Mr Mary Turner were Mr. and Mrs Alex Bodeker were Her. 4, 1975 certain legislativi* action. | and Mrs. Ron Owen and dau­ Mr. and Mr . Norman Johnson And the issue probably came ghters, Kimberly and Stacey, and sons, Curt and Er ic, from to a head because of growing! Mrs. John Teeters Auburn, Wash , Mr. and Mr . of Seattle, Wash. public wariness regarding Mrs. E. J. Hughes and Mr-, i bureaucratic power at all i Mrs. Katie Skillings was a ' Earl Hampton of Newport, i Max Fiame returned home I levels, dinner guest at the home of h«-i Shelley Hampton of Salem and Tuesday, Nov. 25 from Austin, I Actually, SB 381 amended , -p(;x . where they had gone to son and daughter-in-law, Mr David Hampton of Corvallis. Mrs. Be. sie Jobe spent sev- ■ the previous administrative >h,. welding of Keith and Mrs Delmer Skillings at by Jack Zimmerman procedures proses by adding yughca to Cac'iha'Sevilla i on Gates. Additional guests were eral days with relatives at The proposal attracted more a legislative over ight func-tSat Nov 22 While tn Austin 'Mi and Mis. Herbert Hutch- Hillsboro, Portland anti Cor­ 1-aw maker* ('mate Few Waves In Kulm lt<-view Function than moderate attention dur­ lion to the usual system of they were gue ts at the home ' inson of Lyons and Mr. and vallis. I Jerry Hutchinson of I Guests at the home of Mr. ing the session but managed public notices and hearings of Mr and Mrs. Peter Hughes (M*s. A new addition tr> atate | Gates. The occasion honored and Mr Herbert Hutchin, on to achieve passage in little that precede adoption of new Mr. and Mrs. Henry Korn­ government’- system of checks the birthday anniversary of were Mr. and Mrs. James more than two months by rules. mann of Keyport. Wa h. came and balances appears to Ire (Mowry and son and Mr Katie hundy margins in both house In addition to having new I Tues., Nov. 25, to help her Mrs. Katie Skillings. functioning a Intended with­ , ,e-J Skillings from Lyons, Mr. and rules and hearing-, notices Mrs. Rosa Bassett has re ­ Despite the fact Gov. Bob mother, Mrs Jennie Moe, cele ­ out provoking consequences spending the M* - Darrell Plotts from Mill published by the secretary of turned after <_ _ Straub declined to ign the brate her 8!>th birthday. feared by opponents prior to • City, Mr. and Mr-. Jerry Hut- Jeriy Hollis went, to Castle (Thanksgiving week at Long- enactment Into law earlier this measure and let it become law state, agencies now sulimit without his signature and that their rules also to the com­ Rock, Wash. Wed . Nov. 26, to | view, Wash, where she was a ichinson and daughter and Mr year. the committee tangled with the mittee In most cases this must spend the Thanksgiving holi­ gue t at the home of her dau­ 'and Mrs. Delmer Skillings of The new function is called | Gate-. administrative rules review attorney general on the very be done 60 days prior to adop­ days at the home of his ghter, Mr and Mrs. Dick Base­ and Is being conducted by the first rule it reviewed, Its work tion. brother and family, Mr and man and family. While there, | Dinner guests at the home The committee meets month­ Mrs Gary Hollis, Shelly, and she also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Man- la progressing legislative coon ;e) committee. currently of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bas ett , ning were Mr. and Mrs. Sim It was created by SB 981 dur­ smoothly and the panel appar- ly and review reports from [ Craig. i Etzel. Mr. and Mrs. Rich ing the S8th Legislative Sc- ently isn’t Interrupting normal legislative counsel stiff on. Carmen McDonald return- and family. each of the new rules check-1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDou- ' Manning from Stayton, Larry idon In e si nce, it requires rule muking pro< cs ;cs. Friday afternoon. I ed home daughter and Mo‘t opposition to the new ing primarily if the proposed I Nov 28, from Good Samaritan (gail and her mother, Mrs. Elsie Manning state agencie to ubniit pro corn legislative function was based rule follows legislative Intent, Hospital, in Portland, where Stoneking, who are visiting Shawna, Mrs. Eva Bressler |x> ed new rille hi Iniltev for exnminat prior on the eparation of powers is in accordance with establish- f , sh< pent several day under- from Oakland, Calif, were and Mr and Mrs. Kenneth concept hence the governor's ed procedure and observes t going test to adoption ; dinner guests at the home of Namitz of Lyons. An | Gue t of Peggy Wright over their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Sinclair objection a poke-man for the constitutional provision Proponent ought Leona executive branch. Proponents, additional function that the the weekend we • her son-in- Mr. and Mr func ion primarily a Richard Nausei I • nd family and Mr- I Gunn were dinner guests at. however, wanted mine influ committee has taken upon law and daughti ■r, Mr. and : in Salem antee that agencie- itself is t< i monitor penalties to r 'the home of his parents, Mr. I once in the rulemaking prove executive branch w Mrs Ray Sarvela and daugh-I Guests at tie- home of Mr. i to negate criticism that l>e imposed on violators of a tors, Cynthia and Annette here to legislativi and Mrs. John Schweer wert* ■and Mrs. Alfred Sinclair at I agencie sometimes exceed new rule. wlvn promulgating Mr. and M rs Joe Tracy their son and wife, Mr. and I Mehama The committee doe, not have Mrs. Russell Thiel of North cessitatrd by new legislation authority granted pent tiie Thank giving week Mrs. John Schweer, Jr. and veto power In-tead, if it ob­ end at their cottage at Glene- i Bend spent several days this family from Beaverton. jects to a rule for one reason den Beach, on the coast. Mrs. Dorothy Downer with ! week at the home of her son- or another, it can con ult the At the Edward Walz home ( her son and daughter-in-law, | in-law and daughter, Mr. and agency in question ugge-ting Robert Walton. Addition- for Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs Dwight Downer Mt ■ change or further con idera- Mrs Jon Bates of Salem. Dar- I and daughter, were guests in 1 al Thank giving guests were t ion It al-<> car. appoint a sub­ visiting ¡McMinnville at the home of Mr and Mrs. Terry Bair and rell Walz who wa committee to further study a f rom Portland for the week Mrs. Downer’s daughter, Mr. son, Robert, fr'/m North Bend. potentially off« nsive rule Walz ¡and Mr Harold Oppenlander Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bair from end, and Mr. and Mr And, a function considered and Mike. and family. i by many proponents as most At the John Shafers for Mr and Mrs. Frank Spell- imjxirtant, the committer- must Tips On Home Food Preservation Thank-giving, were* their meyer were guests at the home t report all of its findings to the There are so many inflation­ foods you intend to freeze at son and family. Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Block | the subsequent regular .session conscious consumers these days the sides and back. Use oldest John Shafer. Jr, Diane, John I at Longview, Wash, . of the legislature that a shortage of canning jars foods first. III and Marti of St. Paul, and j Vi Wolfer from Canby was a The problem that arose re- and lids in many areas threat­ Mr and Mrs. Frank Girdler, 1 guest from Tuesday to Sunday e* Most fruits and vegetables 1 garding the first rule it con- ens to put a crimp in the home at the home of Lily Faris. from Woodburn. can be kept frozen X to 12 ! sidered involved a proposal by canning plans of some families Guests at the home of Mr. months without affecting flavor Guests for Thanksgiving r the Oregon Liquor Control who have carefully nurtured an or quality. dinner at the home of Dorothy and Mrs. Wm. Grimes were Commission that would revoke Anti Inflation Garden to the Christensen and son Stuart. I Mrs Effie Nydegge-r of Salem, If you're one of the lucky , dispensing licenses of licen- harvest season. and Mrs. Douglas Barrow ones who have the necessary I c<*es found to have illegal gam­ were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reid, ! ‘ Mr But there is an alternative from Woodburn. Hattie Golliet, and family and Mr. and Mrs. ' equipment for canning, the bling devices on thi-ir pre- way to put up that bumper crop Consumers Institute offers these Elisabeth Hughes, Claraedna ! Vaughn Hunt and son from i ! mixes. The committee’s staff of vegetables — freezing. Ami guidelines; Frame, and Mr and Mrs John Stayton. report objected to expansion of many home economists feel it is Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and . Teeters. ** Don't experiment* Use police power to OLCC agents not only easier but safer than Several car loads of chil­ Mrs Leota Worden were din- I only tested, approved methods. and argued revocation should I canning. dren left from the Mehama ner guests in Stayton at the Follow all time and tempera­ not take place until after con­ (Community Church Friday af-1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Here is a quick checklist on ture specifications precisely. If viction of such an offense. food freezing from General in doubt, err on the side of temoon, Nov 28, to attend a Lierman and family. Atty Gen Lee Johnson object­ puppet show at the Bible Book I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olm I Electric's Consumers Institute: higher temperature or longer ed and the matter currently c* Be selective. Choose only cooking time. House in Salem, They were ac- I stead were guests at the home , awaits a decision by litigation top quality fruits and vegetables companied by a group of I of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ed­ s* Use only jars, cans and The governor’s office still at their peak of ripeness. Freez­ lids made ipecifii allv for home adults and all reported having I mundson at Milwaukie. stands by its earlier objec­ ing maintains quality, but can­ canning. Don't try to reuse old Mrs Bea Hiatt and her sis­ a fine time. tion: and has adopted a wait- not improve it peanut butter or mayonnaise Visiting a few days during ter, Mrs. Gladys Nygaard, were and-see attitude While pro­ s* Plan ahead. Some foods jars. the Thanksgiving weekend at Thursday and Friday guests in ponents argue the new func­ are better wrapped in individ­ the home of Winafred i Albany at the home of Mrs. e* Do not reuse sealing lids; tion tends to maintain legisla ­ ual-sized portions, others in » Branch and other relatives in Hiatt’s son-in-law and daugh­ the rubber may deteriorate, pre­ tive Intent and acts as an in­ family-size. venting proper seal. Rings can the area, were Mr. and Mrs ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elmer. I centive to agencies to carry Guests at the home of Mr. | tf Wrap it well. Wrapping be re-used. Weldon Branch, and son, from out that int»-nt with dispatch, material should be moisture and e* Do not overpack foods; Straub’s office forsees another Midvale, Idaho. vapor proof to prevent drying; frying to get too much into a I potential pitfall. He fears be careful not to puncture the jar may result in under-proc­ someone who lost the battle wrap. essing and spoilage. Leave one with the legislature on a par­ Label packages to show inch of "head space.** ticular issue, might come back by Eva Brwmler quantity, intended use. nnd Before using canned foods and win by administrative On Nov. 7. Mrs Katie Skil­ i i date. check for leaks, bulging lids, rule through the committee. lings with her sister, Mrs. Check freezer temperature. off-odors, off-colors, or any So far none of these fears | Minnie Manning of Salem, Food should be frocen at a sign of mold. When in doubt, I have been realized. The com­ ¡joined an AARP group from temperature near zero and throw it out! Never use any mittee is reviewing about 50 Salem to Portland on a cruise stored at a temperature that is canned foods showing any sign rules a month, about the same of the Caribbean Sea maintained below 8° F. They of spoilage. Whatever you do, number usually proposed by flew to Florida where they don't taste Mt it! Don't freeze too much nt agencies The committee hasn’t boarded the ship “Italia” one time. Overloading will raise To be extra safe, boil generated any exhorbitant which was their home for the the temperature. Add only home canned vegetables for at amount of new paper, is oper­ next 14 nights. They toured about 1/10 the capacity of the least ten minutes before serv­ ating well within its budget several islands; also. Caracus, freezer each day. Place the ing. hasn’t appointed a subcommit­ Venezueia, Cartagena. Colom- tee to study any especially • bia and the Panama Canal En- thorny issues and really hasn't I mute home they stopped in hanseled any agency other titan Houston, Texas, for a couple that one instance with the of days where they toured the OLCC. Astrodome and space center. What has happened however, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reeves is that legislators are more and sons from San Diego. aware of the rule-making pro­ Calif. were recent visitors at cess and have a tendency to .__ . . | the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. watch it more closely than be- „ ; ¡Grimes. fore. Many family gatherings and The new function raises i dinners were enjoyed as they other questions also, all of ■ paused with bowed heads to which won't be judg<*d until give thanks for their many For All Domest c and Imported Cars some time in the future There (blessings throughout the year, are those who suggest the re­ and Trucks i with families coming to Lyons view function will create more i and others going elsewhere. legislation in the future. Fuel Injection Analyzer Automatic Transmission*» Thanksgiving guests at the Others say review will help llelaric Welding Parts on Hand home of .Mrs Effie Anderson avoid corrective legislaiton. I were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Butt-, Ph. 769-2431 101 2nd Ave., Stay ton There is speculation the 'of Roseburg. Mrs Elizabeth function might ease the move­ ment toward annual sessions Gill from Tacoma. Wash , Mr. but there are no solid indica­ and Mrs. L. G Hannaford and tors at this point. It. has been family. Keith Anderson of F uggested the review function Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Jay may influence the incidence of Myers and family of Stayton. special sessions one way or I Guests at the home of Mr. another This hasn't been the and Mrs. Orville Downing I were Mr. nnd Mrs. Duane case. Meanwhile, committee re­ Downing from Walla Walia. ports anyone Wash . Mr and Mrs. Richard I”’»« ' are available to tuiyviw who wants them at a price of ^om £res™nt ,_C'7; Maureen Brown of 25 cents a sheet and requests Calif., fail to indicate anything ap-1 Springfield and Dennis Brown proaching the demand of a of Corvallis. Guests at the home of Mr. best-seller in the immediate ( and Mrs. David Pankratz were future Mr and Mrs. Oliver Harris and family, and Mr and Mrs. Mel­ vin Peck and family, all from R* Stayton. I Or, Mr. and Mrs Bert Bailey of Springfield were weekend guests at the home of her sis- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Vacuum Cleaners Dowming. Toasters Guests at the Irons and Mrs. John her parents . Mr, Sewing Machines Voltin of Scio Any Small Appliance Spending several days over Reasonable-Reliable the Thanksgiving holiday with I'hursday, Salem Scene k__ s iki , Canby, C. L Salter and Mrs. ¡George Salter and two child- I ren from Lyons. Mr. and Mrs Glen Julian, Jr. arid son. from Eugeni were guest at tin* home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mr Glen Jul­ ian, Sr. Mrs. Anne Pietrok and ; Louise were dinner guests at the home of h«*r son, Mr. an«l , Mrs. Clarence Pietrok of ' Aumsville. Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Howard Naue were Mr. and Mrs Elmer Cui well, Donna and Delmer, Mrs. Lydia I Culwell, Hariin Gibson and Mr and Mrs. Albert Cuff of Lyons. Afternoon visitors were Andrew and Shirley Culwell of Salem Mr and Mrs. Frankbn Mc- Doweli and family of Mehama and Mr. and Mr Stephen Foltz and family of Lyons ! were dinner gue-Ls at the ; bom« of their parents. Mr and Mrs Harley Scott. Mr. and Mr . Hugh Johnston and Boi> were guests in Cor­ vallis at the hom<* of their on-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutherland and family Additional guests were Mr. and Mrs Tom John ion from Springfield and Kenton Johnston of Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs Jack Scott of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs Albert Toman and daughter, Janet, .nd Mr, and Mrs. Steve Toman and daughter from Salem were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Leora Stevens JL LYONS I I NOTICE Subscribers, please check the label on your Enterprise this week. If the figure following your name is 12-75 Now Open In Stayton FOSTER’S UNLIMITED your subscription has expired. Automotive Repair Why not send in a check for your renewal today. By Subscribing to THE Mill CITY ENTERPRISE YOU SAVE MONEY I You can save more than the subscription price "With two kids of driving age, I care about the car insurance we get I switched to Safeco and got a better of The Enterprise by reading the ads and then taking advantage of the bargains offered. Try it and see. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Small Appliance * * * REPAIR Phone 897-2324 or 897-2754 Mill City, Oregon S5.00 $5.50 Outside the State of Oregon Service Jerry Pittam Insurance In Marion and Linn Counties Outside Marion and Linn but still in Oregon 897-2844 I he Mill City Enterprise Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Phone 897-2772 Mill City .Oregon