Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 06, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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There was a very happy event cele
brated at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
John Arzner last evening (Wednesday,
Sept. 5, 19001, the occasion being the
wedding of E. H. Day and Miss Rosa B.
Stanley, Kev. J. W. Warrield officiating.
The happy culmination of this love af
fair will be no surprise, as it vsas under
stood that the event was scheduled for
the near future, for months before.
The groom is a well known and popu
lar voung business man, of the firm of
S. D. Coulter & Co. "Ralph" Pay, as
he is familiarly known, has been a "resi
dent of Lake countv for many years,
and is esteemed bv all who know him.
The bride is prepossessing, has a larg
circle of friends, and is one of Lake
county's best young women. She is the
daughter of Mrs. Charles Cox, of Lake
view. After the ceremony a grand wedding
supper was enjoyed in the dining-room
of the Coulter restaurant. Relatives
and a few intimate friends only attended
the wedding. The Examiner joins with
many friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Day a very happy wedded life.
Scaled Bids.
Sealed bids will be received for fur
nishing the following supplies for the
Town of Lakeview, Oregon, up to Sep
tember 14th, 1900, at noon :
6,000 ft. of lumber, 1x12x10
10,000 ft. of lumber, 2x0x16
25 pieces, 8x8x16
Delivery to be made either at the mill
or the town on or before October 1, 1900.
450 cedar posts, 6 feet long, not less
than 6-inch face.
100 cords of 4-foot wood.
By order of the Town Council.
35-2 Charles Umbach, Recorder.
Town Equalization.
Notice is hereby given, to all parties
interested, that the Board of Equaliza
tion for the town of Lakeview, Oregon,
will be in session for a period of eight
days, at the office of Town Recorder,
from and after September 5, 1900, for
the purpose of correcting any and all er- j
rors that may exist on the Assessment ',
Roll as returned by the Recorder of said ;
town for the year 1900. By order of j
F. M. Miller, Mayor, j
Attest: Charles Umabch, Recorder, i
Miss Essie Gupton is reported serious-1
ly ill. j
Swell dress patterns at Bailey & Mas
eingill's. Elmer Ahlstrom and C. H. Dunlap
have gone to Dog lake hunting. I
S. F. Ahlstrom, the saddler, moved j
to his old quarters last Tuesday.
Mrs. Will Morlev has been ill with j
lever tor tne past weeic, out is reported
improving now.
Last Tuesday George Whorton pur
chased the Umbaeh residunce and lot,
on South Water street, paying for the!
same $650.
The XL Company started 600 head
of beef cattle to Gazelle this week.!
Superintendent F. M. Green says the
cattle are not yet sold, but they will
bring at least 7 cents.
Mrs. Thos. Sherlock and two sons
and Mrs. J. Pullen arrived from Sum
mer Lake this week. Mrs. Sherlock
and sons started for San Francisco on
Tuesday morning via the Southern.
County Commissioner G.
L. Qilfry Resigns.
James M. Martin, Prominent and
Popular Citizen, Appointed to
Fill the Vacancy.
It will be news to a numler of citi
zens in Lake county that George L.
Gilfry, the popular and efficient Demo
cratic member of the County Commis
sioners Board, has tendered his resig
nation to the Lake County Court. The
resignation of Mr. Gilfry was neeessi
tated owing to his change of resident
from Lake to Lane county, and the
resignation was accepted by the County
Court yesterday. It reads as follows :
Silver Iake, Op-roii, Auk. '25, Hm.
,To The Honorable County Court of I.nke
County, Oregon: 1 hereby tender my resig
nation as County Commissioner of Lake
County. Oregon. iKO. 1L (JILFRY.
After the acceptance of Mr. Gilfry's
resignation the names and qualifications
of several gentlemen in the northern
part of the county were discussed by
the County Commissioners to till the
vacancy. It was decided that Silver
Lake was entitled to the office, and after
due deliberation County Judge ToMiing
sen and County Commissioner I'rose
named James M. Martin, of Silver Lake,
and he was dulv appointed to till the
unexpired term of George L. Gilfry as
County Commiioiier.
James M. Martin, the new appointee,
is a prominent and popular citizen of
Silver Lake valley, and will no doubt
prove an efficient member of the Board.
Mr. Martin is a stork man and ranch-r,
and is in every way well qualified for
the position.
In the resignation of George L. Jilfry
The Examiner is impelled to state that
Lake county never had a more efficient,
honest and trustworthy member of its
Board of Commissioners than Mr. Gil
fry proved to be.
The Examiner also takes pleasure iti
congratulating Mr. Martin upon his ap
pointment to an important josition, and
compliments the County Court upon its
Mrs. LaBrie Reported Killed.
A report was circulated in Lakeview
last Tuesday to the efToet that. Mis.
Thos. Laliri.e of Silver Lake had nut
death in a runaway accident at Silver
Lake one dav last week. The rumor
may be unfound n' , and it is to be
hoped that such is the case.
Sealed Hids.
It is The Examiners pleasure tore
cord another happy event this week
the marriage of Charles S. Morris and
Ollie S. Moss which occurred last Sun
day at high noon at the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P.
Moss, in lakeview. Hon. Charles Ton
ningsen, in his usually solemn and im
pressive manner, said the words that
joined together for life two loving heart.
The groom is a well known and enter
prising young farmer of the West Side,
and has numerous friends in this county.
He has prepared a comfortable home for
his bride, near the lake, and will settle
down to the stern realities of life.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. I'. Moss, pioneer residents and
highly esteemed )eople of Iike county.
She is an eslimahle young lady and well
worthy of the confidence and love of her
husband. The Examiner wishes Mr.
and Mrs. Morris a pleasant voyage on
the sea of matrimony.
Under Banks of Flowers.
The funeral of little Kathleen, infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A .Sherlock,
was held from the M. E. Church last
Thursday, and was attended bv many
relatives and friends of the famify. Six
little girls dressed in white cat ried the
tiny white casket, and the grave was
strewn with banks of flowers. Tin in
terior of the grave was lined with white
cloth, and the burial ceremonies were
very pretty. Death, and the hereafter,
is awful to contemplate, but in this case
the heartaches of the fond parents are
assuaged by the knowledge that this
loved one is in a better world.
Almost Another Conflagration.
Then; came near b:;ing another hig
liiu in Lakeview last Monday night.
In the hack room at Post ' King's sa
loon a liie ivai discovered burning in
a p'Je of pajer in cloe proximity to a
ea.-e of coal oil, hut was quickly put
on I.
Appropriated $3oo.
Just before adjournment yesterday
the County Commissioners appropriated
the sum of $300 for the construction of
the road in North Warner, mention of
which is made on the preceding page in
this issue.
Sealed bids will be received by the
Recorder of the Town of Lakeview, Or.,
for the construction of a building 30x50,
including of the furnishing of the ma
terial (except the roofing) up to Sep
tember 14th, 11)00, at noon.
Plans and specifications may be had I
by applying to the Recorder. Said
building to he constructed within tinny
days from September 14th, 11)00.
By order of the Town Council.
35-2 Umbacit, Recorder.
Jeff Parish, ati old employe of G. W.
Manes, has been triven tho foreman-
shin of the JJ ranch in Warner, made ,
vacant by the resignation of J. N Giv- j
Paul Do Laney, traveling corre
spondent for the Oregenian, left, yes
terday on nib wheel for Klamath Falls
where he will spend a week or more
writing up the wonderful resources of
on- neig hooding town and county.
In the big baseball game played at
Edgewood last Sunday between the Mt.
Shastas, of Little Shasta, and the Edge
w od team, for $1,500, was won by the
Mt. Shastas, defeating the opponents by
2 to 1. George McGrath telegraphed
The Examiner the news on Monday.
He was twirler for the victorious team
and his brother Harry played third
S. V. Rehart returned last week from
Ohio, after an absence of nearly a year.
For several months after leaving here
Sol visited a brother in Southern Cali
fornia and then proceeded East, where
he has been enjoying himself and visit
ing prominent cities and points of in
terest ever since. His trip certainly
agreed with him. The ladies Bay Sol
looks twenty years younger than when
lie left here.