Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 25, 1900, Image 5

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A l'apr Hil al Iti Trkrt' IficlHaU C
ol lk Count r. Lal WhI,
AIMdo HO0C Coleman.
In taking up tlii study the first que
linn prem-ntlng itself to our mind in,
"Wlmt lr llio Child?"
Tlil" groat question has lnen asked (or
ages iiml never yet Ix'cn answerrd. but
fur our purHi miflice it to nay: Tim
chilli ia h culmination ol nil creation and
till! highest COIICfplioll of mil VTll
liilml. Tim characteristics of nil lln
Jiat are centered in the child. In lh
rolling together of it drain lire the
genua of tint future goodness 'I great
iicr., or Ihoh-iicm ami degradation, even
a tlin tt in of tin- mighty ak is hidden
in tin' liny acorn ; ami, trim it ia, mt Oml
on our streets ami in our schools tlm
rrcH-iititt i vch of M-ciiliaritic of char
ncter found in nil Him l-esl men nml
women of the pail, ami the pity of it
tint basest lis well.
This subject (the child) nmy be di
vided into live classes: First Those of
kevn perception, quick, amiou to learn ;
eacellcntly lilted for tli purpose of
know lodge, needing only to bo offen-d
imloin to eagerly r-ir it. They ticloiig
to tlit nervous lemN-ratnent, ami tin
great mistake made liy both parent and
teacher is crowding them too (ait, till
tin' miml become unfruitful ami tin
ImxIv i i-r in Hiit-n I ly wt-akenrd. Swcond
OtlnTN an- keen of jicrceptioii ami only
need Hnira. '1 lii-ix belong to Hie lyni
plmlir teliiH'rilllictil aill the begililrlig
should he carefully M-lccled ami coupled
with ereut piitictico, for with thia cIiimh
whul i iiui-li re.l ia leuriieil for till time.
Third Keen, di-simus, Imt stublorii
uml ngula I'diiihiiiiiiiuii of tempera
ment", lie patient with th in cliom, ami
the lienl way to overeome the sttihhorn
c it to give coin lining proof that you
are icr than they. Fourth I -till, idle,
-arclc ; l-t-l remeilv extract of lurch
or (ur careleHhiieNB, pulieie-e for
dullnecK and Mime incentive for idlclii-SM.
Filth Thi in the (undent cIiimh o( all an
well ui the mreht, for which we are truly
thankful. Idle, dull, oliHtinate uml vici
o'im; and to the teacher 1 would say:
hen. I I li -1 1 1 out after a (air trial. Too
lull 'h in ex cctcd of teacher hero. Life
in too short to nave the world. Having
the children clunnilled, u will How con
kider the two classes of people- who have
the tnoi-t to do w ith them.
i iiikt, imiiknt; hki'omi, tkm iikii.
All thene clanven of children wore once
energetic, eager to learn and it hii r
rounding have lunch to do with i t h prog
ress : hut right here cornea in the que
tloii of heredity, which in greater in itH
power limn tho surroundings. Emerson
says: "Circumstances (meaning sur
roundings) cannot chant!) a defect in
character." The child ha the rix:t)t to
Ihi well horn, mid given thia fi ret great
heritage, it him tht) same, riht to he
well triiiueil. Oliver Wendfll lloinea
liaa "aid " That a child'a tHlucution Ik-iiim
a hundred yearH U-fore it is horn." In
tho lirnt, tlm parrutal ancentry are. re
gpoiiHihle. For the arcond, the parentn
and after them the teachers are the re
spoiiHih'e purticM. IHit all the training
and w ine education of liotli particn may
Im well performed uml in after yearn the
inherited of Home degenerate anecMor
may clone up thin individual and lie mid
denly goea w rong.
I have Hiii.l every child ia entitled to
good hirth and good training, hut very
few children obtain liolli ; aomo one,
oinc the other ; many , neither. Though
lie may from li it own parentn, well
started in life an regarda birth, wo niunt
try to overcome tint hail traits of char
acter lie may inherit. We have to deal
with things aa wo find them, ami it niunt
he done in a practical manner. Let the
heart he fixed on n high ideal, hut do
not neglect to watch theno little Imny
liven, whono hoiiIh mid mindN are like the
beautiful flowera ; even then train and
cultivate an we may, the " Tiuielock of
our tincentorH cannot ho broken, hut may
bo worn away by conntanl polinhing.''
l'arentn cannot Hliii k the great renpoimi
bility that cornea to them with thechild.
Their duty as to its training cornea lirnt,
lant and all the time. No matter how
faithful, hntioHt and true the teacher
may he, the home training will come to
the front an the governing power in after
life. Ami junt ho long as child aludy
and child culture aro neglected by tho
parentn junt ho long will our money go
for the building and aupport of primum
and reform ncIiooIh, and, I might well
add, lunatic anyluma. There are no
men or women, however poor they may
bo. but have it in their power to leave
behind them the grumlcHt t hing on earth,
character, that their children might rino
up alter tiicm and lie thankful that their
mother vtiiH an exemplary woman or
their father a pioun man. You Htudy
tlio bent improvement in everything
elwo, w hy neglect tho child?
A ilreury i.Iiiod woiilil litt thlt curtli
Went I lo re no children In ll;
Tie I.UIK of life wi'Ml'l tin mlrili
Wvru lliure uu lltllu om to Ix giu ll.
Mrs. II. K. Dunlap, wife of KI.erifl
Ihinlap, rame In from Crooked Crwk
hint week to attend the Hf publican
torn At ('rane I.akn, Lke county,
Oregon, Oct. 2(1, 1IXK), to the wife of C.
(!. Iifftiia, a daughter. Henoand Duns
limir papers plea an C'opy.
f'rof, Willita left for Taislfy lant Satur
day to Lenin bin ilutie on Monday
morning as principal of that school.
Mlsa I'.lla Callahan has charge of the
primary department.
Tho favorites of favorites .Ieae
Moore "A A" whinkcy. (loo. Jammer
thai nole agent.
The Klnmincr will piiblinh from week
to week, a aerie of nchool papi-rs read
la-fore the Teacher' Institute while in
(anion lust week. The paper by Miss
Uone Coleman, a Iikevinw teacher,
apHariug in thia insuo is well worthy of
(HirusHl by every patron of the public
achool in the atate.
Through an error made by the mail
ing clerk in this olllce the copies of The
Kxaiuiuerof last week that should have
gone to Summer Lake were aeni to At
tn 'an, ami tho fact that the Alturas
copies m ere not sent on time was not dis
covered until the Summer Lake pack
age a returned from Alturas by mail.
We shall endeavor to aee that this error
is not repeated.
loii't drink the first thing the bar
tender offers. Cull for Jenne Mixire
"A A" whiskey und insist on getting it.
(ieo. jRiniiivrtlial solo agent.
Alex Coffer, representing a Keno
tombntoim company, arrived here lant
week wilh Hi-verul iiioiiuuieiitn to In
placed in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. A
very liaiidnomo monument bus licen
placed by Mm. I Kdlu Cobb over the grave
of her hunhitml, ll. M. Cobb and anoth
er very handiome one over the graven of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tullock by their
daughter, Mm. !'.). Hunting.
When you go to Klamath l'nlln don't
fall lo nee ('. I. Wilnon the Hipular
caterer at the iem nal hiii. lie -urries
the llnent nl-M-k ill town and will treat
you right . The i cm in the h -polar ren-irt .
Try the Hermitage whmky there. U-Vlf
A. I'. Koocer, tho West Sido farmer,
left at thin ollice lant TliemUy Some In-au-tdnl
f-iiuienH n( the cclehruted Iowa
I'eachblow potato, grown on bin place
acrona the lake. Ho ban several varie
ties of potatoes, rh line an was ever
grown in thin ntute. Thone who want to
liy in a stock of uii.atoeH for winter can
call at The F.xumincr ollice, nee thene
sample" and leave their orders for aale
nt a cent, delivered in Lukeview.
On Weilnenday night of hint week the
glow of a treat tire noinewhere out went
wan plainly dix. ei nuble from Lukeview.
A number of "plo who noticed it were
of the opinion that it wan a town burn
ing, and that it wa. probably Klamath
Falld or llonan.a, while othern thought
it a us Vreka. The pH-eulution all fell
wide of the mark, however, as it has
aince been learned that it was a big tule
tire at Tule I-ako, Klamath county.
I!, (iormley, tho merchant tailor wlio
wan announced two weeks ago as arriv
ing from l'rineville, and on-ning up a
tailoring cHtabliHbmci.t in one corner of
The Fxaminer ollice, Huddenly made up
bin miml to return to I'linevillo, and
left for there lant week, after disposing
of all Ida stock and accoutrements to
John Aviragnete. Mr. (iormley ia a
due workman, nml a good fellow, and
numerous people regretted bin depart
ure. It is well known that IoVittB Witch
Haze! Salvo will heal a burn and atop
the pain at once. It will euro eczema
and nkin (lincum-H and ugly wounds and
nores. It in a certain cure for piles.
Counterfeits may lie offered you. See
that yon get the original IK-Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Lukeview lrug Co.
W. L. Pope arrived from Warner Lake
hint Sunday and was attending to huni
iichh Monday. Before leaving for homo
he purchaned a fine set of bunions at
Ahlntrom's uml a Studebakor wagon ut
liernmd'H. Hill nays bo is going to be
sure of one more new nut tit in cane
llryan khould accidentally be struck
by lightning and drop into the presi
dential chair for bo knew he would
never have money enough to buy one
After a residence of both parties in
this section for many years Kdward
Keller, tho miller of New Pino Creek
and Harney (irunian, the sheepman,
have discovered for tho fust time that
they aro blood relations. The two
gentlemen met in Lakovicv one day
hint week and were soon convinced that
they were cousins. Mr. (iruiuan is do
lighted to learn that ho has a blood rel
ative in this section of tho world, and
will soon visit Mr. Keller ut his New
Pine Creek homo to bavo u long talk
over old times.
..We Have Everything..
You should see our
Commodious New
Lakeview j
: Soda :
: Works
: Shop
Soda by Retail
And Wholesale
liicy-Aes Repair
ed and made as
Good as New....
Several sales of cattle have recently
Ihmjii liiude in the Silver Creek section
of Harney county, among which were a
bunch of 130 cows with calves at their
side, which Walt Tarker sold to A. Ve
nator at $32 por cow and calf. He bad
just sold 22 yearling steers, and W. C.
Cecil 78 head at 22 ier bead. His old
cows sold for 20 er bead, and refused
an offer of 15 for weaoling calves,
which be preferred keeping, li. J. Will
iams and others, of that section, bad
just sold a lot of prime beef stock to W.
1). Hanley. Stock over there were re
ported in good condition to enter the
Jack Kelsay and bis vaqneros came
down from Chewaucan last week with
a fine band of cattle numbering200 bead.
The animals are flue beef and belong to
In nes ltros. and Kelsay. They are on
pasture at the Venator ranch and w ill be
kept there until After election. Mr.
Keluay believes that if McKinley is re
elected the cattle will sell at an advanc
ed figure. Jack Simmons and Mr. I)oh
kins of ChewHiican are with the cattle.
The Kalhagan stock ranch at Ft. Klam
ath has furnished the Seattle market
with fiOO bend of beef cattle this season.
The estimated value ot stock and beef
cattle sold in (jooso Lake Valley, Lake
county, alone, during tho past thirty
day is seventy thousand dollars.
John levino of the south end of Har
ney county, lias just sold to W, P. Han
ley 150 head of steers and dry cows of
Shorthorn luiluun blood, tho average
live weight of which is said to be 1-'i00
Ceorgo Kbrbardt, of Surprise Valley,
started a band of H00 fine beef cattle for
Woodland, Oil., last week. Tho beef
Mill be uiivcu ill t'.iJ way.
One could wish for in Groceries and Dry
Goods. Our goods are all new and ele
gant, and prices are very low. Come
and see for yourselves our lines of
CteOp H. Ayiies fe a.
Now opposite Postollice. Will
Goods Arriving
Goods for the
33XO- Xaxarxi or riTRWiTxrRi;
Ixmie Laubbold, better known as
"Dutch Louie," has gone to the desert
to run sheep for Uarney Gruman this
winter. Louie wants The Examiner to
tell all bis friends "good-bye" for bins.
He will return to Lakeview on election
clay to cast the first vote of his life for a
Hepublican. He baa always been a
Democrat, but says these good times
are good enough for him and he wants a
continuation of them, and consequently
will cast his ballot on November 0th for
William McKinley for Tresident. Louie
believes that the sheep he is taking
charge of are now growing 20 cent wool.
It is understood tout Rev. W.J.Wright,
who received the appointment to the
Lakeview M. E. Cbur -h at the late con
ference meeting in Ashland, will not
come here. Kev. Wright was located in
Texas, wt understand, and wan either
delayed in coming or refused to accept
the Lakeview charge. This wi'l neces
sitate the appointment of some other
pastor. It lias been suggested that Kev.
Richard Fysh would return to Lakeview
if the people wanted him.
Buy your candies at Ahlstrom 15ros.,
and get it fresh and pure.
Do not get scared if your heart troubles
you. ' Most likely you suffer from in
digestion. Kodol "Dysiiepsia Cure di
gests what you eat ami gives tho worn
out stomach perfect rest. It is the onlv
preparation known that completely di
gests all classes of foods; that is why it
cures the worst cases of indigestion and
Btonia'h trouble after everything else
has failed. It may be taken in all con
ditions and cannot help but do you
gooj. Lakovk'w Drug Co.
II. O. Whit worth
soon move into New Quarters.
all the Time.
New Store.... I
C. C. Pratt, the progressive rancher,
of Goose Lake Valley, who has made
diversified farming a success, returned
from Summer Lake last week with two
young Durham bulls, purchased from
James Foster, who is making a business
of raising blooded cattle. One of these
young animals is a registered Durham
and the other graded. For the former
Mr. Pratt paid (75 and for the latter
$25. They are fine young animals and
the purchaser will hereafter breed to
fine strains of cattle. Mr. Pratt baa
discovered that good blooded horses are
at a premium on the market, and
knows that it pays to raise the tine breed
of either horses or cattle in place of the
A Mr. Taylor, cattle-buyer from Bak
ersfield, Oil., was dangerously ill at the -home
of II. II. Hazlcton for three days
last week. Apparently the altitude was
too high for Mr. Taylor, and one night
during bis illness be became so suffoca
ted that be nearly died, and when found
I by Mr. Haileton the blood was oozing
from his ears, mouth and nose, as a re
8 lit of the strain in bis efforts to cat"h
bis breath. Ho was adviced by a physi
cian to leave here at once, and on Satur
day morning last be departed for the
lower country.
Take Notice,
All Persons knowing themselves in
debted to tho lute firm of Harris it Sub
letle are requested to settle witli FE
Harris, as all accounts of the firm have'
been turned over to him for collection.
F. E. IIakkis
i. w
Lakeview, Or., Oct. 10, 1000. 40-3