Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 06, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    gahc omtiu (Dxumitict :ur supurintknih-nt rp.port
v I
More Cold red.
Mewatt, 1 1 . livi-rviiiuii, i willing to
.IKH-IKW. OltMrNi:.,;. ,.wm !J -Q-Wmit.Rr.pond0 the k,u,.lolSl.te , k judguent a- urll a- I mm roiivic-
J 1J J nrtnntmJent Ackcrm-n. tj0,H wt, ,H )tar, cacli. A few day-
I j,.,, :t traveler said he
NOTES BY THE WANS1DE. Some time ago Mate Mii-erintrndcut would U-t hi- hi-" that liryan would
I l'uhlir Instruction..!. II. Ackerman, be the next President id the Cnited
sent nt a circular letter to the county Mate-. Stewart hal no iie f r the
superintendent f this state, urging man's iite, hut piukly produce! ft v
thriii tn w rite for i I 1 i-:it i n in tin hi .-hilling twenlie- from hi jeans, and
ennial re port t the department t the called the "hhil!."' challenging the c. t.
legislature, reports on educational mat- to take any part it. I he "
Items Picked I'p by an L'xamincr Reporter
Between Lakeview and Alturai.
escaped a- .ju; kly a- Jwsfdb'e to ;i v i i
the r - -1 i i j r i hagrm he e-rieiieed
"i bin uni-i.-."
The fruit crop between l.akeview ani
Alturas is light, excepting the apple ! tn in their le-pc-iive counties, t-gether
variety, which is good. There will be ! u jth rtriinVinciliitiii!c regarding m-eded
an abundance ot this Iruit miouidiout : hit i,,,, liite. n si.i-ei inti ndctits before the crowd. Mrwart si th-
Goose Lake vail y. Mine .t the orcii-! iaVt. lespond.d. hlvh them .1. (J. r.rvan i.-iiow - ai . all like P.rvatI--full d
'"'' "I 'Mlglll, Willed, fioW- i J J J 1 1 , Ml CI 1 1 1 1 cl.d I'll t of Lake C"Ull1
ever, affects nothing but tlu- haves, tlu- ' avs: - -
fruit being of normal m. an. I .jualii y ' Coiild our count v institute.- I e ...;
unsurpassed in any rountiy. Minn.-.! f-r f..iir vrek. instead of thn-
Threshing will soon v over and the Udieve the inetment would
grain crop i better than was ex pcrtrd. j j,;iV n c'l iiv:!ei..l. IIm,-v. i. the
In the J)a i.s Ciet k .-eeli-ui there i- a w,,ur.-i'- !i"in which -nr in-titute iun-l
combined harvester that he- ud ! i- o'ltaiued 1 lurni.-h Mitlici- iM
work, but. owing to the li t i -ity . i : thai ,,, to -..:idict a three tlay.-' s. i.
country, is net a very pn.'itable enter- I ;l, it ..r.uiii t.. ! e e..i..luetr.l. I he pr.i,
prise t'-.r the owner-. The m r. iiihe he- ti,-abilit v ..i ' l-.eal in-:it u. - in .-,;r .-pai -c
I'uigs to the .Morris.. ii r,rn., ni lavis Jv u territorv ha- i.ot vet h. en
'f-ek. dein-.i.sirat.'.l 1 belie . e a l.l w
Last I riday hi!e a representative oi :i ,j ... ,., ;U'tel :lt ,..xt m---m.i
The i:.vaininer wtt iabonou.-ly w ending j t. IA.uii... It a '.!:,
his way over the rocky .Joseph Cre.-k I j.dHee or other niun.-i.nt o.-r-.ri Jo ....
lulls on a tired hicycie he was toitunate; ,.,.. :l!
Weil, air we g-:ng t ..rgan;e that
tinue 't f"ur eek. instead of three MrK;iiie aid ll- .-It lu I V
II tl.'-le 1- ft tllil.' .lU'U'e T"llllillg-el:
rnj' in- re t.'.ali another, it i to lie kle-l-.
( '!. Il:i. k;- I- I . i v. loe.iii-d in I.t
i w l. ii'p'e "1 r..tttit:-. hIh-ii' l.e in
vil. hi- friend- to rail "stntle."
I"nd..';!.edi we wi ! have n-id"r-ahh-
-.!:,!!.-! weather th in-. nth. Thi-
i ... t ...... -. -v
ant -1 . :i. lie -; : n 1 .a V . j
.1. !!. ;.. i-.- . tl.e h
alrl p..-.'.--:r:'
.-:. ha- al.
tat le.-.-l :. .lo.en n.-w VoIuiih - an- ai.n-'U! ii.-nt n. tii.- i--i;e. Ilea 1 l!.
Ihr.h.v tic
:!. ! i ?.(:- bi-
! ;:-;i.e--, and !..- an h-i - dav
I. re--., the anar- h.-t r.iei iiiuro. r-r !
Kiiu ii in t'.M ..; Italy, ha- '! n-
lelic l ti I'li-o!, for life. M'lrd.T i- Hot
enougn to i.e nailed l.y tliree geiit.eiii.-n t IlMl;v lu...i w.add b.- b. tvr
in a ton rd iocs,, (aeh goin' to Alturas jliattrr -.itai'.e ,.y thr b..- ai.-l -.ti- !
an inviled to join iheui. which i;ivi-j,n,. ,n,a district, and' lequiu- the
tatio;i was ,1:1;, kly Tin- gen- ; .,.,, ,ol b.ud- I th- M-veral d:-!ii.-?- to
t! w, re .Me.-.-r-. Laikiu, Mh lle--. j.urrha-e li-e .-au.r it h the.-ci ! t'u-.d-
1 tank and John Cotter. 'I lie hitter i.-i.a ti... ,i;.f.; t - .,. i.,.,..
an extensive farinrr of Caiil .rnia. hav- ! ,,,,:lek d- i- im thetn-e'e- ..1" a- p'lt.s-tt.d-'e by death in ltd. while
; .-.1 1,1 1 . . 1 . .-. a. I .' ' ' . ;
"'r ,,w r piM-k-; ,,hv-ieian- : h-'-'j a- it'i.orainu-e- i.Jl "'"'
ton Mr. ('otter is here on a vi-t to his j !hl. j.,,!.,, , , .n; ' to pioclaim th- M.ili.-n. lie haidware inan. l.a- a
uncle, J. A. ('h"ee, of 1 avi- ( 're.-k . and j ., . a-w oU!d-be n -w I. ! aii-tifcd.t h.atn-.
was accoinpanie.l by a paiiy of t. 11 per-j ,,.:u.',r, . ,.,,.. liiUiM to make a liv- beau'-tu! -l .e-.and he ha- then, in ail
sons, making a jolly croud -i pie:.Miiv j,,., Vi t(,.. j, ., i self-exertion.
Itl-t s 1 I'
seekers. 'Thev were fourteen da - or. I
the road, arriving at their d t ;i a! ;-j.
about two weeks aro, and .-tarted i, ;
their return trip jt Tuesday, a di-- '
tance of 400 miles, and will make it in;
son, though he thiv.-hrd 4. ' -a.-ks of
wheat, lie is looking al 'ool h .r.-es I
and pricing the sum-. iloi.-e- and '()vJ I
ui uit.i uiu ri aa.c in v.iillKi'llicl J I o u a I . ' ;
sell for from $7o to 100 rarh broken
The party mentioned made a Hying
trip to Dorris. Jlridge to take in" the
sights. j
Modoc's metropolis is making prepar-1
ations tor a grand jubilee the lirst week
in (Jctober, the time .set for the first
Modoc county fair.
Many indications oi prosperity are
visible in the Davis ("reek coiintiy. j
The traveler gets gud treatment at 1
Duke's Davis Creek hotel. While trav
eling south from bakeview you should
arrange to stop their over night.
-Mil their br hi il'l iff in evr
Ma.'i .!! is
-e.-K. and h
iv:n.' '..v g
at a i-'.v
earbii g ; !"' (, petty, n i- rabb- fail- pi i l'uy ;i- in Ma.u!t-.o and -a-
l l- I e
W 11. u-t give ou thu bet ot .-vervt hin'. and -ell it to u at a lijht
price. While our motive is -i -h you get the bene'it. No city deal
er will show you more attractive -tyle.-. and we aie -uie none ran of
fer you lower prices. ,r fall our -locks are exceptionally complete.
IJetter, we think, than ever in the history of t i 1 i - -tore. You can ob
tain the benefit of our large .-x periem-e a ml am pie capital by buving
here, for we pa-s the good things along to you with only a modest
pi - .lit added.
Bailey & Massingili
1 wi 3ffr lZZ-li
With Froper Credit.
" In regard To an article in the Iei
ding Free J'ress, thf J,akevi(;w Kxarn.
ner and the J'laindealer, stating that J.
F. Hcainmon has been in San Franrisco,
Kedding and Marshfirld lately search
ing for his daughter, Mif. Annie Lee,
apjiears to be an unfounded falsehood,
as 15. F. Scainmon has, not been absent,
from his ranch in Cedar Pass for more
than a day at a time during the pat
fiunimer."--New Era, Alturas.
The article referred to above was
taken by The Examiner from the Ued
ding Fire Press and proper credit was
given to that paper.
J's fly.
iiy$$sLLL boilers
HILLS ml bPd
yr2te for Catalogue and Prices.