Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 25, 1900, Image 6

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    V-v ...
Parables of Dear Uncle Samtiel---The Israelites
And The Joking Philistines.
Policy of 5cuttle Bryan's Color-rated Chicken-Counter Before llatch'nn
--Some Things Tor the iMeek lollowers of the I'liili.ttincs
to Gulp Down and Ponder Over Leisurely.
From The Ann-rii'Mi Kent-nni!.'.
1. Audit came to pass ill the sixth ami Stevenson Seuttlors the consolation
month of the xear PeVO Unit McKinley j 1 1 i t 1 by the prophet Nicodemu in
Tiik Hi:j moio 8tk.--!
I'ltoi'i'.ssiox A I-.
i-:. M1IITII, M. I.
- - r
I'll kletun ninl Mincroti.
I nt e li' , r ,
I'tllif II. nil Will., I M I'.lli nmd,.
t tiil Ijl il.i) i.r t.lMhi.
:. it. unn n xi i
I'll J lr Inn nml hiiiiiriin
l.nkr, Ii-m . .
I'll M K IJlk.d. I 'I ut I .,. M I c
Mi l 1111 at .lll t.U
Aliiii'in -ni ii t .
I ul I. . llr .
Tlx Only
and Koosevelt were lioiiunateil lor I rest- me lortv-icvctmi cnapicr, iwcuiy-iuiii
dent ami Vice-President hy the Israel- vane: I ii in and hoar it ! j
ites. w ho assembled together in the Citv I !'. Now , afoietiine, w hen millions of,
of l'.rotlu'rlv Love, which ly interpie- our common people Hero rendered pov j
tali. m is Philadelphia. ert -,-t i ieken. tohlied of their Jobs an.) :
2. And it also came to pass that the if I on fiee soup ami. oi Course, we re- '
Philistines gathered heniselves together fer In the lovely UnnW-r W ils.n i'ai iff j
in Kansas City and did nominate lry:tn tune: think ye there was a lack ol ,
ami Stevenson. , food in the land? We will tell ye, nay !
I?. Aiul. In! between the Philistines Storehouses were tilled with lotting
ami the Israelites there is a treat gulf f "1. the pi ice ol which was never1
which the wayfaring man. though a cheaper.
great lacker ol intelle-t, may behold II. When lore the Ml t in.' of I. I ami ,
with the nake.l ojti. unless, pera Ivcn- yet halt-Mat ved people? Thu-lv : w htle .
ture. he e'oseth his eves to political ; we were all so tenderly invited to the
Verities. . cl'-rioiis tree-trade teat of l.c.ipticss, ;
4. Yea. there are a vast catalogue of tickets hall-price, tlie people had im
differences, whieh. were they all le- , m,u,ev bcau-c w age-cat net s were so i
corded, the Aineriean Keoiiomist could autiiully w hulled out of their j--hs,
not eontain all tin things that would he ' by the neat little Wils.m Tan if hum-., j
written. game.
5. Now, while the Philistines believe 1-. An 1 to-day, O. ye followers of the
in the new and approved jmliey of Sent- Almighty l'iity-t'ent I ! I.irn . think
tie, the Israelites, headed hy McKinley ye ; :iat t.O.i t U.iMil ai e now starving and
and IioseveIt. stand for the old-fash- at the gate of huti'-r and misery i:i
ioned doctrines of Thomas JefTetson. the India he.'au-ie food is seareo in that far
original American expansionist, who'otf land? We tell ye, nay ! The store
purchased Louisiana for fifteen millions houses of India are rain j.ini'ne 1 full of
and governed the vast territory without food; aye, rotting, yet the people starve,
the least consent of the governed; f,.r pi , wherefore doth gaunt lumber
in the hill which Thomas signed all the Ki4W at tl,,. vitals of the dving 1 pie.
governing power was vested in the Presi-1 ,, ,. .,. ,:,., f
ilent and Congress.
6. Now, behold, Bryan and Stevenson
denounce this Jeffersonian policy as a
crime of ebony line. Moreover, they
have issued their ukase, saying that the
policy on which Lincoln w as elected was
an outrage; for, lo! the tJreat Emanci
pator declared the Constitution was not
self-extending, but that territories are
to be ruled by Congress and the Presi
dent. 7. Ann thus are the Israelites on the
side of Jefferson and Lincoln, w
Philistines are violently in opposition to
Lincoln bthI the Fulhersof the Renuhlie. .
8. Now the Fiftv-Cent Philistine pol-
icv of Scuttle is to abandon the Fin. I
pinos ami foreign residents of the Phil-1
ippines to the tender mercies of lagal
savages; yea, to withdraw our splendid
troopii and allow the Tagal Boxers to
sack and burn Manila, murder most of
the inhabitants and ravish the white!
women. And lcause McKinley and
Roosevelt oppose this beautiful Scuttle'
policv of the Fiftv-Centers they are ,
called all the vile names which the gay
and festive Bryans can Itorrow and in
vent. it. Albeit, Peeing that the Fifty-Cent
policy of Scuttle is so tyranically de-
nieU them, we commend to the Bryan
Why They Will Vote For Bryan. !
A story is being told rn a Swede who,
when asked for whom he would vote,!
said: "ll, A3' bane goin to vote by
Ilrain," A ked for his reason hi: sa'id : '
"Last tern Ay voted they said 'Kf Ay
bane vote by Brain ve got good terns'
and Ay did and ve got good terns so Ay '
vote for him again." !
He is like the witty gentleman of;
Irish birth u ho remarked in Lakeview .
the other day : " Begob ; O'ill vote for;
Hr-y-a-n ; O'im workin' too hard, and rf '
me felly Irishman is elided O'il get a1
good, long rest; there wont be ony work 1
to do."
A gentleman of Teutonic birth over-,
bearing the Irishman taid : "I votes
mit Bryan, too, already. I makes me
so much moneys by McKinley Billy
brosperitv, 11 nd dere vos 110 prewery
liouse Jiy Lakeview, and I can't not
h be nd mine vealt for dot gid old lager
and slheem (iot und Ilimel!"
5 V
The response to the German de
mand has been transmitted to Li
t-j Hung Chang. This says that Ving ("J
' ' Nien, President, of the Censorate,
J Land Yi, Assistant Grand Secre
'j tary and Chao Shu Chiao, Presi-
dent of the Board of PuniHhment,
( -j '
(s will bo decapitated; that Prince
Chiwang, Duke Tsai Lan and
''' Prince YJii, will be sentenced to
( j life imprisonment, and that Prince
f: Tuan will be banished to the J 111
jierial military postroads on the
(,t Siberian frontier, as a further pun
inhment for aiding the Boxers.
. Wfii, (tA,
your understanding while we tell ye
that these starving people are out of
work and have no money to purchase
the hare necessaries of life. And four
vears more of Hobber Wilson Tariff
sway would have brought grim starva-;
tion to our beloved land. j
.... ., , ., i
1). ea, verily, elect Bryan ami n
. . I
Bryanite Congress, whereby wages
would be cut one-half by the Almighty j
Fifty Cent Dollar, then flood our mar-!
! r "l r mar-
foreign g'xxts hy tree trade,
. and such ruin and devastation would tie
wrought here that William Lost Wilson
in M '"''"'1 K"ry could not bring
to pas-by his K-autiful and lovely Tariff
10. There is danger in the very air of
Imperial Dictator Bryan, while Ileads-
man Stevenson's axe is ready to behead I
Howbeit, the Philistine poultry
lightning calculator, which counteth
mil -h chicks before the hatching process,
imi"t reliable. And this epitaph will
,,e very much appropriate in November
Iiryan mii'1 St.'Viiwon wit' hitkIi-Ii J nu.
Aii'l tln-y 1 h 1 1 tr Ii t inni'li i hi. k"ii wr.' hutch
hut a NoviTuh'-r fr.'Ht iiii jr-. lli.-m,
A ii '1 th.' Nrn'-Iit. wliii.t.--.! lie in.
Aicl i f t Stev Hint lirymi still i ran iiin.
' fVooctar in Droin Uintnru
The ecoii.imie policies of the Be
pu'.li an party have been vindi-
catc 1 by the remarkable and geii-
eial prosperity that has developed
during M r.McK i nicy's ad minis tra
tioti succeeding a period of ur -at
depre-sion. A change of admin
istration this Fall would almost
certainly renew conditions from
w hich we have so happily escaped.
The full dinner bucket is not a
sordid emblem; it has a spiritual
significance for the spiritually
minded. It means more comfort
for the wife and family, more
hchooling and less work for the
children and a margin of saving
for sickness and old age. Ex.
President Harrlaon In a New
York Interview.
The cattle growers bt Lake county
have nearly all sold their beef at good
prices, have the gold coin or the equiva
lent thereof in their bank books, and
are consequently happy. And why not?
They will go on raising beef for the
market and adding to their bank . ac
counts if McKinley is re-elected. Put, if
by an act of Providence, the opposite
Hhould be the result in the election next
month, capital will at once proceed to
hide away, money will bo scarce, de
pression will follow, and the price of
lx;ef will da indie down to the old Iemo
cratic prices. Thin is an sure as l ate.
All The Litest lTo-Date Styles
y.'rlte for Catalociic and Prices.
y f f s. 'sfsr
Victo y Certain for
the Republican Ticket.
v N York Sun Sy Mtklnlry U Sure
: ol Two HuiitlrcJ anJ Sctcnly
n " '
T. T l)V YoKK.Ivt. 11. The
s, x r.
I J un w ill le at'y to un-
N imunce within a tew days
' v aulhorilv the statement that
! -S the U'st and most complete inv.-s- V
v ligation from a source which is S
. not assiH'iated with either of the C1
c . . ...:.
national committees, gives the f-
low nig states to Mehinlev on elec- V
tion day: California, M electoral y
i..ti.u- t ...-I t i: t i..i . i. . i-..
' . V
15 : Illinois. L'l : I In 1 111 llll . lo: lowil.
1.1; Kansas, ID; Maine, ii; Mas-
sa -husetts, .Michigan, 14 ; Mm- .
llesot.l, !l ; New I I llll I'hll 1 ie, J;
New Jersey, 111; New York, .'M;
North Dakota, :i; Ohio, .t ; lin-
gon, 4; 'eiin Ivaiii.i, '.J; Bhode
I-land,4; South Dakota, 4 ; I'tah,
i, 3; Venn. .lit. 4; Washiiigtoii, 4;
West Virginia, 'i ; Wi-eonsin, IJ,
s and Wyoming, :i. Total,
v The Vote liryan, as ascer-
tallied by the same high author-
ity, will he: Alabama, II ; Ar-
s kaiiuas, M; Colorado, 4; l-lotidi,
4; Georgia, B!; Idaho, .'! ; Kcn-
tu.'ky, Ii; Loiii-iana, s; M.iry
S land, .Mis-i-ippi, .Mi --ouii,
v 17: Montana,;!; Nehruska, ; Ne
vada, '.'; North Carolina, 11;
South Carolina, !l ; Tennessee, I-.';
v Texas, lo; Virginia, 1'.'. Total,
i ii.
The foregoing figures have been
v compiled by oi f the ablest men ?
N . . , . .
in the I lilted Slates, backed hy V
k, u u f :f,. ......ti.. I, ,,, 3.
: 1 .............. t
0 e,,i,seri-ltive und 'll rile At the
v (onsirv.uiMaiKiaii.iir.iii. rtlllie
proper time, when the Sun is at
7 ' . ,
v liberty to give Its aillhority for v
.i ...... . , , .1 .... '. f
inese siaiemenis, me sillies oi
C Maryland ami Kentucky maybe ,
, . ,. , .
Z included III the McKinley column. f,
"Zr j s . s SiS,, ,,; s j s s
., ,,. .
I he Shasta Courier asks; "What
has become of the man, who every day i
during thii dark days of I)emocracy, I
used to knock at your doors and beg a
bite to eat? The Republican full dinner '
pail must have something to do with I
. . , ... . , n. .,. mini i.oii.-.n in IM-ri'ii KOI II IIIHI
their absence, by providing them w ith In ei.iut.h,,, win, ti,.. ,,n.vl.liiii nf Hie m i ,.f
oleiilu of work ni iiiorcHiiliHliiiitial uiiL'es ''""K" J'" ' einlilnl "An hi I for
plenty oi woikui more Willis hllL. of tllllll).r aIllU , Ul(. sum . .,i r,..,.
than a Cleveland hard-times hand-out, lornla, (intKim, Nnvada ami WanliliiKiim 'l r
, . , . i i . i : rlmry," an eitunileil lo all the I'lihlie I ninl
which was good pay (luring the last dose i Hian n dy act nf Aiikumi 4, im, J,,i,ii a. hi,.
..f I l,',oi.,-nil in AiliniiiiHlrution " ! ern, of I'alnley, cmin ty nl l-ake, Mali' nf i n , con .
ol I mount ii. .Miminisiration. lB, llBlUy ,,.,, , ,, ,,. ,lU
iiiein, No. 27M, for IIih pnrclni.e ol ihr N',nl
l.' - Vol.. ol k... II.... ei n -4 ill ni'L'llllII mil. 1.1, ill IIIW ll.lll ,.ll lion;,'
I -l" Mllll III il fliierillCH , .s. K.. ami will offer i.ronl In clinu ll,,-
A three-year old Standard Hred Htal-1 lV"i "';'''' ' """ v alual.l.. f..r iih 11,.,1,,-r
,- ., . ,, ... ., , i nliine than fur uKrlculturul iiiirimsiH, inn In
lion, sired by the great McKlliliey J first ,..HI.IIhIi 1,1. claim, I IhiiiI hi lnie Ihe It.'K
dam, .Mission I'l'lle. For full pedigree 1 Inter ami Itecelvcr of Hi in olllie ,,l l.nie--, ini, to Win. Ilarvev. I'ii'ihIiiv. (lr. :tll-Lii. ', on Krldiiy tliu :ailli ilny nf S'nv. ml,, i.l u
11 ' '
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tab
cts. All ilriiuiMHlM reluml tlie inonev il l
it fails to cure,. K. W . (i rove's siL.nii I
tine is on each box, -'5c.
mi&ftFli ENGINES
v '-'Watclimnkcr
? :v't and Jeweler ?
S Located at Ahlstrom Itros
4 All work in my line fully
Mil I' K IS ItKllvliY i.IVCN. it. hi Ho. nii.l. r
.i';.'!?o,'','v',,;r.,:r'l,'' 1 ,1""", '.
r. ..M ll
.'I.: Ii ilny .( s.i. I. in I,, r, I'm. hit i
-l lelnonl-l rl
'. V1 ' ' Iin Inu , ttillu.
inn .s.-ii.
10.1 1.. ,.r. . i.t tt.
mi in.- with
"I ' -. ii......
I r. to ih.- iUi
I '.I, I. i,..i i. in 1 1,. i,i,i r-iL'i,-
f. I Ml III. r- .iili-nrr. Ill l.nk. vt.-H
i L I , i, t, l
i it. k'nii ; Htt.l nil . r-i . tin kni. mii, if il
I.. I.)- I !.'. 1 0 . .1 lo Mil. I .Int.- ll 1,1 l
h ll. I ( h t h.- .nn,.- to .ii 1. 1 it'l in I ,. ,.' r .it
Ii .
. I-. I UN M M.-l .
.A.liiiiiii-trnlor of Hie K s i n i ..( s. '. I,,
Mini;- it. Ii- .-. H". 'I.
1'iit. .1 i li t. -I h, !.). ... .',
ri ti. i'iiook
I 11 It"'. I SlHt. ,H llll I 'Ih,'.-, lk''l , Hp ijoll.
, -1 ,t . 1 1 , , ,. r . i . r.i. .Not n-.' ii I,, r. l-i t u . n i i,i
I. I'. K 1 1 1 . i i i.l isiiiiiiii.-r I.hU.-. iii. it ,
Ii:,'. III. II. ! I.( )in lllll'lllloll III In,...- ; nl
l.rool li.-lore Ii. II. W iiolw. II I . s. i ,,,,. ,
hi l,i. orti,-.' in -i,v r I. itk,-. nr.-,'..,., n ,,i,,i-
iliiy, ll,i' J7lh ilny i.l n, ...r. rn. on I. r
i ul I nr.-h hi ion No 1 1 1 for Ml', i, I s I 1
i, t,.l I 1 j of ' U ' tit,.l M.' , ,,i nil,,,! . .
o. in to, i i.-,ij. No. .' i -..,.- I; I;
II - inu,,.-. h. u it ii. : .nun. . . sin.i : ..i si i . ,
l.nk.'. I ir.., ii ll. I .Inn.)-. Ilol. I, n in. I . . II A 1. 1 1 .
hii.I II, ro- i t .1 I'll'' ,,l - i.i, tu i I i, - , , .,. .
, .i -'T IV 1 . M. Iii:., I IAIN I!.-, i .i, r.
I' ll It,-, I SI,,!,-. . nn. I Ih , I.nk.'H.i. , I iri-i;
sr.i. i,,i,.-r .'I . I .nu. Noi ,, i-1 -. hi-r.-hi en. n i l.t
In i on, .,i ii i h i- mil, il,,' i.r,. 1 1-:..ii. .'.I il,.- ii.'t ,f
'i iir.'sn .( .lime :i, 1-7., .' "Aii.ti.,i ,
'"' iV '.""'I
l"'"!M-, 'r-k'oii. .Vi uelii in.'l W,i.i,i,iioi, I. r-
nt..i , .m i-xi.-n.l , nil ih. I'u I.. n I.hii.I
7. . ? 'r ,. ''J.'
i ,.,. j, , ,,'nnj ,,, ,. n . Kim, nn. I
""" ""' "" ' ' '" """ " 1 h' Hi.,,.-
,. m, , . j7ti. f.,r ih.- ,r,hn.i' i.f iln- M.' , ,,i
N1 " ''""n No- 1A In ion n-l,l. .n -.,
raiiKe Nu. 17 K., ninl will off. r ,r,.nl ni.hi.n
li,l tlo-ln, .ouuht I. innre' for lin
llnili'T or sin ne thnii for nKrn-iilliir.ii i. in I-,,..
ninl lM .t.ihli.h Iiit i lnl ni In '0' html (ii iiiri-
the It'-k-iM. r niei li.i'.U.r i.l ihiKoii,.,,.! l.k,-.
view, Or. 'vim, iiii Irliluy, tin- ;iuh ilny ,,l Nn-
vi'ii.h.r, I'.mii. hlie iiniiiin uh w It iii'.hii. : I,, lit,
A. M llhim, i.r I' V, Ori'ioiii; I'. M. Ciirry, .1
I hIi.'vii'H , iir.-Knn ; J. It. M.-i oruon k. of l.iii,.--
view , Or.'k'nh, uiul A. W. ( linrlliin, of l.nki -
view, Ori Kiiti.
Any hii.I nil jTHoti t-1 at in I ii k nlversi Iv H,.'
nl.on-,l,-,-ril,i-,l lmli are r.-i nil in file
f, n!,'" VT"'Ce " "'''"r,' "
Hew iff-im ' M. IlKATTAIN, It. uisi. r.
ti.uiii:h I.AI MITH K.
I'ltll.-tl HlHti'i l.nnil (inire, Lakeview, I ircKim,
L. A. Mie.. ni I'lii-lev
OriKiini I'. M. Curry, of Lnkuvleu , ( in ui.ii ; .i ,
It M, ( orniHi'k, nf Lnkevieiv, nr. koii, . i . , t . i ' .
MnhH, of Lakeview, Ori'Kmi'
Any anil all ..-rnlni elalniliiK iclvi i". lyll
iihnvi - iii herliii il IhihIm aro t .t.-.l i,, iii,
their cliiliiin in I Ii Ih nillec uli or hi in,, .,i,, .mil,
ilny nf Nnvi.'iiihi-r, liHHi.
I Hc.27-;ib K. M. IIKAiTAlX, ItegMcr.
Ml.oiii-j ri
1. k et ii t Ci. cmi
iit i-o.ii.-
II l I li II I I I'.
I I III Ml J -r.f I a
l.nk.' e , 4lr
i h i i I'.v ii, w.
. II A'I1
t I In i ii i- - tl l.nn .
Amilmiit. Ilei kii
, 1 I .
f iii.
i I i.. I in.
si .
j iooii:
A llnriii -HI I km . ulnr) I'lihllr
l.ii U r 1 1- m . II r
h.ii'.JO .;
VlltM M J Mil I I It
I itiii.t.l II ii ii n v r lurllie
Will IMI'1 .
i si I .k l.
II It It
lint 'I miner
I i.Ui .
M , Ol riinii
l.nkrtlrM, Orrgsn
Hi! h I1) IIMltim;.
l'nllf- , On com
I 11 v.. iooii:
"nnrjer nml I'ltll l iiiliirrr
llr rrw ir .1..'. I.h ,l.,, l'lli.'K an. I M. t,
I. r-0litr le. U'l aii'l oliti r
l-r ittu loiii al 4 .li.t4i,.
jilrlrM, Orrcon.
1. Kill t I'M Minn: OK Mill, l
toil;. I. oo I II V.
IMilll A". Ii ll V III I IK UK lKT
U..M In l..ri'rl.iMiirc, I.H.ii-.l nut t! the 1 lu-nlt
1 1. nit el il.i' siate i.l ii.. K..i., (r il.e I'liinity ..
I.mhc, 1111 lln mil ilny i.l ( 'el. l.r , I'd, n. inn .Ii
r. . i. . mi. I l. ln. r. .l hi n ull wlu-n In IV o.
I't.ri-M'ttti. h lnliitifr. r.-.-i.i rr'. J.i.lh'im 11I
nil. I n ! r. i.l l..r- 1 i.oiiri' niel i.f.l. r el mtle
ni-nlll.l II .Y , W .l. K111..K, i... U.t hii.I l M.
w ...i . .1..1 1. ... . .... ........ i. . . . .
' ' v.. .r ...t r:'.v'
n... i . . .
I I-" 11..1..M. ninl .Ii. I.i, r.. ii.n.i. , I
I .... ,. ., ... .. .. .. .. . ...
i r. , ,.,,.,. j. ,., , . ai,U,, ;
; ,., ... ., K W.. I- II..I....I I, M
! v ...I ,1. i .l . '
I I ... ... i,.,ii '. ...... i..
. B -1 . n r t I . I .,l.t ll .-. , ii lit or R 1 1 . 1 11,1 1 1, lit
.nrl ..! II,.- ,.. r 1 1, . n -1 . , 1 1 , r I I . , ll..- u .
,,'ltl. I. i-ri MlliK II..- II... I 1 1 1 ... 1 1 . I.l, , i,.
Iiih ii ..I sihir I nki- I. Ii,,hi.-.. i : i,r nor fit
lull! ..( tin- Hurl Ii.h.i ,,iHtt.r i.l .ii i h w ..)
.i'l.iri. r ml In -.--1 . 1 1 l ii n i m ... I , .n ii-h , .
; I w l.M - ii.' I.t s-.iil 1 1 t iilu;. I.... rl.-. n . nM.
i MM'li I I- III M it V i.l Y S. ll, hi i,i, I 1 1 . 1 ii v .
S.o. ml., r li.tli, !',. hi ..',!... k ). in. ,.l ....
' .1,.. HI ll..- II. nil nil. I I H-.I lilt- ..( On- I ..Hill)
! 1 I'll I III. i". ..I I ll I. .- l-i M ll I . I lr. IV. !,, in I h ke-
n- . I ill II ml ih.- rU'l.i. nil. nn. I i 1 1 . r.-.l.
i i to. I. ll.. .ii 1. 1 .1 f. ii'liinla In,, I hi nn. I.i , ,-
Hiiioe iii. 'iiiiuii. i nml .1. .iril.i .1 priinl-. ..ii
l I -I -1 ii . I I'.t.i Miiry. s-'l ..r I hnl i li.'l luiv.'
-in. . mi-, I ,!nl'- ii. -, 1 1 . n-, I llu-i, In i.r llu-r- In. ill
..ii.lh' -.i:.-. I.r in. Ii. t.. tl,,- hh,
1,-1 i.i II. r t... i.l...-. I,. .,,rf ...i.l j,i I). i,i mi.
.J.. r.. ....i. ni, I th, .im.-i miii. In In. -ni'.
hut. , Ii. l ll. th .In) ..I ll. '..I,, r. I'ki.
Ii c. I.i M a I'.
'I I sli.-ntf ..I I u k.-i n.i in . i if t'..n.
i-1 ti. 1'iioor.
run. ,1 -mi.-. I iiei Hill.-., ni I nti'i let! . dr..
-. .i,-i,,l r I-. I'm,. Soli, ,- i. I.. r i, uiv.-ii Unit
If loi loll I ',,( I,,, III. .1 -.-t .s , i ,. in. ttoiirr
o ih. r no. . I. mi I., niiiki- in, ,,l ito.,1 In -,i ',,,t
oi l lo-ir i lnliiii.. i,i,, ilml ., ii ill I.,. i,,h,.'
,.- ( 1 1,.- I; '. -i.i i r hii.I I .-. i-m r til l.iil.. i i.-n .
1 1,. ioii, on in loi.. r .'7. fun, i iz: I.I'M t Kis
K I'. I I . II I' . Nu I 7 lo. lor Ih.- M.i l i nn. I
m i ,, MM. io,,i r-. of 'm'.i I si'.' . ,,i
N ' , ..I ,, i..i...i,. I.t.onih. r,n,k.eVl
,-nst, i i lu in, 1 1- n, in, i.n .,n. .. .,
, i,,. toilou his- w It n to ,,r,,t.' 1,1, ( , ,
o. r. -I'l.'h, hii.I , oil I ..f .nil
1 1, ,
.III. V Villi I 'nut; ll II, I . of
lU'lHell, CiJIinriiin ; Willi., m l'n,,. nf Unrn. r
i . . . -. 1 1 1, -1; . , 1 1 1 i iiiiions i-.-i rt... nl w ii no-r I. Ilk.'.
Ori-unn ; sntinirr I. .k.-ll. nf W tirm-r l.nki
tionon. Vl.i Jiimv N. V ('(il i.IIM.I.
I'.. No. l',77 lor IhiSW, nfSW nf .11 I .',. II. j
.slO , ol -hi , ol .. lion 1, nn. I I of M.i , , .
lion 7, Ion ii.hl, II S., rnnue J , . n.l of Willnni
1 ,e 1 1 . r 1 . 1 1 1, 1 1 , 111. 'k. 111. Il,- iiitiiii,, the fnllmv
Inkt i itni'.s, In .r..w l,i. 1-1,1, 1 1 11 iimn, r.-si . le n.-..
i,,n ninl i-iilllvHIIoli nf .,11,1 IhiiiI, 1 ; l-,l
Monroe ,. l l. III. Iitell. ( ni., 1. 101, nu l 1 ,,l
A.I. I, 1, ,. won, si, inner h.i.k. n nn. I I'rank l im.
k' tl of U nriler Lake, llri'Knll.
h, .. .'11 ti I.. I. IlKATTAIN, Iti-icUtrr.
nti. ritniii'.
Lamt (llllcii at Lllkevlew, dr., Septemder
1 !. Nnlliii in heredy kIu'U llmt I lit, loi loir '
I11K mime, I m ttli r Iih. Illeil liotiee nf l.r liiteti
linii In innke 11 1 11 1 .rimf In .ii,,rl nf her
e I.i 1 1,1, ami I lint hi. 1. 1 i.rnnl will l.e ininle l fore
(I. II. H nrilrll, l ulled Mule. CinniniK. inm r at
silver Lake, (in niiii, on (leiniier 27, Iuiki, vl'
MAHY c. HUowN, (iiiiinrly Mary (:. Iteeiler,
II- I'-. Nn. l'.i.J, Inr the s '4 of feelloii :il,t.ll
.hi. i me nh, riiiiKit I.i i'H.1, A i 1 1 it in e 1 1 , inerl
iliiui, nri'xi.ii hi,.' iinini n Ihe ft, Unit inn wlt
11'M.eB In I'l'nve ller colli illllnliH rclileln-e ni.nll
nml i iillitiiiliiii nl Nulil Ihii.I, vi.: v. II IIhvi'h
.lohll 1 1 ii, en, M 111 inu I null y, (i. L. ll' rk l llll!
llll nf Silver Luke IM'i-k'iill.
Viz: WILLIAM II. II A V KS, II. K. Nn. I7:in
fur Ihe M-.i , nf N W . nml Lot I nf .eel Inu 'III,
ninl M'.t , 1,1 hit'1., ninl Lulu :i ami i, .ei-imn m
liiuiihlii.if7 Hi, riiniin I.i iiiMt, Wiliiiini'tin
nieriillan, (iri'imii. lie unities iho d,lh,ulnK
lliiise In niovit In. i-onilnii, ni. rcLii'iiiit
ii.oii ami 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 hni nl Hnl, I hiinl, v: Mnrlnn
1 oiiley, ii. I.. IM-kHilh, .1. M. Wanl, It, , Lune.
llll nf Ml l it I. like, I II , noil.
VI.: .lulls IIAVI.s, II. K. Nn. I7.V.I, fnr (lie
M.', nf .NUi., mnl hrti., ,,f M-.i4 nml .iu (
.sr.' 1 of h -elii.n ;io, ton i,hl,l, 'n mmih, riiiiiiii h
en -1 , t , 1 1 .1 1 1 1 -1 1 . ' 1111 riillnn (iri'ieiii. II,. nntnen
Ihe Inllowlni; Hilll.hMM III 'I O I ll H I ,,,, 1 1 n
1 ' -1 'I, 0 1 ..,ii 1111, 1 I-1 1 1 1 1 11 ( 11,11 ni tiu,
11.: Mnrlon ( iinli y, (j. L. Iti ekti iih. J. M.
W'Hnl nml II. V, Lime, ml nf silver Luke, Oreunii
t-ep -il :;s V.. M. lilt A I 1 AIN, 1(-K ihlcr.