Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 06, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    San Francisco Chronicle: 44 The
Orejjonian think that Hanna is driv
ing Ihu e;old DemocratH to Hryan be
cause he opened the campaign with
tho a-crtion that it wa the election
of (J rover Cleveland which eauned the
hard times in Ib'Xl Tho Oreonian i
u free-trade paper and it doe not lika
to mo its "ism" reflected upon, but it
will find it difficult to permiude Re
publicans that the hlump aftf-r the year
natiicil and the restoration of proj;r
ity when a protection i'n sidcnt wag
e!i led are not intimately a-Mieialed
fai-t. O! course, the Republican party
In ready to receive all the votes of
fend, but there is no j.'ood reason why
it iin'mU'rt should admit that the
contingent won the vic
It was protection that
list or li:ti:ks
Remaining unclaimed in the IVjtoflice
at Lakeview, Oregon, for the month
ending AuiHitt 31, Persona claim
ing the below will please say "Adver
tised" and give date of this list :
Mr.H Martha Kobertu ;B L Powers
Mrs Sarah Hrnith M I! Chapman
Mrs Cora smith '.I II Bowman
Mrs I. Hector I) 0l',ri-n
MU8llalVO'MalW;y-2 'I LCIafiln
Ml" May i'.arus
I.izzk- J IJ nuett
TIjoh lien ton
It II M if hell
II V Itohorti
' l'-r Nah
KC Bradley
.1 M Bristo
I' J Morpan
John ho-las
,Jhih'' Mhhell-2
jChas Talbot
Sam Aff-y
Isain'l M Atkins
anl Bicycle Sbop
Geo. M. Hudspeth, Prop
Bicycle Supplies and
Ge.vekal Repairing.
pitiful Void
tory in I
did it."
The- United States is one of the first
of the reat poAe-rs to demon-Irate its
tfood faith in carrying out the pro
visions of the tre.ity of The Ha-jue,
looking to the universal aroitralion of
international differences. Und'-r this
treaty each nation a party to it was
authoti.ed to appoint four members
of an international arbitration. Under
this authority. President McKinley
ha.- requested former Presidents Har
rison and Cleveland to accept appoint
ments mi this board. Responses! are
ex peeled very soon, when tin; remain
ing member.- mav be selected.
Notice to Filers.
Parties in the Lakeview land district
w ho made filings, final proofs, or were
interested in contest" where decision
ha'd not been rendered between the 1st
and L'2d day of May, 19u0, are advised
that their filings or final proofs should
le duplicated at once; and such pro
ceedings should be taken in the contests
as would be deemed advisable bv the
j parties interested. This advice is given
on account of the record of the land
office for the month of May being de-;
st roved in the fire of May 22d. News-;
aers in the Lakeview land district are
requested to give publicity to the above.
In Lakeview.
Leave Orders at the Store.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Re-opens September 3d.
"Man lives but to learn." An es
teemed contemporary, of de. ided popu
listic persuasion, tells us that the Port
land Evening Telegram is a Republican
paper. The Telegram is a Democratic
paper of the free lance style, but that
does not prevent its editor telling this
plain truth :
" Election bets in New York are said
to be almost three to one in favor of
McKinley, and even then few men of
good judgment are found who desire to j
risk any coin of the realm on Bryan's;
success. He is a voluble talker, but the 1
people will not make a president of him." !
Corbett the Winner.
In the great battle between two of the
world's greatest scientific lighters, at
Madison Square (Jardcn, New York,
August "Oth, Corbett ki.o. ked out Mc
Coy in the fifth round. R eated slug
ging blows in the region of th heart
settled McCoy. Corbett received $18,
(X0 for his twentv minutes' work and
McCoy $(.,000.
lias it ever struck vou that you can
buy Jesse Moore "AA" whisky at for al
most the same price that i- paid for 01
dinarv whi.-kv ! Your dealer has it.
St. Mary's offers eneeptional advan
tages to young ladies who wish to receive
a solid and refined education. Board
and tuition for session of twenty weeks,
$f'0.00. For prospectus, address,
Sister Superior.
JT hinchy,
All work guaranteed strictly First
class. Per day's work, $2.50. Head
quarters at Mrs. S. D. Coulter's Restaurant.
Yes," too busy to
Tho battleship Oregon will come back
with a patch on her hull. This was
tho normal condition of the American!
laborer's trovvsers duriug tho late!
Democratic administration.
write ads.
The best offers yet reported for prime
Bteera at Ashland is 3) cents.
Nothing makes a woman laugh more
than a new set of teeth with gold filling
in them.
Win. Metzker and Si. Henderson and
family have returned from a week's trip
in tho Chewaucan country, where they
gathered wild plums.
New Era, Alturas : " Ves Pepperdine,
Mrs. S. W. Pepperdine and Mrs. Mollie
Hughes, w ho have been at the head of
New Pine Creek on a camping trip for
tho mat two weeks, returned home last
Wednesday. They report having had a
delightful time, and intend to return
again in tho near future."
Leading Merchants of Lake County
tate IV 01 "in til Hcliool, M01 1111011 tli, Oregon,
Fall term opens Septwnher ISth. The students of the Normal School are prepared to
take the State Certificate immediately on graduation. Graduates readily secure good posi
tions. Kxpense of year from $120 to 150. Stroni, Academic and Professional Courses.
Well equipped Training Department. For Catalogue containing full announcements, adiress
X3. Ij. Oainpoell,
or "W". V. "WYtiin,
Secretary of Faculty.
Southern Oregon State Normal School, Ashland, Ore.
A strictly first-class Normal School. Thorough Aeedemie instruction. The highest professional
training. Each teacher a specialist. Beautiful and healthful location and homelike surroundings. Fall
term begins September lOtr-, Write for catalogue and further information.
W M CLAYTON, President.