7 National Itepuhlicati Ticket. For PreHident WILLIAM McKIXLHY of Ohio. For Vice President TIILODOKi: KOOSKVKLT oi New York MrKinley will doubtlfas carry Ken tucky on account of tlio fitrht made apainst him by tho Prohibitionists and ultra MethodlM. Tho liners continue to kffp the British tfoin. Xj important battle arc beint,' fought, but a continued skirmish firintr is kept up. General Bailer's column lias been fijjhtinjj con tinuously for two veeks. Since Senator Stewart, of Nevada, has abandoned Hryan, and finoe Colorado is said to be a doubtful state, and since Marion HutU-ris chummy with Hanna, what's tho use of ioni: on with an election? Minneapolis Journal. The Americans forced an entry to the Imperial Palace grounds on August28th. A salute of twenty one puns wa fired, and the troops of all nations participated in an impromptu celebration. The pal ace is vacant, excepting three hundred servants. Portland Telegram: "If Candidate Wooley's campaigning has any effect at a'l, it is likely to bo in favor of rather than atr.iin-t Mr. McKinley. IVw voter have any tympathy with abuse of a President Iwcaun he oc casionally takes a !ip of wine, and the U-.t jiiOgirttnt of the coiin'ry. includ ing army oflhvrs, is that the law ubolthing the army canteen wis unwise." (iermany will not agree to evacuate the Imperial City in China. Emperor William is gaid to have declared he will mobolize the w hole German army rather than have his troops leave I'ekin. The Chinese government is now said to have designated four peace commissioners Li Hung Chang, Yung Lee, See Tung and Prince Ching. One of the latter is said to be unfriendly to foreigners. For Sale or Exchange Farm and timber land in Lew is county, Washington, for Laikeview or Lake coun ty property. Enquire at this office for description of property. 27-3m Pete and Jonas can be found by their old friends under the opera house, badly disfigured but still in the ring. Call there for a cool drink or a good cigar. ?3 I'm in it Don't overlook me For bargains HARNESS SADDLES STOVES & HARD ri ARE 5. Scblagel. FIELD Gr BURRUJ Are still in llie lel on Agricultural Implements Buggies, Roadwagfjns Carload new Implements now on the road. We always handle the Beat BAKER & HAMILTON GOODS. FIELD & BURRUS. Smith's Wow Pine Creek Boiler flouring Mills. Highest market price paid for Grain. Send to New Pine Creek for Flour. ARZNER BROS. Blacksmiths and VYagonmakers Horseshoeing a Specialty At the oM stand. All work Guaranteed. . THE IAKEVIEW DRUG CO. Just opened again in B. Reynold's Store, nryt jor to Arzner Bros.' blacksmith shop. Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles In a letter to a friend, General Jack son on the 12tli day of February, 1843, wrote: 'On such subject a I thought with the ancient Roman, that it was right never to cede any land or bound ary, but always to add to it by honor able treaty, thus extending the area of the Republic." Had old Andrew lived until this year he would find himself read out of the Democratic party as an imperialist. By the way, when he went to Florida ns Governor he established a government without the consent of the governed, and, "by the eternal," the governed accepted it. Reno Gazette. S. R. Sublette The Furniture Man In now ready Tor baaine in hi new building Mouth of the Iot Office wit h a new line Furniture of all Kind The Hungry Should Be Fed And that is my mission. For & good meal go to the Htillman Restaurant One building South of Opera House. J A M ES STI LLMAN, Prop. W. b7 Woodcock, Blacksmith ami Horseshoer, At h old frtand Xortli of tlie Opera House. All rk dotu on hort notice and satiafac tion guaranteed. Ager-Lakeview Stage Line S. I. McNAUGHTON, Proprietor LOOK OUT For any one killing or steal ing stocK belonging to the South Eastern Oregon live Stock Association $500 REWARD Will te given for the arrest and conviction of any per son or persons stealing any stock belonging to members of this Association. J. D. COUGHLIN, J. M. INNKS, President. I Secretary. oopeps o$ Dipping $ff Powder mm m -r m Sure Cure for scab For alr by Shoobert Beale Company Hole Ajrent Han wo me St., Kan Franrisco, Cal vicit DR. JORDAN'S great euseuej of anatohy ;051 UAf.KET ST., SAN f RANCISCO, CAL. . (Utmma SixihanS S.reathJ The largest Anatomical Museum In the Wor d. Ureafeit attraction in th4 City. A wonderful tight jor vititors. UfhDCMt, or any contract ed disease, noelf Ivelycui-eti by the oldest Bpect.Uistuu the 1'aciflo Coast. Efttablisued M years. , OR. JORDAN PRIVATE DISEASES Tanif nr. and middle aared nan wht are sufferlnr from the etfects of youthful Indis cretions or excesses In maturer rears. Nervous and physical Deblllty.Ins- potency, Lost Manhood in sllitacompli catlons; NerMaierrhna. I r .tatal r- r tinea, Uunorraos, uifti, f rfqarHr; of Urinating-, to. By a combination of remedies, of great ouratrre power, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that IT will noi only afford immediate relief, but permanent I cure. Ike Doctor does tint claim to perform ' miracle, but Is well known to be a fair and square Physician and flurceen, pre-eminent I la his specialty Diseases of Men. MYFHILIW thoroughly eradicated from I the system, without the use of Mei eary. TrauM fitted by aa Expert Radlenl cure for Baptnre. A quick and radlenl Jure for 11 lea. Fissure and Fltula, by )r. Jordan's special painless methods. EVEBY MAI applying tops will reoelTe l ou r Hon it opinion of hlsconiplalnr. It's will buarontf a XO&lTIVJi CUXJS in tvrry ea4 itndertnk. Consultation FRKK and strictly prtyafct. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. , Treatment personally or by letter. Write for Rook, pnilOornT OP MARRIAGE. Maiucd FaJUt (ATaltUkbie bowlc for me.) Call cr rrrlU , OX JOROAN k CO., 1 051 Market 8L. 8. F. r t i O