(»—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Dee. 11, 1975 SEPTIC TANK and drainfield installation. Gravel, Topsoil, Bulldozing, rototilling Low rates. L. M. Walker, Lyons. Phone 859-2436. 50tf CLASSIFIED KATES Churches, bazaars, suppers, Miscellaneous bake sale, etc., will be run under special announcements r------------------------ classification with a mini­ mum charge of 75c per in sertion. Fifteen cents per line each insertion, No advertisements AITHORIZED CATALOG accepted for less than 75c MERCHANT STORE per week, Minimum charge for Cards of Thanks $1 00. Count five words te the line in ordering your ad. Telephon« 397-2772, Mill City or mail your advertisement to The Mill Citv Enterprise, Mill Citv. I Oregon 97360. WE HAVE Maytag Washers. Dryers and Dishwashers that are quiet and dependable and available at Kirsch True Value Hardware, Mill City, 34tf i 897-2785. j FOR SALE — 1966 El Camino 327 4 spd. $450; two 1972 Hondas 350. $450 ea.; 1971 Yamaha 175. $150 : 25x15x4’ swimming pool, $450; Holley 3 deuces w manifold and linkage for Chevy, $50.; cal­ culator. $25.; adding ma­ chine, $25. Mrs. Gary McCall. Gates Trailer Ranch =11. after 4 :< >0 pm. 50 Sears For Rent FOR RENT — Furnished 1 and 2 bdrm. apis. All utilities ind. Cable TV available. Ph. 897-2961. 22tf OFFICE SPACE for Rent or Rease. Inquire at The Enter­ prise. Ph. 897-2772. 41tf Still Time To Order For Christmas Orders Through Dec. 16+h will be here for Christmas Delivery I WHITE interior I..Vex wall finish $3.98 gal. Sublimity Building Supply, Sublimity. Ph. 769-2174. 3tf At Your Home Owned 1 FOR SALE: Hi-Fi DB11OG Bogen amplifier w'cage; 1 Enl2 3-speaker cabinet, 1 Garrard 88 record player w DAS needles. $85 cash/ctfd ck. ph 859-2943. 48tf FOR RENT — Lot rental and SEARS STORE brand new 3 bdrm, mobile Ph. 897-2348 160 N. 1st home for only $159.00 per Mill City month after small down pay­ ment. Phone 769-5330 days, U-cut Christmas FIREWOOD For Sale. 2 or 769-3103 evenings. 46lf FOR SALE trees. Rte. 1, Box 205, Lyons, cord. $70: 1 cord $40; *4 cord FOR KENT — New 2 bdrm Russell Reid 51p $25; *4 cord $15. Thompson- mobile home equipped with Engelhom Enterprises, P. O elec, range, refer., washer.1 CARPET CLEANING $10.95 Box 97, Gates. Phone 897- dryer, storage bldg. Has any size living room, hail­ 3215. 39tf lawn and garden spot. Rural i way. Carpet-guard extra, netting with excell view. Call Glenn <49-2989 any time. FOR SALE — Sears electric Mill City area. Available 4*tf range, coppertone, double Jan. 1. Ph 897-2542 or 897- j OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT - ovens. $90 Ph. 897-2489 51 2603. SO, $3.98 per gallon. Sublimity FOR SALE - Two 700x13 mud Building Supply. Phone 769- See The Mill City Enter and snow tires mounted on 2174. 3tf prise. Top Quality Printing wheels. Nearly new. Ph. 897- 2923 50p priced right Fast service WANT k D — Particular print­ ing form buyers for our par­ NEW RINSE N-VAC steam loo. Phone 807-2772. ticular printers. We have cleans, rinses, and vacuums the most particular and as­ out dirt leaving carpets pro­ Real Estate tute printers in the business fessionally clean. Rent at ready and eager to do your Kirsch’s True Value Hard­ FOR SALE - Try 1700 aq. ft. printing needs. Call the Mill ware Store, Phone 897-2785, of spacious living in this all City Enterprise, 897-2772 ■I MUI City. 50 electric 3 bedroom one and a half bath home. Has large CUSTOM MOBILE SLAUGH TERING — Call 897-3133 for' living and dining room and appointments. Canyon Mo­ Franklin fireplace. Stove, re­ bile Slaughter and Hirte’s frigerator, curtains and Market, Ph. 897-3133, 844 S. drapes incl. Also has large First, Mill City. 36tf, shop and fenced yard. What AUTHORIZED CATALOG more could you ask for, may­ NEED CASH? Loans available MERCHANT STORE be a view in the country? on older homes and ranch- It Well, it has this too. Phone ettes. We purchase contracts. 897-3102. 43tf| Call DEBENTURE MORT­ GAGE CO., Stayton, 769- BUYERS we have 5445 40tf Listings we need I Offices Coast-to-Coast NUMBER ONE prefinished t National Advertising Brings paneling. All 4x8 sheets BUYERS from everywhere $3.99 and $4.99. Sublimity , Call today Building Supply, Sublimity.' Vivian M. Kealen, Manager Phone 769-2174. 3tf I At Your Home Owned P O. Box 516 SEARS STORE Gates, Oregon 97346 FOR SALE — Metal Storage 897-2348 , Phone 897-2124 building, used two years. 160 N. 1st Cost $272 00 new. Sell for Mill City LISTINGS WANTED $100 00. Call 897-2458. 51 Sears "SPECIAL Rug Remnant SALE Work Wanted Buying Selling Richardson of Dallas. A reception and get together with a potluck supper will be held thia Saturday night, Dec. Qinility Home Repairs 13, at the home of Mr. and Mrs Clifford Babbitt at Mill Improvements, Remodeling City for the Mari-Linn school REASONABLE RATES faculty, board member* and wives. GUARANTEED WORK John MePheeters underwent major surgery Monday mor­ Insured & Bonded ning at Salem Memorial Hos­ Wayne Davis Ph. 897-3359 pital. Mrs. Ix*ota Worden, with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ALLIED ROOFING Services WAYNE'S Home Maintenance 1976 Model «g Quasar 18" PORTABLE > COLOR TV Thinking About A New KOOI’ _ Can VERNON BLAYIXX7K 743-2834 Free Estimates Gladly Rte. 1, Box 168. Lyona PHONE 897 2097 AU Types of Roof Repairs FREE ESTIMATES i i I GALVANIZED ROOFING ” corrugated, 4V corru­ Quasar QS3000 Solid I 2*4 gated custom cut to length State Modular Chassis £ Ask about our new lower “Insta-Matic” Color Tuning' prices. Sublimity Building •Plug-in Circuit Modules^ Supply. 769-2174. Bright Picture Tube • In­ Drycleaning stant Picture & Sound • i Agency Need for Salem Laundry and Energy Saver Switch • j Drycleanlng. Pick up and Concealed carry’ handle Delivery on Mondays w Trade For Top TV or Radio SALES or SERVICE Call 769-2451 HIRTE’S MARKET Telephone 897-3133. 844 1st St.. Mill City. Open 8-6:30 every day. Closod Sundays. Help Wanted HELP WANTED - Woman for part time help Wilson's i Hatchery, ph. 859-2134. 44tf We Repair AU Brands and Model* RICHARD SCHUMACHER Distributor Approved SERVICE For Winter Driving Safety We Have A Large Selec­ tion of New Mud and Snow Tires To Choose jaS < From .... Vern’s Shell - Towing Phone 897-2442 Mill City Personal Now Under New Management REDUCE Safe and fast with GoBe~.e Tablets and E-Vap ‘water pills," Mill City Pharmacy. NOW IS The Time To Get Your Fall Cleaning Done with Blue Lu$tre Shampoo or the New Ea$y Way with the new RINSE-’N-VAC Bank Terms Available On Approved Credit Sublimity, Oreg** SYSTEM CARPET CLEANING ALUMINUM Screen Doon complete with hinge*. latch set, grill and door cloeer. We wish to extend a thank SIAM. Sublimity Building Supply. Phone 799-2174. tf you to all of our friends who remembered us on our 3oth wedding anniversary, sending lovely cards and attending the reception given in our honor. It was a day we will always remember. Howard and Alice Farmen SUPERIOR REFRIGERATION & Air Conditioning Service Easy C’arjwt (’leaning that keeps carpets cleaner longer. For mo little. The new portable steam type cleaning system by BLUE LUSTRE. ALSO OTHER RENTALS AVAILABLE: Mill City Hardware Mill Cify, Ore. Phone 897-2977 ♦ Repairs on all makes CARD OF THANKS ♦ Refrigerator & Freezers ♦ Washer & Dryers Our thanks and appreciation to all those who donaU-d items ♦ Electric Stoves ♦ Dishwashers for our Christmas Bazaar. Also •ALL WORK GUARANTEED to the community for your 244 N 4th St Phone support and help in making it Stayton, Ore. 769-6918 a successful event. BANKAMERICARD Accepted | N. Santiam Aux »3384 CARD OF THANKS MACHINE WORK In the tradition that "every- Valves Refaced Brake Drums and Rotors thi"g is .beaut,'u,J ,” ( I , want —. , mmea | Tune-Ups each one of my students, from youngest to the oldest, to know that this is the way I FOR RENT — Lawn mower Riverbend Welding 4 £¡ J .{,? ÔÆ and garden tiller. Western WANTED — Part time, day Inc. Poinsettia was the icing on the Repair, Inc Auto Associate Store, phone time housework, mending 897-2785. 17tf mUCh’ and sewing. Ph. 859-2266 50 On Linn Blvd. 2 mi. W. of t cak'„'n'aInks COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION think of i I Mill City — Ph. 897-2580’ WORK WANTED Waitress for parties while you relax. Highly recommended. Call for local reference. Mrs. Sue Savin, Ph. 859-2972. 50p TRI-PLEX—Three, 1 bedroom units. One with fire­ I ! place. Partial basement, natural gas heat, electricity and water___ _ __ _____ ______ _ $22,000. i MANY BUYERS for home* with small acreage. LIST NOW. Vivian Kealen, Mgr. I Gates, Ore. Weddle Funeral Home LYONS Modern Funeral Service Oregon BEIT e R than new. 3 bedrooms, living room with fire­ Stayton place, formal dining room, kitchen, family room and baths all fully carpeted. Built in vacuum system with lifetime Filter. Forced air oil furnace. Dble garage. D D ELECTRIC Better than new because the yard is already landscaped, Motor Service I 519 Center St-, Sublimity and fenced with chain link fencing. $35,600.00. ___________ _ MILL CITY 104 N. Flm A venae, Stayton Ph. 769 5427 All Makes motors Serviced, | Repaired and Rewound. Irri- LARGE OLDER home on huge lot— needs work, but gatlon ia‘ JOHN W. REID. M. D you have 5 bedrooms, living room parlor, kitchen and eluded. Phone 769-2042 utility for the low price of $13,950.00. SERVICE CALLS MADE Physician and Surgeon IF YOU HAVE BEEN planning on selling, now is the 1 Mill (Ity, Oregon time. We have qualified buyers, so list now and let us j Oil Burner Service start selling your property. North Santiam Real Estate Phone 897-2497 Days or Evenings. Mabel or Al Yankus 675 N. E. Santiam Blvd. I C&H FURNITURE Upholstery “24 Years Experience" CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Commercial, Home, Auto*, Baat«, etc. “Chuck doe« them all” Free Estimate«, Pickup and delivery. Now Serving Mill City •nd Vicinity Prompt Service A Dependable PHONE 769-3299 Cy'$ Furnace Repair Cy Hilton, ownar GRAVEL OF ALL KINDS Call HUGH JOHN8TON 859-2222 Morning« *r __ by Eva Breanler BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY 4- - - - - - STROUT REALTY, INC Mr” Laura w’lson LYONS STAYTON SMALL EQUIPMENT Homelife Sales & Service Join your friends and save with safety at the North Santiam Federal. Accounts Wanted Miscellanous EHydia E. Smith 897-2460 insured to $40,000 00. 209 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton i East Washington, Stayton, Open Tuesday Thru Saturday Salesman — Gates, Oregon Ore. Phone 769-2146 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 pan. • TIMBER WANTED: all spe- I . _ Call day or evening 393 E. Florence des. Stevenson Logging. Ph. Stayton, Oregon 52p I 244-1308 Portland. DRUSHELLA’S Drushella Real Estate Ph. 897-2124 and Mr». Wayne Lierman, Cheryl and Loci, of Stayton, were weekend guests at Gard­ ner, on the coast, at the home of Mrs Wordens daughter, Mrs. Frank Barnard and fam­ ily I Mari-Linn School will pre­ sent their Christmas program Thursday evening, Dec. 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the school gym. Theme of the program is “Christmas in Other Lands.” At the close of the program, Santa will appear with treats for the children. Mrs. Merle Richardson of Jefferson spent several days last week at the home of her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Elmer Addition­ al Sunday guests were Mrs. Elmer’s brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. William Ann’s Furniture See Our New Merchandise Arriving Daily Unfinished Chest* $24.00 Sleepers — Stack Tables Rockers, Sofas, Chair and Ottomans, Recliners unfinished furniture Gun Cabinets Adjustable Plant Stand Open Evenings Ry Appointment BankAmericard Welcome Sablimitv-Aumsville Junction Phone 749-2975 Jerry Pittam Insurance MID City, Oregon Phone 897-2324 or 897-2754 Eat Drink and Be Merry HOLIDAY SPECIAL Big Brazier, Fries and 20c Drink ALL FOR Si 00 J. ORDERS TO GO SEP. Kir Phone 769-5311 Stayton, Oregon Scrumpdillyishus