7 National Republican Ticket. For PrcHlclcnt WILLIAM Me KIN LEY of Ohio. For Vice President TIIKODOIti: ItOOSEVKLT of New York For Precedential Elector. TILMON FORD of Marlon county, J. C. FUL LKKTON of Douglas county, W. J. F(JR NI.SH of Umatilla couuty. O. K. l'AXTUN of Multnomah county. HEARST WARNS BRYAN. tbe Mr. cry Tbe trio of big newapaperb, owned and controlled by W. R. Hearst, are just now booming Mr. Bryan for the presidency with all the vim and energy that hired brains can furnish. Tbebe newspapers, the San Francisco Ex aminer, New York Journal and Chicago American, belonging to Hearat, uphold Bryan in his against expansion, while at the same lime Hearst is one of the greatest of American expansionists. Hearst gave MjBryan a few words of advice in the San Fraccisco Examiner April 27, 1899: "We trust that Mr. Bryan will yet range himself in lino with the national aspirations for expansion. The time has come, a it comes at intervals to every vigorous nation as it has come to ours on several former occasions when the old boundaries are too con tracted for the pulsing life within them, and when the health of the body politic demands that room. The popular instinct understands the neod for these periodical expansions, :.nd every genuine statesman understands it, too. "The popular instinct of a nation cannot be changed in ten months, nor can a creature of expediency be con verted Into a statesman by an appeal to the truths of history. "Mr. Bryan may think he Is close to tho people, and that bis silly talk about imperialism' moves them, but he will eoon find out that Americans are as much in favor of expansion to-day as they were when tLy ap plauded the acquisition of the Louis iana territory by that noted imperial let, Thomas Jefferson." QOOD ADVICE. "If there is any one who believes' the Gold Standard la a good thing, or! that it must be maintained, I warn him not to cast his vote for me, be-! cause l promise hltn it will not be maintained in this country longer than I am able to get rid of it." W. J. Bryan, Sept. 16, 1896. Doubtless the millions of people who have been, struck by tho wave of prosperity under Mr. MKinley's gold standard administration will accept the warning of Mr. Bryan. J. W. Reed, one of the brightest t.ien in Idaho, an orator of note, and one of the electors on the Bryan ticket, has cast off the cloak of Bryanism and come out flat-footed for McKinley and there are others. Bids for I.O.O.F. Lot. Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the trustees of Lakeview Lodge, No. 63, I. O. O. F.f at the law office of W. J. Moore, in the Daly build ing, up to Saturday, September, 29, 1900, at 4 oclock p. m., for the purchase of the lot on Main street, Lakeview, upon which formerly stood the Odd Fellows' hall. Size of lot, 30x80. The right is reserved to rtject any or all bids. By order of the Lodge. J. Q. Willits, Secretary. 37-2 City Delivery Directory. The following merchants are the pat rons of the city delivery : J. S. Field, Geo. 11. Aye&s & Co.," Lakeview Soda Works, Wiiorton & Barnes, B. Rey nolds, Bernard & So.v, Bailey & Mas sing ill, Lee Beall. VIRGIL E. GREENE, City Deliveryman. 35-tf Drink nothing but Jesse Moore whisky and you'll always be happy. On sale at Whorton A FiUpatrick's. 33-tf Complete line of Gent's Furnishing Goods Now on display Boy's and Girl's Combinat'n Suits Hen's and Boy 's Sweaters AH grades and prices The Honogram. I'm in it Don't overlook me For bargains HARNESS SADDLES STOVES I HARDWARE 5. Scblapcl. FIELD 6r BURRUJ Are still in the lead on Agricultural Implements , Buggies, Roadwagrjns Carload new Implements now on the roiul. We always handle the Beit BAKER & HAMILTON GOODS. FIELD & BURRUS. ARZNER BROS. Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers Horseshoeing a Specialty At the old stand. All work Guaranteed. THE LAKEVIEW DRUG CO. Just opened again in B. Heynold'a Store, neyt jor to Ariner Broa ' blacksmith shop. Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles S. R. Sublette The Furniture Man I now ready fr baslnefta in hi new building Month of the Poat Office with m new line Furniture of nil Klnd The Hungry Should Be Fed and that is my mission. For a good meal go to the fStillman ReHlaurant One building South of Opera Hoate. JAMES STILLMAN, Prop. W. D. Woodcock; Blacksmith and Horseshoer, At the old stand North of the Opera House. All work done on ahort notice and aatiafae tion guaranteed. Ager-Lakeview Stage Line S. I. McllAUGHTOH, Proprietor r mrm mj-m wrm mrm wm v j :o$ Dipping Kr Powder Sure Cure for scab For Hale by Shoobert Beale Company Hole Agents 222 M&nKome St.. Hah Francisco, Cat vic.T DR. JORDAN'S gkiat UUSEUU OF flllflTQUY r t i 1051 MARKET ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Tbe larfeet Anatomical Musaona la tb Wor'i. Ortatt attraction la tAs City. JL vondtrful lijhtor vitltor. WrakMMfi, or an y con tract d dlM,pl tlvoly er4 by a tbe oldent 9pciMiiaton tb FaelA Com. stabUaad U years. A C3. tJCXOAN-PCIYATE DISEASES a Tmmmg me an 4 anltll avrl aMn who arc suffering- A from tb effect of youthful indU- T ereuons at excess in matarer roars. Narruiia and tbraicu Dokllltr.Iaw tmmy, fuoat MaabMa In nil lueompll cations; N)iraiai.rrkM, PrUi.r rbra, Gua.rrkM, SJIeos, Frfaaciiry mt UrlMallaa-, !. By a combination of reraellea,f g reat euratlre power, the Doctor lias so arranged aw treatment tla IT will not A oulr afford immediate tvlWt. but permanent cur. Tb Doctor does not alaira to perform miracle, but Is well known to be a flr and 9 a a ure rhrloian and aurceon. uremnieai La tolapecllty Dlaoavsoa f Men. 0 ITPniLla tberouf hly em dieted Crom tb aysiaaa without taeuaeof Mmrury. Q ' KttmA fc u VT&Arfc nmlal T rare for JtaniMtre). julclr and radical h cure for Pile, riasnr) and rifnla,b Dr. Jerdaa'a apecial palaleaa melboda, A ETCttT MAN applying tioawlUreoahra oor onAt opinion of biscomplsltit. A W4 utlU Guaranty m QH1TIVM CUJLM tm W tnery com W4 Urutertnk. X consul tati'tri 'hkk ana eincuy pnTmse w CJUBQE8 rxjtt njsAsayjiBLJt Treatment personally or by letter. writ for Rook. iiiiff.oorinr or MABttlAOK. MAiLXSYaaa. AfidxuM book for mea.) Call r writ JORDAN 4 CO.. 1011 Market et. 8. P. 8