Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Th Company Want Subsidy
Only $17,500 Subscribed.
it wa ever thus. Hope deferred.
Railroad corporations are like all
others they have a greed for all in
sight, and have the power to do good
or evil. It has for years been the am
bition of Klamath Falls to shine as a
railroad town, and by some of Its citi
zens it is believed that railroad
facilities are the only salvation the
one thing needed to build up Kiamoth
county and town and establish big
manufacturing enterprises. And now
it seems that from this pleasant dream
For Hale A good team, spring wagon
and harness. Enquire at this office. 26-tf
Charley Pitt, a full-blooded iLdian,
of Bleber, Lassen county, occupies the
pulpit occasionally on Sunday in that
town, and draws large audiences.
The highest science in dentistry is
now being reached, and with 27 years'
experience and an up-to-date policy in
all dental work, gives Drs. Demorest &
Johnson a standing in the profession
vhich insures to their patrons the very
best work. A skilled dentist is as im-;
portant in a commnnity as a skilled
physician. Call and fee some of the j
work done by the local dentists. Parlors,
up stairs, Daly building, front room. 33tf
To Rule the Chinese Empire.
An Inter-National Administration of the Cus
toms by the Allied Powers.
Washington, Aug. 28. It is said in administration
circles that in the event of the ability of the Powers
to arrree unon a Chinese oolicv that will nreserve the
- o i - I i i rv
U intrrrit.v rf tlif F.mnirp. thp nlnn mnnt. likplv tn hp (s
adopted will provide for an Inter-national administra- j
T! 10.
w uon oi tne customs service, unaer tnispian tne rep-
IS . . 0 I r il i ll in i
resentatives oi several oi me Ainea rowers navmg
forces on Chinese soil will be stationed at all customs &
ports of China to supervise or administer the, service
j and watch the revenues with a view to insuring the bj
j collection of the enormous indemnity that will be in- jjjj
!ti rlivirhmll v rlnmnrtrlorl hv nnnli nf t h o frnvornmonfc hi;
V4 A T M vs u a J v mm.M m w a vil x-' V 1 VI 14 AAA V II tUf JL
Klamath's people are to be rudely
awakened. The contract for the con
struction of the Oregon Midland Rail
way from Klamathon, recently award
ed, only calls for the building of the
road to Spencer Creek, a distance of
66 miles. In order to reach Klamath
Falls, if an eastern connection is con
templated, the road would- have to
take a circuitous route, and, in con
sequence, the railway company wants
to be remunerated. It Is understood
that the company demands a subsidy
of $150,000 to build their line to Klam
ath Palls, and the people of that town
and other citizens of means in Klamath
county have subscribed only $17,500 of
the amount. It is probable that the
Oregon Midland may conclude to con
nect with the Oregon Short Line in
the eastern part of this state, and the
company can take any route they de
sire to Eastern Oregon from Spencer
Creek. It would appear that Klamath
Falls will not get the road under ex
isting circumstances.
Lakeview Carpenter Shop and
Lumber Yard.
Thomas Hand ley. rop.
All kind j of Carpenter Work promptly attended
to Building Contract Taken and Estimates Made.
Will keep on hand at all times a large stock of dry
dressed lumber. Now on bnd 1000 feet ceiling and
1000 feet rustic. Shop opposite Examiner office,
Lakeview, Oregon,
Has a complete line of
Crockery and
J. S. FIELD, bieerTfield.
I am always Pieaaed to meet
I Welcome Hlg Inspection of
Both Goods and Prices!
I want Your Confidence with Your Pat
ronage. 8ea my New Line of Goods Just
Owe door aouth of Oprra Houne
Geo. H. Ayres.
H. C. Whit worth.
Large Teams Arriving Weekly...
"In traveling," Bald George Eliot,
"I shape myself betimes to idleness
and make fools' pleasure," but it is
not a fool's pleasure to listen to the
grand concert phonograph and take a
glass of cool ABO beer and a fine ci
gar at Post & King's. It's real en
joyment. 28-tf
A complete stock of
Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps
At their Warehouse