Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Salic Cfrntitttf (Bxatnittev
McKInley's Policy Approved.
The nation may well feel proud of
President McKinley'a action in the
recent appalling crisis that threatened
berious complications in China. There
is no yell of "imperialism" from the
yellow press anent the policy of the
Administration in the Chinese situa
tion, and the President's announce
ment that the American Government
will oppose to the last the partition of
China until every resource of diplo
macy is exhausted has commanded
not only the admiration of the other
nations, but that of our own people at
home. This American policy differs
radically from that pursued by the
European governments. The Wash
ton Post says:
"Our diplomatic efforts to avert an
appalling tragedy, unparalleled in the
world's history, have been conducted
with tactful skill, patient forbearance
and lofty methods that have chal
lenged the admiration of Christendom.
Dealing directly and frankly with the
Chinese authorities, through Minister
Wu and our consuls in the Orient;
keeping cool and clear heads under
the most trying circumstances; un
moved by the outcries of the hysteri
cal press, President McKinley and
Secretary Hay have made a record in
this unhappy affair of which the na
tion may well feel proud. The v Udom
of each succeeding step taken by the
State. Department has been speedily
established. All Europe has had its
first pews from Washington, from time
to time, of development in the im
portant diplomatic negotiatations pre
liminary to the rescue.
"Senator Thurston, who is in Wash
ington, said: 4 1 am filled with ad
miration, as every American must be,
with the attitude of the Administra
tion in the handling of this momentu
ou9 question. It has been splendid.
We have literally set the pace for the
powers. The President's foreign
policy has been admirable. True .to
our original purpose, we have pushed
on to Pekin and rescued our Minister,
and have been perfectly fair to the
Chinese, without a thought of enter
ing into a war of conquest or of re
per year, and the publication should
find a hearty welcome in every home
ic the three great states of the North
west. "The Examiner" and "The
Inland Empire" will be clubbed to
any subscriber at three dollars per
year, the two papers.
Colonel Bryan lias received another
"notification." The people of the United
States will give him final notification on
or about November 6, 1900, to the effect
that he can close up his political busi
ness, go home to Lincoln and live quietly
ever afterward.
Under Cleveland and free trade we
were borrowing money and going
deeply into debt. Under McKinley
and Protection we are loaning money
to England, and she is going deeper
into debt, while we are paying ofT out-debt.
Li Hung Chang is a prisoner on
board a ship and will be held until the
opening of negotiations between the
Allied Powers and China. When Li
Hung is released he should be beheaded
and told fo no and sin no more.
"The Inland Empire."
" The Inland Empire" is a new and
handsome 32 page publication just es
tablished at Walla Walla, Washing
ton, A. H. Harris, manager. Its
initial number, received at this office,
is emblazoned with a beautiful frontis
piece, and is filled with highly inter
esting matter. "The Inland Empire"
encroaches on no journalistic enter
prise in the Northwest; its field is
particularly its own the development
of Northwest resources assisting new
enterprises and the encouragement of
immigration. It would appear to
have a large field to work in Wash
ington, Oregon and Idaho. Its sub
scription price ie popular one dollar I.AM) KOTIC'K.
United States Ind Offlc, I.ake view, Oregon.
July 30. 1900. Notice it hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June S, 1b78, entitled "An act for
the nale of timber lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
States by act of Aiifiuit 4. 1K92. Zacrheus Whit
worth, of Lakeview, county, of Lake, State of
Oregon, has this dny filed in thin office bla
sworn statement, No. 2M. for the purchase of
the of SW(of ctlon No. 22 and NW4'of
NW;'nectlon 2. In township No. 37 aouth. It.
No. 17 E. and will offer prcof to iliow that the
land sought is more valuable for In timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish hi claim to said land tx-forc the
Register and Rocelverof thtsofflee at I-akevlew,
Oregon, on Friday, the 5th day of October,
19un. He names an witnesses: K. n. Umb, P.
M. Cnrry, Frank Howard and J. W.Howard,
all of Lakeview. Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
alove-descrHed lands are rejueste to file
their claims in this office on or before said 5th
day of Octot-er, 19on.
August 2-30 E. M. RRATTA IN, Register.
Drink nothing but Jepse Moore whisky
and you'll always be happy. On pale at
Whorton & Fitipatrick's. 3.'Mf
United States Land Office at Lakeview, Or..
August .30, 1900. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
hfs claim, and that sai-1 proof will be made
before (j. B Wardwell, United States Commis
sioner, at at Silver Lake. Oregon, on October 6,
I, v'z: 11 KASA NT W. JONKS, If. K. No.
1718. for the E4 of N"tV and lots 1, 2 and 3 of
sectionSl, township 27 south, range 15 east,
Willamette meridian, Oregon. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon an! cultivation of kaid land,
viz: Walter Kittridge, A. H. Wallace. p.
Marshall and U. F. Abshier.all of Silver Lake,
sep 6-35 E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. KAM OTH K
United States I.and Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
Angust C. 1900. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the Act of
Congress of June 3. 187m, entitled "An Act for
the sale of timber lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Publie. Land
States by act of August 4, 192, Louis Oerber.
of Lorella, county of Klamath, Stateof Oregon
has this day riled in this office his sworn state
ment, No. 2&H, for the purchase of the NWl'of
SW of section No. 20, in township No. 38
south, ranee No. 15 enst nri .-ui nftnr ,..,..r
S show that the land sought is more valuable for
. I ... .4 . A I 1 . .
iisiuuucrut tiuim man ior agricultural pur-
Eoses, and to establish his claim to said land
efore the Register and Receiver or thisoffice
at Lakeview, Oregon, on Saturday, the 13th
day of October. 1900.
He names as witnesses: T. J. Offield, W.
R. Campbell, William Campbell and J. O.
Hamaker, all of Lorella, Oregon. Any and all
persons claiming adversely the above-described
lands are requested to file thefr claims in this
office on or before said 13th day of October,
aug9-31 E. M, BRATTAIN, Register.
United States Land Office at Lakeview, Or.,
Jlllv2fi. 1900. VntleA ta horohtr trvan tha
following-named settler has filed notice of her i
intention to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said nronf will he mario hpfnm
G. B. Wardwell, U. 8. Commissioner, at Silver
Lake, Or., on September 1, 1900, viz: Esteila
Payne, II. E. No. 2242 for the E4 of 8EJ section
29, and 8W of SW-4 section 28, township 28
south, range 13 east, Willamette meridian, Or.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: U. F. Abshier, J. 8. artin,
James Sullivan and Ira Bradley, all of Silver
Lake, Oregon.
aug2-30 E. M. BRATTAIN Register. '
United States Land Office, f jikevlew, Oregon.
August fi, 19it. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the Act of
Cong res of June S. 17. entitled "An Act for
the sale of tlmtr lands In the States of Cali
fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Ijind
States by act of August 4. 19?. Thomas J.
Offield, of ij'Ti-Utt. count v of Klamath. State
of Oregon, has this dav filed In this office hi
sworn statement, No 2".7, for the purchase of
the NW4of SF'iof section No. 6, in township
No. 39 south, ranee No. 15 east, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought ii more
valuable for it tirntxT or stone than for agri
cultural purpose, and fo establish his claim
to said land tx-fore the Register and Receiver
of thi office at I-akeview, Oregon, on Satnr
dav. the 13th day of October. !'..
He names a witnesses: Ixiuls "errer. of
lorella. Oregon; J. O. Hamaker, of Bonanza.
Oregon; W. R. Campbell, of Ior'lla. Oregon ;
WlltUm Campbell, of Ixirella, Oregon. An
and all person claiming adversely the alove
described lands are requested t file their
claims in this office on or lefore Raid 13th day
of October. lfi.
August 9-31 E. M. BRATTAIN, Register.
In the matter of the estate of t. F, Hi rk mater,
decensed. Nntlc i h'-r-by given that I have
filed my final account as Administrator of the
Ksfnte of J. F. Rirkmaier. deceas-d. with the
County f'b-rk of I,ake County. Oregon, and
that he Judge of the Countv fmiri of said
county has appointed FRIlM Y, HK.ITKMBK.R
14th. po, at 2 oVloek p. in., at the County
.fudge's office, in said county, as the time and
place for hearing of objection to such final
account and the settlement thereof, if any
there be.
Dated August 16th, 1900.
Aug 16-32-5 Administrator of said Estate.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, August 17,
1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
aettb r has file.! notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will b made before
Register and Receiver at lakeview, Oregon, on
September 29, 1900, viz: FRANK REI !, If. E.
No. 1700, for theSof NWVf and NUof HWi.
section 2-5, township 86 south, R. 19 E. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Willis ttarnum. D. Bryan, B.F.
Branch and Joe Payne, all of lakeview. Or.
Aug 23 33 E. M. BRATTAIN. Register. I.AM) OTI F
United State1 Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
May 1st, 1900. Notice Ih hereb) given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of congre of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the ale of Timber
Lands in the states of California, Nevada, Oregon and
Washington Tv h extended to all the pub'ic land
states by act of Auguit 4, 1852, Mary L. Kilgore of
Bly, county of Klau-ath eUte of Oregon ha thin
day filed in thi office her sworn sta'ement No. 2H1 for
the purchase of the SW qr of SW qr sec. 27 tp. 4 8 R
It E., and will offer proof to snow that the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or stono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the register and receiver of this
land office at Lbkevicw, Oregon, on Saturday, the 15th
day of September, 1900.
She names as witnesses: E. Caaebeer, of Bly, Ora
Von, 8. D. Coulter, of Lakeview, Oregon, John Dil
lard, of Olete. Oregon, and Albert Tull, of Vistlllaa,
Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely ta
above described lands are requested to Ala thelrclaima
in this office on or before said 15th day of September,
1900 '
July 12-27 E. M. BRATTAIN, Reg