mm-. W'"'" .utit.i.ii.iiiiiiAi.ii.i.i.AiA.u.m.u..ujj..u.iiijm.i 3 PAT TMTV lTTTAe E i i 1NUVVO, t iLTrnTtTvmttuoi m- rr t rrvr tttt rrr rrr rrr rn TTrrrr , Tin' Examiner prints ranla amples nf wink on lliiit I'lige. Coulter A Co. gave their put n iiit' nun Iitinl) last Friday morning. Try the itiiHages mi'l Itologuu Ht K. I). ColllliT A Cll.'h, MIM'IO ll)' till) IHIW lllltllllT. Kcv. I!i. hard I'yuh Marled f. .r hi home ill l int Kluiiiiitli last riidiiy. SwcutiTK, fur 1 1 it Hint boys, nl II. C. Kothe .V Cii.'h. 8. K. Sublette, the . lu.t.iture dcalt-i, wan Hi'rintmly ill several days IiinI week. I'.Hrli wire ut II. C. Itolhe A Co.'. Ir. Easton, wlio formerly piitrti ed medicine in Itonut.xa, 1m now ii resident liy t-iii ii nf New I'inc Creek. El Coinutiihintc cigars mi'l iru cold A II. C. liter ut 1'c.Kt A Kin'. 23 V.x I'istiict Attorney ('. It. Watson in in I IoiiIiim iii ii t ' making i"h-c(Iicm fur tin' Kepiibliciili atHlnliitd hcurcrH. (Ill .t 1 1 1 1 c . jii lli tiling (or rol.l anil wet a rii 1 1 if r, ul 1 1 . C. Kul In A ( Vs. .Iiiiiii'h I '..i ii v , lint M.M.lgroMer, mum in tow ii week tigging up u "prairie Thin Ik llui ciioli when i. .oilier" are j itliiriiiinl m Hrcoiiiit ol tin' croup. It ix i r n il k! V cured IiV Oni' Minute Cough ('nit', vi I t -1 1 chil.licii 1 1 lin luliiki', Lake- j View I'ltlg l.o. Emit; IlUKfill wii" ilt frnm tin- Cotton- wood sum mill IfiHl wok. lli' in well pleased with tlm rrv.-ll ,c i'( Hi" milling iiliiii'M lor tin- fH -on nl ItMl, mill Mill : prepare I o cut large .put nt I tie uf log - I bin lull for the liAM run. Ilu Mill timki a spc. iully of i Ic.r '.iiiiilu r next season. TurtmilU skill eruptions, In. ins himI .ores Art' hoot h i'l At oin-e hihI irotnt I v I healed liv applying I-NVilt'n Ut Ii lliui-l Salve, ilia Iii'ft known cure for j pili'M. Kewitrc ( worthless counlcr fi'tlN. Lfkewew Drug Co. Tin' Examiner jolt (li'nirtiiii'lit hu j been rushed Mith work lor tn weoks iiibI. necessitating tin' constant lulior of (mo ini'ii. I'or flim Murk Tin' Examiner j juli ili'i'iitttni'iit t'Hiiiiot be surpassed in. the slate. While mi iim rushed Miilij Mork. Mi! are rtUityn ready to ucccpl all : tlllll CIlUlCS to II". 1'lit best int'tlio'l til demising tin-, liviT in tllf IIM' of lilt- IlllllO'l lilt lo pills knoMiiiiH H.'U'itt'B Little Early Kisein. Euv to luke. Never gripe. Ijiki'vieM- THE PIONEER MERCHANT OF LAKE COUNTY $ Look i Here s. & w. Tomatoes 20cts Can Schilling's Best Tea Baking Powder do da do do do do do Flavoring Exts Peeper Alspice Cloves Cinnamon Mustard At San Francisco Retail Card Prices CENTURY Tomatoes 1 5cts Can Air-ti Co.'ll. illt cl.iM'i Ilt II. C m liiHitit r" for M inliT iifi' on tlie ilim i t ' 1 1. .... t '.. j Kfv. Kolittt Mrl-iiii, firiin-iiy of I ii.iri-i.cir '1. T. Ii. i of Onvoi. Ihih mi ; nty. l.o for tit.' .ii-l Imo' nitii li1 in I In Cl.ic.iyo I li t. . In r l.'itli on l')iiliJ'J-:m. .i oil. it pilU run i' hi'WittVi l.ittlt' Kurlv l;ii-'in for .roniitin'Hf, n-r-, t.uiitv uii'i rlli. ici.i y. l.uki'vi.'M I 1 1 CATTLE SALE5. Ooose Lake Farmers Sell $70,000 Worth. iooc jik Vallry I llfcotnlng an Important I'silar In the Prominence of Southeastern Oregon ai a Stock Pr.HlncIng Section. Ic't'trl of ll ll'l ll loll of till' jfiiiM Imt Imi i. piiHtor of llif Tliinl It may Iw uiwvl ax un aruuii-nt in 1'mm.U t. i Cl.iir. li of r..rtliui.l. hit- Mippoi t ( tlio tiiipiirtam.'e of (Ioom; In . ii ii, .int. .1 l.v lli.' Il'-iin- Mi--ion I.u..o Valley, a.t an auxilliary to tl.o l'..,..t. ,f tin- I'' Cl.iir. li t' rmtivo wialth of Lake county, and a Ink.' rl.:ii'' .if itn work in tl.f IhIuihI fa,.lor jn i,n coiuli)(f greatncfiii of of t'tilu. Ili iH a tl.oro.ijili i.uiiinli Sonthi-attTU Ort'L'on. that In this al- 4 " jm lioliir. ;,.y alono, lnd-H:inlnnl of any other I'rrry Mi ll.u.ii'l r.'t.lrno.l lat Tlnirn- Jf ymi l.itvu Klii-u inut inm . uinI tlie , rich ntork prmJui'lnif auction of tbo l:iy from liruntH I'.ish, Mliere lit? linn ilortoi a lutve luilfl to . lire you if you ,'ttunty, there, liavu Ix-rn sold this lu'i'tt on it l.ri.f viMt Milh hit niollier, '"'V "'I'" "".I"'"" 1,rt,k. k''l'. ''V'-r. on BM)ut SKVENTV THOUSAND DOL- , , , i .i I f totniii-ti trotililt'N, etc'., eiii'lo-c iioctiti'i! mIio I...-. l'fti M r 1 y ill. t.iinp toT. C. I.ittlf, l.:ikfvie , iir.m, w'"'11' "f lMtf a"J blk calUa. Hi'W ilt'n Little llurly Kit rn are j for IL'H imyi- l.H.k that m ill tell yni how Thin may Kfin to 1m overdrawn at prompt, .nlnt;il.l.'. .l.', MiMerlnl. tlm I'.le. lrop.iiHi' cureit Millioiu ine u.e fn ai Bi jrht it doea aoem to bo an over- of me.iii'iiie. i-i.ti mation of a uln'lo resource la one The mIii.Iomh have U't'ii .la. ei in the ' ,.,.,K.r of our bife- county but Dgure bi lintel biiil.liint hii.I the Mork t.f .rt-1 wjt bear us out In tbe assertion. latt I hiirH.luy. l ive of theau hj.ii.1h ( piirii.ii the llrt ll.n.r for ix-rupancy ..I , Ainonif the aul lorn ia Hientloned one lippi"! the c.-uleN at ii'., mii ii.Ih. ' ll.e tenunlH in Mug pr.iMftile.1 us rapid- j party whorcxidea jut the other side ptirtUii.K little juIIh. likevieM l'rit Co. ). I.. M.n.l. y, of New I'ine Cri t k.left A' t.f line potutot-H nt ihin tillit'i; lrink notliii.K but .I.'hhh Moore ttl.ixky and you'll iiluiivn Ih happy. On ultt ut Wlioi Ion .V l itpiitrirk'a. " .'l.'l-lf J.nlKe SM'rry iult.'t.diiiK ciri'iiilco.irt in Khimuth I-'uIIh, coinlintu. the le fenre in the l.. wilier unit, of Tailor illi.l UwetiH vh. Ijipham. He will return Nov. .Vh or nth. IC.', ) on M ho have not already ntllnu'riU'd for the llx.iiiiinrr, that the Hiitiat riplioii prit'f has Ix-. n ri-ii(-ed to $'-.(M jH-r year, ninl we invite yotl to join the pr.M'eHHiou. I'.mt A Kiiiir lo-t a t ir ftoek in the fire bill they have another iut it tJ.iml. I" 1 1 if liiplor and t'iar ; A. it. I'. Ieer. I'lider the op.-ra huii-e. -M Tl.iH week The I'xaintn.'r pulilihlicn a Mt'll written paper from the pen nl Mii-H All. .a Joliifou, read ut the late HeHHioti of the Tearher' liiHtiltite. It in cini lieutly worthy of jmtumuI . Tn prevent eoiiHiiiiii.tion ipiieklv t'uru Ihioal and Iiiiij troulile with One Mm-1 yte l'niiR'li Cure. I.akeview lni Co. S. I. ('milter A Co. lire now Hlaunliter injj Home of the Ilii.'Ml beef ever put on a blo.'k in l.iikeview'. Thin emii'iany of butcher luive a I. in baud of thene beef cattle on hand ready for the pen. Von enjoy a yoo.l citfar don't you? Well I'oHi Kinti eurry the best in tow n the eel. 'brute. I KlComandatite. 1'lit jjrunt iiud exhilarating. ' 41-tf StibNcribe for un extra copy nf The Kxum iner und neml it to it friend or relative ut it distance. It will in it meas ure uiiHwcr the purpoHO of it once a-week letter, un. I will only c.ihI y.m 2.1X) per year. Yotl don't want to forget thut l'ont A Kint, the popular dinpeiiHerH, urn Htill in it. Tbev me under tbo opera Iioiihu, Cull and' Hen them. 22 Andrew McCiilleii left l.iikeview last Saturday for AhIiIuii.1 to spend the win ter with bis fiimily. lie will return here next HprinK, and will no doubt bo a fuc t or in the continued up-building of I.akeview. ly a poi-eil.le. The room on the north end is hciiiK arranged for A. ItieUtr, uiercbunt. Mr. Itieber will have a fine Klore in it ood locution. Chtii.) resilience lots for nale. Kn (julre a'. The Kxamiuer ollleo. 2-lf After the perforimtnce t.f the Black Serena. lers lat week, Senator llam.leii and one of hi c rfonurrH had a little mix'i.iileretiii.d.i.n reurdii.K money tuut tera. und the Senator "Hwatled" bis . I . i h k y employe, a la FHr.immoiiM, for which be was culled tbe next day to ap pear in tbe Itecorder's Court to dcnit a "live spotter" to help the city alui.. The reas ui phyHician uhvay recom iii. 'lid .Ichkc Moore "AA" wbi-key is be cause they knuA' of its absolute purity, tieo. J. sole UK'eut. K Iward (' lotue, the anii'i'iii.'em.Mit of whose death appeared in these columns last week, was born in Marion county, ( irciion, November l?s, JH.Vi. lie whs u (; man, and united with the Methodist Kpiscopal church at New I'ine Creek, in June lS'K. The funeral was held from the M. K. Church at New I'ine Creek, Oct. 2Uli, and Kev. Kiehur.l I'ysli tlelivere A an inipiessivi' funeral serin. .n over the remainH. Jesse "A A" whiskey in used ut all the principal bospituli in the I'nited States. Why is it? Geo. Jainmcrtbiil sole UK'elit. One of Senator Han. den's l'.lack Ken ttickiuiiH, the same w hom the Senator, in an unguarded moment forgetting bis dignity, "swatted" with his deadly right, brought suit against Mr. and Mrs. llauiden for back salary lust Thursday in Justice Itayley'a Court. Attorney Conn, (or the defense, usked the court that the plaintiff be compelled to give an undertaking (or costs ol action, which the defendant failed to do, and the cause was dismissed on the following day. As a tonic, nothing in the world benta the Jesse Moore "AA" whiskey. Geo. Jainmerthal sole agent. The Kiglit l'age "Examiner" 12.00 yr. of the line, but who makes Lakeviow his business and banking- point. We estimate on prices to a certain extent, but none of them will fall much short of the actual price. Heryford Bros., 700 head of beef, steers and cows, to Gcrher and Swan son, at about Ml per head, V. I). I3auers, 75 head to Gerber and Swanson, at about t'U per bead. C. C. Pratt, 20 bead to Gerber and Swanson, at $21). Henry Lealimuu, 13 head to Gorber and Swanson, at about $20. I). II. Hartzog, I")0 head stock caitle to Mitchell Itros., at (2ii. F. M. Puke, 50 bend stock cattle to Mitchell Uros., at 25. S. J. Sludley, 175 bead stock cattle and eady Made Clothing Clothing Hade to Orde ....FIT GUARANTEED.... Ahlstrom Bro'sThe Monogram Cottonwood ranch to E. B. Edson, at about $34 for steers and 932 50 for cows. Besides these sales tbe local butchers have bought up a s. to all number, for (daughter, at good prices. The Examiner considers this a mat ter of considerable moment for asingle valley in tbe county to turn off 70,000 worth of cattle in one year. "Hilly" Chamberlain, and old friend of the writer, who has for years courted Dame Fortune in rarious walks of life sometimes delving in the bowels of Mother Earth for precious metals, again guiding sight-seers and mountain climb ers over the easiest windings to reach the summit of grand old Mt. Shasta, and erstwhile feeder of the hungry at Yreka town has gone to Montague to manu facture a French Fry potato cutter, for 'Si From the Cedarvtlle Record ...The Examiner job office prints attractive cards... IPS mm iTDrs. (X. H. Ivncr View and Portrait Photographer ENLARGED PICTURES IN Order (orM CRAYON, WATER COLORS, Et. FRAMES and PHOTO JEWELRY ...LAKCV1EW, OREGON... to Mitchell Bros., at 125. Cordcll Thruston, 150 head stock cattle to Mitchell Bros., at $25. Ike Robnelt, 22 head beef to G. W. Mupes, at $36. C. M. Oliver, about 30 head beet driven to market at M'arysvllle, at about $37.50. XL Company, 800 head boof from which lie has a patent and from which we hope he may make a "barrel of money." Pass the French frys to The Examiner, "Cuddy Bill." For Sale A tract in South Lakeviow, containing 3 acres ; 2'g acres in alfalfa fine stand; t acre in various kinds of (ruit. Owner has first water right from Deadman Canyon. Fine residence lots. A bargain. Enquire at this otlice. 38 tf NEWS NOTES FROM SURPRISE k Dick Cobb and family departed for Lakeview last Saturday, where they in tend to reside. Simon Drouillard and wife will occupy the house vacated by them. Frank and Dell Dibble, of Silver Lake, and Alfred Johnson, of Fife, grand chil dren of Mrs. M. A. Street, of this place, arrived here last Sunday on a short visit and to procure supplies. Miss I'earl George of Lakeview has purchased the millinery goods and busi ness of Miss Nellie Butman, and is now located one door south of the Golden Eagle Hotel, where she will be pleased to serve all' those desiring goods in her line. There are now six bands of beef cattle en route to the railroad, between here and Ainedee, belonging to James Fee, Edward Conlan, Hugh McManus, James Sweeny, Warner Corporation and Peter Peterson, and they will aggregate some thing over 2,000 head, we are informed. Hon. Peter Peterson, of Bidwell, was here last Sunday with a band of beef cattle, which he is driving to Aniedee. There is now only one large band of beef cattle in this part of the valley, which belongs to Cressler & Bonner, although there are quite a number of cattle that could be picked up at different places. Just now the beet market is quiet. William Herron returned from Lake view last Sunday. He says that he was at Buld Mountain, and while there he found an old Springfield rifle that had apparently lain there for years, and be lieves that lie is on a hot trail to the famous "Hoag Ledge," w hieh has for so long proved a sort of "will-'o-the-wisp. William Broddus discovered a ledge near where the rifle was found, and is now prospecting it, and Bill says that it ia no "pipe-dream" about ore being there. 9 V. CONN THE PAISLEY MERCHANT. 0 9 i.ll I i Ii -A3 1L ir-