ably return to l.akevtew in the spru.g-
yoiir wood, get one of those fine air-!
tight heaters at Schminck's.
Three hunilred and fifty miners at the
Iron Muntain mine in Shasta county,
who want to work eight hours a day, are
1. nt o:i a strike.
William Farrell of Summer Lake
writes to have The Examiner sent to
him ut Collinsville, Illinois. He is now
on hU way Eat.
( iearj.'e Johnson spent several days in
the vi. inity of Paisley la-t week on
"ollicial hnsii;ess," returnit:g to lake
view on v-'aturday.
Tiie final pmof notices of Duffy
and Alex Lundin. of Andrews, iippear
on the 'ith page of this paper, and the
notice of Alex C. Uurke, also of Andrews,
ran he fiiiiud on the 4th page.
You .:i:i't call for anv brand of whis
kies in i-a-'e that cannot he furnish)
l-t iV Kin;
The Alturas Plaindoaler learns from
private letters that there Is an epidemic
of typhoid fever in fokevicw, there liv
ing "no less thsn sixty-four caws, nearly
allot which are confined to one street.'
This is another evidence of how tin
founded reports will augment as they
pass from mouth to mouth a matter of
going away from home to Uarn the news.
It is fact that I-akeview has had an
unnrecedented decree of aii-kneaD dtirimr
mi j -i i -1 i i m "
Vk m """"n JP" "B " the past few months, and it is also true
that a few cam's of alleged typhoid fever
have proved fatal; it is also a fact that
there have been many caws of such dis
eases as measles, imiinjm, etc., in lake
view. It is also a fact that there have
never been over sixteen cases of so
called "typhoid fever" in this town, and
the patients are all convalescent at the
present time all but the three that ter
minated fatally, of course. It is also a
fact that sometimes people die in Altu
ras and they do not all die of old age,
There is one more fact, also, more im
portant than any other, and that is, that
something must he done toward the im
provement of the sanitary condition of
I-akeview or it will not U long until
every house in the town will lie turned
into a hospital. This is no idle talk, hut
a terrible reality that we will all have to
face. No tow n in the state is more fa
vorably located for a splendid system of
sewage than Lakeview, and The Exam
iner has always contended that a sewage
system was a growing necessity for the
health of the tow n a mu.-h more neces
sary audition than a city electric light
However, we can state authoritatively
that there is no danger, in the least, of
people becoming infected while coming
to Ioikcvicw to do their trailing or at
tending to other business. Not the least
The Plaindealer very truthfully aavs !
in tins connection: "I here must Ih i
wronit with the
sanitary condition of the town when!
such a condition of affairs i-xi-t. Natiiiu!
made Ijikevicw one of the healthiest
sKits on earth, and when mi much hick-j
liess prevails the causes mut be smiht ;
for ill man's indifference and neglect. ;
The same rule applies to all of our;
II... .1 ... ...... 1 ""inn mm ion n w nere sick iicpm ore v is.
line ol overcoats, i , , , . ,., . , 1 . . I
... ... . f i ne laws 01 in ,iiui nuilKU ioi u ' vio-
sweaters. do to . , , ... . ... . .. " ,,
mir'i nun nil j hi it I , itlio ll we woilio
banish di-eae from our midst we must
pay more attention to the sanitary con
dition of our low ns."
at Tbe Monogram suitable for wedding
Dave Grove and family have moved
from The Point ranch to Surprise Valley
for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Goorge C. Turner paid
lakeview a flying visit from their Sur
prise Valley home last week.
Non-registered Republicans should call
on Chairman Harry Hailcy of the Ke
puhlicar, County Committee.
Oo to The Monogram and walk off
with a pair of those tine rubbers; they
are giving them away almost.
W. P. Huff, the Central Market
butcher, is building a slaughter-house
and close pens at the mouth of Warner
Councilman S. F. Ahlstrom gives pub
lic notice in this issue that he has with
drawn as a candidate for member of the
town council.
Victor Maxwell escorted his sisttr,
Miss Jennie Maxwell, to Warner lake
last Sunday, where the young lady
opened her school on Monday.
Everything in the shoe line, for big
people and little people, old and young,
ladies and gents, at The Monogram.
Ueurue M. Potts, the carfienter who
assisted in rebuilding Lakeview after
the big fire, has returned to bis home
in Willows, Cal. Mr. Potts will prob-
if McKinlev is elected
The New Era says it is reported that
When I say good goods I mean
goods that have been carefully
selected. Goods that will
sustain my Guarantee.
Goods that pleases the cus
tomer and convinces them
that they have their money's
Bieber moves to the new
Brick Hotel building this
the trains on the Narrow Gauge will something radically
soon oiv'in to run on umiava as well a.
week days. This will prove to lie o public
convenience, and will doubtless It?
profitable to the company.
This sudden co'd sm-11, with a few of the tienutiful, caused a rush on
Ahlstrom l'.ro.'s line
cliincliilla coats and sweaters. (,., to
Ahl.-trom Bros, and they will keep you
Judge Charles Tonning-eti, who was
convale.-ceiit la-t week, suffered a re
lapse and ha been quite ill for several
davs. His physician, Ur. F. E. Smith,
says that while the Judge is a very sick
man. there is no immediate danger of a
c iSlap-e in his case
Pull and complete stock of
l:vcry thing; in the line of
The I'rc.cnt l!orJ ul Town Olllcrrt Hcnnml
nated by AcclamatlonH WcnolJ
lor Town Treasurer.
I'll hv
ome oi trie whiskies.
carried by them are hinhly recommend-
;tl lv physicians lor uieuiciuai purposes.
Notice to Republicans.
The Examiner may have been misted
in its announcement of the marriage
n two veil;:' ji-ople of Lakeview this
Week, but another popular couple, was
sub-titii'..-d, and a wedding took place
just the f-ame. . J
When vou j;ii to Klamath Falls don't '
fail to see C. I. Wilson the popular
caterer :i the Jem s;il on. He carries
the lines', st's-k in town and will treat
vuii rit'lif The ' lem i- the pipular resort.
'1'ry the Hermitage whisky there. 2-Vtf
The I'.eihling S'-rachlight says that
iraha'ii !5ro'. Hand will f.irnish music
lor a big poli'ioal demonstration in Eed
ding jii Nov. 1st, and that "Arnold
tlrahani has arrived from Oregon and
will play in the band that night."
Al Kepuoliear voters in Lake
view or Lake I'ounty, who art)
cither not regi-tered at all or am
ri'sfistered in so no other county
oc precinct, wL! learn somi!thin;j
to their advantao by calling on
Harry Hal ley. 'hai rman Repub
lican County (.'oinrnittm;, Lake
view. Call WITHOUT DELAY '.
The meeting of citizens at the Court
house last Friday riiuht was fairly well
attended, and the meeting was called to
order by Mayor F. M. Miller, w ho stated
j its object.
a ' Mayor Miller nominated Judge Spcrry
j for presiding ollio r and Charles I'mbach
j for secretary, and they were elected by
c acclamation.
j Judge Ss!rry, upon taking tlieilniir,
: offered the suggestion that, inasmuch ns
0 the present oflicera wi-ro inon; familiar
than others with the work in detail that
j is now lieing prosecuted in the )-stah-
lishmcnt of a new w ater system ami an
Albert Mugli-r of Sisson arrived in
Lakeview last Tuesday, and is consider
ing the proposition of starting a brewery.
electric liliht plant, that they be renomi
nated to fill the positions of Couni ilinen
and Recorder. There was no dissenting
voice, and u motion was curried to that
effect, and the following gentlemen were
renominated by acclamation : Council
men liernard, Arzncr, Ahlstrom and
Schlagel; Hecorder, Cmbach.
I!, kevnolds was noniiiiiited hv accla-
.l.f. i ieiu is moving ins huk.k a thing of the 'H' , and the intereBt and mation for Town Treahurer. The entire
general mer.'handis into the handsome : t.x,.il(.n.rjt Hubsjde upon receipt of 1 business of the meeting was completed
new brick store. Field has a large and Ull. nws o t)l(j rt.HJit Tlf;n businesHjin fifteen minutes,
well selected stock of clothing, dress wiil Ul4MJln() itf) ormai 8tate , and other .
goods, shoe. t.t.:., besides the IwHt II1Mtt,-rH fif puMic iitnuient will lie taken
brands of groceries and canned goods. , ,,y 1(J newHf,a,;rH to interest the
Mr. and Mrs. John Arzner and chil- great army of humanity,
dren, w ho have b. -n spending a couple i m, C()U, f,f Cedarvilh-.
Mr. Mugler is the son of Peter Mugler, i
the well known brewer, and is himself1
an experienced brewer. He thinks very
favorably of the proposition anil the
futurn of the town.
Next week the election will have been
I Subsequent to the meeting of citizens
I called at the County Courthouse last
I lv;.i,.., ., ;,.i. i ,.,..,n., .,....i...i i..
,,f wveks at the Ai..or ranch. Augur is now at Andy Devine'H ton- , fri(!I)(,H t)lllt , diJ ot H(!eW rtJI10IIli.
alley, the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. M(,riu! Iarior. Mr. Cobb and wife are liatioll to thu offire of ComidlllluI1 of
HoylHtou, have returned to Lakeview. ; ljvili), at tl, ,.(tn,iy ,rivate boarding ; tllts Tow of LaUeview. j Jiavo Wen in
Mrs Arznerivery much improved in ( ,,,.. m U .M t0 be a first-class j tll() ohuni(,M,HllK for Ul0 best inter
health. j workman, very genteel, and also a mil-, tf, of ,y alii'ttl town, for iiiany yearn.
It is well known thai mm m s witeti , sician of ululity. Mr. U,,U will take M11,i f,.i,hfnllv I uorked for what 1
chargi) of the Lakeview braHH band. j believed was right in ail thingH relative
Mr. M. II. Ihinlap, formerly of Talent, . to the welfare of Lakeview, I leave, the
Jackson county, w ho was hero with his public to judge. I feel it my duty at
family a few weeks ago, and Htopped j thin time to retire from publii! ofllce.
s.eeiiil days at the homo of Mr. and There hiu many good und capable citizeim
Mis. II. U. Heiyford, died at Fall River' in tho town who can und will fill my
Mills, Shasta county, Cul., on October j position us Councilman Batisfactorily to
15th, while on his way to the lower the public, und 1 hereby announce tiiat
. . . . ... . ! 1 i At
I ,,,1 ,1 ui. iu i i.r, ..a in Isi.ti. ' I Hill fiflHItlVi' V IHiL A CUnUKIULI) lOT II 1U
Dili says he had orders from ho nhenff ( j.,.,.,, wu(j a u t,litw)IlU!(1 oflice in question. Very respectfully,
Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop
the pain at once. Jt will cure eczema
and skin di-eases and ugly wounds and
sores. Jt is a certain cure for piles. ,
Counterfeits may be offered you. See!
that you get the original DeWitt'a Witch
Jlazel Salvo. Lakeview Drug Co.
Win. McKcii brought in a load of j
iheriff Dnnlap's household goods from j
tl.u Creek ranch last Tuesday. I
to cominence moving tne '-nrHi nice
day," and he arrived in a storm. Mrs.
Duump iid children will enmn to their
new home in Lakevicv within a few
gentleman, and was formerly a com
mander of tho (.!. A. It. Association of
r-ouihern Oregon. lib was a Veteran of
the Civil War. Neuralgia of tho stom
ach w as the cause of his Budden death.
Lakeview, Or.
H. F. Alll.HTHOM.
Oct. 'M, 1!KKJ.
The Hteum pumj) and engine for tho
town water works arrived lust Saturday.
A-J?- SMITH Proprietor.
Lliulcr tho nt'W inaiiai'inont this
I Clniir Dran Cknrt
mill 'i now ,,.n-l lo lurnM. . iPT
W V . . in I
J eustoiiK'rs
with tho lrst of
and is Jayin hihost jirico for grain
h Orders Promptly Filled. Try the New Management.
2 X
Leader In Fair Dealings.
lUill 5a Goofc-b to tbc Olt Store
ano will open up Suefncfio in Ibis
Hew 3i3rlcl; Store nert wech with low
er prices ano (Sooo 60000.
He Fears no Competition and Guarantees SATISFACTION