Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 01, 1900, Image 2

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Punishes Every 1 hurwlay
Editors and Proprietors
Masonic BullJlog
One Year,
I4KMII". fitl.i. I. 19.
Natioicil lcpul!i;ui TUkoI.
Vvr lr sddoiit
. of Ohio.
For Xieo rrri!ont
i iiKonoui: kooskyixt
of Nt w Vork
lr rrosi!nti:il Kloctors.
TII.M'N K'KI of Mri.n foiiniv. .1. '. KI T
H:r.X of IVtiK. n.umv.vV i K! K
S !H ot I'ms'i,: . -ouaiy, . K. I -Ti
vf V :l;::.o;n!4.'; . ..ii.r.'y.
Tho Susanville Mail says tho N. V. A
TERMS: - Six Month.. ...1 .00 '"" "i. v.p..
(Throe Months, 50 ooooooo
, . i K. J. Ynllov of IVnver, Colorado, h.-i
1 Uvn appointed by lifiivral Manager
It. K. I'unaway. Master Mechanic of ttio
; N . C. A O. rail w ay.
Excursions along the lino of the
i Narrow tiaugc are In-coming frequent
: under the now management, ami art'
vpularifint; I ho load, as well as giving
i considerable ploasurv to patron.' An
(excursion from Hono to I ho hot cprins
. at Amedec is on the tapis for tlio near
' lu tort. Tlio excursion north aro sonie
! thing now , as thousands of people in
! bono anil along tlio line have novor
I von as far north as Atnodce on tlio
The busy MoCloud Kivor luinl oritig
district w ill probably hao another X
1 n i!o lailroa I and additional mills in a
short time. Two big deals, involving!
the tranf--r of aU.ut l."ViXM acres of
land h.ivo ju-l 1 i n clocd by W illiam
II. Mili. 1.11x1 sent of tlio Kmthern
I'.nitic. Tlio 1'iiri hasers aro tlio Mi'
Cloud li iv r K.t;li".i.l and I.unilwr Coni
I any and T. I". alitor of Minneapolis,
tl e latter U-n-g oho of tl.o l. rji. l hnn
1 r o-era! r in tlio NoMhwost. Mr.
W ai kor intends to erect .t iarje liitnN-r-in.-
mill and build tho How ''" niilo rail
road. Tho tra. ts of land moti ti.-iu-il ar
south at of Mt. Shata.
.John Halo, the well-know n contractor,
ai'il I.. W. Van Home, general manager
o! t! o Oregon Ml'l;.iiiil Hallway, aro
. j:l in iTiica j-i ooiiforrinij will: tho
t"i i.viji.i Cotist motion l'oi:,pai:y. A
r .inuioi'.t othi-ia! of tho roj;on Mi l
i.u. i s.iys t!o t ow i-'i.tia- t ontoroi! i I t
U'Uiyh tin1 A!iUii l a:. 1 tl.o I'hioajr.
O' in panios. oalls for oris to com m on. -o
on tho o-tislr;:oti 'n o tho rva l on tho
1"-tl. of thi in an.l i:oh work will
U-.::i at tho j ; --i r. t-I timo it ni.iltvri
t'lrn oct :it!'.i''t -Tiiv a :!.ov now haxo
evory a-j-.ra::.v of ii ::.:. It j tho
.-.nera; opi:;i-n that with the t:ti.n.. i.i! !
: a. k:r.; . t tl.o ro.' .p. M. i'.an.l. it willj
:: -t 1' lor ui.til ti.o r-'.il i!l otoinl j
.:i t! r.-j;h Iiko i".i:;ty, t- S'-mo h'..i-t- ',
or-i nr.oi-tion, ai"r Klamath j
Tho o'oi tion of Yi kii.ley is now so
well assure.! tint there is roaily no
lotiL'er ary exouso eontiriio tho mi".
oKvsirs 1-itJiT. It ;-s worn prvtty thin
a' wav f :!r voar a; .
U :
The aiH .nice in tho price of iir.'.in sacks
this soaot: on account of the scarcity
of hen.p t no-halt cent on ih.-a. k
w i!! anii:- t 'o $7".i v to . r. -..o .n.e.
w hose c. i -U!ip'i.ii of has js i ."
fl v .'.v c :tl sttil o wa i.-t j.litica'.
hut ocoii. mic. lithe i-iii'ors were as
haii'y n 1 1 i. i paiJ as their sta'i n cuts , t
f.rth, they h ive the syni;athyof evorv
Kepilhiican. IVniivrat. I'opnlist, 1'rol.i
hi.'l iiis; or any other I. .an who is n. t
N,f.osM-.l of swini.-'i prvlivi:io sial
ooa! s(.H k.
M. Kii.Ioy's oleclioii 1- : o-a so certain
that a !:. a! !:. an tn:'j -::ty in the
Hi'iiH' i f repree!itativcs may aN-i Is
oonTiler.tiy oxpe-tol. though it will not
Iv 'a -V'-. savs tlio '. -r tUit-.i Tolerain.
A LToat n ai y voters like t 1 Iv ..n tho
wir.i:in: s.!e. ar..l u..t: y i ti.or projrrly
Toas.-n tliat :t is l-.-tter lor . ;
iv in acc."-! witii ti e l'te-i-i-.-:.t.
:S to
We have just received our p
stock of Fall Dry Goods jj
which will be sold at prices fx
heretofore unheard of in
Lake County
All other goods sold in proportion. ijj
ii p nnnir p pn IS
IJ I I J I I I LJ I m III Tiir irinniA nmnninTit r r t ir nr.iinvu
n i nn i nr ai . .. Hr i-a r h mw run . r aki- i t . ?
Ill ui uu I 1 1 l vx uuij w JJj
V--U si.i ui i Vvle :rSt T.. s.!.iV to
Vri r;:in t:jvn tho ai---i kor's wife
:;.! ihil-lror. f.-r hen ha i ' in --s C"p.i.-.
m he:i .i;a'.er j ar.ic are a' r-m-l 1:1
:.v '.a:. i. it t:-ay lv i -r e nT.
hui ;t is h.'.r i.-r jp; f.-r :i o W. II...M u i
Ireii. A v.-te I r McKn
i-V-it a v-.'o f .f c -r,
T:,- I:
aotto sav
.-or T. F. 1'
that liolieral
ha- cret irn-
t::;.rs a: , -. oy !r :' e v?;,- ; , w ,. N , A ,, r, A j .
' ' r' : c . via'. 1 a 'o.i'. '.
V. -r 1'. in : -.; ! r, - sv ! ' : - ; r i"'''
y : : .? .r,-s ,.; J..,-,,. ::.:. ..t--ri.o:.T. .w-r - o !. . i - -
Na'. -ai . h..- -a-; !th tie c.!-p.,!.y wi.. s.,
;.ii.: : --t -r.-.l . : "n: i- .-i!.o fr
.., , i . j, ... , ,. . i , -'a t to I. r i -1 i . He ha- !vli in har.'e
, .-r , i , . . , i , . . . r .. tho 1'c.h ..j I VtoU-r al.'i in
a.. . . . '..o i" 1 : ; .:!. t far.
. '. i ....... r ... r t: .. s;...r: l:iur ha tak.-n st-p- that
.: a' : ; ( : ri ia ' -;rr-! ' " t-etho .-..rr.i:..' ... l:-
,.; . ', K . !!- -a ,!.: - -v It.-ti.-uht that Mr.
I ,, . r :,; j., ; r,i. ;.. ;.. I' ! aav i-f 1 a tailr-a-l man t- I
- I
l it!, the i
riy .-..iii
t .
:. i
Mi.-; .:.o
:. r-.--
; t t:
r:a. e
ti'.n w
! j
: a' :' i In
:i t
1 i :i .
.a.'.a.'.-n.orit . f 1 '
i:!;o, aii.i that
.'f t! .- r .t I to a ri!.rt!..-ri a si, "ft time is i.t.e of
Vrliil.ts t- )- tlia'h- li'ci.T
l. 1- .-t.V;t 1'.
aii-i yar !- at Ih ;..
f .- ..-rra Va'ioj roa.J so that
in 1- r ;i. ti.rjuh without trr.--at
M'.:i:.-.s Ji.n.otj. n. The n.-w
r iiii- i.a:.;.- takit.jj hoM ..f t!,o
.- a;. ! "'h- r r-jini. -t- k. ai.-l wi.l
:.- :)i in :'.r?l-v ias- ..r-Jer as fast a- i-
Franco 1- plannii.,- t keep the I'-s-r
can-o alive. ( ireat I'.r itam's haioN are
Is ..f life in the t lalvoston tl n is
ii. .w estimato'l at six to ton thi.ns.m l.
Tho truth w iii i.e r ! known. j
Thr str.kmj C"a! miner havo w.m
3t.J are rea-ly to re-utno w.,rk. They!
aro l r.vcive an a.lvanco oi 1 t per c. i:t j
III a.-.-s. I
The -: In 1: an hurri.-atio est Tea '
; it in rtshiciion of - t 1-t crop, I
i !.! .hiinak"-- to farm huii i.f.tfs an-l ma - 1
; chli.ery. j
The l"'. -. !.-:. y f tho .'I'hert. ;
'a. i-',- (".:.:...!,- i..av i.- t . the :.-.!. t
' i,vr..-ril in :.. r '.!.o i - to :. J oi'i
! Km:!-. !.!. :.
Fortner Verto-r U'. I'. I hi i.i.-'h un,
I:, i-u: ii. at;, wa- oi-. !. -i l'i,it.-l Mate- ' r ! v '.... ecu. -:.t t-i-.atioii on
:!..- l"th ii.-t.
II..SJ. W. I.. Wiiso!!. Fo-tMlH-t.-r
i.ii.-ral ni.'I.-r I l- i.m-1. s'i'1 :.-ioy
of , or -.-i.'ii of tho )iit ,,i .oxin;ton,
Va., on the 17th.
The survey of th? !i-p'.i!o l honri.hiry
lir.. Bt Mt. '.lai-rii Cana.hi mi l
tio I'nit.-l Mato-. ha- )n-.-ii .in,!.-t.-..
t ana ia iii 'et noiio of our mim .
The r.mpr. Ii.ri.vr l atr.-l ! a-ra::-.
:he hf- of Thai..' V.n li s.n.
f Tii . r t hin o-o Mno-t. r t . th- I'm I
Mat.-, w h i was .!-.- M I'.ito I oi, Ju'v 1M.
For The IJest
To I5t in I, itkc
County I'licrs Art'
av loN n Call
ainl Sec Hi in
Stationery, Cigars and Tobacco.
H n. I' m M. R. ki:.- ! ,
io:.i !al uiah-r ieoi.iii !.
M. Kii.'.ey. Ho say- that I'.rvan i
only the I i H.'..-.
a loj '.ion of the t i
-ah! Mr. Ih.kii.s-.n. "1
entertain.-) a th .u-ht of v..tii
I'.iy.i:i. I ho;-l f.r a time th
y i
f ,r
il'o-o the
Ti.e i now rui.nii;,: -'7
"1 uriii.s. or 4-J-" inches of pure readii.g
tnatt.-r each week. The Kxarniiier Ijo- j
fore the tire was consiJerod a ell-f.lle.i I
!.ae r.eVer i..-w -;.air, t at at that time It con-
fof M r. ta:-..l "t to 1 1 columns of news matter,
I miht ..r !.; than ot..-ha'.f the nurnl r of
w ith a ch ar ooiis. '.oni o stavaw.iv f oin n.i hosnovi running. We mention this
tl - ;- !'s. l'r.t Mr. Fry:1.!.'- .-ohos. 1 to ,,..w the majnifi'le of th.e nn-lertak-tisrti.
'.ilarlv I.; later oiios. I. ave 'lostrov- ir j to jet out a hi parw-r to please our
e.1 that i.hisi n an l f"iivi:.ivl mo that
I lli'.l-t Vote at the i-otiiil. t lintioii. I
ret'o.'11''- scarcely a Vestige of Ii-mo-cratic
principle; in either the Chicago or i
Kansas I'ity platform-. The 'r,:anii-'
atioii is in tho hamls of the I'opulists, ;
ami hy these the livery of true Ieiuoc-'
tacy has Ik-oii stolen in which to serve!
a!! t lie devils that make for ial ilis- i
oriler. "iiur sole ilicy is
j-aco. We foek n more wars. Wei
ant the frion l-h:p f hll nations, hut j
rea'h-rs and advertisers. No town in
tho state of r'..n any w here near the
slo ..f IakeVleW Call l-.apt of u$ latere a
i.espaK-r as the I-ke County Kx-auiiner.
The people of Lake county are thow
int' their apprea-iation of the effort of the
puhlishers of The Examiner to give
them a lietter and larger J'ler than has
ever l-fure htseii offerel in this county,
and that at a reduced price. Instead of
t-V.VI The Examiner is now r.uhlished at
now . as ever, we iai.d 'at j-eace. hut ( M ftl.r Te,r ,nJ , gooJ manT Jieople
ready' t hattie!, rny of theu. forthe Uve a!n . uken advanU. ,e of ,e re.
otir t!
14 a
of o 1
!.-rri:rv, the Fonor of
o:ecti..n of An.erioans
i ! I ' i ' ii e ; 'i'-c:ion
.' !...! 1 1 1 . (': jre.
- . .. . ... ikd l.olo l.-rntorv is concern
ed. It roav l deteru)inel to withdraw
xnc flag. a'i" CuU. I5ut in no placcon
varth must that tiat t hauled down
yuder firv."
I duc.-t rate. At the rate new ubcril
1 ert are coming in our hopes of increas
j int: the list to 1? before January 1,
1 ' 1 . is in fair way to be realized.!
r-end in your surcnptions accompanied
l-v f-'-1-'. "' IsIr rhork lull
o the latest local and general news,
preecnled in attractive atyle.
Tho ir.-at foal mine -true I- pra.
ally v. r for tho j.r.--, :,t. 1 1 is t h r. ai.-n-o.
that tl o miners wi;. h 1 1 out next
sprir.t;. and wi'l plan '.' s'. the onti-iit
of ail kind, of coal.
I'eaoe negotiations in China will s -n
Uvin. Chinese p!enipitentiario have
suhmitted proposition- to the diplomats
of the fowem. and declare thev will
surrender trinity IWer ihiefs to tle Im-pt-rial
courts for punishuient, and will
pay full indemnity.
The revolution in South China is now
beyond control of the government.
The Unit-! States Consul-ieneral at
Hong Kon has pone to Manila to con
sult Oeneral MaoArthur relative to the
serious situation and the danger threa
tening American interests.
It is threatened that Portland's po
lice department will be disbanded next
Tuesday unless prompt measures are
taken to provide means for its main
tenance. This is the rwult of Judjfe
Cleland's dec ision that the Vehicle Tax
ordinance i? illegal. From the revenue
of this tax were the police paid their
It is believed that the California and
Northwestern railroad, with terminus
in Humboldt county, la preparing to
reach Southern Oregon. Very import
ant land deals along Klamath Kiver
have recently been made in the interest
of this company. Among the porthss
ers are C. C. Smith of Minneapolis, 19,
(Ji) acre ; the Vance Mill and Lumber
Company. (A. Ji. Hammoml of the C. A
N. W.) 7,0t acres, and Mr. fctone of
Areata, 5,0uU acre.
Manufacturer of the Celebrated
i JL J -Jli
Hawkins' Sad Iron Holder.
Iteece Haw kins has on exhibition a
sample of his patent llatiron holder and
iron, nickel-plated. This putnt holder
has several excellent features, one of
which is, that it is almost unbreakable,
and is always solid in its place and can
not 1-cCoine loose in the blot. Of course
it can ! broken by using a sledge-hammer,
but housewives will probably not
resort r those measures. Another fea
ture about the Hawkins bolder is that
it will fit any sad-iron ever patented. If
i vou have an old iron that has tn-en in
ue for years, and you do not want to
jrt with it, just because the holder is
broken, you can make it at gotsl as new
by supplementing the Hawkins holder.
The Examiner predicts that the inven
tor will reap a big reward for his in
genuity. The Hawkins iron-holder is
destined to become the popular one for
general use.
Feelings ol safety pervade the house
hold that usea One Minute Cough Cure,
the only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. It is infallible for
coughs, colds, croup and all throat and
lung troubles. It "ill prevent consump
tion. Lakeview Drui Co.
The Hlack Screnadcrs.
Senator Haindcu and his black sere
nadors appeared at the ojcrii house on
Wednesday evening, October L'oth, In
fore the largettt audience, probably, that
over attended a vaudeville entertain
ment in I jikeviow. It is estimated that
over four hundred and lifty ooph were
in attendance and a large number were
ooiiiellod to stand during tho cifonn
anco. Over one hundred reserved scats
were sold at "ft cents each. The jn-r-foriiiance
was in tho main part very
good; over-average compared with the
general traveling companies that visit
Lake view. The olio was especially
giKnl, and the singing was appreciated
by the audience. Tho cake-walk, sup
Nsod to be up-to-date, was somewhat of
a dissapjHiintmoiit, however, and some
K'oplo thought tho IjikevW amateur
cake-walkers could have easily carried
off the priio had thuy contested. As a
whole the Hr(ornianco was good, and
would havo boon U'ttor, had aome of
the "chestnut" Jokes boon eliminated.
Senator llanidon shoulj certainly lo
well ploasod at his treatniont by the
Lakeview hhi1i.
Vote (or continuation of l'rosH'rity I