Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 06, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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    ahc &ountu (Bxaminev i:i, oui.oN,hi:rr. . ioo
Tlu death of William Henry Peuland
in Iakcvit-w, Jat Saturday, wan a par
ticnlarly sad one, anJ public sympathy
gH- out to the bereaved wife, fatherless
children and disconsolate father of the
Henry IVnland was horn in Shasta
county, Cal., and at the time of his
death, September 1, hi aye was
.'i.Jyears, 11 months and 2"Jdays. George
H. IVnland, an old citizen of I,ake
county, wa father of the deceased, and,
ujon being advised of the death of his
fcon, arranged to come here to attend the
lat cad rite.. When a short distance
from home in CVdarvilie. he, too,
U-ing in ill health, suddenly cllap-d,
and had to ! returned to his home for
medical treatment.
At the time of the death the wife and
little girl were 1) ing dangerously ill in
another room, and are stiil under the
close attention of the physician, a is
also a little son who has since been
taken down with fever.
Since hi Innhood the decia-ed was a
sufferer from a disease similar to epi
lepsy and verv frequently without warn
ing he would fall suddenly to the ground
in a fit, from which he would emerge in
a weak ami emaciatd condition,
Irceaed had only Ix-en ill a few days
when deatli relieved him of bin suffer
ing. He complained of rheumatic
ains, and it was not known until too
ate that the deadly fever was consum
ing him. He leaves a wife and three
children, a father, brother aiM numer
ous other relatives to mourn hi? death.
The funeral took place from the M. E.
Church on the -1th ins:. Rev. W.irtield
officiated. The lloral offerings w ere pro
fuse. Mrs. S. I), (.'milter ami Miss Sibyl Har
ber. loth keejKTS of boarding l ouses,
exchanged locations last Monday, the
former moving into the Water street
property, recently purchased by her,
and the" latter moving to the Main street
building purchased by her from Metzker
& Iajwis. Both are" enjoying a large
patronage and are giving satisfaction to
a hungry public.
A Euirene farmer was in a store the
other day and some one asked him to
listen to a phonograph on exhibition
there. The ojterator handed him the
ear tubes, fixed them in share and
started the machine. The farmer sud
denly dropped the tubes, saying: "Gosh,
there comes a brass band, and I left the
mules untied."
George W. MaiKis and J. N. Givan
were over from arner Saturday. The
Ma pes vaqueros have driven from the
Warner ranges (iOO head of beef cattle
that are now pasturing at the Venator
ranch. The cowboys returned to War
ner to continue the rodeo, and expect to
get 100 head more. The beef cattle will
be driven to Reno for sale.
James Snelling returned from Cedar
villo last week, after having bought
enough hay to winter his sheep, at $4.50
per ton. Mr. Snelling will probably re
move his family to Cedarville for the
winter. Ted Jaquish will come to Lake
view for the winter, and he and Mr.
Snelling will exchange residences.
Bailey fc Massingill are receiving their
fall goods daily.
Work to he Commenced on the Road Over
the Rimrock Next Week.
T. A.Crurnp, road eujervi8or in dis
trict No. 5, was in Lakeview this week
collecting the subscriptions of Lakeview
business men for the building of the
North Warner road, over the rimrock,
to the Harney county line. A number
of people in the North Warner section
will nay their subscriptions in work,
and the'supervisor says that a force of
men will be at work on the road in a
week's time. It is proposed to do the
work so far as the private subscriptions
will allow and then complete the road
by county appropriation. As scon as
the improvement shall have been com
pleted a move will be made to have a
mail route established from Lakeview 'to
Shirk. Mr. Crump found all subscri
bers in Lakeview ready and willing to
make good their subscriptions to the
road fund. He is of the opinion that
this road, once made easily passable,
will be of incalculable benefit to Lake
view from a business point of view. He
.-ays the Deep Creek road alone, since
its completion, has benefited Lakeview
many thousands of doliars in trade, and
that the road now about to be con
structed will surpass it greatly in draw
ing trade to this joint. It is to be
hoed that the work on the new road
will le prosecuted until it is made a
highway of easy'travel to the Harney
Dissolution of Copartnership.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership existing since August
KM), between O. F. iMn.ieSt and J. 1.
'Johnson, in the profession of dentistry,
wiilU' dissolved on ."aturday evening,
.September 8, liX), by mutual consent.
"(). F. Dkmokest.
J. B. Johnson.
Lakeview. .Sept. 5, KMJ. 35
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds in the county treasury for the re
demption of all outstanding county war
rants protested from September 10th,
18, to November 7th, 1890. Interest
on the above warrants will cease after
September 7th, 11KX). Lee Beall,
County Treas.
Lakeview, Or., Sept. t, KXM).
City Delivery Directory.
The following merchants are the pat
rons of the city delivery : J. S. Field,
Geo. II. Ayeks & Co., Lakeview Soda
Works, Whorto.n & Barnes, B. Rey
nolds, Bernard & Sox, Bailey & Mas
binoill, Lee Beall. VIRGIL E.
GREENE. City Deliveryman. 35-tf
James Taylor, prominent stockman of
Sprague River, was in Lakeview last
week after a load of Hour and feed. Mr.
Taylor has made a success of the stock
business, and is one of the most popular
men of Klamath county.
Warner Snider has been at Crater
Lake, Ashland and other points during
the last two weeks, having made the
trip on his wheel. He will return home
in a few days.
C. F. Shepherd, the rustling agent for
the Crown Piano, arrived here Sunday
from Surprise Valley, where he made a
delivery of several musical instruments.
See Bailey & Maseingill's line of fall
and winter dress goods.
At the home of C. A. Rehart, at Crook
ed Creek, Lake county, last Sunda)',
September 2, a very happy event occur
red the marriageof Eli Barnum and
Miss Myrtle Simpson. Both are well
known young people, the groom the eon
of Frank Barnum, and the bride the
daughter of Mrs. C. A. Rehart. Judge
Tonningsen officiated in his usual happy
The bride looked charming in white
silk and a veil of orange blossoms. Af
ter the ceremony a wedding dinner waa
enjoyed, and the happy couple received
the congratulationsof numerous friends.
The following people were present and
witnessed the ceremony:
Mr. ami Mrs. C. A. Rehart, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Barnum, Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. WrightDr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith,
Misses Nell Simpson, Ella, Rose, Edna,
Mildred, Kaleen and Marie Rehart,
Genevia and Oilie Wright, Louise Dus
enberry, Messrs. Charlie, Wildie and
Carl Barnum, J.W., Artie, Roy and
Bennie Rehart, B. Gruman, B. M. Sny
der, W. F. Grob, Wm. Kent, N. Wilcox
and Geo. Tavis.
The following wedding presents were
received by the newly married couple:
C. A. Rehart, cow ; Mrs. C. A. Rehart,
lamp; Mr. and Mrs. Barnum, silver tea
pot; Mr. and Mrs. Wright, cake stand;
Dr. ainl Mrs. Smith, silver card tray;
Miss Rose Rehart, window curtains;
Misses Edna Rehart and Nell Simpson,
lemonade set; Miss Ella Rehart, berry
set; Miss Rose Stanley, set glass ware;
MiMes Genevia and Oilie Wright, ealt
and pepper shaker ; B. M. Snyder, bed
spread ; W. F. Grob, silver butter dish.;
Wm. Kent, wash-tub, wash-board and
arsoap; B. Gruman, set silver knives
and forks; H. C. Rothe& Co., set table
Contractor Childers commenced last
Tuesday laying brick on the two build
ings to be constructed for Dr. Daly, op
posite tiie Reynolds building. The cor
ner building " when completed will be
occupied by Lee Beall as a drug store,
and the other by C. II. Dunlap, fancy
George Spring, the notoriously bad ,
Indian from Alturas, was in Lakeview
last week. Spring married a white girl
in Modoc county several years ago, and
has been troubled with the bighead ever
since. He was here to show the Lake
view tribe how to gamble. From all re
ports he was successful.
Last Monday S. V. Rehart sold to
Charles Tonningsen the house and lot
on Canyon street, opposite the residence
of Harry Bailey, lie also sold the lot
adjoining on the west to J. M. Handluy,
upon which the ow ner will build a car
penter shop.
Frank Roaier was in from the 70
ranch last Monday seeking medical aid.
While assisting in putting down P. & B.
rooting on the big barn at the Heryford
Bros, ranch the poison dust from the
roofing got into his eyes and almost
made him blind.
Clint. Linebarger was engaged this
week in removing the building, formerly
occupied by C. Henkle as a saloon, from
the lot on Water street to J.H.Turpin'e
half-block on Dewev street. The build
ing will be arranged for a residence.
F. M. Barnum, of Gale, has taken his
family to Klamath Falls for the winter,
and his children will attend the public
schools at that place.