Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 25, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 42
KOYAL good time
ui tin vt'rtlit-t of
.11 who llHll till'
good fortune to Ik)
n I...;.... ...
I I 111 If Irving nil
attorney hero Mt tin- time i( tho
Circuit Court, just pttnt, it w" siig
gcstod by some one tl.Hl " Tlii Fimt
Occasional lliimpict ( tlid Circuit
KuU'iV Ui hold at Lukeview before
linn! adjournment.
Owing In tilt engagement of u tor-
! In getting rn-ly fur tli. trial of
caUSOH, it WH lIllbYull to lis II Unix
for the ltniKjurt, when .11 foul. I bo
prosr-nt, .ml, . it wiit, Judge Sieiieor
.ml John K. linker, of California,
.nil It. It. Ilcckm.n and KrHiik
Schlugel, of l'ortluiul, were 1I iu-U
to leave beforo it w. ln-ll.
For the luck of facilities, occasioned
by the recent lire, it wan noccury to
limit the imiiitxT of invited guests to
nix or eight, and, a most of tin' mm
resident attorney had iiiimy friend
in Lukeview, llui privilege of select
ing tin guest wu accorded to thorn.
While tin' (oust hihI it ii properly
.o rulU'il mi. not in it rid nevoid
Willi till plillted llll'llll, it HMD OIK)
tllllt did Credit, 0VCII to till) Well-
earned reputation of "Sib."
To undertake to give anything like
It jllMt Itll'H of the ri"fll"'. totlm
toast l simply out of the question,
without giving verbatim rt'Hrt ol
each, uml thin wo cniiot lo, for no
ono en ii begin to remember tho Unu
tiful language in which ouch thought
was couched ; tho huy mingling of
M i h 'in , wit und pathos; tlu oiuti'
Htolics alleged to bo true which
each ono tohl at tho ciM'iiHn of Home
on ii ol', supplemented in each in
t m lieu ly . ju.t eulojiy of tho ono
Htf itin.t whom the .tory lovolod; It
tifi'ini'il mm if
' Tim tlicniKht wlili b nimt tlirllla our ril.t-
Irlir la uiii,
S Mi ll, U-iurr wo e.n Ir.uie It In,
I. (una"
w km in no cntio true.
Twolvi) hrii(hl inindu, itlfl onu
UKaiiihl tho oihor; ininilt tr.inoil in
rlofc I'oiiM-i'iitive rcMHiitiK .ml bi
rio-toiiipi! to kI vu voico to tho llioulitu
thiiH iriHluri'il ; HiIiuIm, k Ii k Ii , of tin-cri-hil)',
com in ci it 1 1 mt with, .nil
ri'iiton ujxin rvory )li. of liuin.n
lifo tho Krvi'( th. liny, the .orrow
ful Mini tliH mirthful could not fail
to roncli tli. ond in view, "A Koy.l
(Joxl Time," mo hy tho older
IichiU tlint within it rod throughout
it, hut nl!'t'hlly veilnd, l.y miiy line
fill lutiwiiiK which tho younnnr iiicui
I dim woro not .low to sc. and
profit hy.
Ami the nlKht wm 0ll-4 with mmlo.
And the (r. i that Itid-.ttvl lb.
rdJi 'l llii-lr lDt9 like tho Ara'-.,
Anil lli'iiilj' iinle .way.
fim Occneionnl
3t5anciict r
91 tb
OCTOliLk 18, loOO.
y i0 X
'ft wb btlb no .tomnib Jet tin tljbt
let blm pnt"
(iviiiitt UytciH (Omittod)
t'(iiiH.iiuiiii Ii'l'.hi'liiuic ( Any old thinu)
Itroilinl Slmd a lit M .litre d'lloti'l (If wociin cntcli thoin)
1'oiiiliM'H I'lirihicniu' (Or Homo other way)
i'ricuKHo of Chlckfii I. rouiiadour (Omit third word)
1'rimt) Uihii of hu Jun ( IVrlutia)
HA I. A I).
Crovolto I'll MnvominiMO (Stricken out)
Muhhfd 1'otatooH (Urtie) Itollml CuUmk't (well
"the nlctil hull he IIMcJ with mink,
An I tlir carr. tlit lufcit the il v .
Mmll (old their lent like th,
Anil at tllenlly ilial away."
Apficot, I-tnon, ('imlurd and A 'J'l" Tie.
AxKurU'd (.'ukeH, CVuiIcctioiiery, lUuck ('ofleo.
.... .-
I. 5. Th follow inn Kciiilniiii n nro 'XjH'flMl to up
. lim. I lit nil .r.. r I'liicei:
lu. ll. Iu v, W. A. M amsix.,11.1., Wm. (icMiirn,
h", I. l.iiiiir, V. I.. fim.iMi, K. M.,
A. Y. MlUlll, I'. I'. I.ANK.
l l. S.-(in
nr. I Ted tlmt lill'Uuter
tho xrfiirmuiico.
lilolioii li Hlliniid the record it itf
lo aerved every little w lnle during
Jude Henry L. Benson
The Itench.
The Bar.'
MR. V. C. U'HK.
Victory and Defeat."
MII.J.C. KUTtsn:.
Amicus Curiae."
'The Verdict.'
hk. k. a. i;e.Mhj.
" Discretion of the Court."
MR. W. 1. MOUltK.
The Ohjector.'
" JudRes.'
Mil. K. I. HI'fcKRV.
Mil. L. F. CONN.
s.j 7S,r f s. f. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' y r. ' s,s ' ' ' J s ' r r t , s, . s f i r i. f .,. ,., i r.t, -
"The Circuit Rider.
.Mlt. UiiNKl.
r r s , s s r. . . ,
lmprotnients to be Hade All Alonz
the Narrow Oaie Line. j
Tcrmo, the "Tfn ThoununJ iHillar Honument 1
ol l olly In the licicrl."
The editor of th lleno (iazette, in
t pu ii y it 1 1 Miinley of the H 1 1 r t r i
Valley llecord mid N. S. McKiiiMey of
tho C. it II. Teh-tr:iili line, himiii inviltt
tion of Mr. I)mi aw ay , tho new Niiperin
teiideiit of tho Nevada, t'alifornia &
(iri'Hon luiiway, went out from Kei.o to
Torino on un inspection tour on tho 17th
iiiHt. Many improvcmcnlH urn to Imi
Inado uloi tin-line, hiiioii I Ik-mi new
BtatioiiH and telcttruphii: cervico ut tvi-ry
Htation helween keiio and 'ierino. The
(iazette hivx that Mr. Ininuway expieHH
eil Homo htirpriho ut hcciiii: tho lar'ii
warehoiini! ut A nieilee crowded, jiiiumed
full of freight of all kiudH, from u wheul
Iwrrow to a thrcHhin macliino, con
signed to merchuiitH and faruierit living
and doing hiihiueHH all the way from
KuHiinvillo to Oregon. Over 100 earn of
mutton hheep wero a I ho found tliero
awaiting bhipment nouth.
The party wi'M ut IiiHt landed on
the wont end of rittxty adolio Madeline
I'lainH, uml in a Bection w here water Iiuh
to Ixj hauled for eighteen inileH, and not
a tihrul) or hladu of gnmH to ho neeii
nothing hut diiht, low HiigohriiHli, a few
tenU, ii Mmall eating houn', three well
planned Imrn-, threo Hourly completed
CjttugcH and an imineiiHo, great !ig Huh
Htautially huilt warohoiiMo, Hotting on u
sold ftoiio fun iii In t imi with a cement ami
railroad cteel rail Hour, covered with a
lieuvy cm riigiiteil iron roof a f 10,000
monument of folly in the ili-Hort lilled
to overllow ing wilii freight of all kiii.ln
awaiting ttMiiiH to tram-port it to thu
country north ami I.akeview, Or.
While going homo from tho funeral of
their little, granddaughter, tho luto Kva
I'otia Ix-wiM, hint Monday, Mr. and
Mrs. C C I'raft met with an accident
that came near proving fatal. The
liorHCH hecumo frightenud and run away,
throwing Mm. l'ratt out of tho wagon,
injuring her Berioimly.
Tom Hundley has received from Ta
turn & I in wen, Portland, Oregon, a
double cylinder engine and a planer,
and i. prepared to do ull first-dawn work
in hw line on uliort notice.
MacArthur Reports That the Captain and 48 Men Have Been Turned Over
j to General Luther R. Hare In riarinduque.
I Tho folio ing account of the reMcue of Captain Shield ami hU command (r.iiu tin) I'ilipinoN lmn been loccived at
tho War liepiirtiuent at Wiifliiiigtoii :
, Manila no dale. Adjutaiit- ieneral, Washington: Iiidiriiiutioii from Marindiiipio jiiNt received that Cuptuin
' ShieldH uud IS men, Company K, Twenty-niini liegimeul, I'. S, V. Infantry ; two Corporal, Company C, Twenty-ninth
'Kegiment; one civilian, Ameiicau negro, who wero prin.nn-rH in liaudii of inxiirgeuU, liuvo boon turned over to t iom-ral
I.uther K. Hare. More particular!) hood, giving nanieH of killed and wounded. MAC A IU II I'K."
, I.A l t it -Captain Shield, w ho w an wounded t lire" time in the fighting that led to liU capture, telU a dramatic Ntory
of the engagement. After ho huh wounded he ordered u Sergeant to take :-omiuand of tin) troopx, ami that ho hiniuclf ho
abandoned. A faithful member of tho llonptul Coi pi refuxed to leave him. and they were both taken prisoner. Later
the company, w hit h w hh w ilhoiit am muni lion, but hi ill renin! ing, hut rendered, owing to a niiHtiikoii order. Tho men were
robbed and abu--eil by the l-'ilipinoM, Tho cnsimliicH of Cuptnin Shield.' command in the Inland of Marimlnipio are an
follows : killed, ScpieinVr 1:1th, Company V, Twenty-ninth Kcgiincut, I'nited Ma ten Volunleor Infantry, William. An
drew, Llmer Liirare, Lew in Nile; Sejitember l lth, 1 rank Weighiiud.
Wounded September l.'lth. Captain lievereitux, neck, mouth and hIioiiI ler, Herioim; Liown 8. Colvin, hip, Hlight;
Koln-rt I. .InckHon, cheek, Hlight ; Miver O. John. hi, head, ulight, arm, MorioiiH ; Juan Jl. l'oolo, head, Hlight; John C. Hew,
head and wriht, xliglit; hhoiilder, HeiiotiK.
Warren Laird, Accused of the Larceny of a Cow, After a Prolonged Trial, Is
Pound Innocent of the CrimeProved It to be His Own Property.
Tho alleged c. ill In Mteuling ciihch of Lake county, which have been nrvupviug the attention of the coin tumid
public for Home time pail, have been panned (or the tiiiui being, 'l'ho ciuo of Kdward Laird did not como up for trial, but
a new bond wiih required lor hi appearance ut the M.iy term of tho Circuit Court, 1! I, uml I). K. Joiieh, Sr., and W. 0.
Laird were accepted on the bond in thu Hum of fiOO. Tho ciihii of tho Stale of Oregon vh. N. Kino, Harry lviggn, I. K.
Jom-D, Jr., 1'Mward Laird, Warren Laird and L. I). Kirk, larceny, wiih iliHiiiinwed for want of evidence, with cohIh iiNHeHNed
to plaintitfH, tho l-'rench-i ileiiu Liventock (!o. The information for larceny agaiiiHt K. Laird, N. l-'iue, Jo., l'ino uml J. K.
Joni-M wiih iliHiuiHHod upon motion of the JiiMtrict Attorney.
Tho ciiHo that attracted the inont uttoniiou und wan inoHt prominent, owing to the fact that it wan to bo a tent cuhu
upon which hinged the outcome of the vuriotiH other cuuhch, wuh that of Warren Laird, charged with the larceny of a cow.
Tho cow wiih brought into court uh evidence and the cane proceeded. A jury of twelve men wore to decide the guilt or
innocence of the accuse. I ; u large number of witncHHOH were examined ; the 1 lint rid Attorney iihoiI IiIh iitmoat endeavors to
convict ; long argument were made, uud every pliant) of thu cumo wan brought to light ; tho cue wan given to the jury, and,
ufler the charge of t ho court, the jury retired to deliberate. Very properly tho jurv brought in a verdict finding the ao
ciiHinl "Not tiuilty." It wuh a plain cuu that Warren Laird hud bought and paid lor thu cow he wuh acctiHod of (dealing.
We are glad to Hluto that a reHpected citi.nn of Luke county ha proved beyond a doubt that he wn innocent of such a
grave crime. Warren Laird Htiunl a high in the cHtimatinn of the people to-day, probably, u any man in Warner valley.
IHh cuho wuh handled m.iHtcrfully by Judge Lionel Wolmtor, L. F. Conn and 10. M. Itrattiiiu.
Two young people of La key low aro to
be married next TuoBituy or Wednesday,
Henry KiiHsill has returned from the
Itenellul lawmill, near 1'aibley, where he
wuh employed us engineer.
K. 11. Hamubv in now driving on the
WeHtcrn from Lakeview to lily and re
turn. Maud I. Anderson of Warner, was
granted a divorce from Tlioinaa Ander
son, In the circuit court last week.
Rev. Richard FvhIi arrived here last
Friday from Klamath Agency. He
brought the Itov. IK T. Summervillo
from kluniiUh Falls. The presiding
Elder went to l'uitdoy on Saturday morn
ing's stage.
Petitioning the Postal Authorities for
Change of Schedule on Western
II Clranted, the W'r.trrn Stage Will Lcae
fcakevlew In the Morning.
N. H. .McN'Hughlou, contractor and
HUiierintetideiit of the Western Stage
line, has a K'tition in circulation among
mo poHinno'ier aioug tne route, ih-iwih u
Lakeview and Ager, reipiesting tho Sec
ond AsNiHtunt rowtuiaster-t ieneral at
Washington to change tho echediilo on
tho aforesaid line ho as to make lily a
schedule point. In other words, if the
change lie granted, the Western stage
will leave Lakeview in the winter
months ut (;'M o'clock in- the morning
instead of in the evening, an at present ;
lily will be the all-night Htation, leaving
that place at (i u. m., and reaching
Klamath Full the sumo evening; ntop
over night at that point, and go on to
the railroad next morning. Tli is will
make the trip an entirely daylight ride
over the Western to the railroad at Ager,
and will be more convenient and pleas
ant for traveler. There will be no
change in the schedule from Ager to
Lakeview on account of the carrying oi
the Portland newspapers and iuiptij-Urnt
mail mutter.
Tho petition to be presented to the
twelve postmasters, between Lakeview
and Ager, for their signatures, reads aa
follows :
To the Hon. W. 8. Shallenherger, See
mid Assistant l'ost muster-Uencrul,
Wushington, 1). C.
Sir: We, the Postmasters and eon
tractor on Postal kouto No. TSM'2 from
Ager, California, to Lukeview, Oregon,
most respectfully request that the sched
ule be changed on said route so us to
make l'.ly a schedule point, with the
following schedule :
Leave Klamath Fal In daily at 7 a.m.
and arrive, in Lakeview in 24 hours:
leave Lukeview daily at fl::i0 a. in., und
arrive at lily in ten hours; leave lily
daily ut l::i0 a. m., and arrive at Klam
ath Fall, in 14 hours.
Leaven Klamath Falls daily at 7 a. m.,
arrives ut lakeview in 2U hours; leaves
I.akeview daily at 6:!i0 a. in., arrives at
lily in 11 hours; leaves Blv at 6 a. m.,
arrives at Klamath Falls in 15 hours.