Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 20, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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I oooTowe and Cometyooo
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J i i i j j I i M i i , i ; i t ! I i J i I i ! t i M i H J M f H I i M i r U 1 i 1 1 i M 1 1 M M M S 1 ! I H i h
School hVn at Ahltrom Bros'. 37
The recent rains have made the new
grass start up a if by magic.
The grain crop in Hummer Lake val
ley is reported large this year.
The first real frost of the season ap
peared last Tuesday morning.
A. E. Follett is reported seriously
ill at New Pine Creek this week.
Head nw advertisement of C. U.
Snider and The Monogram in this issue.
Horn In Lakeview, Sept. 17th, 1900,
to the wiie of William Benefiel, an 8 lb
The list of jurymen drawn for duty at
the circuit court session appears in this
Mrs. J. W. Reeder is reported quite
sick at the residence of Mrs. J. Ham
mers ley.
You want a cider mill, don't you? 8ee
the B. A H. Jr., No. 2, for sale by Field
ii Butus. 37
C. U. .Snider, C. Henkle and C. H.
Dunlap have all received handsome
new safes.
No graduating class was opened in the
ublic school this week, but it is to be
oped that a sufficient number will at
tend to open such class.
Last Tuesday fc. V. Lewis sold to
James Slillman the 8. V. Kehart resi
dence now ocupied by E. C. Slickelatid
family. Price paid $650.
Luman and D. T. Fosket of Warner
were in town Tuesday on business before
the land office. Fosket Bros, are now
engaged in slock raising and are pros
pering. Mesdames J. N. Fitzgerald and W. G.
Spencer have gone to Ashland after
their mother Mrs. L. A. Pike, of Grants
Pass, who will meet her daughters at
Ashland and return with them to Lake
view to spend the wintor.
A big invoice of fine Old Bourbon
Whisky has just arrived ins Lakeview.
TLese goods were bottled expressly for
Post A King by Hilbert Bi&., Louis
ville, Ky. It is in pock''" Vl pint,
with nickel drinking ijs is said
tote the finest bott iershipied
to this section 37-tf
J. 8. Field -i rOttie, and
Mr. and MrsH returned last
Monday from b isco after six
teen days absenov- Field purchased
a large stock of gtxxftj while in ihe city,
and with his daughter took in all the
sights to be seen. Mr. Harris also pur
chased a large and handsome stock of
furniture for the new store he intends
opening in Lakeview.
Wm. Harvey, capitalist and stockman
of Lake county, returned home last Mon
day from a business trip to San Francis
co. While absent Mr. Harvey visited
Tehama county, his old home, and at
tended to business affairs there. He
was a witness of the Admission Day cel
ebration in San Francisco, and says it
was a grand affair. Mr. Harvey is an
enthusiast on the railroad building into
this section, and says the N. C. & O. is
surely coming on.
Prof. R. A. Hopkins of Klamath Falls
has been engaged to teach the school at
J. F. Pease has returned from Sum
mer Lake and will probably remain in-Lakeview.
Lakeview needs many new residence
places to accommodate those who desire
to live here.
Ernest Brown, who went with the
Lakeview party to Alaska, is now at
Harrington, Washington.
A full car load of Bain wagons, direct
from the factory is now on the road to
Lakeview for Field & Burrus. 37
Walter F. Reed of Paisley and A. M.
Gallagher of New Pine Creek, were
transacting business in the county clerk's
office last Monday.
John Reed of New Pine Creek has
sold to John Cary of East Omaha a
band of Angora goats. The goats will
be taken to Termo for shipment.
A. T. Miller, the Silver Lake teamster
arrived this week and went to New Pine
Creek after a load of flour for F. M.
Chri-man, the Silver Lake merchant.
Judge Chas. Tonuingsen is having an
addition 23x14, built to the residence he
recently purchased from S. V. Kehart.
When completed he will have a fine
In another column will be found a
notice regarding the dimensions of the
I. O. O. F. lot which is erroneous. The
correct dimensions are 76 feet, 3 inches,
by 45 feet.
W. S. Morley is reported very serious
ly ill with fever this week. " Several
meiulers of the family, incl'iding Mrs.
Morlev, have also been ill, but are re
ported better.
C. A. Rehart ha moved his family to
Lakeview from Crooked Creek, and they
will occupy the residence formerly own
ed by Maj. ChrHinan, and recently pur
chased by Mr. Rehart.
A. L. Howell has gone to Anderson.
Cal., with thirty head of fine mules
recently purchased by him at Summer
Lake. The animals will be sold wher
ejyr Mr. Howell finds a market.
George Batchelder moved last Monday
into his new residence north of the home
of Henry Lofftus, and K. T. Striplin the
same dav moved into the house vacated
by Mr. Batchelder, in the same neigh
borhood. J. W. Maxwell returned last Friday
frotn a business trip to Surprise valley.
He was accompanied home by Mrs. Geo.
H. Ayrea and children, who have been
visiting Mrs. Ayres' mother at Bidweli
for about two months.
George W.-Mapes arrived from Plash
Monday. His vaquero- gathered 750
head of beef cattle in Warner, and the
drive to the railroad was started Mon
day morning, .six hundred of these cat
tle have been on pasture at the -Venator
ranch for two weeks. During the yisit
of Mr.' Mapes to Warner he purchased
300 head of stock cattle, 100 from J. E.
Boone and 200 frpm Al. McDowell, pay
ing $25 per head all round.
Call at Mrs. G. 8. Easter's residence
and inspect her fine stock of Fall milli
nery goods.
Workmen will commence on the Sni
der and Wilcox brick buildings about
October 5th.
Dan Malov has leased his band of 3000
sheep to George Maupinof Warner. The
lease is for five years.
Ladies, when you are looking for beau
tiful gloves of all shades and the best
make don't overlook the stock at The
Monogram. 37-2
Emory Noble, well known in Modoc
county, was kicked over the heart by a
horse and instantly killed at Anderson,
Cal.. last Saturday.
Ahlstrom Bros have a handsome plush
settee and shoe fitting stools in their
shoe department. Have your shoes fit
ted when you purchase them.
J. H. Buick and wife were here from
Big Bend the first of the week. Mrs.
Buick was on her way to Lakeview to
visit friends. Fall River Tidings.
Field & Burrus have a big line of
spring tooth and steel frame harrows
and cleaners on the road. These fine
implements will be here in a few days. 37
Barnev Gruman was in from Crooked
Creek this week, and reports the late
rains as very beneficial to the range feed.
Young gra is springing up like in the
spring time.
Ladies, your attention is called to the
handsome line of latest styles in foot
wear just received at The Monogram.
Our ihoes tit like our gloves. Don't ov
erlook them. 37-2
Ed Tatro has moved his family into
Lakeview from the ranch six miles west
of town. They occupy the residence re
cently vacated by J. C. Basey, on South
Dewey street.
Dr. F. E. Smith reports the arrival of
a 9 pound son to the wife of C. E. Mc
Kune, of New Pine Creek, at the resi
dence of Mrs. Myrtle, Lakeview, Sep
tember 17, 1900.
Jim Melick was in from Barnes valley
last week driving a fine, big team of
mares. One of the animals tipped the.
beam at 1630, and the other 1586 pounds,
at Bernard's. Jim says that is the kind
of stock they raise in his section. He
recently sold his beef cattle, as did also
C. L.Becraf t, and others at Barnes valley,
receiving $31 per head.
Field & Burrus, local agents for. the
Baker & Hamilton Company, are strict
ly in the field with implements of the
latest pattern and vehicles that will
stand the test. Every article they han
dle is a prize winner and. is gilt-edge.
They now have a carload of implements
on the road from Sacramento, which
consists of grain drills, Disc and Peer
less gangplows and other implements
needed by the farmer. These plows are
hardened steel mould boards and
chilled shares. Teams have already
gone after this load, and will return in
eight days. Wait for these implements, .
farmer, if you want the best for the
least money. 37