OUR FINANCES. Lake County Gradually Reducing Her Debt. GRATIFYING STATE OF AFFAIRS Let Credit Be Given Where Credit Belongs To a Wise, Economic, Business-like Republican Administration. Lake county is gradually craw lint; out of it.- indebtedness of long standing, and is in much better :ircum--tanvs today than the great majority of the counties of the -late. The Examiner brazenly, openly and de.'iantlv asei's that a wise Republican administration of t ff ai rs is responsible for this encouraging .-tateof the county s financial condition. And this statement is made without fear of successful contradiction. The county indebtedness for years has only been es timated and approximated. Count Cierk Win. iunther in 1 is semi-annual report, gives the actual indebtedness in outstanding warrants at f32,L(.3..'o ; actual amount of interest accrued there on, $7A'.74 ; total liabilites $59,89-1.04 to October 1. 19o0. To offset a portion of this indebtedness there are funds- in the hands of the county treasurer to th amount of $ 1,892.27, and unpaid current taxe- applicable to its payment $5,814.24 making a total of resources to the amount of 7,7o.'i,51 leaving the actual total indebtedness of Lake county $45, .157.04 This is a mere bagatelle com pared with the indebtedness of other cou'ith-, arid it must be remembered that there is not a dollar of railroad tax paid in Lake county, and that every cent comes from comparatively small ent-t prist-s. JJuring the past to years there have been paid on outstanding warrants ujjou which the interest ceased, as follows: O' tob'-r 1, Wr to April 1, WYi J10..W..70 April , Ma to October 1, WSj l'i,(tHM2 Octob-r 1, ifeS'j to April 1, I'.; .0,519 02 April 1, llMJ.to October 1. 1900 20.-KJ-1.71 Besides this there have been paid for state taxes, 1808, $8,392.47; 1899, f 9,233 39. Inuring these two years from Oct. 1, 1898 to October 1, 19fX), warrants have been drawn in the sum of about $30,0' 0 for expenses of conducting the county's affairs salaries, roads, bridges, etc. Lake county is becoming wealthier each year in new enterprises, and new people coming here to make homes, which bring-additional revenue to the i county. At the rate the county indent-1 edness has been reduced during the past two years The Examiner ventures the assertion that before 1900 we will be practically out of debt, and the tax rate will be so small that our people will scarcely notice it. Lake county has for years carried a heavy burden ; the burden is being ma terially lightened; let the men who are responsible for it in the greatest extent receive the greatest credit a commiss ioner's board under Kepublican rule. Henry Miller, an Eastern cattle and fjheep buyer, was in this vicinity during the week. C A. Moore arrived from Portland Wednesday. lie will accompany Mrs. Moore, who has been in Jacksonville several weeks, to Southern California, hoping to-.better the latter's health. Ashland Tidings. Q. W. WISE, General Merchandise, First-Cfass Hotel, The Plush House, Tonsorial Parlors. Plujth- I.lL Cminti Clrftrnn business and will have a superior stock j to show the public. j ArnMin Are you going to the Republican j J F AHLSTROlWl speaking tins f inursday) evening at tne opera house? (io there with your wife, laughter or sweetheart and be enter tained. Mr. reektna:i does not tire his listeners. Choice residence lots for sale. En quire at The Examiner ollite. 28-tf Miss Josie Pickerson arrived from Yoncalla September 29, and w ill remain here to take care of the children of James Iirummett. A fine line of furniture of every de scription arrived this utek for F. E. Harris. Mr. Harris is now ready for! A horse-power rigged up to pump the I water out of the city well gave way one j day last week and was "smashed to j smithereens," thereby putting (ieorgej Miller out of a job temporarily. The; pump hereafter will be run with an en- ; gine. 1 Many j-eeple are looking for building ; in which to establish various kinds of business in Lakeview. There is a dearth ! of locations for bu-iness enterprises as well as residence places-. In the spring there will be many new buildings erect ed. The lumU'ring mills have been taxed to their fullest capacity furnish- ' ing materials for New Lakeview, and ' have not yet completed all the order-. The Ashland Tidings ha- the follow ing to sav (A improvements in its town : "Mrs K. L Atkinson and A. MeCallen have let the contract for the building of solid stone retaining alls in front of, their residence pmertij3 on Main ; street. Sandstone walls six h-et high will be laid to the street line while a second wall 10 feet b.ek and 4 feet high will also be built. The job will require about 130 perches of st"iieu ork ... Is now in hi old location on Main ! street, hvervthinir in the Harness and Saddle line made to order, or in fetock. Lee Bead The Lakeview Druggist, Can r found at the new Maud near the oM hite, ready to give their patrrns cordial treatment. th? uMial Ilia; Mock Jut Iteecived. CITY MEATHAKRET at the old tInl Fine Beef. Pork and Mutton No Increase in Prices on account of the Fire. B. B. Beekman. Esq. Remember that the Republican cam paign will be opened in Lake county to night by B. B. Beekman, E-q.. a talented gentleman from Portland. The meeting will be held at the opera house, and it i to be hoped that a large audience will greet Mr. Beekman. Our Democratic frif ndg are respectfully invited toattend the meeting, and the ladies are especial ly invited to lend grae to the occasion by their presence. Those who de?ire can arrange their chairs during the after noon or early in the evening. Come out everybody and listen to Mr. Reekman's pleasing address and entertaining speech. C. H. Dunlap Has ;i Complete .Stock of staple and Fancy Grocorlos Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies, Stationery, Etc Smith's l!ew Pine Creek Roller flouring Mills. Highest market price paid for Grain. Send to New Pine Creek for Flour. For Sale at a Sacrifice A three-year old Standard Bred Stal- TO CURE A COLD IN ONG DAY Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if lion, sired by the great McKinney ; first it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa- dam, Mission Belle. For full pedigree ture i on each box. 25c. 38-lyr apply to Wm. Harvey, Paisley, Or. 30-2m Bieber's Good Goods Are beginning to arrive. A complete lino of Groceries on display adjoining Arzner's shop. Prices are made to meet any and all competition. You'll be satisfied with my Goods They are Good and Guaranteed. Free delivery in Lakeview.