Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 30, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    $ahc omtto (Bxanxlncv
Harvesting- of big grain crops in
Lake county goes merrily on.
With army officers Jesse Moore "AAM
whisky is a very popular drink.
All indications point to big race
meetings at Burns and Prlneville next
It will only be on the market three
weeks longer that 266-arre alfalfa
ranch for sale by The Examiner.
The choicest club whisky is Jesee
Moore "AA," and in club life it is in
great demand. Get it at Jammerthal's.
M. L. Barnett, a sheepman of Mon
roe, this state, lost GO head of sheep
last week as a result of using a patent
Prof. A. A. G'aham is preparing to
lea'6 Lakeview with his family, re
turning to Sisson, from whence he
At an auction sale of horses in Fos
sill, this state, ten days HLr, work
horses brought $50 to $S5 per head,
spot cash.
"Eli" restaurant, next door to Whor
ton & Fitzpatrick's ; fine meals by day,
week or month. Everybody knows Eli,
the famous chef. Give him a call. 2S-(!m
A sale of 700 dry cows una" two-vear-old
steers is recorded 'from Si I vies
River, Harney county. The prices
paid were $27 and $28 for cows and $28
for steers.
The Annual Conference of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church oi Oregon will
meet in Ashland, beginning Septem
ber 19th, and continuing until the
24th. Bishop Andrews, of New York
city, will preside, and tho attendance
of ministers is expectec to reach 175.
Letter heads,
Business cards,
Ball programmes,
Wedding invitations,
And in fact everything in the job
printing line at The Examiner office.
For Sale at a Sacrifice
A three-year-o!d Standard Bred Stal
lion, sired by the great McKinney ; first
dam, Mission Belle. For full jedirte
apply to Wm. Harvey, Paisley, Or. 30 2m
Progressive Dentistry.
Dr. Harold Clark and family of Port
land, Or., have located peimanantly at
Paisley, Or. Crown and Bridge work
with Porcelain Front a specialty. The
mcst beautiful and natural effect pro
duced by this class of work. Dr. Clark
is prepared to perform any operation
known to the dental art, and is strictly
up-to-date. Dr. Clark has had 15 years
of practice and is a graduate of the Amer
ican College of Dentistry, Chicago, J 1 1 .
The best of references and satisfaction
guaranteed. 31-4
General Merchandise,
First-Class Hotel,
The Plush House,
Tonsorial Parlors.
Plush, Lake County, Oregon. J
AVanted A Wife.
A respectable man, has a good paying
business; is sober and industrious, and
sound in health, wants a wife; can fur
nish good references as to character;
lady must be less than 40 and over 2S
years of age; letters and photographs
exchanged. A good home for tbe right
woman; no triflers noticed. Address
XX, care The Examiner, Lakeview,
Oregon. 33-tf
Something New in Dentistry.
Drs. Demorest & Johnson, D. D. S.,
with 27 years' practice, are now locate.!
in Dr. Daly's new concrete building,
prepared to do all classes of work jkt
taining to the profession. Porcelain
Inlays in Bridge and Crown Work. ,
which has never before leen introduced !
in Southern Oregon. Regulation and
Gold Contour fillings a specialty. 33-tf
P. G. Plaintiff, ) Snjt jn yu. fn y.
P. M. Wt, Pefendant J ',,-e
To P. M. Wet, the above-named defendant: In
the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the complaint fi!l
against you in the above entit'ed court ami nvuse on
or before the last day of the time pre "ribed in the
order for the publication of this summons which in
six wetks from the date of the first publication there
of, the date of the first publication of thin summons
being the 19th dayr f Ju'y, 19oo, and if you fail o to
appear and answer the same, for want thereof, th.
plaintiff will app'y to said court for the relief de
manded in said complaint on file herein, as follows:
For the forelosure of a ce tain mortgar. executed by
II. F. West and Emogcne West, hi wiv. in f n.r of
the plaintiff herein, on the 1st day of February.
to secure the payment of the sum of .s with it t r
est at ten per cent per annum from the date of s.-o )
mortgage upon the following Hescriled real pr..)-rtv:
WJ of SEJ, SE quarter of S quarter and that jnrt "?
NE quarter of SW quarter excepting the tra-' ujw u
which the town of Silver Lake is situate 1. all in -c
tion 29, township 2 S. range 14 east of Wil-unctt
meridian, Oregon; and plaintiff prats for juO j-tn.-r.t
in the sum of 333 and interest at ten per cent per
annum from February 1st. W', lor 7." att rnev's
fees and lor costs of this suit.
This summons is served upon you by publication in
the Lake County Examiner, a wsiaper pubM-hed
weekly at Lakeview, Lake courty, Oregon, pursuant
to an crder of Hon. Htnry L. I'.enson. judge of said
court, made and dated at chamber in Klamath Falls,
Oregon, or the 9th da of .lulv. YMK
28-7t W. A. W1LSH1RE, Attorney for Plaintiff.
ti.iiiikr i,Ae oTin:
United States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
Angust C. 1900. Notice is hereby pi yen tht in
compliance with the provisions of the wt of
Congress of June 3. 187. entitled "An Act for
the sale of timber lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4. 192, Louis flerber.
of Lorella, county of Klamath, Stateof Or-gon,
has this day tiled in this office his sworn state
ment, No. 208, for the purchase of the NW'i' of
SWJi of section No. 'JO, in township No. 38
south, range No. 15 east, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver or this office
at Lakeview, Oregon, on Saturday, the 13th
day of October VAX).
He names as witnesses: T. J. Oflield, W.
R. Campbell, William Campbell and J. O.
Hamaker, all of Lorella, Oregon. Any and all
persons claiming adversely the above-described
lands are requested to file thefr claims in this
office on or before said 13th day of October,
au'ff9-31 E. M, RRATTAIN, Register.
United States Land Office at Lakeview. Or..
juiyo, iyou. notice is hereby gven that the :
following-named settler has filed notice of her
intention to make final proof in support of her i
claim, and that said proof will be made before
fl IJ ll'n .....I 1 IT CJ It !..,. . '
vj. niuniu, v. iimji inissioner, at isiiver
Lake, Or., on September 1, 1900, viz: Esteila
Payne, II. E. No. 2242 for the of KYM section
29, and 8W of HW section 28, township 28,
south, range 13 east, Willamette meridian, Or.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: U. K. Abshler, J. S. Martin.
James Sullivan and Ira Bradley, all of Silver
Lake, Oregon.
aug2-30 E. M. BR ATTAIN Register. l,Al TI( K
United States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
July 30. PAW. Notice is hereby giveit that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, l!7, entitled "An act for
the saleof timter lano in the states of Cali
fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
States by act of August 4. 192, Zc hens W hit
worth, of Lakeview, county of I-ake. state of
Oregon, has this day file t In this office his
sworn statement. No. 'J", for the purchase of
the W), of SW. of section No. 22 and NW;o(
NW. section 27, in township No. .T7 south, K.
No. 17 E. and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purpose, and to
establish his claim to said land IWorc the
Registerand Recciverof thlsofflcc at lakeview,
Oregon, on Friday, the Mh day of ottoN-r,
19uu. He names as witness's: E. . Umli, P.
M.Curry, Frank Howard and J. W.Howard,
all of lakeview, r-goii.
Any and all jivrsotis i-laitning advtrwly the
alove-decritx d lands are requested to fib
their claims in this office on or In-fore said 5th
dav of o-tobi-r, V.v.
August 2-:a E. M. RRATTAIN, Register. I, AMI OTI H
United States Land Office, fjikevlew, Oregon.
August (,, p.o. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the proir ! the Act of
Otngres of .Mine lsTs. entltb d An Act for
the sale of tlml-r Unds in the Mates of fall
fornia. orenn, N-vada and Wablt.gton Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Put. lie Ijind
State's by act of August 4. 1VJ. Thomas J.
oftield.o'f tirella. count v of KUniath. Mate
f Oregon, has this da filed in tbi offi'-,- hli
sworn statement. No 2.7. for the j.urchaseof
the NW',of SK'of seitiem So. in township
No. 39 south, range No. east, and will offer
j. roof to show that the land s(,ugh' is more
valuaMe for it tim N-r or stone thsn f r agri
cultural puri-ise. and to establish his claim
to said land Ix-fore the Heglter aud Peceiver
of this office at I akevfew. Oregon, on Satur
da , the i:,th day of ii to. r, pso.
He names a wittn-s. s; J.ouis (;ertxr, of
Iirel!a. Oregon; J. n. HamaVer. of p.otmnza.
Oregon; W. R. Campbell, of I .r '.la, Oregon ;
William CamplM-U, of Itrella. Or g.,n. Ant
fltid all persons claiming adversely the aUive-describt-d
lands .are requested to fib- their
eHi ins In this i, flice on or before said 13th -'ay
of October,
August 9-:;i E. M. PRATT A IN, Pegit-r.
In the matter of th- Mate of J. F. P-irk maier,
deceased. Notc is h reby given thM I fave
fiN d my final account as Administrator of the
Estate 'of I. p. Rirk maier, deceas-d . with the
funty fb-rk til Lake County, Oregon, and
that '.he .fudge of tbe Countv Cf,ur' ff said
conntv I ks appointed F1!II Y. -I- PTFM PER
Mtii, '., nt 2 o'. lo- k j. in., a ill" 'niinly
.fudge's otliee, in said county, us 'he time and
place for hearing of objection to such final
account and the settlement thereof, if any
there be.
Mated August lGth. Px.
Aug 10-32 -i Administrator of aid Es'ate.
Land Office at Lakeview. Oregon, August 17.
1900. Notic i hereby given that the follow-ing-namcd
settler has Hb-d notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in suiMrt of his
claim, and that said proof will be madel-fore
Registerand Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
September 29, Pho, viz: FRANK RFIP. U.K.
No. 17(K, for the S.; of NWi , and Su ..f SWi,
section 2r, township .".6 south. R. 19 K. He
names the following witnesses to irvc bis
continuous residence- iiion and cultivation of
saiI lHtid, viz: Willis R-rn-tn. P. Bryan, ft. F.
Branch und Joe pnvne, all of l akeview. Or
Aug23-::3 F.'. M. BR ATT A IN, Register.
I'nited State-f Land Office at Lakeview. fregr)ii,
May 1st, PKSt. Notice is herehx given t'at In com
pliance, with the (irovlsions of t!i act of ijrcress of
June 3. 1S78. enfit'ed "An net for th- ale of Timber
I ands In the states of California, Nevada, Oregon and
Washington Ty ." is extended to all the pnhMc land
states by set of August 4, 1 He. Mary L. Kilioro of
Ply, county of K'au -ath st;.te of Oregon has this
day filed in this otti.-e her sw orn sta'ement No. 2id for
the purchase of the SW qr of SW qr sec. 27 tp. i 8 R
lit E., and will offer proof to snow that the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone rhaa
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land lefore the register and receiver of this
land office at Lakeview. Oregon, on Saturday, the 15th
day of Septeiutfer, 1900.
She names as witnesses: K Cacber, of Ply, Or
gon. S. P. Coulter, of Lakeview, Oregon, John P il
lard, of Olete, Oregon, and Albert Tull. of Vlatillai,
Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
above desnrlled lands are requested to fila thelrulaima
lu this office on or before said Kth day of September,
July 12 27 K. M. BRATTAIN, Reg