Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 25, 1900, Image 8

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; Lkeview Lducator LntciUln Their
i f ellow Worker.
TTTrrTrrTrYTVTTTTTrrrTTTTr A )loiv,rtnt (Mul WM K,VCI1 u,t
W. A. Majiley came in from I lush
lH!t Saturday.
Air-tight stoves, at H. C. Kothe A
Co. 'a.
F. C. Lusk, the attorney, returned to
California last Saturday.
l-adies' Kid Gloves, at Pailey A Mas
siiigiU'e. It is reKrted that the condition of
Zae Whithworth, ill with juieumonin,
is unimproved.
Mis l. race Ilermn, of I eihwvillo, has Tuesilav evening at tlio nubile school
gom to Hunm, Harney county, to result-, j building, hy tlio teachers nf tli Lake
John MePonough waa down from the view school, in honor of the visiting
Cotighlin ranch in v'hewauean last week, i teachers of tlio oounty. A Hhort liter
Wanted To buy or keep, a good milk j ll ""'"''"I program km render-
cnn. l.noutre at tlim ollioo. 41-- joii, iniiowcii ny llglil rclrcslimciiU ami
Lust week there were 100 carloads of j u,,1,, Kea.
mutton sheer, at Amedee awaitim: ship- Tho P'ogrmn was a follow
l,u'nl i K.vimtton.. Mim K.ur t tilnuxti
Complete telegraphic service will oon J u:u,'::,,:;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;:':M,'S
lie inaugurated on the N. C. A O. as far
Ladies cloaks and jackets, at llailey A j Torino.
Massingill's. j Leave your order at this oll'u-e for o-
W. P. West of Silver is visiting ; tatocs. Call and see sample, several
relatives in Medford whom he has not j varieties. 4-
seen before in twenty year?. j...,, ("onM.lin arrive.1 from Wlow but
Ijirge line of dress patterns,
etc., at II. C. Kothe Co.'s.
E. J. Armstrong, the contractor.
has been so seriously ill during the past
silks, I " ednesilay and k it or (. henaucau on
has li you vant t run up aeainst a ginnl
purchased a lot in Wallers' Addition, ; thing : II you lo, call on 1 ete A Jonas,
and is building a residence thereon. umlt"r tho ',ra ,'ou'-
i-;..;i i: i' ,1... .1.1;....-
Contractor Armstrong started a crew
of bricklayers on the Post Jk King two
story building last Tuesday morning.
Salmon llollies, Lobster, Codfish, et '.,
at H. C. Kothe A Co.'s.
Judge Sperry now occupies the Cogs
well ortice, opposite C. I. Snider' store,
and is fitting up cosy quarters for a law
Children s and Misses jackets, at
Bailey A Massingill'.
Miss Cora I'helps has recovered from
a late indisposition and is once more at
tending to her duties as clerk at the
Lakeview Pharmacy.
Blue Lake string Wans and Eastern
corn at Bailey A Massingill's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Barr have moved
from New Pine Creek to Lakeview to
spend the winter and are occupying the
residence of Albert Dent on South
Water street.
Kn urn Inn M i .U ( rl
HiM iiHioii Mi (., nle mi. IIiiiu
Solo.. Miil. .1. g. W Ulna
I'Kntninlmc "Tli I hr.-c Sullort '
I'losliiK ( horiii, In m hit li all J.uuc.l
All present expressed themselves an
having nt a very eiijoyableeveuing.
Jack Hall "Skipped."
From w hat can be learned about tow n,
Ja.'k Hull, bricklayer, is an ungrateful
fellow. He came here loon after the
business men of Lakeview commenced
building their bricks, and has had steady
employment at g,Kxl wage ever since
ins arrival. A lew weeks aco lie was
: week as to be unable to attend to his , ... :, .. 1 ..... . , . ., ,
taken ill ami was rand tor at the home
The Alturas Plaindealer lat week
takes a quarter-column of local stock
notes from The Examiner ami credits
them to the "Hustler."
Mrs. S. J. Ihitton, who has 1-oen dan
gerously ill at the residence of J. W.
Howard, is now rapidly recovering under
the treatment of lr. F. E. Smith.
When vim come to town
countrv don't fail to see Pete
from the
and Jonas
lot M. K. Hart, where he was rooming,
j 1 uriug his residence here he w as trusted
by several business men fur goods, and
! nUo borrow d money from some of his
fellow workmen. A few evenings tign
he sent a friend to his room to gel bis
i effects, and then quietly walked out of
: tow ii, awaited by the roadside thcar
; rival of the outgoing Western Mage, and
lelt his creditors in '.lie lurch. I'ligrate-
fulness is too mild a word for the in t of
under the oiktu house. 41-tf i a man who, while ill, was tenderly
The Nevada, California A Oregon rail-; nursed hack to health, and to reward
way is getting up-to-date under tlie ne i his liencfaetors left them without a
management, and is now making excur- ; word of explanatioii and thief is aUiut
sions over the road at reduced fares. I the right name for a man who would
The stock corrals ut lCeno are glutted
with sheep, cattle and hogs undergoing
inspection preparatory to shipments.
There are enough sheep there to till tifty
Read the announcement of Hudspeth
A Cloud, soda manufacturers, in this
issue. T. II. Cloud recently purchased
a half-interest in this business from Mr.
Mrs. M. T. Walters and daughter,
Hattie, have arrived fnun Termo,
whither they went to escort Mrs. Allen,
who left on the train for Portland via
A railroad station will be built at
Long Valley, on the narrow-gang", to be
be known as Constantia. Another sta
tion will be built at Willow Creek val
ley, to Ii;- know ii a- Arm-trong.
Wood Lars .ji, ii .viv of Nor w ay, d i -d
at Ijdie,Cal.,Septem'ierL".eli. I'rr.-a-e!
rub a friend, as Jack Hall did.
event U
Blue Lake String Beans, "finest in the
market," at II. C. Kothe A Co.'r.
In reporting the Ladies' Aid entertain
ment last week we inadvertantly omit
ted to mention the names ot Miss Mae
Chandler and Mrs. J. W. Brown who
took part in the "Songs of Seven."
You make no mistake when you buy
your gloves nt S. F. Ahlstrjni's. ife
has tlie tinest line in tow n.
The net receipts of the entertainment
for the Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E.
Church of Lakeview amounted to f'.t.'t.
The coney will be ll-ed in painting the
church building, an improvement tliat
lias loiiu be-n needed.
Try t';- E.' -etric il.iir Tor.ic for falling
hair and liandrulT, luariui.iclured by r.
I. S:)ii::i, at 5iJ cent- ier bottle.
Henry .-cheld, a pioneer of Siskiyou,
and a !!.':. ly respected ri'izeu died at
Yreka O t. 11th, ag d 7s years. JI,.
was the owner of the pioneer water
works 01 'Yreka. lie a family of .
gro.Vi:-n;. e!::i-l. e:i.
e have in-f received tlie largest'
stoi-k o! -lev go.,d- ever sinwn in Lake
oountv. U. C. Kothe A Co. I '1 he New l.ra reports that the Indians
1 v- i:.... l. rc. f
. , fi -e I llie I e,;K .lie riiiii luj noil!
I'm em. ri.-L.r 1 . -i j
; some di ea.-e, w le t her scarlet fever or
measles ii not yet delinitely known.
1 liree deaths have occuried among thelu
from that cau-e recentlv.
In connection with the creamery plant
at Bieb.T an ice hou.-o w ill be e-tali-lisheil.
The projectors of this creamery
enterprise mean business, ami are rn-h-
ing up their buildings in order to be all
ready for the plant when it arrives.
k last Sunday with j J-;. l-,,ett has bought the ui.-r-
mx i'iia dren, one oi
. Kineh.iri of ( Vdar
, Mr-. .1. C. B.-.t of
leaves a wile
w lioiu i- M i s. II.
ville ; also a sii-tci'
You can't call for any brand of whis
kies in case that cannot he rirnished hy
l'o-'t King. S uue of the wlil-ki. -earried
by tiiein are highly reconme tid
ed by piiy.iician-i for medicinal putpo-es.
Coming Nuptial.
As the time for tho happy
drawing nigh it may not he
ed a breach of good faith to
prematurely that on Wednesday, Nov.
j 7, I'.hh), at II o'clock a. in., tho nuptial
of Laurie I. Klippel and Mi-s Flor
ence Elizabeth Foster will ho celebrat
ed ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Foster at Summer Lake. Tho groom
is a well know n and very popular gen-
i temari of Summer Lake, w ho recuiitly
returned from Ala-ka. The bihle-tc-lie
is the elde-t daughter of Mr. and
Mr. James Fouler, well known rcnl
1 deuls of Summer Lake, and has a largo
i circle of friend w ho will ho glad to
'learn of lit r coming happiness. The
I'xau.iner is now pi .nting handsome
weibiing invitations I n- the evi nt, and
will have a a count of the wedding
w hen it occurs.
It Pays to Buy Good Goods.
You have the satisfaction of
knowing that you arc getting
full value. My prices for the
M-ST GOODS in the market
are no higher than you are
paying for cheaper goods. Do
your trading at
pleased with your purchase.
'im ;iu,.,,. , j: I i, , ,;,.,,: , ,r
a fc .
K 12.
Pull anJ complete stock of
Everything in the line of
RIVING Al l. lllli TIMI-.
I tl.
V.. C. .-'tickh-, tho coniractor, has
dep.irted with his. f.uid'y hji Tain
ley w he: I. e ha- a contract to do some
brick work. He ni-iy rernain all winter,
as a vacant resi U nee !a e cannot be
found in I.akevieA-.
Ladies, ca I and si-e tli i-e liandsoine,
iiji-lo-date shirt Aail at 1 1. -Id's. They,
are the I i. --t styles in S m l'rancisuo
and the K.i-t.
-on arrived
Mr. a .d Mrs. K,a,:k W'i
iiotii Crooked Oi
ilieir liuie child, ho i-i very ill and in
need of medical a'.tention. Mrs. Wilson
is the daiiehter of Mr. arid Mrs. H.A.
I'axton. They are Mopping with
Walter I'axton durinj; their May.
The Keith shoe captured the prand
prize at the I'aris; Kxsisitioii. Charlie
(iraves, jiroprietor of the only exclusive
.-hoc-house ill Lake county, in the Bole
aent for the Keith Mioe. ,-ee his line
Jude Chail'.-s T oniiiii'sen has been
very ill with fever. The Juile was tak
en down about ten days ao, and his
condition was at one til it; alarming, but
we are pleased to Mate, that he is on the
road to recovery at the present writing,
and will toon be out with the "hoyo."
1 1 ,.en - oi ineii vi ited A l.l.-ll'oiiih' mi 1
dlety this week to select Iroiii tint ele
yanl line of gloves. Fred ha- been ke,t
busy waiting on pat rons lor seveial days.
Il you see bis Mock yijil are sure to joi I -chii-e
from ),iin.
The Illaek Kent'ickians, Senator
llauideu's Serenaders, billed to appear
in Lakeview last Monday i.itjht, failed
to arrive ow in to a mishap in orosKinn
the desert from Hurun. The.long Mretch
of deoei t country, without water, lying
between thin place and liuniH, jiroved
too much for the tired animals drawing
the big aggregation, and the company
was compelled to miss its engagements
at Paisley and Lakeview. However,
they ajipeared at the oj.cra Iiouhu laHt
night to a fairly good fcized audience,
cliandi.-e bii-iness of his father, ( 'ail.
Follett, at New l'ini: ("reek, and has
already taken charge. Lemon A. Ilart
zog, merchants, have moved their More
building dow n to the main thoroughfare,
ojijxjnite the Cannon hotel.
Mrs. Vulgauiore, an aged lady of New
Fine Creek, is rejjorted to be very low.
A. M. Smith informs us that on last
Wednesday morning the sick woman fell
intoa comatose Mate, and it was thought
hy the attendants that she wan dead,
and it was ho reported, but she rallied
and remains in about the Name condi
tion at this, writing.
Mrs. S. F. Ahlstrom departed last
week for Han 1-ranci-co on a visit with
her daughter, Lottie, and other relatives.
After visiting for a time in the city Mu
tt ill juoceed to Marys.viilc to see her
Mstcr. From Alturas Mrs. Ahlstrom
wai accompanied as far an Sacramento
hy M. Lussill, who will vinit
relatives and friends, in Lodi.
L'nder instructionH from a jirominent
jihysiciaii of San Francinco, Attorney
W. A. Wilshiro of Lakeview is cloMng
up his business affairs and will take a
long rest from business cares. Judge
Wiluhire's health has failed rapidly dur
ing the jiast six months and it is essen
tial for his future physical welfare that
he give uj) all business and relieve his
mind of any strain. He will probably
goto Portland for the winter.
Town Flection.
am. mil el- !: .': of ollicers
Town i. f l.;iL' l.' v. ill be held on Tues
day, NoM inbi-r t ! i the same date (
t he president ial election. Thele are to
be elected a mayor, four cm nci linen , a
tna-urer and recorder. 1 lure will
probably Ire no . onteM for mayor or
ci, in, ciin, en, as the opinion prevails that
the present ollicials should hold over till
the water works and electric liht plant,
; already under way, shall be completed.
A meeting of citizens bas been called
for Friday evening, ictober L'Hth, at the
courthouse, for the purpose of nomina
ting men to lill the ullices named for the
coming year. The meeting is set for H
p. m.
New City Fxprcsn.
i (ieorge I'.atchel ,-r siarled a city ex
' press last Monday moi nin and ha been
kept bu-y ever sine,- in. il, I ut' deliveries.
A well conducted delivery has hi me a
necessity in Lakes n-w , ami carelul at
tention to husiness v. i I in.vire the pro
; prietor a fair remuneration for his labor.
; Sir. Ilatchclder promises to conduct his
j business systematically, and will eri-
deavor to give satisfaction to his patrons.
The peojile of Lakeview should encour
' age the de liveryman, and see to it that
j whenever they have a package or trunk,
or anything that cannot be carried by
hand tliaf, the deli veryman is given a
chance. Hangout tho red flag at resi
dence or public place of business when
in need of the delivery man's services
r .i(;v;i: (,ui:kk-K d
A. M. SMITH Proprietor.
Ill llllS
li);iii;i''('iiM'iil Mils
now jircpiirt'ii io iihimmi
The Lord's Supper.
Lev. I). T. Sumuicrville, Presiding
Flder of this district, informs Tho Kx
aminer by jiost-i ard from Paisley that
he will preach next Sunday morning
and ceiling in the M. K. Church at
Lakeview. The Lord's Supper will be
administered at the morning service.
Notice to Sheepmen.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has hied on i!-'l acres in Windy
Hollow, covering all the springs on that
range, and sheepmen are hereby w arned
not to range on that land or water their
slock at those springs.
W. M. TllOHNB.
Lakeview, Or., Oct. 8, 1(100 . 40-3
Martin Westlake has been convicted
in Sacramento for the murder of liob
Watts, formerly a resident of Paisley,
Itobbery and jealousy were the cause of
Watts' murder.
Flour, Bran, Shorts.
Corn meal, Germea.
I'lnlcr llit' ih'w
mill is
customi'is, witli tho Ix-.-t of
and is paying highest juice for grain
Orders Promptly Filled. Try the New Management
Leader in Fair Dealings.
XUW on 6ooC-t to tfoc Ol& Store
an& will open up Kuolncos In Ibis
Ulcw Brlcft Store ncyt wech wltb Slow
er prices ano 6oot OooMj.
He Fears no Competition and ..Guarantees SATISFACTION