Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 01, 1900, Image 1

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L-(J. L-t trt-i. 4 C I
; r,
NO. 43.
All an .lector mutt d on .lection day
a ntll. him to vola In mnj county of
the atata, Irreepectlve at hi. rrldenca.
or whether ref Ittered or not, la ta .how
tx:- - - - - - - ' -
la th. al.tlon Judge, by competent
proof that ha la qualified doctor al tha
eteteA all montha' raald.nca In tha
atata makee him a qualified volar. Tha
taw dee not deprive anyone from votlnf
We Near the Discordant Croak of the
Men Whute Eyes are Fixed With
IZnvlou.4 (irecii Upon the White
House at Washington.
s Tli friend of Prosperity who foul
' no certain t hut tliu Tariff in nut nit issue
(n thin fiuiipai:u eeein to have short
incinoriei. They iniiNt have forgotten
thut tho I 'imii'h ratio candidate i r among
the most I ii I leu t iimt n 1 1 iti j r. n i ini 1 1
enemies of the Protection policy. Ml
years ago, ulu-u tin' WiUoii ionium
Free Trade Tarifl hill whm under (mi
Inderal ion in i ) llonM nf Reprcsenta
tivi'f, William ,1. Bryan, inembi-r of
Congrci-"! from N'chra-ika, mil also n
iinter of tho C,iiiiinltti,i' on Wiiyn himI
Moan w hii h f r 1 11 nl the nieii-ii.e in
t llt'Ml ii Ml, ti i :t ) 1 1 1 1 following rtatcinciil
in one n( ln spi i-chen on th lluor of the
I louse :
"What IrieiKimue U a f'r(M.tlve Tariff. It
la falia rco'ioniv and t!.e niot.1 tliloue political
principle thai hat ever t uiecd thia country."
Una Mr. l'.rviiu, the I'rcfiilciitial camli
ilati', rcemite.l r in any manner chang
ed tin1 vicwi- expressed nix ye-us ago hy
Mr, Bryan I lie t 'i mu Himt 11 '. In hi' to
luy hiiv l r.- a liiitcr Protection than
III! WIH ill 1VU'.' Having witnessed tilt
misery mill ruin wrought hy tin Tan IT
law whic h he helped in fruiiiu ami pass,
mill havinit now before his even tint
nplandid hli-sungs of i'rof HTity iiml
I Inppincss rccuted to the eoplu of till)
United States through the oeiationH of
H Republican Protective Tariff law, in
Mr, Bryan in t tit Ii'hkI degree shaken in
his coiivii'lioii that l ri'i; I ru-lf in tho
liroju'r thiiik', iiml that it I'roU'etivu
Turilf in "fiil.n iToiiiuy anil the inoHt
vicioiiM oolitical riiii'ih that i-mt I'lira
eil thin roiiiitry V"
Then' is on riK-onl no niokcn or writ
ten Woril of Mr. Itryan'n that iinlirati-H
thO Hliglltl-Nt llhttlt'llll'lll of llIK lllllltil-
ty towuril tliu I'rcili'ilion irint'ih. (in
tlio contrary, Mr. Hryan ami Imh party
are on ri't oni in tho Khiiniih City pint
form of hint . Inly iih ilrnmmlinn tho ro
ihh1 of tlu I linulcv Turilf law. l rifiiilrt
of iroHM'i it v wuiiM ilo ut'll to ri'l'ri-hh
thi'ir niKiiiorii-H uh to punt ami currrnt
factn hffuri) they I'onrliiilo that tho Tar
iff in not an innuo in thin rampniun.
It would Hi'i'in alinoHt hryoml tho
Miwcr of ri'iiHon to 1111111110 that thcro
nhouKl ho any party of nu-ii v roi'klt'NH
ami cra.t'il un to link the wiiKt'-eiiriHTa
ami othiTM to voto ngaiiiHt proHtK'rity
ami voto for Mr. llrynn, tho Fii' 'lrador
ami HtoailfiiHt opponent of American
prosperity ami an hoiient dollar, ami
w ho, hIho, to hiw K"'Ut (liHiTcilit in tho
inimlH of all triui Aini'i ii itu citioiiH, ap
IwarH tn tho rolo of Kcln l AKuinaldo'8
"unuit friend," ami the only hopn and
mippoitof tho ThkhI'h eoiiliiiued and
puny warfaro uuiiiHt our Ha.
And what do tho anti-iinfrialiHt8
euro if our l' la in lowered, or how many
of our liruve HoiiHitro imiliUMlied amlHliot
hy uaviitfu TiikiiI'h in the Hwutiiim and
rii'.o lieids ol tho 1'liilippineH ho Ioiik uh
their fulno ery of anti-iiiiperiallHin may
Morvo'to (iivo them control of our govern
ment. And while the nation rejoices in tho
nuecess of our 1 lun ami in our Kreat
proHperily, wo hear tho diHcordaut croak
of thoHD men, uIiomo eyeH are lixed with
onvioiin iieed upon the Whitu IIouhu at
WanliiiiKtoif. It in jiiht tho name old
oruak that came to iihliin).'ion'n ears at
Vulley l''ori,'i; tho aamo old :roak of
Hcuttlinu and fault timling re united to
day hy Hiyuii and hib anti-American
Ueailei H of Tho Kxiuiiinur, romumU'r
tho Kreo Trade poverty conditioua, only
four yearn 110, of tho Cleveluml d
in in i h t in t i. hi . Will lahor ho minled and
vote for )r. Kryan and a repetition of
thoHo hard tiniCH? We helievo not.
"A burnt child dreadH tho ilro."
' ' I v
,ir?rfj;, WILLIAM 'v0 i'H THEOOORr f .jsO
1 s
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Kvery man who to the polln next
TueKility nhould, hef ore K0iK "eiyli well tho
principles of Ixith partieM ami vote for what
Iiih conm-ience telln him i riht and jiit. lie
tdiould not let party fealty and prejudice
outweigh hiH Ivltcr judtiieiit. Tho welfare
of Iom country nhould flund ln-fore party. Ho
nhould reiiiomlmr the day of panic and hard
timed and Htarvation under tho hint IVnnxTiitic
adniinihtnition, and cant Imh vote npiiiiHt a
Miiihle recurrence of eili'h a calamity, Thero
is not 11 man in Lake county to-day who can
coiiHcientioUHly nay, "thefe tiini-H under a Ite
puhlican inliiiiiiiK1 ration are not jjoh1 enough."
He knnwH that hiH wife am) children are not
in want, hut are in more comfortahle circuni
HtanceH to-day than they have been for year! ;
he knows that money coinen into Iiih coffers
more vanity to-day than it did w hen the coun
try wan thrown into a panic eucceediii)' the
inauguration of Mr. Cleveland; ho knows that
tho country is pronperoiin; that money in
plenty, and ho mirely oujjht to m content with
four yearn more; ho nhould not vote blindly
for a change of administration, the dire results
of which may Imj unforeseen tho outcome of
which may hriiiK' want and liardt-hip to his
dear oneH.
Never U-fore in the annals of the history
of thin country wan the time more opinirtune
and tho situation more apt, than the present,
when a Republican can conscientiously turn to
bin IVnuH'ratic neighlsir and friend, and ask
him to vote for the bent interests of himself,
tiio family and bin country to voto lor tho
electoral ticket that represents good govern
ment, good principles and good times Son.
la, 1 J, 4 and is on the ballot that will be
handed to the voter next Tuesday. It in not a
theory, but a condition, that confronts tho
American voter at thin time. There in no
theorising of what will happen if William
McKinley is re-elected, but it in a condition of
things an we find them a condition of what
lias happened, a living evidence of w hat the
American people are assured of for four years
more tocome. And there is no true American
who is ashamed of the condition of his coun
try to-day.
Klect Mr. Bryan, and no surely an the nun
Nets next Tuesday evening, so surely will the
calamity that befell the country following Mr.
Cleveland's election appear again with all its
gaunt hunger and misery, Thero will bo a
business depression felt all over tho country
that will shako tho foundation of the Republic;
that will ntugger the shrewdest of financiers;
capital will hide away from enterprise; money
will bo called in, and the man who borrows
will bo compelled to pay; the prices of your
products will go down, down, down, until you
will cry out w ith alarm, "(ireat (iod 1 how can
such a chango take place 1" Mark ye! They
told uh that if wo would eluct Mr. Cleveland
to the presidency the change would ho for tho
better. Tho change came, and with it star
vation and ruin to many a good man and bis
once happy family. They now tell us to-day
that if wo elect Mr, hryan to the presidency
thero will probably lo a "business depression
for the tirbt nix months and after that wonder
ful prosperity." Joes the American voter
who thinks, and who labors for his family's
welfare, U-lieyu this? Is he justified in be
lievintr nu ll rot, placed In-fore him as bait to
catch his vote for a man who wants to be
President through insincere motives, for his
own aggrandizement, and without a thought
for the public welfare?
Mr. Bryan is insincere, because be stands
on false issues and false doctrines.
HiB froo silver fallacy in nlone tnitticient to
overthrow him. Ho told the party leaders
that if bin free silver hobby was not inserted
in the Pemix-ratic platform he would withdraw
as a candidate for the presidency. You all
know what hapiK-ned. The silver plank was
inserted, thereby tacitly admitting that the
man was greater than the party that "Bryan
was boss of the whole IVmocratic-Populist
party. Thinking men should throw their
energy and iuilueuce on the side which repre
sents financial stability and progress. The
issues are the name to-day as they were in
lH'.IO in spite of the effort to divert attention
by "paramount" paradoxes and inventions.
Free silver is an immediate danger, and what
in immediate in manifestly paramount in the
minds of all practical men.
The Kxaminer telln you, voters of Lake
county, and voters in neighboring counties,
that the issues of 1 Si and 1000 are unchanged
they are identical. In 1896 the real Demo
crats of the country refused to accept Mr.
Bryan because his candidacy was an assault
niHn the national honor and national prosper
ity. Is bin present candidacy different in
character? If so, what has changed it?
Mr. lv-kels, Comptroller of Currency under
the Cleveland administration, a Democrat of
the Jeffersoniau type, who has announced him
self for William McKinley, says: "What has
Mr, Bryan done since. 189C to convince any
citien of thin Republic that he it any more
capable of discharging the duties of the high
office he seeks to-day than be was then? If
the government was endangered in 1890 by the
theories of Socialism, Populism and Bryanism,
is it any less endangered to-day?"
Mr, Kckels, further arraigns Mr. Bryan and
the so-called lH-mocracy, as follows:
The so-called Democratic organization to-day
Is Socialistic, Populistic, Bryanistic. There is
not a single Democratic doctrine for which it
stands. ' It sacrificed the issue upon which it
drew to itself the support of the business and
intellectual elements of the country when it
allied itself with the Silver Republicans of the
West and the Silver Populists of the South,
and after all its professions of a freer commerce
and trade, accepted an its doctrine instead the
worst, kind of protection the protection of the
silver mine owner, which would have meant
the debauching and debasement of tho na
tional currency.
The Kxaminer again appeals to the better
judgment ami sound business sense of its read
ers, bo they followers of the Jeffersoniun doc
trines, (iohl Democrats or silver Republicans,
to give the questions at issue profound thought
and study; to go to tho polls next Tuesday
with a grave seriousness, to cast their ballots
for the men who represent sound business
sense, and the bent interests of the people and
tho country.
Remember, that your country's welfare
should stand before party fealty. It is the
"paramount issue."
An electee may vote for prenldentlal
elector. In any precinct af any county In
tha atata. All that an elector will have
to da neit Tueaday ta entitle him to rota
at any polling piece In tha atata will ha
ta .how that ha la a qualified elector of
tha atata. without reference ta tha fact
a to whether ha ta retfletercd tn any
other connty or not. Thlt la only fuet.
That the Democratic Candidate Has
Communicated With Enemies of
the Government In the
" W. J. Bryan has received communi
cations from Aguinaido's followers in
the Philippines," said Secretary Heath
of the Republican National Committee,
one week ago yesterday. "We have re
ceived evidence to this effect from every
direction. I to-day received a letter
from the Philippines, dated September
19th, in which the writer says that he
was in a postoffice in the Philippine
I .-lands a few months ago and saw the
registry clerk in the postoflice register &
bulky communication to W. J. Bryan.
I found out,' says my correspondent,
'from one of the native clerks that it
was from a native sympathizer.'
" I have been rejieatedly told that
Afc'uii'aldo and his followers were in
communication, and have been for a
year or two, with prominent leaders of
the Democratic national party, but this
is the lirsi evidence that the Aguinald
oists in the Philippines were sending
communications directly to Mr. Bryan
Mr. Heath declined to give further
particulars as to the source of his in
formation, but said it was t eliable. From
Washington it in learned that the Post
ottice Department has recived inform
ation more explicit than that given by
Mr. Heath. This information, which is
oll'cial and secret, shews that registered
mail has been eent by agents of Aguin
aldo to Mr. Bryan. The postal authori
ties have no power to confiscate mail.
They can only follow suspicious mail
matter and see that it reaches its desti
nation, and in that way know that there
in communication between citizens of
thin country and the enemies of the
The Postoflice Department has the
evidence that Mr. Bryan has been in
communication with those who declare
themselves enemies of the United States
and are in arms against this government.
"It in not criminal for Mr. Bryan to
receive a letter from an enemy of the
government, as he cannot prevent even
Aguinaldo from writing to him," said a
Republican National Committeeman,
" but it places him under suspicion to
receive letters from that source and keep
them from the government. If Aguin
aldo has given to Mr. Bryan any secret
information regarding the insurrection
or the plans of those in arms against the
government, it is his duty as an Ameri
can citizen to hand such letters over to
the government. Mr. Bryan has not
done this.
"Bryan has kept secret the communi
cation be has received from Aguinaldo
or his followers, and the government has
a right to suspect him of disloyalty, as
it suspected those who were found iu
communication with the Spanish author
it es during the war with Spain.
"Bryan is the representative of the
forces that oppose the present adminis
tration. American opiHisitiou to the
government act of acquiring and owning
the Philippine Islands is declared by
Mr. Bryan and his party to be the par
amount issue of this campaign.
" It was, however, rather startling for
the government otttcials to receive direct
and positive information that Mr. Bryan
lias been in communication with those
who are in arms against the United
States. This is carrying the opposition
to the administration farther than it
was eyer before carried, so far as known,
by an opposition party or candidate for
s -
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