The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, December 25, 1975, Page 11, Image 11

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    11—The .Mill City Enterprise, Thurwlay, Ih*«’. 25, IBIS
Mrs. John Teeters
Mr. and Mrs. Gury Hollis
and children, Shelly und Craig,
of Castle Rock, Wash., came
Saturday, Dec. 20, for a few
days visit at the home of hu
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Winufred Branch and Mrs.
Charles Bouche drove to
Seattle for a few days visit re­
cently. Mrs.
Branch stayed
with her sister, Maude Price
and Mrs. Bouche visited with
her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. und Mrs. Walter Kerzic.
The Sunday school of the
Mehama Community Church
held their Christmas program
during the evening services at
6:00 |) in Sunday, D k 21« A
very appreciative audience was
pre ent Cookies, punch, and
coffee were served following
the program.
Mr J. Clifford Walker left
Monday evening, Dec. 22, for
her home at San Clemente,
Calif, af er a few week visit
at the home of Mr. and Mr I.
John Shafer
Ju»t Want to Say
“Merry Christmas to
System Opens
Doors January 2
Gates Union Station
Report for Dec.
Bill and Carol Dunn
Gafes, Oregon
ca «4 i 4 a 4 m J
Uy HepUM* * « pul*. Ma ml *
In the spirit of
the season, we say,
"Thanks” to all our
friends and customers.
Please acctpt our gincert
thanks for your valued
friendship and patronage.
Lyons Variety
Viv's Steak House
Margaret and Keith
Lyons, Oregon
Mill City, Oregon
May the true joy of
Bethlehem warm the
hearts of all our
friends and neighbors.
Fief's True Value
Gene and Judy
tat II« Find the Spirit
of Christmas and Spread
It Through the Community.
Sweet Home Ranger Dist.
Camp offers a low elevation
recreation experience during
For the first time, some in­
the winer. There are six three- dividuals who had no taxes
sided sleeping quarters with withheld from their wages
eight bunks each, and a shel­ will be able to get money back
tered dining area that can seat by filing a federal income tax
50 people. There is a large fire­ return, according to the IRS.
place, but you must bring your
The money wli be paid as an
own firewood.
earned income credit for
Reservations are necessary workers earning up to $8,000 a
and a fee of $10 per day is . ycar and maintaining a house
requited 1 lease contact Sweet 1 ho|d with a dependent child.
D1>t ’ !tlephon? The credit is 10% of a worker’s
367-5168, for reservations and ¡earnings — up to a maximum
further information.
of $400 — and decreases as in­
Two low elevation trails a come rises above $4.000. This
short drive
from Longbow is a provision of the Tax Re­
Camp provide excellent winter duction Act of 1975 enacted by
hiking. They are Trout Creek Congress.
-3405 and Rooster Rock #3399.
In adation to the earned in­
Ski touring is in full swing
on the district. Two favorite come credit, other features of
tours are Heart Lake Roa 1 the federal income tax forms
#1373 at Tombstone Pass, and for 1975 include the following:
A higher standard deduc­
Lava Lake Road #1349 east
of Tombstone Pass. A large I tion of 16%, to" a maximum of
meadow provides an excellent $2,600. for married persons fil­
snow play area at Lost Prairie ing jointly ($1,300 for married
There are no individuals filing separately),
hills for sledding, but it is a and $2,300 for single persons
and heads of household.
good area for small children.
—A $30 tax credit for each
Detroit Ranger District
Roads—None of the district person claimed as an exemp­
roads are open. Tourists can tion.
expect district roads to be clos­
—A five percent tax credit,
ed by snow during the winter with
___ _ a _ $2,000
____ ceiling, on the
months. Access to many for-1 purchase of a new principal
est roads often depends on the residence built or under con­
snow melt Highway 22 is us­ struction before March 26,
ually plowed and graveled but 1975, and acquired and occu-
winter storms can make it pied after March 12, 1975.
very hazardous CARRY TIRE
Another “first” is a line on
Form 1040 for deduction con­
Trails—All trails are closed tributions to individual retire­
with snow
ment plans, generally available
Campgrounds — All camp­ to individuals
who do not
grounds are closed by snow.
qualify for pension plans at
Special Items — The district their job. Taxpayers who have
is sold out of Christmas tree an Individual retirement ac­
permits. We are still issuing count or annuity must attach
firewood cutting permits for Form 5329, Return for Indivi­
specific areas. Check with the dual Retirement Savings Ar­
district before you start out to rangement, to their tax re­
make sure the area is free of turn, whether or not they con­
snow The snow level on the . tribute to
their retirement
plan during the year.
An additional change for
1975 is the increase in the tax
table to cover incomes up to
$15.00«». The tables make tax
computations easier for tax­
payers who do not itemize de­
ductions. However, taxpayers
,nd Io 00»
are still encouraged to com­
pare their itemized deduction
against their allowable stand­
ard deduction to see which me-
I thod results in a lower tax.
Medical bills, charitable con­
tributions, and other tax de-
ductons sometimes enable tax­
payers v. ho itemize to realize
I I a significant
reduction in
Congress is considering pro­
posals to change several tax
law provisions. If changes are
made that affect 1975 in­
come taxes, the 1RS will pro­
vide the supplemental forms
and information that taxpayers
will need to meet any new re­
quirements of the tax law.
Gene's Barber Shop
Paul Swope
A Happy New Year
To My Friends
And Customers
Gafes, Oregon
Gene Boggan
Mehama, Oregon
Tax Forms Reflect
Lyons, Oregon
district as of December 15 is
at 1000 feet.
Ski Trails — The followng
district trails are being used
as cross country ski routes:
Pamela I «ike Trail 3439. Griz­
zly Peak Trail 3428. Elk Lake-
Battle Axe Trail 3340, Twin
takes Trail
3433, Maxwell
Butte Trail 3391, Square Lake
Trail 65. and the Pacific Crest
Scenic Trail 2000 to Three Fin­
gered Jack. There are also two
forest roads that are used as
ski routes: Road 11C
Lake, and
Road 1371A to
Potatoe Hill.
Joyce Presler — 497-2701
Arriving home on Sunday,
Dec. 21, was Melody Born­
hardt. She will return to Jor­
When Oregon’s new “one- dan Valley, where she u
stop” permit system opens for teaching, on January 4.
Having an early Christmas
business Jan. 2, citizens will
gain easier access into some of on Sun., Dec. 21, with Eda
the state’s most confusing pro­ Stafford was her sister, Ruby
I FrichJ.
They were joined by
cesses, state permits.
their brothers, Richard and
The 58th Legislative Assem­ Oscar Nystrom.
bly recognized Oregon’s need
Visitors at Velma Carey’s
for belter state permit infor­ on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 21,
mation and passed SB 903, were Mr. ana Mrs. Eugene
Bob Carey, from Milwaukie, and
Straub and Senate President Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carey,
Ju on Boe.
from Albany.
The three part system, locat­
ed in the Executive Dept’s, In- Dorothy Newberg did some
,ei governmental
Relations Chnstma shopping in Salem
Division (1KD>, features inlor- on Wed., Dec. 17.
matlon, "one- top* permit re­
view, und con oil da ted hear­ Wed., Dec. 17, through Fri.,
Dec. 19, at the home of her
information i , the key ele­ on-in-iaw and daughter, Pe.e
ment of Oregon’s new permit and Pinny Peterson in Salem,
sy-dem, which begins operation She was watching after Butch
in January 1976. Presently no and Mary Ann while Tina had
office in slate government eye surgery.
maintains inlor motion on the
Thought for the day: Cherish
entire range of sta.e-issued now your loved ones dear, for
approvals (permits, licenses, Christmas comes but once a
certifications, etc.). IRD will year.
fill tin gap, providing a cen­
Riddle of the week: Why is
tral information service. Per­ the figure 9 like a peacock?
mit information will be avail- Becau e without a tail it is
aple quickly through a toll- nothing.
free phone and al.->o in publi­
cations distributed at local
government offices.
If the number following
The one-stop review process
allows submission of a master your name on The En->
application form which IRD I terprise label reads,
circulates to each permit issu- ;
ing agency. Agencies must de­ I 1-75 it’s time to send
termine within a limited time a check for renewal
whether a project
any of their permits. IRD then
forwards to the applicant a '
specific application form and I
pertinent regulations for each
permit required. The review
process is entirely optional to
At the request of the appli­
cant or affected agencies IRD
may consolidate information­
al hearings required by several
agencies for one project. This
feature of the new one-stop
system is intended to save ap­
plicant: time and money.
SB 903 also directs IRD to
work closely with federal and
local permit issuing agencies.
Although these permits are not
included in the one-stop re­
view process, IRD will offer
information on these as well
as state permits.
“Fd iike people to consider
us an ally. With the ‘one-stop’
permit system, we're in an
excellent position to offer
them some positive support
within the state permit pro­
css,” Wm. H Young, IRD ad­
ministrator, said
Key element of the “one-
stop system is a central in­
formation service, long miss­
ing in state government. Any­
one needing information con­
cerning state permits, licen­
ses. fees or certifications can
call IRD toll free at 1-800-452-
The second element is an op­
tional "one-stop” permit re­
view. Rather than contact state
agencies independently, an ap- I
321 Washington
plicant may now stop at IRD
in person or by phone.
Christmas cheer in full
measure to friends and
patrons. Thank you for
letting us seri e all of
you during the past year.
Memorial Hospital
Stay+on, Oregon
We <ish to one and
all the bountiful
blessings of the season.
Carl's Upholstery
Ph. 769-5883 Sublimity
Stayton, Oregon
(Siimi tn Cfoù
in thr ffiin
In this season of joy
and peace ice are truly
thankful to be a part
of this community.
Davilas Restaurant
Phone 897-3156
May the spirit of the
Christmas season bring
to you lasting happiness.
Donohues Good Food
Marge and Milan
Lyon$, Oregon