Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 11, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 40
A 26x40 Publication in Eight-Page Form With the
Possibility of Enlargement in the Future.
The Kxaminer will appear to our
readers next week in new form an
eight-page paper. 20x40 in size. The
work of preparation for this new order
of things setting new and enlarged
advertisements, getting the big power
press ready for printing, moving our
oflice ami other labor attending the
change, has caused much expense and
diligent work. We had hoped to issue
the enlarged pajKir six weeks earlier,
but it was impossible to make the
change while in our cramped up, tem
porary quarters in the Field builJing,
and our new oflice at the old location in
the Masonic building was not completed
us early as we had expected, owing to
an unavoidable delay in procuring lum
ber. However, we anticipate and hojre
that the transformation will Ite a pleas
ing innovation to our readers and adver
tisers. With the eight-page paper we
can give our advertising patrons Utter
satisfaction in the location of their pul-
lic announcements, and at thesametime
do justice to ourselves. It is always a
pleasure for us if we can please our
patrons. Our initial issue as an eight
page pap.r may not be up to the stand
ard which we expect to keep The Ex
aminer, but any shortcomings in the first
attempt will Ik charged to the hurry
and bustle of the week. Our future ef
forts will Ik made along the line of
progress in keeping pace with New Lake
view and giving the people of Lake
county a U'tter newspaper than they
have eer had in the past.
With our present facilities for printing
The Kxaminer can be still greater en
larged in the future--as the town pro
gresses and buines justifies. With our
power press we are enabled to print anv
j size or form of newspaper, and with the
rapid Mi ides Lakeview is making city
ward this p iper may be made larger at
any time, a we pnose to keep up with
I he pn efcMon.
Left The Old Party.
T. B. Dozier, ditrict. attorney of Shasta
county, Cal., a brilliant voting lawyer
and orator and life-long democrat, lias
left his party and comes out boldly for
McKinley and Roosevelt. .Mr. Dozier
is one among many old line democrats
who have left their old party for the
party of progress and prosperity. Mr.
Dozier gives his reasons as follows :
"The great civilization which we have
achieved and the great development is
due to the spirit of American expansion.
"1 believe the action taken by the
government of the United States in re
gard to its foreign policy" is right, just,
progressive and proper' and that It is
such as is de?ired bv the people of the
United States.
"I believe it the duty of every good
citizen, irrespective of politics, to sup
port an administration when that ad
ministration has pursued a course advo
cated and desired by the people them
selves. "I fail to see where President MeKin
lev and his cabinet have failed to in
telligently pursue and carry out the de
sires of the people of this country.
"It has been the destiny of this coun
try, as demonstrated by history and ex
perience, that it should carry the bless
ings of free and liberal government to
the nations of the earth not so blessed,
as to imbue them with that spirit."
A letter from W. S. Warfield from
Kiddles, Oregon, announces the safe ar
rival at that place of himself and
mother, and his father, Uev. J. W. War
field, at Canyonville, where the family
will hereafter reside.
Miller & Lux Will Withdraw.
W.I). Duke, the rustling representa
tive of Miller A Lux, was in Lakeview
lat Sat unlay looking for beef cattle.
Mr. Duke now has an office of his ow n
at 120 Stockton street, San Francisco,
though he is still in the employ of his
old tinn. He has been quite successful
in purchasing horses for army purposes
this fall. Mr. Duke informs us that
Miller & Lux intend to retrench in their
business.Tw ing to the Inability of Mr.
Miller, (the movi ng spirit of the 'firm)
to longer look after the extensive busi
ness interests of the company, he having
met w ith an accident a few months ago
which left him crippled, probably for
life. About the first move in the re
trenchment will be to give up their
interests in Lake county. The cattle
will be driven out of Silver Lake valley
and the firm's grazing land leases sold
Chance for Young Men.
The Seminole tribe of Indians in the
Indian Territory have passed a law sub
sidizing respectable white1 men who will
marry into the tribe. . The act requires
the man to be well recommended and
sound of IrxIv and mind. With the
dusky maiden he gets tw o hundred acres
of good land and $500 cash to begin
farming. These girls are strictly civil
zed, having had the benefit of public
and private schools for forty years
though it must not be understood that
they are forty years old. Here's the
chance to get a starter in life, young
man. We hope that Lakeview ' boys,
who are inclined that way, will defer
their trip to the Seminole teepees until
after election.
Semi-annual report of the county offi
cers appears in this issue.
New subscribers to The Examiner are
pouring in at a lively rate.
Governor Roosevelt met with a grand
reception in Mr. Bryan's state.
All our peoplo have returned from
Alturas and report an interesting time
during Fair week.
The Examiner i.s now located on the
same ground it hel(l before the fire in
the new Masonic building. Call and
see us.
The Church of God of Northern Cali
fornia will hold a ten-day Assembly
meeting at Cedarville, commencing Oc
tober 20th.
J. O. Hull who was here last week
from Yreka, disposed of a mine near
that place, just before starting for
Lakeview, which netted him $5,000.
The lied Bluff News reports a number
of wool sales at that place last week,
at prices ranging from 8 to cents.
John Lee was the principal purchaser.
The races during the Siskiyou County
Fair at. Yrel a were run in the mud, and
it rained so hard on the second day that
the evnits were postponed to the third.
Mr. and Mrs. if. Pease and daughter,
Alma, arrived from Summer Lake last
Sunday. Mr. Pease went to New Pine
Creek after a load of flour and started
home yesterday.
Fred Fi-her was down from Summer
Lake this week and went to New Pine
Creek after a load of flour. He says the
majority of crops in Summer Lake this
season were only fair.
Lon Briseo has returned from a visit
with hi9 mother at Spokane, Wash. He
is in Lakeview this week as the princi
pal witness for the prosecution in the
Warner valley cattle cases.
Mrs. Gus Schroder, of Silver Lake,
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Gard
Van Hi per, in Ashland. She is now re
turning home with Mr. ?nd Mrs. Charlie
Buick from Gold Hill, via the Rogue
River route.
We havti had a fair warning that
winter will soon be here. Woe be unto
the man who will not have his wood
shed piled high with pine sticks. And
that reminds us that the good Samari
tan w ho promised wood for The Exami
ner fire box has not yet put in an ap
pearance. Two or four-foot wood
either will do.
Lakeview is sadly in need of a big
hotel this week to accommodate the
large number of people here in attend
ance upon the Circuit Court. Unfortu
nately the big hotel could not be com
pleted in time, but we can promise all
visitors that upon their nexttrip to
Lakeview they can have an opportunity
of procuring accommodations in the
finest hotel in Southeastern Oregon.
However, with the private houses and
excellent restaurants in the town the
visitors of the week: did not fare so