Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 30, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 34.
The Popular Drama Successfully Presented by
Local Talent at New Pine Creek.
The drama, "Above the Clouds," was
successfully presented by local talent at
New Pine Creek last Saturday evening.
The audience completely fillet! the hall,
and the excellent, manner in which the
drama was given wag a delight to all
present. Many were com pelll to stand,
the throng was so great. Lakcview and
Davis Creek furnished a considerable
p rtion of the patron. Miss Kva
Amick kindly acted in the capacity of
reporter for The Examiner, and state?
that each character was so well repre
sented in the drama that too much lime
and space would be taken up in giving a
i'ust and careful criticism of the players,
t is sufficient to say that each and every
one who tok p-m in the play more than
surprised their friends.
The evening's entertainment opened
with a vtcal duet, "Pilot Brave," by
Mrs. Oliver Hevnolds and Mis Mae
Tho next wa a solo, "Because," bv
Miss Miller. Both duet and solo were
well rendered and heartily applauded.
At 8:30 the curtain rolled up for the
first act in the drama, - "Above the
Clouds," presenting a tastefully ar
ranged artist's studio. The first act
took tip forty minutes, and was followed
with a solo. "Pheon Waltz Song." by
Miss Mae Miller, as an interlude. Next
was an instrumental selection bv Mr.
Oliver Reynolds.
'ihen was presented the final scene in
the drama, which occupied forty-live
minutes' time. So interested and pleased
had become the listeners that they were
loth to leave the hall when the curtain
rung down on the closing scene. The
audience was dismissed by Rev. Frank
Thompson, who, in a few well-chosen
words, thanked the public for its liberal
The proceeds amounted to about f 40,
which was turned over to the Christian
Church fund. About 175 people wit
nessed the play.
Following was the cast :
"above the clouds."
"Crar.y Phil" Oliver Reynolds
Heater Thorne Mis Nettie Vinyarfi
Susie (Jay lord Miss Kttie ViuyarJ
(irace Ingalls MIhh Minnie Keid
Howard Uaylord I. K. Amiek
Alford Thorne William loc
Lucretia Gerrish Miwi Lura Amick
TituH Turtle (J.M.Oliver
Nat Naylor Arthur Follett
Curtis Chlpman Albert Gallagher.
Amog Gay lord Elmer KeW
L. E. C. Jordan and Tom Smith, the
two rustling traveling representatives of
the Baker & Hamilton house, arrived
here last Friday. Mr. Jordan handles
the hardware end of the house in this
section and Mr. Smith the wagons and
implements. Baker & Hamilton are
very much pleased with the results of
the work of their local agents here,
Messrs. Field & Burrut, who have dis
posed of 20,000 worth of wagons and
implements the past season.
George Hankins, Mrs. Delia Cobb and
daughter, Essie, and Mrs. Frank Hous
ton returned from their camping trip on
Deep Ceeek last Friday.
Lake County Citizen Travels Por Six Months
on the Hawaiian Islands.
Joe Coleman, the well-known wool
grower of Lake county, returned to
lakevtew last week after an absence of
seven months. It was Mr. Coleman's
intention to defer his visit to Iakeview
until after he had visited the Paris Ex-jMj-ition,
but iniortant business inter
ests called him back earlier than he an
ticipated. Since leaving here Mr. Coleman has
sfent all his time traveling over and ex
ploring the Islands of Hawaii that land
of sunshine, flowers and fruit the
"Paradise of the Pacific." For six
months he traveled from one island to
another, and convinced himself that the
islands of the Pacific are full of interest
a granJ panoramic view of Nature's
wild grandeur.
It would take volumes to pen picture
and descrile the sights that Coleman
it ncsed on his trip. There is what is
i ailed the wet and dry side of each of
these islands the former containing the
most imputation. The dry side is in
habited mostly by natives, few white
men lein found there. It is the drv
side that Mr. Coleman explored princi
pally, and here was where he found the
'rafid sights of Nature's rujrgedness,
with its labyrinth of shrubbery ami
creeping vines, beneath which the sun
light never enters; its vines covered
irh luscious lorries; its trees loaded
vviih native fruits growing every day in
the year; its quaht little villages with
its quaint little tropic; its hillsides and
cliffs upon which roam thousands upon
thousand of wild coats, wild cattle and
wild turkeys in its secluded places the
great droves of leautiful pea-fowls ami
pheasants, and many beautiful birds of
In one village visited by Mr. Coleman
he found a hite man or at least a man
who was once of white skin who
dressed like the natives, in the interior
villages. It is needless to sav he was
not overburdened with garments. This
man is a merchant, and he mingled with
the natives as one of them. Mr. Cole
man soon became acquainted with him,
and mildly reproached him for living
the way he did. He assured his new
acquaiutainance that he was wealthy,
and that in his business he was com
pelled to fall into the habits and cus
toms of the natives, or they would have
nothing to do with him and he would
soon be out of business. He also in
formed him that three years of this
mode of living had made a great change
in him, and he rather liked it.
Coleman explored many of the great
craters and canyons of the islands, and
with his kodak has taken more than
three hundred pictures of the wild
scenery. He is in love with Hawaii,
and intends returning to the islands as
soon as his business permits. Mr. Cole
man can recount for hours the many
adventures he met with and tell of the
sights he had witnessed during his
travels that makes one feel a deep inter
est in the narrative and gives one a
longing to go there and see the country.
A Brief Description of the Famous Oriental
City, It Streets and Walls.
As Pekin and the "Forbidden City"
are just now the topic of extreme inter
est, it may not be out of place to give a
brief description of the Oriental city to
our readers. Isaac Taylor Headland', in
the Delineator, gives a lengthy descrip
tion of Pekin, from which we gather the
Pekin is the filthiest city mtheworld,
not excepting Constantinople. In size
it is equal to Philadelphia and is laid
out in the shape of a letter T, with the
top toward the south. It might be
said there are four cities, the one form
ing the top of the T embracing five
miles east and west by three miles north
and south. This southern city or por
tion of Pekin contains a large propor
tion of the business and imputation, and
for a safeguard has a wall encircling it
forty feet high and forty feet thick at
the bottom, tapering in at the top to a
thickness of thirty feet.
The Manchu City on the north is sur
rounded by two brick walls fifty feet
high and six feet thick, filled in between
with'dirt, making a solid embankment
sixty feet thick at the lottom and forty
feet at the top. , Jius encloses an area
of four miles square. Within the Tar
tar Ci'y is the Imperial City, two miles
square, in which a large portion of the
officials dwell. This city is surrounded
by a brick wall twenty feet high and six
feet thick, capped with a yellow tile
Within the Imperial City is the "For
bidden City," in which are the palaces
and the residences of the eunuchs. This
city is surrounded by a wall thirty feet
high, crenelated at the top with towers
at the four corners and over the gates.
This wall is one mile square.
The streets of the Chinese city are
from ten to fifty feet wide. The larger
streets are built tin in the center about
two feet above the sidewalks, so the
water runs from the street to the side
walk, thence to the fewer. The streets
are all unpaved. Between the side
walks and the driveway there are cess
pools in which water flows, used after
ward in the dry season for street sprink
ling. The sewers are cleaned once a
year and their contents piled up 'on the
sidewalks until dry, and then utilized
to build up the streets.
The Chinese houses are nearly all one
story high and have the appearance of
dilapidated pigsties, built' of brick and
pieces of brick and covered with tiles.
The houses and courts are all surrounded
with brick walls from ten to fifteen feet
high, partly for privacy and also to
keep out thieves. The windows and
doors are of paper and the beds are of
Messrs. J. E. Dunnavin, V. C. Dun
navin, T. R. Dunnavin and J. A. Rice,
of Warner, arrived here Saturday en
route to Myrtle Creek, this state, where
they will spend the winter. Mr. Rice is
a brother-in-law of the Dunnavin broth
ers, and his family resides at Myrtle