Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 20, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Mr. Conn Tells of Some Thlof He Witnessed
" and Heard on a Trip to San Francisco.
Hon. V. 6onn, ihe Paisley merchant
and wool buyer, arrived in Lakeview
from San Francisco last Wtilnesd.iv
evening. .During his absence of three
week he purchased a larre-ptock of
gods, sufficient to complete every de
partment in his big Chewaucan store.
There was'much excit merit and bustle
in the city during his stay as the admi9
sion Day celebration .was at fever heat.
On the 9th of September - California
celebrated her fiftieth annivereary of
statehood, and Mr. Conn pays the cele
bration jn San Francisco was grand be
yond description a day long to be re
membered by all who were fortunate
enough to take part in or witness it.
Mr. Conn is, as all who .know him will
testify, an enthusiastic republican, a
firm believer in the gold standard, and
a warm advocate of all republican doc
trines. He knows that McKinley pros
perity has been felt everywhere, and he
has felt the effects himself. He talked
wjth leadjngjoliticians in the metropol
is and came away with the firm impres
sion that the Golden state will gostrong
ly republican, thi? year stronger than
ever, in fact. He believes that it is "all
over now but the shouting," so far as
the Presidency is concerned, but Mr.
Oonn is an alert; as well as a sanguine
republican; one who does not believe in
leavinfg the fieid until the enemv is roat
ecTcotnpletely, and for that reason does
not hesitate in, the work for his party
until the closing of the polls on election
He returned via ;Reno and the N. C.
& O. railway. While traveling over the
route he learned of, the. visit of Mr. Mo
ran,, who owns the . narrow gauge, and
came'but on an inspection tour. Mr.
Moran. has , been a life-long Democrat,
blit declares openly-that he will support
McKinley ibis year.' Mr. Conn is satis
.fiedf fromvwha,t he learned on the trip,
that the -narrow gauge will soon be ex
tended to Likely, Modoc county.
At Paisley Mr. Conn is building one
of the finest residences, modern in all its
appointments, to 'be found in this section
of Oregon 1 The edifice will be two-story
with concrete pasement. tire-places, with
a perfect water system, and plastered
throughout."- This home will be an or
nament to the beautiful town of Paisley.
To prevent consumption quickly cure
throat and lung troubles tsith One Min
ute Cough Cure. Lakeview Drug Co.
Choice rsidonce lots for sale. . En
quire at The Examiner office. 28-tf
. You don't want to forget that Post A
King, the popular dispensers, are still in
it. They are under the opera house.
Call and see them. 22
'Eli restaurant, next door to Whor
ton & Fitzpatrick's; fine meals by. dav,
week or month. Everybody knows Eli,
the famous chef. Give hlm'a call. 2S-rtm
When you go to Klamath Falls don't
fail to see C. D. Wilson the popular
caterer at the Gem saloon. He carries
the finest stock in town and will treat
you right. The Gem is the popular resort .
Try the Hermitage whisky there. 25-tf
For Sale at a Sacrifice
A three-year old Standard Bred Stal
lion, sired by the great McKinney ; first
dam, Mission Belle. For full pedigree
apply to Wm. Harrey, Paisley, Or. 30-2m
General Merchandise,
First-Glass Hotel,
The Plush House,
Tonsorial Parlors.
Plush, Lake County, Oregon.
r. K. Mil I Til. Jl. I.
JhleUsi aadNarfroa.
Iakvlew, Or.
OFFICR-RmJI Willi's Dro Store. C1U tle
promptly day or night.
fhylrta mn4 Karsesja
Lakeview. Or.
OFFICE Lakeview lrag Co's. 8m
Mpp.nnvA unrAM
A 1 1 rm e jn - at La w .
Lakeview. Or.
OFFlCr.-Oo-irt Houw.
Attorney at law
Lakeview, Oreajaa
OFFICE-Paly BuHdmr.
fakevlew. Or.
OFUCE Dly Buildlo.
v . n. IV ATM ox
DlMtrlrt Attorney.
Anhland. Orrcn.
Will attend Xr any dril buaineiM entrut-l to him,
in an of the counties of the F1rt Judicial c'Utrict.
. J. nooiiF.
Attorne)'at-lw. Xmtmry Pnblle
liikrvlfw, Or.
OFFICE-l!y Building
Is now in hi? old location n Main
street. Everything in the .Harness
and Paddle line made to order, or office Main st.
in stock.
Lakeview ?SnclcllewI
nun. h. j. muF.R
County Manager far the
Lakeview, Or.
IIre Trainer.
lakeview. Oregon
f Poisonous toadstools resembling mush
rooms have caused frequent deaths this
year. pe stffe to use only the genuine.
'.Observe1 the Fame care when, you ask Tor
DeWitt 8. Uazel balve. There are poi
sonous counterfeits. DuWitt's is the
only original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a
safe and certain cure for piles and all
skin diseases. Lakeview Drug Co.
Briefs, , ' - - .
Transcripts, .. .
Letter heads;
Business cards, . -Ball
Wedding invitations,
And in fact every thing in the job
printing line at The Examiner office.
"Above all things don't become a
drunkard; use whisky moderately and
use the best. Jesse Moore "AA,ris the
purest and best. Get it from your
Lee Beall
The lakeview Druggist,
Can lw fouml at th new stand
nar tie -uli it, realy tr
give their patron the usual
cordial treatment.
fllffNtoek Jost ICeeelved.
I - ' - 1 I .1
J. E. Bernard
i& Son
Are still in business
, At .the Old Stand.
Wo didn't burn out. Oarload. of '
Wagons, Buggies and
xa. t3a.o road.
at the old stand ' ...
Fine Beef, Pork and Mutton
No Increase in Prices on account
Df.the fire... .
j DentIM
.akevlew, Orrcon
OFFICE X. Anner't Residence,
i .'''
Harveyor and Civil Knclneer.
Reservoir lite locaU-d, Platting and Ditch
level inir Timber and other land examined
for parties living at a distance.
'.akevlew, Orrcon.
C. H. Dunlap
Has a Complete Stock of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Cigars, Tobaccos,
Candies, Stationery, Etc
Mew Pine Creek
Boiler flouring Mills.
I Highest market price paid for
Grain. Send to New Pine Creek for
' Physicians .recommend Jesso ; Moore
whisky for sickness because pf . its purity.
I Whorton & Fitz pat rick has it.' 34-ti