The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 25, 1975, Page 7, Image 7

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    Frlends liere will lie inter
ested to know thut Kurl Wip
per i in tlie Salem Memorial
Hospital. Mr Wipper is a pa .1 |
grand putron of the Order of
Ea lern Stur und well known
tu tiie members here.
liloliduy guests at the home
of Mr. und Mrs. Bob Twede are
Mrs. Twede'» parent», Mr. und
Mrs. l»>u Duliiy of Forsyth,
Montana und brother, Chuck
Dai by, u student ut the U of
Montana in Missoulu
Twede's mother, Mrs. Ann
Twede, of Forsyth, is also here
visiting Tlw is the first time
the Dolby famly have all been
together at Christmas since the
younger Twedes moveu to
Attending the “open houae”
of three lovely home . In the
Stayton vicinity on Thurs,
Dec. hi. was a group made up
of Margaret Snow, Maty You­
Hannah Ditter, Evelyn I’focrt
ner, Alma Byer, Helen Kim­
mel, and Kate Doble.
I 7—Hie Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Dec. 25, 1975
Christmas Program
Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Krecklow
entertained at their home with
un informal open-house Sun­
day evening, Dec. 21. Center
of attraction wus the flocked
Christmas tree cuntaining only
red velvet birds and bows. In­
cluded in the group were Mr.
und Mrs. Joe Laluck, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Scott, Mr. und Mrs.
John Folli, Mr. and Mrs.
George Long, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kelly, John-Charles
Kelly, and the host and hos­
tess, Mr and Mrs. Fred Kreck-
Il wm reported that Earl
1-ouck . was recently taken to
the VA Hospital in Portland
where he is seriously ill.
Mr. aud Mrs. I.owcll Cree
visited her 1,ter-in law, Mrs
W ide II Dickinson al the Sa
lem Memoriui Hospital on They also visited
John-Chnrlrs Kelly of Studio Merle Garton I-ater they vis­
City, Calif arrivisi ut the ited Mr Cree’s mother at St
Charles Kelly home on Tues , | Timothy Nursing Home.
Dee 1(1. to spend the holidays
with his parent He was ac
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bullions
comp.inied by Kathy Brocker, returned home D<-c. 19 from
also of Hollywood, who went ; .i trip to Southern California
to Vancouver, Wa-h to visit > und Arizona They also visited |
her parents
the Grand Canyon They left
i here Nov. 10.
Warren and I oliann Goffin
attended the Willamette Na­
Guesla at the home of Mr.
tional Fore t Christma party » and Mrs Laurence Doble Fri­
nt the Country Squire in day were their daughter­ and
Eugimc Saturday night, Dec family, Ellen Givens, Helen.
The wedding1 gathered .short sleeves.
13. Rus , Dann. Anita and Edward and Tom McCloskey of Miss Martha Lynn Rogers wore a white hat accented with
Chad accompanied them; all of Raleigh Hills.
Another and Richard J Roth was an red ribbon and carried a long
staying overnight and enjoy­ grandson, David McCloskey, event of Friday night at the stemmed carnation accented
ing a day of visiting and vi ited them at home on a holi­ Emmanuel Mennonite Church with knotted ribbon streamers.
chopping on Sunday
day leave from Ft. Sam Hou­
is the daughter of The bridesmaids wore identical
I ston, Texas where he is sta­ Mr. The and bride
Mrs. Lyle Rogers Sr. gowns as that of the honor
Cub Scout Den Three
tioned with the U. S. Army and the bridegroom is the son maid, each carrying a single,
Sat evening. Dec 20 at the
of Rev. and Mrs, Harold E., long stemmed carnation.
home of Warren and Louann
Murk Peterman underwent Roth, all of Detroit.
Flower girl was Laura
Goffin where they had a an emergency appendectomy
bridegroom’s father Roberts.
_______ _________________
Her dress was of red
ChMitmas pnrty
Attending at Salem Memorial Hospital performed the 7:30 p m. cere- and white dotted swiss and
beside- the host, Darin Gof­ last Wednesday night, Dec 17 mony A reception followed in she carried a basket of white
fin, were Richie Stinson. Mark was released from the the church parlor.
| rose petals. Jason Taylor was
Jerome Zynda, Yancy Jelen- hospital Saturday morning and
The bridal gown of Chan- the ringbearer
iewski, Randy Bilyeu and Is recuperating at his home A tilly ’ lace over satin
Candlelighters were Cindy
Frankie Shepard, Den Leader sophomore at Santiam High with scalloped neckline and Roth, sister of the groom, and
Deana Shepard and Anita and School, he is the son of Mr long lace sleeves. The bouf- Kathy Roth, cousin of the
Chad Goffin.
and Mi Vern Peterman, Mill fant skirt was styled with groom.
tiers of ruffles extending into | Randall Roth stood with his
Spending Friday night and I
a cathedral train.
2 brother a- best man. Ush­
j twin
Saturday nt the home of her
The North Santiam < liapter I Her fingertip veil was bor- ers were Larry and Lyle
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. of Associated Oregon Ixrggers dered in matching lace and Rogers, Jr., brothers of the
Jack McClintock, and Lor- entertained their wives at a caught to a Camelot headpiece. bride,
Pennick, Jr.,
raine, in Portland was Sue dinner held at the Frontier She carried a bouquet of red brother-in-law of the bride and
Inn Friday evening North and white roses and holly.
Tim Collins, brother-in-law of
! Santiam Chapter Chairman
Miss Ellen Rogers was her the groom.
Tom Birons presided at a brief sister’s honor maid. Mrs. Wm. . The newlyweds have gone to
business meeting. The speaker Pcnnick, sister of the bride, '
for the evening was a repre­ Mrs. Tim Collins, sister of the
sentative of the Oregon State bridegroom,
Compensation Board.
Rogers, Jr., sister-in-law of the
bride, were the bridesmaids.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carl­
The honor maid wore an em­
son and granddaughters, Julie pire style gown of red and
and Sharon Bevier, of Salem, white dotted swiss fashioned
were in Portland Monday to with a sweetheart neckline and
visit his mother, Mrs Mabel
Carlson. Mrs. Carlson makes
Merle Garton was brought
her home at the IOOF Home home on Thursday following
and had the misfortune of surgery at the Salem Memorial
breaking her hip about three Hospital on Monday.
weeks ago.
Attending Installation of of­
Billie Watkins of Salem ficers at Keiser Lodge #129
I spent the weekend at the home at Kingwood Temple in West
of his grandparents, Mr. and Salem Thursday evening was
- Mrs. Wilbur Harlan. Mrs. Lowell Cree, worshipful mas
Harlan took him home in time ter of Mill City Lodge #180,
for school on Monday.
Roth-Rogers United
At Emmanuel Mennonite Church
The Least One Has A Place
' Long Ago
my being.
| Befori the Universe had been I became the twinkle
A good crowd attended the
shaped to God’s plan
On the tip of His scepter
Christmas program at the 11 was one of a myriad of
Which he waves and blesses
Presbyterian Church on Sun­
In His love, all mankind
day evening, Dec. 21, which The tiniest one,
And every living creature.
was highlighted by many mu­ Cupped in the hollow of the
■ Evelyn Pfoertner,
sical selections. A moving pan­
Master's hands.
tomime, “Our Lady’> Juggler,” They ran thru His fingers
was presented by a senior high
like grains of sand.
Guest Soloist Appears
group; Edwina Wills, a Port­ To be disbursed in readiness
Presbyterian Church
land cellist, played several For all the World’s delight.
numbers and read from her I too, slipped from His fingers,
Guest soloist at the Presby-
new collection of publish­ But seemed not to have a I tenan Church on Sunday mor-
ed verse; and John-Charles
| ning, Dec. 21, was John-
Kelly of Studio City, Calif.,
I the tiniest star
I Charles Kelly of Studio City,
sang four solos, accompanied Was lost.
Calif. He was accompanied at
by Doris Sheythe at the organ, Thru all the darkness I passed the electric organ by Edna
and piano.
Thru the blackness of endless Ross.
The program opened with
Two additional members of
Mrs. Wills reading several Drifting aimle-sly
poems from her publication Thru the millennium.-, of time, the John Heidbrink family,
called ‘ Rhapsody on Love,” Thru the maze of the universe Alexandra, who is a student at
the U of O, and Haven Heid­
selections being
brink, were received into
read inti rmittently during the Consumed by a haunting
member.-hip in the church.
evening. H r number on the
hunger to belong.
It was announced that a
cello included "Jesus Bam­ Dazed
“couple’s class” would be Ted
bino,” Handel’.; “Largo,” ac­ Afraid
by Wayne Davis at 9:30 a m.
companied on the piano by Bewildered.
John Heidbrink, who alo There were no paths to follow
played the accompaniment for No sign to guide me.
“Ario-o” by Bach, and "Sara­ What was God’s plan for me? made that the White Offering
bande,” D Minor Suite for un­ Had he forgotten me, His least could be received through the
remaining Sunday in Decem­
accompanied cello, by Bach.
ber for emergency fund use.
Mr. Kelly sung "He Shall Suddenly, speeding ever
The annual Christmas Eve
Feed His Flock” from the
Holy I became aware of a dazzling
"Messiah,” and
munion service is cheduled
Night,” both with piano ac-
glow of light
for 7:30 p.m., Wednsday eve­
companiment by Mr Sheythe. Coming from the East,
and "I Wonder as I Wander” Out hining all the other stars. ning, Dec 24, in the church
sanctuary. Guest soloists are
and Schubert’s “Ave Maria” i I approached
expected to be John-Charles
with Mrs.. Sheythe playing the And to His beckoning ray,
Kelly and Miss Mary Gay Re­
electric organ
Amid sweet sounds of
Mine of Sacramento, Calif.
Concluding the program was
heavenly music,
the pantomime in which Lori The accompanying voices of | The junior high group of
the church enjoyed a Christ­
Levon played the part of the
celestial creatures, the
mas party at the manse last
juggler, Lynn Bodeker was the
Saturday evening, Dec. 20.
statue of Mary, Mary Swan­ I came upon an infant
son was the
narrator, and Lying in a manger.
Mark and Haven Heidbrink In His hand
Why don’t YOU subscribe
were monks. Others taking He held a wand.
part included Mark Moffatt I at last knew the purpose i of to The Mill City Enterprise?
and Margaret Stromquist and
her young son, Eric.
Acapulco and Mexico City on
their honeymoon. They will
make their home in Detroit,
where Mr. Roth is employed
by Green Veneer, Inc., Idanha.
Cutting and serving the
wedding cake at the reception
were Mrs. Ramano Facchini
and Mrs. Freda Goodall, both |
of Portland. Shirley Hill pre- I
sided at the punch bowl and
Leah Corriea of Springfield, at
the coffee urn.
Karen Clark of Idanha was
in charge of the guest book
and Susan Norris of Harris­
burg presided at the gift table.
Stowing or Roasting Hens—4% to 5’ lb. live wgt.
Bargain Priced at 50c ea.
U-haul — U-bring Containers.
Sale Starts Week of January 5
Place your Order as soon as possible
PHONE 897-2542
Robert Levon
2 mi. East of Gates, Linn County side
Wishes You À
May all the
joys of this
great season
be yours
We Will Be Closed
Christmas Day
To all our
“Thanks" for
Be Sure And Make Your New Year's Eve
Call 897-2960
Reservations Now.
We Will Be Closed
Christmas Day
Hirte's Market
Your Gift Headquarters'
Jim Dolby
Mill City, Oregon
Frank Stromquist, Owner
1 Phone 897-2812
Mill City, Oregon
New Year's Eve