Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1975)
6—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Dec. 25, 197.» Darrin Goffin Honored With Surprise Party THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 1975 Christmas Message By Governor Straub P. <». BOX SIH PHONE H97-2772 Mil.I. CITY. ORE. !»7SM Published at Mill City, Marlon County, lire, every Thursday. OPERATING ROOM Entered as Second Class Mail Mattter at the Post Office at Mill City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3. 1879. The Mill City Enterprise assume» no financial responsibility for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without charge or cancel the charge for thut portion of an advertise ment which is in error if the Enterprise Is nt fault. An Inde pendent newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber Industry and agriculture in this area. Darin Goffin was surprised with a party honoring him on This is the season which, his 10th birthday on Dec. 10. more tiian any other time of His mother had arranged to year, invites us to reaffirm 'itmc have Cub Scout Den Three* our deepest personal beliefs MUAJC1AO meet at the Goffin residence and our lasting commitment to QUIET illKlMta after school to make tree de family, to friends, and to Oregon StwAnM corations for the pack meet brotherhood. Newspaper ing. These holidays bring us the Publishers Following the meeting a simple pleasures of sharing Association supper was served. I decorating the tree . . . ex Helping Darin blow out the changing thoughtful gifts . . . SUBSCRIPTION RATES candles on his cake were warm and festive reunions . . .' Marion-Linn Counties, per year .......... ........ Frank Shepard, Yancy Jelen- thinking about Outside Marian-Linn Counties, per year...... friends and Outside Oregon, per year ...................... ...... iewski. Charles Loftin, Richie loved ones fat away and Stinson. Randy Bilyeu. and knowing they are thinking of GEORGE LONG ___ Editor and Publisher Jerome Zynd i Also at the us. I RAYMOND E. PRESLER Printer party were Russ, Anita and ( It is especially important to I NORMA LONG Society and Newt Editor Chad Goffin. ALICE FARMEN Society and New» Editor .remember that we truly share' ROSE CREE _____ Local New» Editor I our blessings when we share MARY KELLY Local New» Editor them with those upon whom CORRESPONDENTS fortune has not smiled so Lyons _____ Eva Hrrsslw brightly ... to extend a help Mehama Mra John Teeter» .May the warmth of this ing hand, not in charity but in Oates Joyce Prealar Detroit-Idanha j concern. great holiday fill all Boot* Chumpion And, what better time to’I Implementatii'n of Oregon’s the world with joy and new law requiring vaccination strengthen family bonds of ' peace. of dogs for rabies before they faith and love? What better, can be licensed is proving con- time for spiritual fence-mend-| What better time to re- I I fusing to many people. by Kevin Long The law becomes effective olve old confite s? • The past week at Santiam ¡Jan. 1, 1976, and this is also What better time to willing-* I the date the new licensing ly assume a larger share of | 1 was filled with th«* Christmas FEDERALIZATION WON’T HELP JOBLESS i spirit. On Monday traces of I period starts in most counties. the responsibility for the I a move — afoot in congress to change the — Unem- I The problem is—what consti- maintenance of human dignity ! , There ------- - is ................. -- -•• ..... ■»--................ — ...... Christmas were ail over, bull I tutes proof of a valid vaccina apd the survival of truth com- Plo-vment Compensation System from its present federal-state etin boards were a constant (structure to a totally federalized one. Fronk and Mary Ellen tion. since, in the past. * passion and peace? reminder that Christmas was Such unwi action would throw another basically sound variety of certificates of inno-; As Governor of Oregon, and program into the morass of federal bureaucracy. A federalized just around the corner. On Hancock I on behalf of my family, I ex- system would lx? more costly to implement, less efficient und Monday night the first work culation have been used. -__ a!___ and __ » rigid to the core. shop for the Mill City Civic The Ore. Dept of Agricul- 1 fz.rxrl tend holiday greetings Detroit, Oregon Certainly the existing Unemployment Compensation Sys Theater was held in th«* Audi- ture’s Animal Health Division best wishes to all. tem isn't perfect, but overall it has worked well since it began torium. • and the Ore. State Div. of J BOB STRAUB in 1935. Most importantly, it has been flexible So long as the Tuesday was like any other Health are recommending that I Governor of Oregon states have met federal minimum standards, they have been day of the week for a change. 1 county licensing authorities! able to implement their own programs to meet local conditions accept any rabies vaccination I The basketball team was not and needs. certificate signed by a deputy The unemployed have been well served over the years, in playing, instead the High state veterinarian as evidence some cases too well Benefit awards to fraudulent claimants, School Band and Choir, and the by Eva Bressler strikers, retirees and summer vacationing public school em Grade School Band presented ’of immunity, regardless of the Miss Teresa Pietrok of Port- ployees have drained the system’s coffers and perverted the th«*lr Christmas program for date of termination of the present certificate. |land was a weekend guest at intent of law. the public. This is one reason why industry — which foots the bill The two agencies involved in the home of her mother and for unemployment Kin- »»«viofowj «««VOL X.WUIIZX ..ouuv«l - — - is Ul^lllg iu U| in HI1UI11 <JI . compensation urging CO establishment of . Thursday , night grades ¡administering the new law are sister, Mrs. Anne Pietrok and a national commission on unemployment (as suggested by oergarten through eighth put i making this recommendation ' Louise. the Federal Advisory Council). The commission would study "n their Christmas program I because many certificates used Michael Stuckhart was tak- such issues as benefit levels, duration of benefits and elimin- for the public consisting of i singing, acting, anil placing in the past did not indicate the en to the Santiam Memorial ation of abu.-e-. etc The present system needs overhauling not a federal take-.()f mus|cal instruments. length of immunity or the date hospital Thursday, December re-vaccination would be nec-! 18. when he received a broken over. Congress should leave the system where it belongs — in. | On Friday there were club the states and not in the bureaucratic swamp of Washington.1 essary. | le8 while employed at Stuck- 'meetings: among these were, Vaccinations conducted af- art Lumber Company at Idan- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ! F.B.L.A., Pep Club. Honor So ter Jan. 1, 1976, will be certi- ha. ciety and Chess Club. At 3 lie fied uniformly on forms pro-1 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ames there was a pep assembly in vided by the Ore. State Health and daughters from Alameda, the gym. At this time, Boy Div. and distributed to veter California are visiting at the and Girl of the Month were inarians by the Ore. Dept, of home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- nominated They were Mike Agriculture. The new forms liam Grimes, Morgan and Jill Krecklow. will provide information on ‘ Mrs. Carrie Osburn retum- Friday and Saturday the the date of vaccination and ed home Saturday evening af- Wolverines traveled to Con the length of immunity or the ter spending some time at the cordia Lutheran to participate date re-vaccination will be home of her grandaughter, in the Portland Invitational necessary. Mrs. Ron Taylor and family Classic. Friday night the Wol Joint Ownership—The Old Love Trap The temporary regulations at Lake Oswego verines had no trouble hand Miles of smiles, much or slopping payment on checks By Willis W. Alexander established for implementing I Miss Susan Neal and Doug ling the Cardinals of Corbett until a review ho been made Executive Vice President merriment, all good things the law will be reviewed be- Pederson have arrived home High School. Saturday night by state tax agents. American Banters Association be yours during this fore Feb. 2, 1976, and perman-j to spend the holidays. They the Wolverines lost 95-81 to In this situation, a new widow ent regulations promulgated, iare both students at Pierrie Christmas season. Concordia Lutheran High When you and your spouse Round every or widower could be unneces In most of the state’s coun-1 Bible Institute at Alberta, tied the knot, whether 50 years School sarily strapped for funds. To corner may ties, rabies vaccination clinics Canada. ago or six months ago, you The Wolverines won the avoid this possibility, the ABA probably agreed that your part will be slated sometime during Christmas Relatives and friends receiv Sportsmanship trophy and recommends that each partner nership would be complete in the week of Jan. 12-17 by ed word that Hershel CulwelL placed three people on the all retain some funds in his or her cheer greet every respect. No longer would county units of the State Vet of Salem, and a former resi tourney team. Not a bad weeks own name. things be “mine" and “youn;" you everywhere erinarian Medical Assn. Those dent here, recently underwent work. Keep it up! Then, too, there are instances everything would be "ours." dates will be announced locally surgery at the University of in which joint bank accounts by the committees arranging Oregon Medical Hospital in And after all, isn't that as it may be subject to gift taxes. should be? American tradition them. | Portland. Last reports were Christmas Party Held The Internal Revenue Service Sarah Benton says yes, but that isn't necessar that he was doing very well. considers that in most cases, Games and refreshments If the number following Mr. and Mrs. Norman John ily based on sound financial the funds held in a joint account judgment. were the high points of the son, of Auburn, Washington, have been deposited by the hus your name on The En were weekend guests at the Christmas party held Friday, Idanha, Oregon The American Bankers As band. If the wife should sub Howard and Jana Dec. 19, at Yarn, Etc In at terprise label reads home of her parents, Mr. and sociation (ABA) points out that sequently remove an amount tendance were Elisa Syverson, there are both advantages and above the husband's exemptions Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Additional Fritcher 12-75 it's time to send Sunday dinner guests were Mr. disadvantages in legal joint own (under gift and tax laws) to pur Jaci Zynda, Beverly Sullivan, chase property in her own ership and that both should be Penny Keen, Yvonne Corey a check for renewal. and Mrs. Earl Hampton and considered when either begin name, gift taxes would be and Gail Kirsch. Shelley from Newport, and Live Music ning or reviewing the financial levied Obviously, where funds Mrs. Mueller will schedule David Hampton, of Corvallis. base of a marital partnership. are deposited by both parties, Phone 854-3713 For another exhibition of the adequate records should be kept On the plus side of “joint work done by these girls after Reservations to avoid the gift designation. ownership with right of surviv the new year, as everyone was orship," there are two big And don’t forget safe deposit too busy preparing for the boxes These, too, are generally points. The property (real es holidays to come and see the Detroit, Oregon tate, bank accounts or securi scaled by law upon the death of beautiful work they are doing I Rabies Vaccination Required For Dogs Santiam Ripples Detroit Patio and Gift Shop LYONS BANKING IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS Sarahs Beauty Salon The Lake Lodge ties) passes immediately to the survivor, and many administra tive costs of settling an estate are avoided. But let's look at two per «onal hankin? situations where prol Icms can develop, In i a jointly held bank account, it’s usually possible for one of the 1 owners to withdraw all the money with'-it the consent of the oth< r and that in itself c' Id c i se problems. When or . party dies, however, the ac- c >i:nt may be scaled, with the bank ending withdrawals and/ 0 Holt) Ni iht In the spirit of Ch, stmas, joy and peace to the world. Special gr di.'gs to all ot r friends ar d i: ghbors. Warm wishes for a Christmas full of peace and happiness. Special “thanks" to all our customers and friends. Idanha Welding and Supply one owner until the appropriate taxing authority has taken an inventory for inheritance tax purposes. Consequently, the ABA advises that duplicate copies of all wdls. insurance p.ipc-rs and burial instria turns be retained at home or another safe place. I or all of the “ins and otils" of joint ownership, consult your financial planner, lawyer or bank trust officer Like mar riage. it's a complex business and shouldn't be entered into lightly. The Student Action Group Of Santiam High School Will Be Glad To Help Elderly, or Disabled People and Service Organizations. There 1$ No Charge. All Work Is Done By Santiam High School Students. Cook's Market Idanha, Oregon The Smith's Phone 854-3344 For More Information Phone 897-2469 Detroit, Ore. 897-2641 — 897-2159 With special thanks to all our friends, We send best wishes to one and all. Lee's Market Mr. and Mr«. Lee E. Hopson, Sr. Idanha, Oregon