6—The Mill City làiterprise, Thursday, Dee. 4. 1975 I FOR SALE 1964 Biltmore Churches, bazaars, suppers,, Mobile Home 10x55. $3.900 bake sale, etc., will be run Take over contract with : under special announcements small down payment, if re classification with a mini liable party. Contact North mum charge of 75c per in Santiam Federal Credit sertion. Union 1005 N. 1st Avenue, Stayton. Oregon Ph. 769- 2146. 49 For Rent FOR RENT — Furnished 1 and Miscellaneous 2 bdrm. apts. All utilities incl. Cable TV available. Ph. 897-2961. 22tf CARPET CLEANING $10.95 any size living room, hall OFFICE SPACE for Rent or way. Carpet-guard extra. Lease. Inquire at The Enter Call Glenn 749 2989 any time. prise. Ph 897-2772. 41tf • ALLIED ROOFING Sears CLASSIFIED KATES Rte. I. Box 168. Lyons PIIONE 897-2097 1976 Model All Types of Roof Repairs FREE ESTIMATES ¿.“narrrr AUTHORIZED CATALOG MERCHANT STORE "SPECIAL Rug Rem iant SALE Starts Friday, Dec. 5 First Come Basis At Your Home Owned 18" PORTABLE ; COLOR TV J THE FAMILY LAWYER GALVANIZED ROOFING: JH” corrugated, 4V corru ' gated custom cut to length Qualifying As A Church Ask about our new lower1 Four families moved Into a prices. Sublimity Building' house that was zoned for Supply, 769-2174. single occupancy only When the neighbors complained in Need Drycleaning Agency for Salem Laundry and i court, a spokesman for the Drycleaning Pick up and I group |M>intixl out that the zon ing law made an exception for Delivery on Mondays "churches.” HIRTE’S MARKET Telephone 897-3133. 844 1st1 Then he said: St.. Mill City. Open 8 8:30 every day. Closed Sundays. It is not unusual for zoning ordinances to allow churches in tin otherwise residential neighborhood By and large, as in the above situation, a place won’t qualify aa u church un less there is soni< degree of public worship. Consider another case. This Hine, the building in dispute was being used for religious retreats on weekends. During the e retreats the par ticipants would engage in Italy, meditation, and worship ervices nil under the su pervision of a priest. Depite the objections of neighbor . .i court found suf ficient emphasis on the rellg- lou lift t<> make the place ac ceptable as a church. Sometimes u zoning law will exempt not only churches but al o any building that is “put to a religious u <• ” Such word ing broaden the possibilities. Thus, under this kind of a law. a court allowed a day enre center to be operated on church owned property. The court said that in view of the community’s need for tiny can* center . thi: c.nild ren onably be classified as "conduct with a religious purpose ” FOR RENT — Lot rental and OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT SEARS STORE I brand new 3 bdrm. mobile $3.98 per gallon. Sublimity Help Wanted 897-2348 home for only $159.(X) per • Quasar QS3000 Solid Building Supply. Phone 76'J- Mill City 160 N. 1st month after small down pay | State Modular Chassis • help WANTED Woman for 2174. 3tf ment. Phone 769-5330 days, I “Insta-Matic” Color Tuning! part time help Wilson’s FOR RENT — Lawn mower or 769-3103 evenings. 46tf CUSTOM GAME PROCESS •Plug-in Circuit Modules^ Hatchery, ph. 859-2134 and garden tiller. Western ING—cooling, cutting, wrap Auto Associate Store, phone Bright Picture Tubu • !n- ping and freezing. Also game Real Estate 17tf I stant Picture & Sound Work Wanted sausage and bologna made. 1 897-2785. Hirte’s Market, Ph. 897-3133, I SEPTIC TANK and drainfield Energy Saver Switch FOR SALE — Try 1700 sq. ft. | WANTED Part time, day Concealed carry handle 844 S. First, MUI City. 40tf of spacious living in this all installation. Gravel. Topsoil, time housework, mending electric 3 bedroom one and a Bulldozing, rototilling. Low and -owing. Ph. 859-2266 50 half bath home. Has large CUSTOM MOBILE SLAUGH-I rates. L. M. Walker, Lyons. We think of our hou e as a TERING — Call 897-3133 for' living and dining room and Phone 859-2436. 50tf little church, because we all Wanted Miscellanous appointments. Canyon Mo w Trade Franklin fireplace. Stove, re belong to the same religious bile Slaughter and Hirte’s! WE HAVE Maytag Washers, frigerator., curtains and For Top TV or Radio TIMBER WANTED: all spe I denomination. Furthermore, Market, Ph. 897-3133. 844 S. Dryers and Dishwashers that drapes incl. Also has large cies. Stevenson Logging Ph. although we work at regular First, Mill City. 36tf shop and fenced yard. What are quiet and dependable SALES or SERVICE 244-1308 Portland 52p jobs during the day, we have more could you ask for, may NEED CASH? Loans available and available at Kirsch True Call 769-2451 several hours of religious in Thinking About A Now be a view in the country? j on older homes and ranch- Value Hardware, Mill City, struction every week.” We Re par AU Personal Wed, it has this too. Phone 897-2785. 34tf ROOF _ CnH ettes. We purchase contracts But the court decided that Brands and Models 897-3102. 43tf VERNON BLAYLOCK Call DEBENTURE MORT FOR SALE — Excellent cond. REDUCE Safe and fast with these factors were not enough RICHARD GAGE CO., Stayton, 769- GoBe.se Tablets and E-Vap to convert the house into a 743-2834 BUYERS we have twin beds $80, 2 pr. drapes, 5445 40tf “water pills,” Mill City church — and that the families SCHUMACHER Listing« we need 96x84, $30 Formica table Free Estimate® Gladly Pharmacy. 5p were in violation of the law Distributor Approved Offices Coast-to-Coast w 4 chrs., $25. 1 queen bed NUMBER ONE prefinished National Advertising Brings frame. $15. complete candle paneling. All 4x8 sheets Slowly the veil lifts - * I BUYERS from everywhere making outfit. $75 TV stand. $3.99 and $4.99. Sublimity SERVICE Call today “. . . thoughtful men .1 $5. 5-speed bicycle, $35. Electronic Servicing And Sale» at Building Supply, Sublimity. Vivian M. Kealen. Manager . . nee before them some Mark 20 Mercury outboard Phone 769-2174. 3tf Reasonable Rate» P. O. Box 516 Bank Terms Available motor. $150 Ph. 897-2237 50 guiding truth . . . which Gates, Oregon 97346 HAVE LOTS OF JUNK laying On Approved Credit Baha'u’llah gave long ago . Phone 897-2124 around the house, in the gar FOR SALE — 1966 El Camino Sublimity, Oregon . . a solution to the great 327 4 spd. $450; two 1972 age or in the attite. Why not LISTINGS WANTED Hondas 350 $450 ea,; 1971 ALUMINUM Srrwn Doors problems that plague the get the most out of it with complete with hinges, latch world . . .” —Baha'i Writ Yamaha 175, $150.; 25x15x4’ a convenient Want Ad In the set, grill and door closer, ings Tel.: 859-2943 -wimming pool, $450; Holley Mill City Enterprise. A call $14.50. Sublimity Building PHONE PHONE to 897-2772 will change your 3 deuces w/manifold and Supply Phone 768-2174. tf unwanted items into cash. linkage for Chevy, $50.; cal culator, $25.; adding ma OATES SALEM chine, $25 Mrs. Gary McCall, SUPERIOR 897-2777 581-4047 Gates Trailer Ranch/ #11, COMMUNITY REFRIGERATION & after 4:00 p.m. 50 CREDIT UNION Air Conditioning think of ______■ Join your friends and save FOR SALE - 1957 Ranchero. $275 or best offer. Ph. 897- Service DRUSHELLA'S : I wish to thank my many with safety at tht North 2919 49p ♦ Repairs on all makes friends for the flowers, cards Drushella Real E$tate Santiam Federal. Accounts 3882 State Street, Salem, Oregon 97301 ♦ Refrigerators A Freezers and delicious food sent to me EUydia E. Smith 897-2466 insured to $40,000.00. 1005 FOR SALE — Hide-a-way bed ♦ Washer A Dryers during the time of the loss of daveno, good condition. $95 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton North First Avenue, Stay ♦ Electric Stoves my brother. Your thoughtful * 451 S W 8th, Mill City Ph. Salesman — Gates, Oregon ton, Ore. Phone 769-2146. ♦ Dishwashers ness will always be remem 897-2217. 49p Call day or evening _ •ALL WORK GUARANTEED bered. Canyon Area Every Thursday Phone WHITE interior La'ex wall 244 N 4th St Nellie Ward From Mehama To Idanha Stayton. Ore 769-6918 finish $3.98 gal. Sublimity Frsh From Your Own Front Yard Building Supply, Sublimity BANK AM ERICARD Accepted CARD OF THANKS SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES 4 THIS 100x257’ landscaped bomeeite with North San Ph. 789-2174. 3tf 4 I wish to thank aU my tiam river frontage his a 2 bedroom, remodeled semi MACHINE WORK I friends who were ho thought- < ranch style home. 18x24’ jiving room with fireplace FOR SALE — two bikes, 5- Valves Refaced ' ful to send me flowers and 4 and dining area. Other features include fireplace in mas speed, like new. Phone 859- cards and also those who Of New or Used, Color or Black and White TV’s at I ter bedroom, full bath, wall paneling and carpeting. 2581. 50 Brtke Drums and Rotors stopped by to visit me during Turned ! Washer and dryer facilities. Electric and Natural gas my recent stay in the hospital. FOR SALE — Chain saw, 1975 I Tune-Ups heat. Attached single garage could be third bedroom. Homelite. XL auto, with Your kindness will always be I Separate shop approx. 24x24’ with attached 12x24’ car auto, oiler, 20 in. bar $175. Riverbend Welding & remembered. John Swan port. Fud Price ........ $26,650 I Phone 897-2431. 49 CAPITOL Buying CARDS THANKS SERVICE No Mileage Charge GOOD SELECTION I Repair, Inc. FOR SALE: Hi-Fi On Linn Blvd. 2 mi. W. of 1 DBUOG Bogen amplifier w/cage; 1 Enl2 3-speaker Mill City — Ph. 897-2580 cabinet; 1 Garrard 88 record player w/D&S needles. $85 STAYTON SMALL Gates, Ore. cash/ctfd ck. ph. 859-2943 48tf EQUIPMENT MANY BUYERS for home® with small acreage. LIST NOW. STROUT REALTY, INC. Vivian Kealen. Mgr. Ph. 897-2124 RETIRED PARTY WANTED to enjoy the benefits that this home offers. Very well-kept 2-BDRM. mobile, numerous small outbuildings, on about acre located on a dead end road. Price $15,900. LIVE COMFORTABLY in this well-built 2-BDRM home I on ’/<. acre. Enjoy the garden spot and the mountain air. i Also a nice shop for your hobbies. $19,500. Eves, phone 769-6127. , I BENTZ ASSOC ATES i REALTORS Ph. 769-6355 133 W. Regis St. Stayton, Oregon Immediate Possession FIREWOOD For Sale, 2 Homelite Sale$ & cord, $70; 1 cord $40; ’6 cord Service $25; *4 cord $15. Thompson- Engelhom Enterprises, P O. Open Tuesday Thru Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Box 97, Gates. Phone 897-1 393 E. Florence 3215. 39tf | Stay ton, Oregon BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL ------ > DIRECTORY 4—— ■ *> » * Weddle Funeral Home Modern Funeral Sender 4 BEDROOMS! 2 bedrooms and bath on upper floor. Oregor 2 bedrooms, living room, dining area, kitchen, bath and Stayton utility on main floor. Single garage with extra storage I or work room. Nicely landscaped yard with sprinkler system. $32,000. D D ELECTRIC 5000 Square Feet Motor Service 51» Center 8t^ Sublimity BEAUTIFULLY older ------------------ home. Large living room ------ — kept r---------- o-------- „ .^~.„ with fireplace, formal dining room, breakfast nook. kitchen, 1 bedroom, den and full bath on main floor, Upper floor has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and family room with fireplace. Basement with utility and storage. Forc ed air oil fiimace. Large lot with river frontage. The $38,000 price includes $5,000 worth of Oriental ruga. A11 Makes motors Serviced, Repaired and Rewound. Irri- gation and House Pumps in- We Have Buyers — Need Listings Oil Burner Service North Santiam Real Estate Phone 897-2497 Days or Evenings. Mabel or Al Yankus 67S N. E. Santiam Blvd. Cy Hilton, owner BOOKLETS ACCOUNTING FORMS IM N. First Avenue, Staytoa Ph. 769-5427 Mill City, Oregon Cy's Furnace Repair BUSINESS CARDS and delivery. Physician and Surgeon PHONE 789 2399 ENCLOSURES Free Estimates, Plekup SERVICE CALLS MADE Prompt Service A Dependable ENVELOPES ”24 Years Experience” CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Commercial, Home, Autos, Haats, etc. “Chuck does them all” JOHN W. REID, M. D Now Serving Mill City and Vicinity LETTERHEADS C4H FURNITURE Upholstery Phon® 769-2042 eluded. PERSONAL STATIONERY GRAVEL OF ALL KINDS Call HUGH JOHNSTON 859-2222 Mornings or Evening! RULED FORMS INVOICES I The Mill City Enterprise Phone 897-2772 Mill Oregon