History In the Intermediate Division." A I'aprr UrmiS at Ih Tsacbara' InstltaU I I .aha lounly, (HioMf, toon, ay flD.00 Illma 3obneon Tlie inti rinniliiito iliviMioii iti lliti tt coiirM ( utiiilr iii.'liiilcN tlin fourth, fifth awl ith rnilcM, hikI Mrv ntr iiiK Uhiii tlm miuly of lilntory In tliln division ti pupiU aliotiM Ihi tlmroiif hljr cUttinttl willi work until nwl in tlio primary livirlin. A liirM mimtar of cliililrcii It-a vat mliixil by tint lima tliiy aru rcoily fur the nlvNtici work, and It In, llii-rcfur, nii-i-a-Hry that they ri-coivi' liiatury trniniiiK in tint lowur grade. Ilinlory i hum of lh mont itii jiortiit tull-, ImiiiK n utmly of cunt ml rffiTt. i-oiMj.iiriM.inii nrnl rorilral, tint Inllin-iii'K of i rtl i v i 1 1 1 w 1 h hnI cluirnr- tCrixtil'M of I'VI'lltN. A (MTdOII to lm a gixxl cili.cn iniiNt iiiiilcrxtninl tlm gov frniiicnt, mul lliin rmiiiut U im with out kiDiMlnli of : In- hixtory of the roil ii try. In ti-fiiitiinT thf tuily of Uniltil Matr-ii History, aftir ll work In tho r i in it r y ilivifioii Iiiih Imhiii com )ivti'l, itttciitioi, Khoiihl hit lallnl to thi oliyMrul roii'litioti of tin- coun try. Tim littli fnlk will rui'lily nee why roloiiixtH iiuiih- thi'ir lioinra on tltt lutnkN of riviTH or lukr.i; why they (iituri"! rriliiin liHrUim; why agrirul turn w n rurrifil on honk- 'luc-, m liilt huiitil u ii'i'l Ili-hiii' wi-rf tht rhii'f or l'Uiiitioiin of ot hi-rn. Tim Mitt rotirM1 of itinly iIim-h not re quint tin- n' i . f tin- ti'Xl Ixi'k in lln IiiiihIm of tin- uoiU (hi- lirxt year of thin iIivimuii, hut 1 hiivi- loiiml thnt M gri'itt ih-ul may hi- ptinrtl hy litting tin pupil u m I hi? Ihm.W unit ri'inl for tin-in-m-lvi-N mii h piirlH tin 1 Migvxl for thi-m, and thi-ii till in thi-ir own 1 n ttirti ino whutthi'V liuvu ri".i'l. Kmli ln.i' slmuM Ihi xuppli-iiii-iiti-il with oilier work than tho text hiKik. If M(Hmlili jfi-t hixton cul hookx, in tin (orui of xtorit-x, Htiii rrad tin-in t' tin' i'Iiihh. Tlii' hiftory of tho early Mmim! Huillcrx, tlu-ir work iiml tin- tun'i-N hit of thrln, tlu-ir occupiilion iiikI iiioiiihIh xhoulil It- tililu-il. Tlii-n It'll how thi liiiliium rami ; tlu-ir ilrc, i-iiHtomx, coxt-riuiu-iit, lioini'H, wnrluri', i-tf. Atti-ntioii inny In-culli-il to Htnti-x, lukr mul rivi-rx, w hirh till hi-iir liitli.iu iniiiii-n, iiml ill" to IriU'ii of tho pn-m-iit liini'. Selection from l-oimli-llow 'h llntuittli may hi' rt-ml with prolit. Alter tln rhtv IiHh Imtoiih' inU-ri-hli'-l in tin- liiiliium uml thu coii.litinii of tlm t-ouiit ry h lew !' nnim limy Ik- hml on I In' 1 1 fr of Coliiiu Iiuh Iiih h-wk uml ilt-ciii N -Hi tlm xiiine tiuii' I'Xpliiiiiintt iilNiut tht' olil wiiy to Imliit uml tin- l.Hfl. I.rt thi-m ri'inl for tht-IUM-lvi-M in I lid text honk whllt in givt'ii thi-ri" iihoiit 'tlm ti I ill.-, hlH voyiiyi' ninl n-tiirn to l'.iiropi'. Tht K-xmiih Ihiiii IihIIioh iiikI Mui-lhin rp Ihii ini xirtunt iiikI iiiti-ri-t-ting ; nlxo, thu 1ih-I'ovi-ry of Kloriila mul tlm MiM-im-ippi rivi'r. All thrxo w ill In- i-lijoycil hy thoxt' of i'Vi-n tin- fourth putli', if ni vfii in thu form of Morir. After tht' moHt important iliirnvrrirH hnvo hrroiiu' thoroughly lixi-il in tht' tllillll it iti Wt'll to ln'K'IM Willi till- hl'tlll'- mt'iitx. l'.y iu i if ii 1 1 v ipu'Ntioniht; llu jiupiln will, of tlu-ir own mvonl, ti-ll why ntllriiiriilH wi'in 1 1 1 ii 1 1 , mul, in u jjriMt many rnr-i'ii. why ri-rtnin plari'H rt-i-i-ivi-il thi'ir iiiimi-t, Mirh iim IVnnxyl vuniai .Imiu-Htow n, l'loviili'iici', Ni'W AuiHti-riliim, Vii.'iiiiii, liuli-ih, l-'loriihi, lliiltiiuort mul otlu-iH. Tin- fnumlin of YiiKioia Ih an iuiportiinl Ii-hhuh; tho cf fortu of John Smith iu the i-olony ; thu ri-K'iu from htarvtitioii hy l.oril lrla-wuri-; thu introihirlion of i-lavt's mul trouhlu with thu liiilimm hIhiuM he hrouht out. Thu Htory of thti I'ilgriuiH in Plymouth; thu l'liritaim in Siilcin ; thu ft mi in 1 i 1 1 k of thu MiiHHHi'htiHottH col ony, ami fimilly thu union of thunt) col oniuH will hrine out thu Moa of union for proti-i tion. William IVim mul tho cuttli-mont of IVmiHylvuniii in nnothur important It'HHon. Tell aliollt thu Iutrh xullliuK ill Nuw York. Cull uttuution to hoiiiu of tho (pii'cr old liiitoli i-iiHtoinH In Now York ; tho patroium" uml thu hint iMilch (ioviTiior, lVtur Htuy viwaut. Nuiiiu tho colon tt'N Huttli'd through pur-Hui-ution lor rclinion. ("oiuparu l'lym oiith hiiiI JuuiuhIow n UH to thu can no of Hutlluiuuut, growth, ciluciitioii, ruligion uml Bii'-ii'tv, Tell how Khoilu IhIuikI tirnt practically gave religious liberty, Notlcu how America In eniinectotl with Henry VII. FJiahuth, Jamea I ami other EngliHli ruli rn. In thix way the Iiml thirteen colonii-H may ho taught. Take a topic in thu text-hook ami hring in outriiilo lemling. llavo thu littlu folks hring in iuehtioiiH ami givo their iiluilH. Thu relatioiiN lielween tht) t:ol onii-H nml Knglanil iniiHt he included and gradually work in thu idea of govern ment uml tho feelings of thu 'ple; tho Intercolonial warn, uml, finally, the ri'iw lutlon of tlm colon lt to ho Iti'tcpcml nt. Thu cmiRuf of tlm Kuvoliition nru cry Imporlmit, mul nhould hv tlioroiiifh ly taught, ni no murfli of our nountry'i hiitory w tlm renultot thin M-prtion from tit molhi-r tmmtry. Khow how the upirtlon cnunw4 our country to ! pom tlm gmntfit r'ihlli: on tho glolm j how tho puoplo tieriiim! independent mid the country jiroxpi-roun, (iivu tho xtu rlMiof WnNlilnglon mid 1'ntnmii ; tho pro ttint to (loiicrm (iuge hy thu Hon ton hoy ; " Twill ICuvuro'i Kidu" and other i-velito. In tenchlng hixtory thu geography hould Iki uwid. Tlm wny hinlory and guAgraphy ar outllnixl for thu liilermu diat' department, they can txs taught together a great dual, and if facta ara xniM lati'd with plucen and other factn tho child will remi-mlx-r thuin a great ileal N iter, and from thu day that the pupila ru -ul vu their flrnl lexnon in geo graphy, which xhould lio of Ixime sur rounding, hixtory may Ihi interwoven in thu work. There ii almuMt alwaya aomo ohjeel iu thu neigh borhoi a river, hill, inland, inound or wean, ami in connni-tion with thenu theru will Ihi aouiP littlu hintoric fai l to relate to the rhihlren. In teaching geography of the I'niled Ktaten there in an excellent op liortuiiity to teach hlMory. In leaching thu "onnt of Mannachiinetla riinind them of the I'ilgriinn who found nuch a gooil harhor and Hindu their aettletnent. When ntudying the MinninHippi river hring up itn dtxcoveiy hy I'eSotD. C'on nult the innpn given in thu hintorin or draw an outline map of thu I'nitud Staten on the Mackhoard. Mark clearly the thirteen original xtaten; the North went Territory and the Minninnippi Ter ritory. Notice the country of Mexico and the r-paninh n-HCNiou, I lorida, on thunoiith; the l!nglifh territory, fun ada, on the north, and the French ter ritory, Iiuihinnu, on the went. Another intcri f ting feature in the Htudy of hiMory in the importmil dnten an they come. We xhould notirn aniii vernarien u they paxn hy. Take for ex ample, the month of February. On thu Mb of the month coined (ieneral Slier mnii'x birthday. The children will re-memlH-r him an thu (ienernl who went "Marching Through (ieorgiu," during the wur for the freedom of thu elavex, and on the !2lh coIiicm thu birthday of Lincoln, who wax I'rcxident during thin great xtrugglu. Storien of thexe xtirring tiiima ilnpriva thu eventn on thu child's mind, no that Lincoln will never be for gotten. Next we may take thu birthday of Washington, one of thu greiitext men of our hixtory. Anecdote of bin lxy IhmmI, bin early manhooil, bin great achievemeiitn mid bin uiixt-Hixh retire ment from Hiwer, are true to thu xpirit of bin gnatnexn, and futiiixh examples for the riling generation which cannot be xuipaxhed. An thu birthdays of Washington and Lincoln are xo near together, the pupils will readily associ ate these men, and will he interested in their ximilariti-H mul differences in char acter. Impresn iisin their minds tho (net that though Washington grew to manhood, surrounded by the influence of culture and wealth, and Lincoln struggled from the rankn of the jsior, they h ith became great. It in well to have the pupils vee that such things as poverty ami wealth have littlu weight in determining real character. Iu the history recitation full answers should be required, and the pupils should not be allowed to commit thu language of thu text book, but tell what they have read iu their own language. If they can do this they understand what they have been trying to learn. An thu intermediate department takes up only thu lirsl hall of Hitmen' First Hook in llistoiy, or to thu close o( the Revolutionary War, and I havu tried to cover thu most important points in cluded in this division, I would liku to bear this subject more thoroughly ilia c.issed mid methods for teaching it by other teachers present. Training Fine Bird Dogs. tJUkiynu (Yrt-ks) Newt. Henry Shock, the well known dray man rucuived three line setter bird doga from a gentleman in Portland last Satur day w hich hu w ill train for hunting pur poses. Mr. Shock has thu reputation of being thu bust band with dog or horses in thu statu nml is always in demand by sportsmen w ho appreciate n good dog. He gets $75 or training these dogs and thu gentleman w ho owns them would not havu anyone else to tlo thu work. Monday Henry shipped two fine dogs from liia kennels in this city to parties in San Francisco. He seems to possess a wonderful control over dumb animals and can maku them do almost anything but talk. Hu bus now on bund about twentv-tlve dogs and says hu bus room for u tow more. School Report. Following In tlxn report of tho Clover Flat School for thu month tx'ginning Kept. Ktli ami ending 'Oct. 12th. Number of day taught 20 ". " Imy enrolled b " " girln enrolled 8 Avnragn daily attendance 9 I'upiln w ho were neither absent nor tardy during the month, are: I-ah and Iewin (ireen and Carrie liranch. Visitors during the month were: Mr. L. K. (ireen, F.ddio (ireen, Mr. A. W. Bryan and Annie liryan. Parent ro earm-ntly reijuttxted to visit the school. I.cha A hick, Teacher. Mand.4ome Form. A Ultra Sew Kr. The Lnkeview Kxaminer come to our editorial table thin week in an enlarged tlve-coluiiiii (juarto form. It i one of our newsiest local exchange, and w are glad to ne it appear in it present handsome form, us it in evidence of the up to date, enterprixo of it energetic proprietor. Tor Sale nt u Sacrlflco , - A Ihreu-year old Standard Hred Stal lion, sired by thu great MeKinney; Hrst dam, Mixsion Hello. For full Kdigrco upply to Win. Harvey, Paisley, Dr. 'M -2i J. AVIRAGNETE, The Tailor At. I. W. llownrrn Now Goods, Now Samples, Everything Now. ..Fit Cuaranteed or no Pay.. I,iik't lew CariM'iiter Sliop tuiil Lumber Yurl. Thnninn llamlley, rrop. All kln-Uiit Crpiilf Work promptly UtenJeJ to HuiI.IIiik Contr.. u Takm nd KUiiii Mle. W ill k-p on hnd t all time a lare .toik of dr. iln-wl IumiImt. Nu on hrnl l'.KJ fi-l orillntf ami luu let mini', hliop opio.it Eiauilner oBii-e, lki-ii w, Ori-tjon, ..Vegetable btore.. 0) Tlie only Vegi-laMe Store in 0 Iki-vii-w ll lucalt'il at Ihe 0 North em! of Water Htreet. 0 Vt'Kt tatili-i, Krult, I'riHliue; 0 A Imi (irnvral Merchamllte, 0 ('larn ami Totiavroa. 0 Free IH-llvery. Whorton & Barnes EE BEALL, DRUGGIST 15 Everything known ' mA.2 1 . - il.. i i . to iiic irauc tarncu in stock i iMi Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Goods, Etc. CIGARS.. .STATIONERY Frank Smith's Barber Shop Hot and Cold Baths Veal Chops, Mutton Chops, Sirloin, I'ortcrhouBf, or any kind of,I5cof StcakH, or Iloasts cut from our ten dor and juicy Htock of prime meats, fresh and tempting Hams, Hacon, Lard, Ktc. You will always find us prompt and obliging in serving you. S. D. COULTER & CO. One door hoiiIIi or Oprr llouxn The Hungry Should Be Fed ml that i, my nnnaion. For good meal go to the Htillmuii Itoslnurnnt Two boil''irg North of Ofwra Hoo,e On Main Srret. JAME8 STILLMAN, Prop. BLflCK-fMITIIS AMD W1QONMflKER5 Horseshoeing A Specialty LOOKOUT 5S1 South and East VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Shasta Route. Tralna l-are Afr fur Portland an way Hi. tloni at 12:vn a. m. and 11:10 p, m. I.r Portland . 8 30 a m :0pro " A "r 4 Mi a in 9 :57 p a Ar A.hland 12::iam 12:i'i p ro " Sacrameoto 6:io p m 4:tS m ra " feau Fraociaco 7:46 pm :l5am " ridden 5:4.5 am It :4i a m Iieiivrr t:fi0 a m 8:40 p m " Kannaii City 7:25 a to 7:Z5am ' Chicago 7:45 am t:3bi m "IxtaAoKulea 1:20pm 7:(i0an " hi Panii ii p m 6:00 p ra " Fori Worth 6:S0 a m :au a m "I'llyol Mexico, 9:55 a m lOi.toam " IliiuHon 3:3.5 a m a la New Orleana . :2.5 p m 6:?j p ra " WaihiiiKtoa., r:!2 a m 6:42 a m " New York 12:43 p m 12:4.1 p m Pullman and Tourist carj on both train,. Chair i ax Hu rann-uui to Ogden and Kl Pane, and totirint iri to 'aicago, tit. Lrniin, New Or. Ivan and WuniiiKl- J. ConnecUnKat Ban Franclnco with the aoveral tcannblp line lor Honolulu, Japan, China, Pliillioine. Central and South Amrrli-a. bet.- agent at Ag--r atation, or addri-sa C. II.MAllKlIAM. (i. P. A . Portland, Or. For any one killing; or Heal ing itoca belonging to tha South Eastern Oregon Live Stock Association $500 REWARD Will I given (or the arreat and convi, tion of an) per son or pcraoii, lealin any stock belongin to member of this Awtocistion. T. I. COUGIILIX, J. M. IXXKS, PresLU'iit. St'crotiiry. Ager-Lakeview Stage Line S. I. PtiCNAUGHTON, Proprietor Office, Hotel Linkville, Klamath Tails, Or. Daily from Aer to Klainaili 11 it Spring, Keno. Klamath FalN, D.iry, Bioaaza, Bly and Lakeviuw. Diily from Liki eiew to Bly, Bonanza, Dairy, Klamath F.I la, Keno. Klaniath Hot Spring aoi Aer. M.kea conueution with all trains at A git, C.I. A I ar I M d. visit DR. JORDAN'S g-iat! HUSEUU OF ANATOEJY I6CI MARKIT ST.. MN FRANCISCO, CAL Tb!ai?MtABato)cl Mum am 4toMm),y Itlttl; er4 by W t Ui. MM i,M.ltin Ik 1'aeiA Ooaat. JUtaaiUu M j.ars. J9K0AN fEIVATE DISEASES I f 1 UV Tawaa; an ! RW mmm HIS WIS Bl SIlff.rtM A A frusa Ik aaTeela tl ruutbfui lnla- arsuaa ar asi-m. In snasurar mm w.uuaB.l.lirilr'.i ta.UIU. I S.I.SST, ! Hank.. Ul .11 llscouipll. rAU.iis; SprHl.rrh., rr.tl.i.r- rbri. (iwavrraisaas v'lres, I reij.riir; ml trlasli., . ily a 4a.blr.klli,. of renie-lla, a(f raat aarattT pox er, fh. Poemr Uaa a arraac.4 tola rr..tm.T i thai IT will a.i only aaar4 Tasse4lua relli-f. but parmanaui cttra. 1'aa liwaavr daaa wot aialm to peissriu inlrMla. kMt la wall known to b. A 1Ar and Qra FajraSaa aad kur,Mn, premluaol in k.t.aoiiJtr alaaaa f Mi. T 11 1 1.11 tharonahlT mdk-.ted from Uu syataas wltbaot ib us, of irriir. S Trwasaw acted by aa iert Badleal rare lor Kwaiuara). A quick and rtuttfU iwisfar rilM, riaaatr and rt-lsilia, by Its. Jardaa'a sps.tal palnJesa ssalbotl. A ETAtktT HAM analrlnctoMwUlraoalTa Y our Aws vMntsn uf t'sooniplalnl A mvtry so, u-s asxisrcnM. Consul tailoa rHriK ad strlefe prlrat. owaaua rsmr nsAftosABUt Tra.uusni wrsaaaUy ar by l.u.r. Writ ir nook, rnn.oorHT or MAHall Aav. MaiLaa Faauv t Vulnsai bouk lor auaa.) Can ar writ OH JORDAN ft CO.. iOSt Mark:l9t,t.R Easy Coache3 Exoellent Accommodations l'jssfnjjer, enpra and freight tratlie ol c ted. All huaiuea, entrusted to u w til be expeiiitril. G. W. WISE, General Merchandise, First-Class Hotel, The Plush House, Tonsorial Parlors. Plush, Lake County, Oregon. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. 1 1 artificially d igesta the food and aids Nature In etrt'ngihening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Isthe latest discovereddlgeat ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In stautly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Larpeslro contains t time amuilsiza. Hook all kbouldyKpepsialuiiiledtre Prepared by E. C DeWITT 4 CO , Cblcago. Lukevinw Drug Coiiipany. J. E. BERNARD & SON, Lakeview, Oregon trihtn yuu Mant tuitiM lan Aermotor voudbrrt to go out in tht pasture with halters on on arm Andadih of oats under nneoiner to catch the motive duwi or. TOudont ttavetohar ness it up dnd tren etand sround with a whio in vour hand tokeapit Leethatttvehof lnt is wveii ril(ed and i the tAnndeti ixoperty ad juaiea.trtaaii lurn the Aer motor loo&t Ihewind t usually on ft .and to Mriifv 'usinevs.'itonrt month 1 lit wind nav-J er gets tired i trom overwork! Tha wind would I ' luat aoon 4ot ud and tfol to work at three! dock in tha mom ind aato liaabadl ttirnina.. rhe wind rvaver has! tird raahntf from latea hours or 1 o v e r i n - fv iu Idence I rh wmdl 1 navetr 1 ma kas lanvmcRi fit has! 1 to work 1 lata Ata.nif:ht.- he Aermotor doasntl a at any potatoas, salt 1 oork orham.- (he Aermotor doesn't .hand cidei 1 1 naver raina too foran Aarmot TOWOIKOUi or r It never ets aodrv ar. . . a . r mil an Marmot or ai VJnnk anyeHiwhand cideim J whiskey Aor beer;l but a gql-f lton of Aar-1 notor uil I Isviil ali( ta thirst 1 frorsevera tenths -4 a tire on to mm. It never 'hot that tt- Fiastolie in the shade It never getM he Aermo tor has to maw out: AnAermotof gets y a son) on i RtookXH' An Aermo puts many l the wa let lame txy, irrom purnpj rtor never Lttma.and never quits j k oecause the other , maivqa Of nulls avtj Kn ockedj .n Aermotor wilt saw t. icoras or wooa in a aa i no pei up rrean ana reaay for work the .next morning. now Doui mi ooy wnoj HW3 one icord ine lov??n I tor will shell five hundied tHishels otl corn in a day and laugh at oubecat you cant Motl t into the noo' Fiier fast anout i An Aermotor will cut a load of corn fodder 30 promptly and thoroughly that yuu wi 1 1 woi toer ni An Aer notor will I the grindstone whi le the boya are! it snoot m reDtwta, TOT Will ' mpwaf w, vterwhilel you raoot Jthepepal nutur nu .been known .to do a dav a work wnen tne own ' or. was at ' rch. while the mora II hty re at a T wing tor doM two farm I 'a learn of j upon thei An Aermo I t tie work otl anas and it all happened lorses and that too with out Da or Doard, with out coiuuntjordriv- if .p.wiinout anirk or tru7Ti- Complete Line of Hardware. Implem'ts, Buggies, Wagons.