Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 01, 1900, Image 6

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List of the Various Offices to be
Filled In All the State..
All the States in thu Union, now forty,
five in number, will elioow Presidential
Elector and member of Congress on
November tth, except Oregon, wlWe
two Congressmen were rbo.en in June
4th. All tbe Territories w ill elect dele
gates on the name day and the following
State elections an? to Ih held in Novem
ber: Colorado to choose a successor to the
present Democratic Governor and Dem
ocratic -Populist State officials.
Connecticut to choose a whole State
ticket. The present Governor is a
Delaware, a Governor for four years
in place of the Democratic incumbent.
There is no Lieutenaut-lJovernor in
Idaho, a State ticket for four years.
Illinois, a State ticket for four years.
Indiana, a State ticket for four years.
Iowa, a Secretary of State.
Kansas, a Governor and State ticket
for two years.
Kentucky, through the legal compli
cations arising from the shooting of
Senator Goebel, a Governor in place of
Beckham, the present Governor, and a
Lieutenant-Governor in place of Beck
ham, promoted by Goebel's death to the
Massachusetts, a complete State
ticket for one year.
Michigan, a State ticket for two years.
The present Governor is a Populist and
his associates in the administration are
Missouri, a Governor and State officers,
over the election of whom there will be
s hard fight. Tfie term of office in
Missouri is four vears.
President McKinley has returned to Washington full of confidence
in the success of the Republican ticket on the tith of November. He has
had reports from all the so-called doubtful States, and he has no doubt of
the result. All he asks is that the Republicans every where continue to
work as they are now working, anil that there be nocenr-ation of activity
till the ballots are all in and counted.
The advices which the President has received indicate that the Re
publican electoral tickets will be successful in every Northern State east
of the Missouri River, in all of tbe Pacific Coast States, in the llorder
States of Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia and perhaps Kentucky, in
such Western States as Kansas, North anil South D.ikota and Wyoming,
with even chances for Nebraska, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, I'tah and
At the Cabinet meeting to-day there was an informal discussion of
the political situation. All the members present were delighted at the
serene confidence shown by the President, whose information and judg
ment they know to Ije of the leet.
President McKinley is fully :,ontent to devote all his time to public
business, leaving Mr. liryan a monopoly of the siieechrnaking. He is
satisfied that the Democratic candidate is hurting his own cause in almost
jvery tpeech he makes.
Montana, a Governor and other State
officers, now divided between the Clark
and Daly factions of Democrats.
Nebraska, w hich has a Populist Gov
ernor and a I'opuliht-Iiemocralic State
administration, will fill all these places
besides clusisii.g legislators, who will
have the selection of two United States
New Hampshire, in which a Governor
and State officials will m chosen.
New York, in which a Governor and
Mate officials, a-; well as both branches
of the Legifclature, will le voted for.
North Carolina, in which a Governor
and Slate officer will be elected for the
period of four year-, and a constitu
tional amendment to be. submitted to j
the voters.
rui Jaxota, in wmci. a governor
and State officers will I voted for.
Ohio, in winch the Secretary of State
will be the highest offi. -ial voted for.
Pennsylvania, in which two Congress-J
men w in oe cnosen.
South Carolina, in which a complete!
State ticket will Ihj chosen for two years, j
South Dakota, in w hich a Governor
and State officers will be chosen for a
like period.
Tennessee, in which a Governor,
Treasurer and Auditor will be voted for.
There is no Lieutenant-Governor in
Texas, in which a whole State ticket
is chosen.
TTtali i u lii..l, a I I,..,. ....A Cl.,1..
... '-nil , , I
Officers will he chosen. I tali loin not
had a State election since 1H'J5.
Washington, in w hich a Governor and
tate officers will be elected for four
years. The present administration is
West Virgin!.), !u which a Governor
and State officers will be elected for a
like period. The present administra
tion of West Virginia is Republican.
Wisconsin, in which a Governor and
State officers will be elected.
The States in which there will be no
general election for State officer this
year are California, Maryland, Missis
sippi, Nevada, New Jersey and Virginia.
The States which have already held
their State elections are Rhode Island,
which chose a Governor and State offi
cers in April; Ixmisiana, which held
its State election in the same month;
Vermont and Arkansas which held elec
tions since, with Republican gains,
and Oregon which voted In June.
RAXTKR SPRINGS vKan.), October
12.-The Modoc Indiana are rapidly
passing away. It will le cnly a few
years until they have all become "Good
Indians" and their trife will be eitinct.
The Modocs at one time were the most
troublesome and blood-thirsty savages
that the Government ever tried to gov
ern. Long tefore the white man put in
an appearance on the shores of the Pa
cific they were seekers of gore. They
werealwavsin trouble ith older triWs.
That is the way they got the name
Modoc. It means 'enemies." It was
given them by the other tribes on the
Pacific, against whom they had waged
Hut now things have changed. The
Modocs no longer thirst for war. They
are a slovenly, indolent and dull set of
Wings, with no ambition. From a
strong tribe of brave warriors they have
dwindled down until there are only
thirteen bucks left in the trile. The
total population of the triln- is seventy
eight, mostly women and diseased chil
dren. In recent years the Modocs have
died off like sheep, and if the ratio keeps
up in less than a decade a Modoc Indian
w ill le one of the curiosities of a prac-.
tically extinct race. Thy are now
quartered on a small reservation in the
(Juapaw country a few miles south of
this city, under guard of the Govi-rn-ment,
fur they are btill considered
prisoners. 'II. e few members of the
trilie are growling because they cannot
go back to the Pacific Slope and spend
tlo- remainder of their days.
J he Modocs once w ere a of tl
Klamath tribe in Northern California
and Southern Oregon. They became
the 'Jloxcnj" of the Klamaths. They
broke away from that trilje and set up a
government of their own and then
waged war ugainst their mother tribe,
just as the "Boxers" are doing in China.
They alio attacked outsioers just like
,jiu "oj
ioxers," and finally linked horns
with Uncle Sain.
tij(,y were 8ulKlle(1 the woul(i
make slaves of their prisoners of war
ail(J b,ly ,. tlt),n -n ,,,,,,
oUieP aft(;r ,,, fa(jhion o( Ue andent
ijlliallH ail,j Carthaginians.
The above from the Kan Francisco Ex
aminer is a mis-statement of facts so far
i as the number of Modoc Indians now in
existence, is concerned. It is estimated
that there are at least WM) of the Modocs
on the Klamath Reservation, and they
have been accorded the same rights by
the government as the other Indians in
the allotment of lands.
A. F. Hunt left Ashland on October
22d with three carloads, of cattle from
the Dead Indian country, which he took
to the San rrancisco market to sell,
San Francisco prices rule higher just
now than in Portland.
Tbii ilirnsture In on every box of the gooulne
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabieu
(he remedy that cure a celcl In one day
Tnx: Kei
riu Oni.v
ICxvlllMi VP
lit I -IlltON iYV
O. 0. aRA.VIIS
All The Latest Up-To-Date Styles
w v. it
xWrltfor.CatAlocua and Prices.
Gold the Poor
Man's Money
Frmii Pri-nl'li'iit HaytV t cif the
lUaml AIILon ai l.
National promises should lie
kept with unflinching lid. lily.
There is no power to comicl a
nation to pay its just debts. Its
credit dcciid on its honor. The
nation owes what it has led or al
lowed its creditors to exN-i-t. I
cannot approve a bill, which, in
my judgment, authorizes the vio-
V lation of lacred obligations. The
obligation of the puhlic faith traim-
cemis all ijuentioiiH of profit or
public advantage. Its unijuestiou
able maintenance is tlt! dictate as
well of the highest expediency us
of the most heCMSsary duty, and
should ever be carefully guarded
. by the Kxecutive, by Congress, and
S, by the people.
A currency worth less than it
purports to be worth will in the
end defraud not only creditors, but
S all who are engaged in legitiuiau
s business, and none more aurely
y than those who are dependent on
their daily labor for their daily
v bread.
s s s .
Some of the good hulie of Lake view
are considering a proposition of giving a
big entertainment in the near future.
the proceeds of which w ill he applied to
the improvement of the cemetery. Such
a worthy movement should be encour
aged by everybody in the community,
for there ii nothing that needs improve
ment more bo than our cemetery. As it
stands it is simply a blot on the fair
fame of Lnkeview. The home of the
dead should at least be cared for and
made beautiful with shade trees, flowers
and green grasses. It is to Us hoped
that the ladies will give an entertain
ment for this purpose, and that it will
be well patronized.
8. D. Coulter & Co., the wide-awake
meat marketuien, have engaged the ser
vices of an experienced butcher from
San Francisco, who is an artist in Ins
business. He is now manufacturing the
finest sausages, bolognas, headcheenu
and other tasty market productions ever
exhibited in Lnkeview. Those who like
such dishes as pickled tripe can get that
put un to perfection. And the winue-1
worst he makes would tickle the palate
of a king.
Albert K. Walker and Cornelia Sweet,
both residents of Parker Creek, Modoc
county, were mariied at thu home of
the bride's parents on October 21st.
J. K. King, former resident of Modoc
county, is now on trial in Marin county,
Cal., for the murder of N. Ji. Church.
King's defense is self defense.
'Jake Laxative Isromo iiiiiiiuo Tab
lets, All dniKKiste refund the money if
it fails to cure. K. W, Grove's sina
ture in on each box, 25c. ;;-lyr
mok xoia
Hioli Grade
Vote d.r N.. s. l: 1.1, N and lo.
and Jeweler
I -oca ted at Ahlstrom Uros
& .Monogram jj.
4 All work in my line fully Y
Notice of Final Account.
In I lie Mniii-r of the Kio- i.i ..... - ltr,rt,
. e. H it : Snili i l.i r. li kim ii lion I l,w
fll"'l my flnsl hi mi n. l in I n l rm. .f ,.( anl
h-tiiti-. wnli Hi- I niinty i . rk nl l.k- miiuv,
ir, cmi. m:i 1 1, nl ii,- Jinlifo l tie- riiiini)
I ui.rt I.I .it. I ninny Im, art the IlinrlllK I her
i.l lor Ti,. ..Ih , llu- li ilitv nl Jniiimry, Pol, m
In o'l liiek M. iii. el ni iUy, nt lie- lulllilv
Jlllj. ' utile.- i.l K il I oiiiil y, at Kllli'h lllne
iili'l l ine, , i.l.j. . nliy lliere I,.-, run Im
eff- reil Iii III,- nlliotplii ol .net lOikl Hi-i-otinl.
4 John Mi Kj iiinm y,
I'nlieil srHi. I Mini IiMVi. hi lnkeview, lire
irull.Oel Al, l'm. N.itlri. In herel.y Kl-.eii I!. ill
llic IoI'iih I Hi; IIKImil Ki'lller hm llle.l III. lie., el
lil liil.-tii.eii I ke IIiihI t. ..' Iii mi . i r t i.l
ln elniiii, II, hi mill ,iiiifwiil I.i. niHile
lii'fure lie Id itlsn r iihI Keeeher in I nbi vli u .
iin-Kuii, mi m . :m, I'm, n: liWII, .Iiim,,,
Jr II !: No '.'17h ler tin- luii. I, J, ;i, 4 hihI .'i. Sim..
7. I'. :i'i , II j 1 1:, iIIhiiii'I ! in. r mi. ' i ri-if mi.
II,- 1,111,11'M llle fli! Uiv, llitf Willi 'KM H 111 prove
hln eiiinlioioiiN ri 'liL iii e ii,i,ii ninl enlnvn
lion nl Mild Iniel.vli: M . . j,lrd. uf,
I iri'Knii, Hurry l:li;i:. of I.Hkevn w, iir.-i'Lii,
I im-. ol riimli, ori-Kuii, II. Mniinni:, i,
riimli, nr. nun.
'ii. L'i.-i, K. M. IlKAIT.tlV, ltek'ln-r i.Ai Miriit:.
I'lilii-d SHt,. i.hhiI (inir,,, I uk,' view. (Iri k'uii,
w .ii'nii.i r i:m ,i nee im lu n liy kIvi ii il.ul
111 rolli,llllliee u Oil III.- prut l-lulil, ol I lie m l id
I unur. ill Jiiiiii :t, IS7s, e ii i III, i , n hi ! fur
I lie Hie ill 1 1 III In r iMll'lx III I he -Oil, a ol lull
luriilit, nrenoii, Nnmii end mOilm-ioii T, r
ritory,"Hn i-xi.n.l. ,1 iu ell the I'uhllc Im.d
sihiis hy Nil el A iienm 4, lew, Jul, n A . Wit Ii
er,of l"al iy, ruiiiity u I.Hke, wmus of OreKon
Iihk llilx iIhv Hied Iii lln. i.llli e III. nuuril KlHle
iiii-iiI, No. Z7s, fur IIim piiriiiH,- id the N's lit
i, , i .... ,., ,.. , ...
"i. :i'.i f"-i-i ion ..if. i.l, in low n., THIIKU
Nu. 17 K slid will idler pruuf tu uliuw llml tint
IhiuI miiislil in inure VHliislile lor H HinliiT or
slime Hi ii ii fur HKriinliiirnl iiirpimea, hiiiI Iii
I'MuIiIIhIi Ills claim IiikiiI.I IhicI lielure (lie i-k-
Int.r ll.l Iteeelver of III III lifllee Hi Lnkeview.
(ri'Kiiii.iui Kridny lln; .Hull dny of Sin emlii'r.lluO
lie iihiim n h willleimii I.. A. Mum, ol I'mnlry,
nri-iioii; P.M. ('urry, of I.ekevlew, Orexun ; J,
l Mi l ormni k. of Lnkeview, OreKuli, nml rt. I',
MokN, of l.nki'View, nrcicuii.
Any h ml nil p, rom elnliiilnjt edvemely Dip
nl.ov, .il.'Hcrll.i'il IntnlH ere n uienieil in llle
tlielr I'IhIiiih In IhU ofllce oil or In lore mild riiuli
Niivemlier, IWie.
Hti 27-:ie K. M. IIKATTAIN, lleKlsler.
I'lilli'd Kliilim Lnml nfoi e, Lnkeview, Oregon,
Hnplemlier 21, Notice is licreliy nl veil I linl
in eoniplliiiii'i-w llh Hie provlMoiu, uf I lit- net id
I oner. 'Mi of June II, 1H7", eiilllled "All net lor
he -Hie ol IhiilHT IhIiiU III tllH Hlnten of I'nll
fornln, Ori'si ii, Neuida uii't VVnnlilni!liiii 'ler
riii,ry,"n extended to nil I lie I'ulille I. mid
hliilen l,y net of Aiimist 4, InDJ, Ainiiii Hum, ol
I'ninley, eieiniy id Luke, Mlnlu of Or. linn. I.iia
lids dny III. d In I h In idtleu lier nwurii sihii'
ineiil, Ni . !7ti, fur Hie iiiirelinHs of llm Ni:' ,of
NK'4 of mil Ion No. li, In lowiii,liii No, III H.,
rnniie Nu. 17 K., end will offer proof to nliow
Hint II, ! land hiiiikIiI In inorii vnlimldu for lln
I I in l. r or Mime I Ii n ii for niirlciilliirni pui ihihi,
and lu I'hIiiIiIihIi lier elniiii In snld luud lielorii
(lie HikImii r mid lleeelver of tliln nllli enl Lnke
view, Or'uoii, on hrldiiy, llin wnli dny of Nn
vem lier, I'.SHJ. Slie iiuiiii'h nn witneiiH -n: lolni
A. W Ilium, uf I'ulhli-v, iircKon; I', M. Curry, i, I
Lnkeview, lre:oii: J K. Mel nriuni k, uf Lnke
view, lln Kim, mid A. W. I llurlloli, uf Lnku
V iew, nri'Knll.
Any nml nil pemuun elnliuluK ndn in, l Hie ilied Iniids nru reipn Hied In file
their eliiliiiH in IIiIh i ' m eo on or Oeforu Mil I ;iiiiIi
iliiv of Noveiiilivr, I '"hi,
Sip -.! fc. M. II It A TT A I N , llelHler.
r. H. MMITII. M. I.
I.akevtrw, ir.
rin r nir,i s. in. inji, n.
mmiHly ilny er nielii.
rkjrelelati mm4 eargr
l-akrvlew. Or.
orriCR UkntW liiui t'o'a. SUirn.
Mr:ilH. 4.HKVU .
orru r. .-hi iimtM.
i,. r. oi
Altera-? lw)
, ii ii.iii nri.r-.
Ukuflra, Or
lif CK r - tni;iliiiiMln(.
t Allarary-Al-Iw,
Aehlaait. Orri.
Will In nny rltil hmintM nntiuiiml la his.
In in? ul ih niuntir nl Ui linl Judicial tiairM.
w j nuiiiir.
AI(ornr).a.Atr, nelary raelle
UkfTlrw, Or
orril'K -Istly ilultdinr
HUM M J Mll.l.r'U
(aunty Maaagrr far Ike
vitvi ronrv.
orncr. vi ni si. utu, o
mi . i:. ii ii mnHY
llerasr Trainer
l-akrlrw, (Mrgea
l.akrlrw, Urrgea,
OKKU K Pnly HiilMinc
It II II 4 l.tKU
fnlalry, 4rr(ea
II V.. l(4ltr.
Nnrvrjor ai!4'lvll Kuflurrr
Kr-rveir lln l. l. .1, I'lnllliif ami ,il,h
l,IHiK IIii.Ih. nml i,l,ir
fur Iwrtiffl llviliu m n illvlnnrn
l-akr-tlrw, llrrcaa.
Slll.l.f Mil !4iM
James Barry
Hrudn wnli Swnllua f ork la
rliflit rnr fur i-wi-n: rirnn
for wetliem. Hoineewen Sipinrn ru and Sill
In rliflit enr. Jnr limud III. limine, I'rnne
I nk,-. 1'imiollire n, I, lii-nii. I nkevlrw . iiii i,
Zac whitworth ::;:i;:;izz,:!i
rlnlil fur ewi , rim rm- lur welher. 1 nr llrnud
VY. KnlllO-. Kl.ll I'reek. I'lmlultipe niltlr.o
Ijiki'Vl, w. (;i,'eiiii
ClIK.Itllr M OTI4 41 r Nll.r, lJ
' 'atklfaW ntna a
fNliLIt AMI H V Vllt'll KOK AN XKrl'.
Ilun iii fureeluNiire. Intird mil uf the ( ireuit
I mil I uf lln- Mini e ol II i run, lor llle l-iiuiitt of
jke, on tlie 'HIi dn) uf I ii IuIh r. I'no. lu iu dl
rei led nlld di llleri 'l. Ill n Mill W herein I'. 4i.
I'hrlinnii. . plnlnlirf. reiini-nd Jiulfininl
iiii.I H'li'.Ti'i' uf lur, elo. ore mid urder uf nnla
ii I'll II. -I II . I-'. enl , Llnerf, He . l nlld f). M.
i'l,n ,"l"u,,i. llu- Iiih ilny uf lietohi-r,
lii, fur lh" mini ol Koiir II it ml red nud I went y.
M'i'ii liolliim niul i he further of Ni veiiiy
lin' li.'l.iir.. n lurii, ' , i nml t lie further
. .ni til I, 'ii dollHri., i'om and dlntitirHeiiieiiin, j
on eon. in nieli -. I lu m il ihe lolluti lux ili nerllH il
r III iropelt , Ii lulikl lu the nl."e llnlui'd lie-
(. n.lmiu II I . llm, K iiiiii-in- M , .t i,u i, ,
,-h . in Lnke eiiti tit v. nri'Koii, iu w It :
'I lu- west hnir ol lie' nou!lii-Hl iiinrli r, Nulille
ct ii.mrl. r of i iiithweid i mirier niul all l hut
I nri of t1,!- n.l .iuirii r of tie- oi,ihwi nl
i.iii ler. exeeiniirT ihe Iriul upon whleh Ihe
low II i.l .-I Her I ill. e kit Hilled, 1 ; ,e Hurt a' of llle Mm In t ilunilir i.f nuiilhweiit
,iuiriiT, nil In n.-etiuii ih. niv Mu, Towimhiii
I w ,'llt V I V 1 1 1 M'Ultli . rnliK'' loi'ltei'li -nkl
Nni'H'K is IIU'KllV lilVKN, Hint on r'rlday.
Siiveiiihi r Huh. !'"'. nl 'J uYloi'k y. 111. uf nm4
Iny, nl the Ii, ,ui mi. I 1 n-t Mile ul 1 he I 'mini y
' 0111 1 lliiiin. ul Lnke euiiiily, lir-'iimi. In lakr
view . I will n II nil Ihe rig In, I llh niul Inierrm,
w hleh Ihe mod d.-h iidnula 1, 11. 1 111 nud to ihp
nhuve liiinlluli d Hlul ileum hell preiulmn (in
llie It! dny ul rehriiiiry, Ihmi, or Unit llu y have
Hlitee nnhl dnl" Hi'.iiirei iheielii or I heri'tu, nt
1, ul. lie .nle. fur null, tu the hie,,t and
hem hldder llierefur, tu nn I lf y nnid jielKiiiein.
deeree. i'okU mi l thecuKtnof luukhut tti la aulf.
Imteil Ihm liith dny uf, Iiiini.
II IC. lit'M.AI',
4l ,'t Hherlff uf Lnke l onuty, uri'Kou.
NIITICK IH IIL'HKIiY lilVKN, thai the Ululvr
HlKiii'il hn h.'i ti, hy order id Ihe I uiuily l uiirl
uf Lnke County, Or. n, duly liui.le nud enler
ml uh UieiNdh dny uf Hi',leiiilier, UNO, npliolnt
ed ediiilninirnlur uf the eninle ol N. I'. Tun
niiieneit, di'eeuM'd. All in rKuiin hinliiK elallna
nunliiat nnhl I'.tnle are reipilri'd lu preaenl Ihe
naiim with proper veiiehera within kIi niontba
from the dale of thin not lev, tu Ihe iinderaiRii
ed lit llin residence, III Lnkeview, Lit k 11 l.otnity,
Ori'KOli; nml all ,eron kiiuwiiiu IheinM l vrn
In he liiilehti'd tu anld i hihIii w ill plennu tell
and my llm mtniti lu mild ail ml 1, Imi niior.
. . , . , A. K. TONMMiHKN,
AdniinUtriilur uf thu Knlnii- ol N. I', lan-
IlillKHI'll, llel'.'Hfll'd.
Imted net. 41 Ii, HKI. an t.
IIVI. Ill44tr'.
I'lllted Hlaten Land (Ullee nt Lnkeview fir
(leiiihi r il. Ijuu. Nuilce in In rehy kiviiii ihnl
Ihe fulluwltiv limned aelllera limn III...1 i,ii..
ul their liilenlioil tu liinke llnnl plindln nniiiHirt
uf their ilHltiin. nml that anid prool will he niadn
hefuri! the Hi Klmer nml lleeelver HI Lnkeview,
tiri'Kuu.oit lieeeiuherh, 1HKI, vli: .IIIIIN Ill'r"
KhV, 11. K. Nu. -turn, fur the W U of NW'.;, UK';
of Nivki4 of NK', Hee. 'ih, 1 y !,H, M. II. 14 K
Wllliiinellii Merldlini, tlriyun, lie iininiia I ho
flillowillK W illli'Ni,en tu lirovn lila I'lilll 1 niliina
renideiiee iiiioti and cull Iviilluii of nnid hind
vi: '. M. I leliN, A. Lttuillii, I'lntiK lirovea
W in. Muiiliuuirtry, nil ol Andrew., Orricoil.
Vln: A Kl. LI'SIllN. II. K. Nu Km. I... 11...
H', of Hl)i , Hee. -iM, N 1 , N K Heeltt, Tpim.H. K.IIft
r. v litniiii'ile Merldliiii, III. eun. u niinien
111.' Iull,,,v Iiik u inii'nni-N tu lirhve hin eouliiin.
nu renldeni e 111,1,11 nlld I'llllVHIhill ul nnlil
In ml , i x : luhn iiuff, y, Krnii)V Oiuve. Ali r.
m.i te, i , m. 1 lenm, nil 01 Amliiewa, (ir, von.
.l ,,t 1. l 1,1 ,'l ? . , .1 , v .
1 .'i.unni i,i., iii'giNier.