Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 11, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Ben Warner, Wealthy Resident of New Pine Creek,
Fatally Hurt Last Saturday.
Last Saturday afternoon, while paint
ing the outside of his store building at
New Pine Creek, lien Warner fell from
a scaffolding to the ground, a distance of
about thirteen feet, striking on the bark
of his head and injuring his ,-ine in
such a manner as to cause paralysis,
whi?h resulted in liis death on Monday
mornimr at 4 o'clock. When picked up
t lie injured man was found unconscious,
but soon revived and conversed with
thos about him in a commonplace man
ner for a short time, when he passed
hrfo a comatose state, in which condi
tion he remained until death c.tme. He
remarked while conscious that he c .uld
not remember how it happened, but
knew his neck was broken. In the fall
his riiiht arm was fractured.
Bv-n Warner va .a peculiar mm in
many respeet; eecentrie in the ex
treme, lint in all Iih dealin-; he was
recojrn' zed as an h"nest, con-i-ieutious
man. He wa a resident of Northern
California and Southeastern Oregon for
many years.
Early last spring deceased went to
San Francisco, and while there the re
port came to his home and to Lakeview
that he had pas.-ed away in that city.
He leturned soon after to deny the story
as a ba fabrication. He searc! ever
wrote a letter to a friend in fact he was
loth to look upon any human lieing as a
true friend, and was not a believer in
Friendship in the true sense of the
w- nl. 2ut, withal, t here were men who
knew tiiat in lien Warner's heart theu
v, ere warm sjtots which belied the out
ward coldness of the man.
He wa- a non-br!ieer in (iod, and
was a follower of the doetrincs of In -jer-soll.
He would have nothing to do w ith
the Church or religion. He loved the
edueational iiistitutions of the rountry
and wa- a tirin upholder nf the public
-li iols. He was heard to remark not
ioni: a.'o that when he died hi- money
would be left to thecau-eof education.
It is unknown at this writing whether
or not deceased left a will, but it i-pie-umed
lie did. Recently he di-po-ed
of his merchandise bu-ines at New
1'ineCreek to Mesrs. L-mon t; Hartzou'.
Hi- -tuck invoiced about otm : he al-
owned a 1:001 1 ranch, and had money in
bank. It is estimated th f h wa- worth
lo.OtHI and indebted to n man. lie
was often heard to remark that he knew
of no relative living.
Deceased was aged about 7'J year-.
The funeral was held at New Fine Creek
Tuesday at 10 1 m. and a l.V -e e.n.c .tll .-e
of friends were in attendance.
II LL OF CoFKT I'lM.Wool), j
No. 8530, A. 0. F., -Lakkview,
Or.. October 1, l!l)0. )
Your Committee on Resolutions re
spectfully submit the following:
Death, the inexorable Crelitorof Life,
lias taken from us, with scarcely any
warning, our beloved Brother, N. F.
Our Court has lost a highly valued
member, our community an honorable
and respected citizen, and his relative
a loving and cheri hod son and brother.
Court Finewood extends its sincere
sympathy to the aed parents and to the
sorrowing sister and brothers ot our
departed Brother, and may Divine
Mercy assuage the pain caused them la
this sad loss.
Our Brother's memory will be kept
green in this Court, and may the knowl
edge that he rests in peace be a con
solation to us all that mourn for him.
J. Frankl, )
Wm. Guxther, Comrnitte.e
J. M. IIaxdlev, )
Sportsmen in Clover.
Smith Heltlnstine of Cottonwood
kille.l a tine thiee-year old buck one day
lat week.
Ha ry Bailey, Manly Whorton, L. F.
Conn and W. D. Woodcock weie out at
Bull Frairie two days !a-t w. ek and re
turned with six deer.
Tlie iooal small game hunter- have
been bagging large numbers of wild
luck on the slough above town during
the pa.-t week.
F. O. A hist rum, Andrew Hammersly
and Fern Heryford returned Monday
fromOuano creek where they brought
down six antelope. They report good
sport, and Ahlstrom and ileryford losing
themselves on the desert the ti rat night.
Ladi.-' and Cents' NLdit Shirts,
Ladies' and Children's Skirts in endles"
varities at Geo. II . Ayres it Co.
Head J. Frankl'n "notice" in this
Children'? jacket at Bailey c Mas
singill's. Headquarters for Staple and Fancv
(inneries, (Jeo. II. Ayres fc Co.
Wanted to rent A sewing machine
in good running order. Call at this
Fine line of ladies' eaos, jackets and
overskirts to arrive at Bailey A- Massin
Clll's this w eek.
I'pon making a cash purchase at Geo.
II. Ayres A: Co.'s store you receive a tag,
for whfch we pay back o per cent.
A full linu of ladies' wool jfiirt waists,
llannel nightgown and underskirts to
arrive this week. Baih-y vv. MassingiiFs.
ludye L. R. Webster is in Lakeview
this week gieeting old friends and at
tending Circuit Court. .Judge Webster
is counsel for defense in the case of the
Fiem h-( ileim Livestock Company vs.
Jones et al.
Charley Graves is continually receiv
ing new stock for tin- Bed .'-hoe Store.
If iaves can't suit you in footwear no
Itody el-e can. The Bed Shoe Store is
the only exclusive shoe house in Lake
:oimty. (iive Graves a call. Jammer
thai building, Water street. :U-'2
Will Receive Soon
The Finest Line of
Ladies and .Misses
Ever Brought to Lake Co.
At J. W. Howard's
New Goods,
New Samples,
Everything Now.
..Fit Guaranteed or no Pay..
School Report.
Report of school district No. 2, Coggs
well Creek, Oregon :
Number days taught 20
Number pupils enrolled 21
Average daily attendance 17
Roll of Honor Hattie Andrew, Frank
Deter, Chester and Thomas fcttudley,
Iva and Elsie Thurston, Verner Bussy,
John Rhodes.
We have entertained a few visitors
and would be pleased to see more, es
pecially of our patrons.
L. N. Cjiicquj;tte.
This is advice which you will find profitable to' follow. Whether
your purchases are large or small we can save you something;
the amount will depend on the size of your bill. Close sidling
comes from our close buying. If we didn't get bargains we
wouldn't have any to offer to yon. We were more successful
this season than ever before in picking out the best things in
market, and the splendid stock selected is ready for your in
spection. Better look here before spending money elsewhere.
Bailey & Massingill