Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 25, 1900, Image 7

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LAJ. tJU. 1..A.A AAA .Ua JLiJ.i,J luXt. AJ-J. A-It .'.-U. Ji AXA, .U..
v-' V ', ,
V For
J, I i. Wirlt'in l jiint recovering (nun
it Ht' I t I M ( ,l llf IIIIIIIIH,
Jrtini'H Marry, tint wunlgrowcr, win in
town lust week mi liitpitifi1".
Ml ( 'iiiniiii'liiiitti fiifiim it i I leti mill A
1). V. beer at I '"ft At King'. :
( 'llolco I'owlil (( lot fur HUN'. Kll-
iiiilre til 'J' I tat I', x .1111 1 ti i" iiMIiii. 1!H If
1,11' I'.l'llll Mill IlllVtl lilt' IiHII'Ik.IIIII'KI
rimiiliTN in l.nki itM' (nr Iiin new drug
I 1 1 t forget lllllt ('. I'. hinder in sell
ing (triH iTii'N i lii'.i i r tluiii itny Iioumu in
Luke county.
Klamath lulli in to have a Catholic
rlmri'li, II site having Ii I donated I'V
Mlljur Worilell li (lillt toWII.
Tliirly tiihiinl powder luivi" liecn linnli'tl
lit K In in it 1 1 1' in 1 In' lined in breaking a
roadway (ir llir Oicgoti Midland.
(irink nothing lint .Icnc Moore w liinky
ami you'll iilwuvn be I i i ' I ' ' - "
Wlmtliiti A I lUpitlri. k'. Mil
Tn prevent t'iiiiNiiiniliiiii tinii'kly rnrii
throat itii'l lunx troubles Willi Htm Mm
to Cough ('iiif. l.ukeview Drug Co.
Minn Lllu Kiiiiitt mux culled to Iht
Crooked Creek Iimiiii lut i rk on nc
(.'omit "I tin' M ii'iit" illiifnt i( h lirnllirr.
'riiiiiniiH I l.tii'll'-V K"t n t m tn lust
! ri'luy iiml Mat ii'l Tin' Lxiuuiiicr en
gine lo run machinery in his t-a r cn tr
Vmi I'llj'iV II good Cigar don't von?
Well I 'lift A king curry tin- bet in town
tilt! C.'l.llliltl"1 Lll 'llllUlflll.llltc. I in
grunt a ii' t I-x 1 1 1 ht I a 1 1 1 . lltf
J. I'. Kii iiuiii Ion given ii tin' Link
villi' Imtrl ul klaitiitlli l iilli, iiii'l i" inn'
cccdcd by C. I1. iImiii, who Iiiin in
htlillril I'llm II.iiiUm km I u n mini-1 .
1'iifl A Kill'.' I"-I ii big stuck ill 'In' I'm'
lull ll'i Ihiv" aii.'i iii-r ium ii good. I ini'
liiiiniri mi l i;mi ; A. I!. C. i'l'i-r. I 'ndcr
tin. iiju ni li.iii-i-.
l.!,i '. ii- .i i ii 1'iii-y , hustling l'i li "ii' day k, nii'l ijiiii't a tlii' gtavc mi
(umlav, w lui li ii .tn - iili nri' tliitt nltr
jirii'li' air itlt'.i' .m l I'lili l u i-i tlji iih Weil
in I ii .i I I i :i i in,;.
M. A. I , m i -1 v , I'irtiii'riy ti I ) i h Iter nl
tin- M.uu.itli lii'i'iililiran, in imw in .In-iii-ail,
Al.t-k.i, in tin- wn ii'c "I Uii'iinviTif
llll'tlt 111 flTVIl'.' l-lll..iVf Hint
ti'lr;illl "I'l l.
"Mli" rcflanriiiit, nrxl ilmn to Wlmr-
Imi A I il.i'.tt i ii kV ; Iiin- iim'hIh ly ilay,
vti i k or niiiiitl
tilt Imil'itln rlii'l.
lA'crvlmilv kin I. It,
I vi? Iiiin ii cull. lint
l.uwycr I.tifk
the ciii'tiil imiit.
at tin' "lift i ir
1'in nit liiili't'
J 1 1 in ii- iiu
Inck IniiitiT" W Ti' in lln'ir iftory
I'rl'l.iv, iiml ninny liinU i tt' !m.'ir
Fur Suit- A ''Kri ll" 1'itiini. I'nr jittr
lii'iiliiiK i'iitiiirii nl '.). r miikl. 41 21
Sii llin iti'W in! vorlimMiimitK of T. J.
Miicliiint mnl 'liui ll" lii avi'i In iiiin
Uhiih lint tin cii n't ln li m nl n tlimn
If ynti lnnk.
Mi'Kurn I'.iilcH A Urnili nrf now cnn
ilnrtiiiK I mull Mtnrc lit I'ivih Cn i-k, in
tltc lniilililt (oriinirly im:'UiM;i liy
I'iikiii A llurl.otf.
lfVill'ii I.itlki Kurly Iiirn Bn
Ilium il . iiiliilnlilii, ili'iiiiiil, ii'rlul.
iiiri(inK littln fiilU. l.tiki'vicw Urw ('u.
A Mpli'iiiliil rain lirim fulling curly
I rnl.iy iii'niiiiiK iiii'l i.Diitimii'il tlirmiKli
nut tin- liny. It NiH'iui'i in In Kim riil
in I.iiki' nullity , oiiiiliitf lu lnri! a ntroii
rniitli iml.
Tin- "I'irnt OiTuniiinal itiuiijni't n( tho
Circuit ICiilcrH," IhuI TlmriiiUy cvuniiiKi
wiim a cimiiU'tu mM'ial niicccM, ami tin)
,lu!i:i' h ! I l.u yem ili'nirti'il from I,Hk
vii'w in very liuppy hhxuIh.
No lillllT Jiill Cllll Cilllll )''itt'n
l.ittlc i;.iilv IlimTii fur iniiiiitiii'iN, i'rr
t.iinlv iiikI ctlii-ii'iicy. I.nkcvii-w I'rtiu
. J u 1 W'cliHlcr nUrtcil fur ItnuiM lait
I ii.!. iv, in i niiiiuiiii i liy Ivhiuril I.umli
wIhhjih f In Iliirni'V mi lijiiiii'iN. .IihIko
Wclnii't linn Hi'Vrral iuin tunt cu') in
tin' circuit ciiurl of lliuiii v cnuntv.
I.i'lni.ll A 1 1 II 1 1.' 'Lf Ciilli.lrti'l tin ri '( ilii-ir itn k fmiu Ii.ivin Creek
tn New I'iue Cleek lint Wick, mi'l lire
iiiiw ii iih a I'Uhiiii'mi Willi ii 1:1 rce iiml Mill
iiiHorlc'l etnek nf eiieial iiier' liiiliillve.
I'nr s.ili' A tract in Snutli l.ukeview,
cniitiiiuunj .'t ucrei ; "'.j iicrei in iill.tKu
line hluii'l ; '. iii ie in vurinui kiieii n(
fruit . limner li.i.i lirfl water rilit frnm
I r. id in, in ( ',m vmi. I inn rciiileuce InlH.
A Ii. 11'. mi. l)uiuire nt tliii nllice. listf
Mii l.illie I'.iirrui will Hturt fur I'nrt
l.iii'l next Tliuri.l.iy, Nov. lit, tn enter
the Aruiilr.iii luiiieMi College fur a ciuiiie. M i-i Iturrim w ill liiuke
tin- Hlii'ly nl fteiniii'iiiiy ami tyic writ
ing lier iurticul;ir milijecti fnr iniiitcry.
She in ii tiileiiti'il yituiiK wniiiaii, i
lier iniuiy l.ukeview frieieli wiili lier
Jiil,'i' lieliHiiii, Cnl. ('unwell, A. !".
Iliiiuuiiiiul ami J. ('. Huteiiic left on
I'ri.lay nitilitV Weitcrn fnr tlicir reKjioo
tivc Imiin-i, niter an extemlcil nei-fiun of
the Circuit Court in I.ako county. It
wain wet iiilit, ami Tin Kxaiuincr whn
ililuiiiuiilieil tn liuiku tin cniuiut'lit on the
Muk nf "wet iiihIh" tliu iiiarlette
Full I
Ladies' and Misses' Wraps
Fur Collaretts and Capes
Ladies' wool Shirt Waists
Ladies' Dressing Sacques
Ladies' Dress Skirts
Ladies' Ramoras
Ladies' Gowns
Go to C. U. SNIDER'S...
School Report.
Hepnrt of tliu Cram? Creek ncliool,
Tliinl liiHtrict of I.uke county.
Nuuilier nf iluvw taught 1!)
Whole nil in 1 ht of ilaya Hlteliilanci! . .?.7
Nunilier ol ilayH aliHence 61
Wlmle iiuiiiImt ol titncH lato I
I'.iiriillincn t 2"i
Thoie neither alurnt or tardy, I'earl
ami Clma;.
ia, i3, 14. 15.
I'lilil the ollicial luillot for tin; ch-c-
tinii next iiimith the 1 1-j i 1 1 -1 n :i n iresi
. ileiil ial eleclnrH will uiif'Hr firl, an fI
nwc Nn. 11', Til tin ii I'oril, of Marinn
I cniinl v, Itcjiiil'Iiean ; VI, .1. C. Kullertnii,
;o! I i.uii.'l.(i county, lt"iuhliciin ; l, W.
jj. Kuriiii-'i, of rinatilhi county, iN-puli-jlican;
15.(1. I-'. l'axtnn, of Multiimunh
I cotiiity, kejitiblican. TIichc urc the
j nauit'H you want tn put ynitr ithh 1h?
I fore if you want tn vote for McKinley
j anil Konievelt. Ileiueinlier their nu;ii
; I htm 1- l:l, 14 mi'l 15. Iinjircst it on
VoUr uteunirv.
f Cliicn, here alteiiiliut;
lijiiii-triitcl the fact 1
raiinnal I :l l n l 111' t of the
' that the rcimwiicl , ' ariie.l away.
Iieiieu Jiai it'ine I he heht of, Torturing fkin eriiptiiiiiH, ImritH ami
alti-r iliiiiier Hji'itker. j Miren ate cootheil at once ami irntiiitly
IHIlll'l Ml ll I 'I .' In ITU III 9 Mllll!
You ii hi ' I w ant tn direct that Post A.llazcl Salve, the heft known cure for
Kinw. tin' "iiulai iliMienieri, are Htill in ' I'llei. I'icwuie of worthier counter
it. I hev lite iitnlcr the oicrii Ihminc. I IciIh. I.i'kcview ru Co.
Cull iiitil M,'.' tltft.i. 'J'J j Mr. N. A. Pilihle from Harney count v
The 1 pic from many uccim lH in here hn-t week. Mr. lihhlc in a
the county w lm were mi lit lunm-t to Lake- , ,((!,. iu,, hilt in oinif to do hoiim
view to act in jurymen or witucum in
ca.-CH lii'f.ire the circuit court have re
turned tn their ICHJicclivc linmcH.
Court lliljnuilll'd
Mav li, l'.tl.
I M ('tmn for pild hclwccn here and
Harney. J. ('. (iarrelt, wtdl-kiinw n in
i-ut in iiu Vullev, has a ranch adiniuiue
hifl 'Ihuthilay mtlil I Mr. IUhhlo, and llnb WilliattiH, another
Shi 1.1 inn Vullev man, in in the utock
Tim I ft method of cIcuiiMni: Ihe ' lun-iiii'M near hy, and is jirosiicriiij;.
liver is I he Hie nf the faninui lltt le pillri '
known a- HeWiilV l.illie latrly IJiiciL M. llendcrHnii, mud iii' of thu
Many tn take. Never ric. l.ukeview I avif Creek district, in paid to U doimt
I 'rtii! Cn. , Hiuiie excellent work on tho iuhlii: hih-
Pt'l'iiMicanit in Lake county who ! way, in Ihti udnlie placcM, Houth of I'avii
came of uue nimy ifiHt ration closed, or j Cteek. Mr. Hoiidorfoii ia puttiui; in
whn hy ionic icanin are not reiftereil, ; plenty of gravel, ntid makint; an im
thoiih iMiililiid in every other way to J jirovi'iiieiit w hich Iiiih Ix'en jiecdcd for
vole at the column election, Hhotild read jycur.t, and fnr which ho will ivceivo the
the urlicli! in thin iiHiie headed, "How lhank of tho travclim; public.
Admits Prosperity.
All our merchant ure receiving winter
good. This han Ih?cii a proiperous year
lor tti , ami at rooii at Bryan takr?i of
tic lime will l plill better. Knter
prue Ittilletin (I'ein).
Our friend Herzinyer hnnef t ly udmiiH
priK'iity now under the liepublican
iidminiHtratiiiu. What in to como when
"l'.ryan lakes ollice" in a distinct uncer
tainty a prophesy, and will undoubt
edly remain ho. There in no uncertain
ty under McKinley rule the fact htarcs
ua in the face riejit now that we are the
mobl pronjieroiiM people on the face of
the earth.
,tw'" Watch Us
Watching: You
We Know Just What You Want
We have Goods that Can
not be found elsewhere in
Ahlstrom Bro'sThe Monogram
tn Vote i( Not Iteuintered."
This i-tl he M'UHnii w hen mother tire
ulunneil on account ot the croup. It in
jiiickly cured by line Minute Omh
Cure, w hich children like Intake, l.uke
view 1'rtij,' Co.
letter hciiilrt,
IliihiuesN cardf,
Hull iiroK'raiuiueH,
Weddini! invilatioiiH,
And in fact everythinn in the job
printing line ut The Kxuiuiner ollice.
We iti'ulectud to mention last wei k
the arrival from the Klondike of Krneft
I'.iown, who left here with Al Hem
in'cr, Hilly A hern and John Koltau in
the t-pt int; of lH'.lH to seek fortunen in the north. Iame fortune did not
miiile on the l.ukeview boys, and after
Hcverul montlm of 8trugt;lea and hard
fhipH tho party separated. Brown says
there were many days of hardships and
HiiflVrinn (or tho l.ukeview party ninco
IcaviiiL' here.
The New flasonic Hull.
The Masonic Hall will lie ready for
occupancy about. Nov. 1st, and will be
handsomely and conveniently arranged.
There are two eiitrau '(, one from the
outside of the building on the north and
the other through the bamiuet room in
the rear of The Kxatninei' ollice. Par
titioned off from the autc-rootn are !
several small closets and wind robes for!
the various orders that are to meet in '
the hall. The hall is now :S0 x 75 feet ;
in dimensions, while the one that was .
destroyed by lire was 'Ji x 70. The ban-!
iiiet nnui, which was foi inerly a email
and cramped up apartment, in now large ;
and commodious. The two ways of)
caress make it more safe in case of lire. I
II jw to Vote if Not Registered.
Klectnri w ho are not registered and
who desire to vote at the Presidential
election, should lose no time in prepar
ing the means for so doin. Registra
tion blanks to be witnessed by six free
holders can be obtained at the County
Clerk's ollice, and these may Iks sworn
to U-fore any Notary Public or Justice
of the Peace. Voung men who have be
come 21 years old since June, and who
wore deprived of registration before, must
til Unit registration blanks, and ought
to do so immediately. Persons who have
' full citizenship pajiers who are not regis
tered and who are otherwise qualified,
: should also hive certificates filled out at
once, if they do not want to lie deprived
i of their votes. Ifthere is a Republican in
; Lake county who does not want to lose
I his vote on account of the above reasons,
lie shold immediately proceed to follow
the advice given.
Pur Sale or Jlxcliant?
Farm ami timber land in Lewis county,
Washington, f ir Lakeview or Luke coun
ty property. L'miuiic at this ollice for
description of procrty. 27-3m
Many extra copies of the lust issue of
The Kxamincr were sent away by our
townspeople to friends abroad.
Feelings ol safety pervade tho house
hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure,
the only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. It is infallible for
coughs, colds, croup and all throat and
luii); troubles. It will prevent consump
tion, l.ukeview lrug Co.
Lacked Sense to Oo Crazy.
An hio Sheriff was taking a crazy
man to the Columbus asylum the other
day on the train. At the nest station
another sheriff with ancther lunatic got
on. The sheriffs knew each other and
got to talking, placing the two crazy
men in the seat before them. They
also, of course, got into conversation,
one asking his neighlior where he was
"I am going to the asylum at Colum
bus," said Crazy No. 1.
"What is your trouble?" asked Crazy
No. 2.
"lV.isiness reverses and heavy finan
cial losses several years ago upset my
mind and I have been gradually getting
worse. Now let me ask where you are
"Why, lam going to Columbus to
enter an asylum too."
"Indeed, what ia the matter with
"Imperialism sent me crazy."
"Impearlisui! Thunder I You are
not crazy, at all. You are only a damn
The Doz's Schnap."
A Dutchman, addressing his dog,
said: "My dog you haf a schnap. You
vas only a dog and I vas a man, but I
vish I vas you. Efery vay you haf the
liest of it. Yen you vant to go mit ter
bed in, you shust durna round t'ree
times and lay down. Yen I go mit ter
bed in, I haf to lock up der blace and
wind der clo.-k and undress mine self
und my vif vakes up and scolds me
den der baby cries und I baf to wawk
him up und down, den der bymby ven
I shust get to sleep it's time to get up
again. Ven you get up you stretch
yourself und scratch a cooble of times
and you are up. I haft to light the fire
and put on the kettle, scrap some mit
my vife already and den maybe I get
some breakfast. You play round all
day and haf plenty of fun. I haf to
work all day and haf plenty of trouble.
Ven you die you sti'l haf the best of
me; you just lie still. Yen I die I halt
to go to hell yet."
In a recent issue The Examiner men
tioned a frightful accident to John Hun
suker, an old pioneer of Klamath coun
ty, in which he was accidentally shot in
the arm by a Winchester ball, while
carrying a rille in a buggy, and from
which injury he was compelled to under
go a surgical operation the amputation
of the injured member. It was thought
that the naturally strong constitution of
the old pioneer would overcome the
great shock, but as time wore on he be
came weaker, and he . passed away on
the 10th instant. Deceased was born in
Kentucky, April 1, 1824. He was a resi
dent of Oregon for thirty-four years,
and lived in Klamath countv since 1S7S.
The windows have been placed in the
new hotel and a new brick kitchen has
been added to the building.
All thqse knowing themselves indebt
ed to the undersigned will confer a favor
by settling their accounts ou or before
October 31. 1U00. It will save costs.
J. Fbankl.
Lakeview, Or., Oct. 1, 1900. 3!Mt
r- A.. . - . ... .