THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE S( ’ENIC NORTH S ANTI AM HIGHWAY—OREGON’S FAST GROWING1 VACATION WONDERLAND THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1975 NUMBER 52 S uono Ci ai » P ostasi P aio . M ill C iti . O rison VOLUME XXXI Pose With March Of Dimes Poster Child Up and Down The Avenue » ♦ lt> Dun Moffatt City Of Gates : Io Take New¡ Census $5.00 a YEAR — 15c a Copy Specks At Meeting I Charges Congress has right now a real good chance to play GATES G ites City Coun­ "Santa Claus" to the American Four area residents were cil held their regular schedul­ taxpayer. It could sustain taken into custody late ed meeting on Thurs , Dec. 18. President Ford’.-, veto of the Thursday night and early Fri­ The meeting was opened at day morning by Linn County Agency lor Consumer Protec­ 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Art Skin­ tion, and thus, by their action, Deputie assisted by local I ner, Counciimembers present eliminate another government state police officers. were Art Sowle, Dave Cook bureau, of which we have too James Michael McCall, 22, and Bob John.« n. Absent was darned many now. The way wi Tere-a Roxeen ■ McCall, 22, of Oliver Winslow. Also present have conanued over the yeare Gates, and Allen Raye Severs, was Darrell Childress, Tom to add more bureaus to out 22, and Nancy Nannette Wood. Alexis Winn, city re­ government, in wages, than Severs, 18, of Mill City were corder. and Joyce Presler there are workers to pay the indicted by Marion County representing the press. taxes to support them. The Grand Jury on charges of The minutes of the Nov. 20 burgeoning of the federal bur­ criminal drug promotion and meeting were read and ap­ eaucracy is beginning to dis­ possession of narcotic drags. proved as corrected. The bills turb even some of the most They have been under sur­ were then presented for pay­ liberal Democrats, and that is veillance for some time and it ment They included General really something They have is believed that with the ar­ Fund; $517.29, Street Fund, been so busy feathering their rest of these individuals, one R. L. Angstrom $162 44, Water Fund, $345 83. own nests, and putting more of the largest source of drags According to a recent popu­ people on the payroll so they in this area has been eliminat­ lation figure appearing in the ed. can be assured of their votes, newspaper, the census count that it is really becoming per­ for Gates has dropped from turbing. I've read where the 315 last year to 280 this year. initial appropriation for ACP That would mean a drop of would be about $10 million. 35. The council did not feel You know what that would 1 North Santiam Chamber of that this was accurate, so it mean. It would be just a drop was decided |o divide the town Commerce held a 12:00 noon m the bucket in a few years, < Into sections and take another I dinner meeting at the Frontier as these agencies continue to j count If it is more than 280 Inn on Dec. 17. grow like weeds, and there I Main speaker for the meet­ ! the city will challenge the seems to be no stopping place. I ing was Richard L. (Dick) j other census count. I can’t help but admire A number of senior citizens On Tues., Jan. 13, between President Ford's idea of lower- | Recently members of the Santiam Chapter of FBLA were A letter lead from illy numbers 'viwr was n-so irum Mr. mr. Angstrom, AOI Natural Re­ went to Mill City Elementary the hours of 8:00 a m. and 8:00 1974-75 Ing taxes, and tying this to photogrnpl ,hed j with the __ irr: :: March __ 1 of _r Dimes Poster Child - Haley, asking 'hat a light that sources Director, whose sub- School on Mon., Dec. 22 to ’•aver. Members are Patti Richardson, Mike Ohrt, was moved by PP&L in 1973 ject was the problems caused pjn., there will be a special share seasons greetings and a a ceilng on government spend- Jamie e We i be moved back to its previous to all business by the Land election held in the counties feeling of ing And who is bucking it. Sally Jenkins and Jill Krecklow. Christmas spirit location between his residence Use Plan and ecology restric­ of Marion and Polk, at which with the students. One is our Oregon friend, Al time there will be submitted tions. and the drive-in. The council Ullman. 1 used to think that The Eighth Grade Cheer­ Mr. Angstrom has been with to the qualified voters of these leader squad, comprised of is to ask questions of PP&L he really had his head screw­ before asking for approval of AOI since September, 1973, and counties the question of the i Sherry Blaylock, Ginger Ga- ed on right, but I'm beginning is the head of the Forestry, formation of a Marion-Polk briel, Lori Krieger, Tammy the move. to wonder about him, too. 1 I Council members passed Land Use Planning and Natur­ Mass Transit District. think that Hatfield and Pack­ 1 Payseno and Sue Wright, en­ If this election carries and joyed greeting the visitors and wood, should stand up and be i Forty-five Lions, ladies and a mol*on t0 permanently sus- al Resources Committee. Prior to serving for AOI, he worked the district is formed, there are counted on these throw-away guests attended the regular P°n<* anV previous zoning guiding them through the with the fish and game com­ seven ways possible in which building. They voted for the expenditures on bureaus we meeting of the Mill City Lions _‘hat mission and was in charge of to tax all of the residents of don’t need. room doors which were de­ Club at the Frontier. The ' and to approve the following the fish commission environ­ these counties in order to pay corated with a Christmas I'm beginning to wonder If meeting was designated as new zoning: The south side of mental prctecton program. the expenses of this district: theme. Santiam found the going ladies night to honor the ones highway 22 from O’toole to the the consumer movement, along During the business session, (sales tax. employer’s tax, with Ralph Nader, who is the easy on Friday night at the who back the Lions in their East line of the Oak Park The winner, grades 4-6, was father of a lot of this dam- Concordia Lutheran basket­ efforts to help those in need, Motel and south to Sorbin, as the chamber voted not to sup­ property tax, etc.), even room 10, Mrs. Well's room “A port the formation of the though all areas of the coun- Charley Brown Christmas.” phool legislation, is not begin­ ball tourney as they defeated After a delicious buffet. commercial; the North side of ning to lose some of their Corbett 83-39. On Saturday' served by Lion Dan and Dinah Highway 22 to be zoned as Marion-Polk Mass Transit Dis­ j ties are not served by the The winner, grade 7-8, was trict. No other business was l transit system. night, however, the road got power. Let's hope so. Mr. Glover’s room three. Nugent, a short business meet- residential, which would auto­ conducted at this meeting. The North Santiam Chamber matically leave the commercial It is hard to comprehend the rougher as Santiam lost the I Ing was held. Theme here was "Christmas Is of Commerce has gone on rec­ For Everyone.” extent our government con­ championship to Concordia I The meeting was called to as non-conforming use. ord as opposing the formation Lutheran 65-61. The council approved a gressional staff has grown The student body of Mill order by President Tate who of this district. Woman Escapes One since 1954. In that City E’ementary School, wish ------ ----- ... ----- year ,— the —, »aniiam i“«- reading of the $10,000 bond for the City Re­ .xu.u.uii s 3 nign scorers avvivi» in *» asked for the Polling places in both coun­ to thank all who gave them the congressional staff was some Corbett game were Don minutes of the last meeting, corder, Alexis Winn. A letter was read from Car Accident Injuries ties will be the regular pre- pleasure of their company. An U200 people, and ,now^ it ,haS l More Wuh ¡2 points followed This brought an immediate cinct voting locations. Darrell Childress asking to be grown to around 16,000. The by Mike enjoyable time was had by Morgan with 11 motion from the floor to dis- DETROIT -• An Aurora wo ­ appointed to serve on the city budget to maintain the huge 1 points. Don More was also the ‘ pensc with the reading of the all. man escaped serious injuries I council. The appointment was staff of "workers," and I use 'leading rebounder with 11 re­ minutes. The motion was sec­ They also wish everyone a about 12:45 p.m. Saturday the term loosely, has swelled bounds. All the players par­ onded and almost unanimously unanimously approved by the Merry Christmas and a Very when her car spun out after from $12 million to over $300 ticipated in the game. Happy New Year. passed. Lion Larson reported council. Mr. Childress, a logger encountering ice on a curve in the area, was sworn in by million Makes a person won­ The Wolverines high scorers the bus shelter was moved the city recorder and was ap­ on Highway 22 about three der why in the devil we work in the Concordia Luthern game from the NW part of town to Thieves broke a rear win- like heck to pay all these taxes | were Mike Morgan with 24 the SW part near the Burge pointed to fill the vacancy of miles east of Idanha dow to gain entry to the Ray­ Detroit Dam -Weather Mrs. Elga Lee. Aurora, the health and safety left by the just to have a flock of I points and behind him was place whe’e it was needed. Pool mond Branch Equipment Co., lone occupant of the vehicle resignation of Doris Rogers. bureaucrats piddle it away. Pep Ele Date Max Min David F.tzel with l!l. Don Lion Blakely introduced the in Mehama, sometime between sustained apparently mostly An open house will be held I More, again was the leading newest member Bob Valdez, at the Gates City Hall on Jan braises when the car left the 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Dec. Dec. 17 43 34 1455 28 000 Jr. and his wife Kay. Dec. 18 44 35 1555.07 0.10 And while on the subject of .rebounder with 11 rebounds. 11. from 2 until 4 p.m. This is highway and rolled over on its 2. President Tate presented 34 1455 24 000 Chain saws, valued at $2,300 Dec. 19 47 Increasing office staffs in Jim Wright sprained an' 100% attendance awards to to enable residents to view the ( dde into a ditch, Dec. 20 54 33 1455 37 0.00 Washington, D.C. how about ankle in the Corbett game, redecorated interior and to! The Idanha Rural Fire Dist. were reported stolen. Krecklow, Nelson, meet the mayor and council- ambulance was called to the 32 145539 0 00 Investigation into this bur­ Dec 21 41 the deal of House Speaker Carl causing him to play at half, Lions 32 1455.13 0 22 Albert, who is trying now to speed for the Concordia Lu- Kirsch, Hansen, Long, Nugent members. Refreshments will scene of the accident, but she glary is being continued by the Dec 22 42 and Fohl. Lion Tate received be served and the public is in- did not seek it: 032 Total Pep. for Week .. Oregon State Police Dept take over the still uncompleted theran game. His injury me ivu«,-.. 100r, attendance »warn anenoance award Madison Annex to the Library port the formation of was the vited. the and the Lions International of congress And Why? To defeat Saturday night. The meeting was adjourned Award Winning Doors I Award for sponsoring two new house bigger office staffs! at 9:40 pm The next meeting I members during the month of Maybe some of our legislators In spite of losing the tourna- I will be on Thurs., Jan. 15 should stay on the job and do ment, Santiam won the sports-1 . October. Lion Vern Peterman 7:30 pm. at the city hall. a little work themselves. A manship trophy and placed received the 10 year chevron lot of this so called “busy I three out of five members on Other dubious awards were j presented. Lion Long won the Lyons Man Injured work" would lie left undone. If | the all-tournament team, j attendance drawing they had to do It themselves, Program Chairman Lion and who knows, we just might John- In Logging Accident i Hansen introduced be better off without the work being done. It has been esti­ anymore, in my way of think- ! Charles Kelly who sang sever- DETROIT — Michael Stuck- mated the cost to convert the ing. We’d better saddle up old [al numbers from Caberet. He art, Lyons, was taken to San­ paint, get on the ball and stop ' was accompanied by Ms Mur Madison Annex would be some tiam Memorial Hospital, Stay­ $28 million. A tidy sum, isn't some of this foolishmcnt of phy at the piano. In keeping ton. by Idanha Rural Fire Dis­ detente, especially when we with the Christinas season his trict ilt- and to what avail? ambulance Thursday are the only ones keeping our c’ori ne number was "O Holy morning following an accident Night." John is a native son of at Stuckarts Lumber Plant, It is a shame at this time of part of the bargain. ¡Mill City now residing in Idanha. year, when we should be Kissinger also should knock thinking happy thoughts of off this old Muff of giving Hollywood. The accident occurred about The meeting was adjourned 7:45 am. when he reportedly Christmas, that we have to away the Panama Canal. We break our necks, just to keep own that; have bought and with the singing of "Silent was pulling on a reefer of his Night." even with the game. load and the binder broke paid for It Just because some I think another good Christ­ pip-squeak causing him to fall. in that country mas present would be for Kis­ decides that Panama would Ambulance attendant EMT M II City Weather singer to quit nppca dng Rus­ like to have the canal back, Harold Baker said he fractur­ H J. Peck ia, and sort of put a little what do we do? We ponder the ed his leg above the ankle. Pep ■ Max. Min. tile on th0 "big bear" to question, when wo should just Date up to onto of the treaties politely tell them to go to Dec 1 1 11 32 0 02 0.84 lf the number following "• made In recent, years. hell. 43 36 Dec. II Ti’W • long will it take our big 0 16 your name on The En­ 55 40 Dre 16 0 00 29 t to realize that Russia is 4t Dec. 17 our hides, and they'll get Anywav, I surely hope that Dec l.l 0 00 terprise label reads 50 30 grades four through six, the decor- December 22 From grades even and eight, > if we keep letting them this will find the readers of Dec. 19 0 00 12-75 it's time to send ated From ...... 45 29 door of Judy Well’.-, room ten, "A A Charley the winner was the door decorated in the hv with whatever they The Enterprise enjoying life Dec. 20 50 30 0 00 j Brown Christmas" was the winner, as judged theme. "Christmas is for Everyone”, by the 1 02 1 a check for renewal. v 'i We're not in the saddle in this Joyous Season. Total Pep. for the week by the visiting senior citizens on Monday, students of Al Glover’s room three. Local C of C Senior Citizens I I Asks No Vote Judge Decorated January 13 Elementary Doors : Santiam Wins Lions Members Honor Wives Equipment Co. Broken Into Fife 1 0N£