Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 27, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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laki.vilw, out:o. hi: it. v7. isoo
A Tour of the East.
A. enator, county commissioner of
Harney and well known here, has just
returned to Harney county from a visit
to the Northern and Kastern States.
He visited the important cities as far
east as Boston, and hail an interesting
trip. Mr. Venator is a cloe observer,
and is deeply interested in the success of
the Republican party, and oir his tour
found no cause of alarm for Republican
success, though the Bryan forces are
active everywhere. He believes there
is no earthly chance for Bryan to win
unless it be owing to Republican apathy
and over-contidence. East from Grand
Island, Nebraska, he savs the corn crop
is enormous, the yield this year being j
one of the greatest known in the conn j
try's history. He tells the Harney
News that in Nebraska he found th u-!
sands of sheep just from the northern j
and western ranges, from which they
have come in in unusually p or condi- j
tion on account of the dry summer
ranges. The markets, while he was j
there, were not flattering to the sheep j
seeking them. In Montana lie found j
the cattlemen approaching winter with '
poor stock and not an over abundant t
supply of hay. i
Morris Wingfield has 150 tons of hay
for sale. 37-2
El Comandante cigars and ice cold A
B. C. beer at Post & King'. 23
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful,
purifying little pills. Iakeview Drug Co.
You don't want to forget that Tost &
King, the popular dispensers, are still in
it. They are under the opera house.
Call and see them. 22
"Eli" restaurant, next door to Whor
ton & Kitzp'atriek's : tine meal by dav,
week or month. Evervlnidy knows Eli,
the famous chef, tiive him a call. 2S-m
When vim no to Klamath Falls don't
fail to see C. D. Wilson the jwpular
caterer at the Gem sal ion. He carries
the finest stock in town and will trout
you right. The (iem is the Kpular resort .
Try the Hermitage whisky there. 2o tf
I r Sale at a Sacrifice
A three-yen old Standard Bret!
lion, sired bv the rreat McKinnev
dam, Mission Belle. For full jwdigree
apply to Wm. Harvey, Pai.-Icy, r. MO 2m
To prevent consumption fjuiekly cure
throat and lung troubles with Or:e Min
ute Cough Cure. Lakeview Drug Co.
Will Receive Soon
The Finest Line of
Ladies and Misses
Race Meetings. j
The Examiner acknowledges receipt of i
complimentary tickets to the Sumpterj
Racing Association s meeting, through
the eourtesv of Secretary Sevnmur H.
Bell. Sent. 26th to 29th. Also a ticket
to the 15th Annual Disti iet Fair of the!
Mt. Shasta Agricultural Association, at i
Yreka, commencing (Vt. 3d, continuing j
four days. For the latter we are indebt-1
ed to Secretarv C. S. Smith. Grand!
preparations a're being made at both ! Ever BrOUgnt LO Lake Co.
Sumpter and Yreka for successful meets, I ... . . .
and neither of these live little cities,
ever do anything half way . The purses j
riv vi. i'Kmu
l nitel rit.-s l.H'in oniee. i.akeview
and premiums at Yreka amount to $4000 September 21. 19xi. Notice is tar;U- given tii
! L. P. KJiri- 1 of Summer Lake, Oregon, h
Be sure to use the genuine. d' the 2Tt'l ',fb1'-r lVL?n
., . if ' culture ap .lieanon No. 11M for NH'..
e the same care when yon ask for j Rnd hJ of NWif and ne of sw4' If
Poisonous toadstools resembling mush-!
rooms have caused frequent deaths this
DeWitts Hazel Salve. Ihere are rd-1 N
sonous counterfeits. De ltt s is
onlv original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a
safe and certain cure for piles and all j
skin diseases. Lakeview Drug Co. ;
Briefs, 1
Letter heads,
Business cards,
Ball programmes,
Wedding invitations,
filed '-of j (
lroof fw-i'i.f
at his oftic
of his intention to make final
'I. R. Wardwell IT. S. 'oininiKitnir
in Silvr Lake, Oregon, t,n Satur-
1 1 inkT
of NK '
O Ol . 1 '.I ftliU .1 Ul 4-1,-. ,M IIHII
32, in township No. 29 S.. range No. 17 E.
iIH He names as witnesses: .iirn' s M..-mallof.nver
l'"lTl. fm.i ..I ...,-. I.... I, ., ... f II 11,1.1,1,.,.
' and Herbert Aldridge of Summer Lake, Ore.
sept 27-37 E. M . P. R TT. i N R eg i ster.
j Land OfTI'v at Lakeview, Oregon, A ugnst 17,
19tK). Notice is hereby given that the follow- :
j ing-named Bettl r has fileil notice of his inten-
. tion to make final proof in support of his
' elaim, and that said proof will be made before
I Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
' c . ,. 1. .. wi iiiiui .... . 1. t v i - i L'T 1 1 f r 1. 1
Tl.tllH:it I.AI XOTM'K
United State Iind Office, Ijikeview . Oregon,
July ), 1'XXt. Notice is hereby glve.i that In
compliance with the provision of the act of
Tongren of June , lTK, entitled "An act for
thecalcof tiiotn-r lano in tlie ftntf of Cnli.
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington T r
ritory," as vxtnt't to all the public land
States by act of August i, lh9, Zaeeheu Whit
worth, of lakeview, county of Ijike, state of
Oregon, ha thin day filet in this office hi
sworn statement, No. 2V,, for the purchase of
the W, of SW ; of Kei tion No. 22 and XW, of
NV . kectin 27. in township No. :7 simtli, R.
No. 'l K. and will offer pnnd to show tliat the
land Miught i more valuable for it timlx-r r
stone than for agricultural purposes, and t
estalli"h his claim to said laud l-fnre the
Register and Receiver of this office at I-akcview ,
! Oregon, on Friday, the ,'th day of octidx-r.
19w. i?e names as inees: K. O J.amb, P.
M. Curry, Frank Itowarl and J. W.Howard,
all of Iakevi-v, Oregon.
Any and all jtsoiis claiming adversely the
alxive-desribei lands are requeued to t'
their rlaimn in 1 his fifflre on or before said Mb
dav of OctolM-r, 1 '..
Augul2-a K. M. RRATTA IN, Re gister. I.AII VtlTK I'
Pnited state Latiit Otl'M-e. l.nkev iew, Mr-goti.
August fi. 'Mt. Notiee Is her- bv g-ii that in
CotupliaiK With the pro i-iot;S of the Art if
rongres of June :t. I4-?, -ntitP d "An A t for
thesHleof tlmter 1-tnds in the Mate of
fornia. Oregon. N'evndn and WHhititon T. r
ritory," as exi'tid- d to nil the put. In- Land
State's by aet i,f AuB' st 4. 1S'J, Thomas t.
otfield.o'f tjirella. coiiui v ii Klamath, -tat--of
tireir.iti, ha. thida filed i ti t b i of tiee h i
sw orn ta ti met. t , No 2j"7, for th" j.nrchae of
the V W4 of S- , of vei tion No. f., iri tow " 1 1 -1 dp
No. ''' soi. i b . rare No. l'i eiit, and wi!i offer
fToof to show that the IhIhI MMtgl.l i more
vaLiabb1 for it timt-er or stone thati for ajrri
cultural purpie. s. atid o etablih hi elaii!,
to stlid land te fore the Rejii-ter Hlld o -eter
of this office ut lakeview, Or- t'oti, on Sntnr
da, tie ::th day of MetolM-r, l''.
He tiame a witnes": Louis Ui-rli-r. of
Irel!H. Or gori ; J. O. Hamai-er. of Ronaiizn.
Oregon; W. R. ampbell, of I re! 1 a. Oren :i ;
William 'ampb II, of I.orel!a. Oregon. Mi.
and all eron- clnimintr adverdy tl'- ntove
ilecri''d land are re)iiet-l to fi;.. 1 1 1 . i r
claims in this on or l efor" sni I 1 ;th 'a
Of Or tob" r. 1 '..
A :i! 9-:;i K. M. HR ATTAIN. P.-giMer.
TIllltF.It I. VM voTin:
t 'iiit.-d States Land Oftiee, Lakevi. w . ( reoi,.
Anut i',. V.mi. Notice is heret.y gm-n that it
-ompliat!ce with the .roiioii. of tl.e Act of
("imgrefc of June 'i. Js?", entitled "An Act for
the sale of timber lands in the Mates of ( all
fornia. Oregon. Ne ada and Washington Ter
ritory," HS extended to ali the Publie Itnd
states by art of August 4, IV'.', Iui ierlM r.
of Iirelia. county of Klamath, Stat-of Or gon.
has tliis day riled' in this office his sworn state
ment, No. 2, for the pun has - of the N'W'4 of
SV; of section No. 2i, in towniiip No. ."s
south, range No. l.ri east, and w ill offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timner or stone than for agricultural pur
pose, and to "tahlih his claim to said land
before th" Register and Receiver or this office
at Lakeview, Oregon, on Saturday, the IMii
day of October l'.mo.
He names as witnesses; T. J. Offield, W.
R. Campbell, William '"ampbell Hnd J. O.
Hamaki r, all of Irella, Oregon. Any and all
t.ersons claiming al vers-dy t he alMve-lescribed
lands are requested to fib- fhefr claims in this
office on or ' before said 13th day of October,
augO-31 K. M, RRATTAIN, iteglster.
. . , No. 1700, for theS'i of NW.f and NUofSWi,
And in fact everything in the J'jb ! sef..ion oV townsiTiu .v. south, r. 19 k. ii
1 . 1 a m ? t . ..',, . . .
priming line aiTine examiner omce. 1 names tne toiiowing
" 1
witnesses to prove his
Remember that Bernard & Son handle fiaid llindf viz: wiiiih Ramum. D. Bryan, m. f.
JJranch and Joe Pavne, all of LakevPnv, Or
Aug 23 33 K'. M. RR ATTAIN, Register.
United States Land Office at Lakeview, Or.'
August 30, 1900. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
hfs claim, and that said proof will be made
before O. R Ward well, United States Commis
sioner, at at Silver Lake, Oregon, on October 6,
1900, vz: PLKASA NT W. JONKS, If. K. No.
1708, for the E4 of N X and lots 1, 2 and 3 of
section 31, township 27 south, range 15 east,
Willamette meridian, Oregon. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: Walter Kittridge, A. II. Wallace, C P.
Marshall and U. F. Abshier, all of Silver Lake, 1
Oregon. I
sep 6-35 E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. J
the celebrated Studebaker wagons, bug
gies and implements, and invites com
parrison with any other make in ex
lstance. 38
You can epell it cough, coif, caugh,
kauf, kaff, koughor kaugh, but the only
harmless remedy that quickly cures it
is One Minute Cough Cure. Lakeview
Drug Co.
If you have never tasted Jesse Moore
"AA" whisky, try it and be convinced
the best whisky in the world. George
Jammerthal sole agent.
It is rumored that a new hotel will be
constructed at New Pine Creek soon.
FIAI. ritooi'.
United States Land Office at Lakeview, Or..
September 18, 1900. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settlers ha ve filed notice
of ther intention to make final proof in supjairt
of their claims, and that said proof will he made
before the Register and Receiver at Lakeview,
Oregon, on October 27, 19on, viz: IX M AN FOS
KKTT, II. K. No. 1740. for the N K1 of SW and
NWf of S.;; and .SW., of NKi andSKof
NW'iof section 25, township 40 soutli, range 21
east, w'illamette meridian, Oregon. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: John N. Van Coughnet, of Fort
Kidwell, California; William Pope, of Warner
Lake. Oregon: Thomas Ferris, of Warner Lake,
Oregon; Hum tier Foskett, of Warner Ijike,
Oregon. Viz: JOHN N. VAN COUtiHNKT, 11.
K. No. 1977 for the SWJ of SW of section 5, and
SE4 of SE of section 6 and of NKfi of sec
tion 7, township 41 8., range 25 east of Willam
ette meridian, Oregon. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Kd
Monroe of Ft. Kidwell, Cal., Lninan Fosket of
Adel, Oregon, Sumner Foskett and Frank Fos
kett of Warner Lake, Oregon.
Sept. 20 37-6 E. M. RR ATTAIN, Register.