Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1975)
I "YOIJR LAND AND MY I AND" LETTERS 3—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, I>ee. 4, 1975 enjoying the decorated shops. Included in the excursion were Mark Podrabsky, Anne DATSUN SERVICE Heidbrink, Craig Humes, AND REPAIR Robert. Humes, John Ohmart, All Work Guaranteed and yeu IV-verly Trout, Jeff Davis, and .1- nme Davis. Adult ro-pon SAVE 30% on Salem Price» ible for the occasion were Mr. DEAR FELLOW CITIZENS: Call 897-2062 Ai a recent meeting of the and Mr . Robert Hayes and ELMER TRIFF Mill City Steering Committee Mi- John Heidbrink. only five organizations were repre >ented by nine people. The steering committee, when organized, was to bt- made up of two representa tive.-. from each organization in the aiea and other inter ested persons, to plan the ac tivities for the 4th of July. After much discussion it wa decided to contact each group and ask them if it was their We Have Many Different Patterns To desire to have a representative Choose From on the committee and to par ticipate in the July 4, 1976 Bi centennial celebration. It is the desire of this com PRICED FROM and up mittee to mak<‘ this July 4 the bigge ,t ever . . we need you! Yours for a better 4th, We Also Have A Wide Selection Of Mill City Steering Comm. Moldings To Coordinate With The Patricia McClintock, Corresponding Secretary Panelling. "A nation i. made great, mrt by the fruitful acres, but KELLY LUMBER by the men who cultivate BALES, INC. them ...” Hwy. 22 East City Limita PHONE 897-2363 TO THE) EDITOR DRAWING IT OUT ! T he 20 SEARS AGO — 1953 A bridul -liower honoring Alona Faye Duly was given by three of her school friend.,, la-la Kelly, Doloie . l'oole and At lone Kuhlman Bibler, at the Charles Kelly residence. Alona Faye wa.-. to become the bride of Richard C. Ha..eman. Jr. i Torrential rains hud caused a slide on Road, trapping several occupied cars. Water in the reservoir was reported to huve risen 22 j feet. UM*T PAINTING IN THE WORLD was “P anorama of the M ies - iû SlPPt paintep bv join pa i. coin IB4Ó IT WAS 5.0C ■ Ft ICH», 12 FUE f Wi. • by lluael ilayes Through the Perilous Night Major Armlstead, the com manding officer of H Mc NOW YOU SEC IT... Henry warned a large flag to .. now vCG ívv r! impress the Britishers if they WERE TALHJMr A3OLT came sailing in to capture YOUR TYMC h ECA ANO ITS Baltimore TENDENCY 10 DiïAFFÇAR He and three other officers NAME THAT TUNE » SHORTLY AFTER you ' le T he most popular song of all culled on Mary Pickersgill. tiCUVW IT. WELL ThiUJ time on E nglishi is “M app , B irthday 15 YEARS AGO — I960 i They a k«-d her about making SOMETHIN^ TOUCAN DO TO YOu- COMPOSED BY AtlLOREp ANP ¿&OUT THAT- JOM THE Conditions were almost back.a really large flag P atty hill . it was first published in PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN to normal after the Thanksgiv-1 "How large I nge is i a really large 193» AND IS COPYKGHTLP UNTIL 1992 WHERE IOU VYORA SPEC' mg Buy flood that poured wa j flag’’ ir,,Ná M AMOUNT YOU "Fifteen white star each ter and mud into the busineaa WANT SET ASIDE FROM 11 wo feet from point to point, area of Mill City. YOUR PAYCHECK TO RUY U S SAVINGS BONOS Also al tile same time the I eight red stripe and seven ANO WHEN you need mud cleanup wa, going on, ! whit«- each two feet aero s.” IT- IT’LL Bi TILERS ! How long should the stripes the Mill City Firemen were called out to control a grass be?" The men looked at one an- fire we. t of Mill City on the otliei "We don't know You’ll Byons road New member In the Meha- huve to figure that out.” Mary and her 13 year old ma Community Church were daughter Caroline bought 90 Linda Coffman, Bi'tllc ( i of bunting costing Beverly Hel el, Randy Kim- yards Church Group Visits No room in the scy, Charlóte Lantzes, Royce $106 90. Iamgfellow, Judy Straschine, Picker,gill hou-e was large Lloyd Center Ice Rink Harold Teeter and Jo Roberts enough to work in. What to do’ from the Presbyterian Church Brown’s brewery acres the 10 YEARS AGO — 1965 spent a recent Saturday in street was not la-ing used just Tin- Rev. James Murray and Portland, taking a sack-luncn family, from Idaho, had arriv now Could he use it’ and seeing the sights. They Sin- and Caroline worked ed in Mill City. He was the vi-ited OMSI during the mor new pastor for the Presbyter often by candle light basting ning hours, then skated on the and -ewing, all by hand "Are ian Church ice rink at the Lloyd Center Forty-two people had turn you going to charge for all our - ifternoon, «loo briefly work? queried Caroline ed out to donate blood when Edgar V. Collins I "Do you think we should’’ It the blood-mobile had visited Edgar V. "Bud” Collins, 77, is for Ft McHenry, and Ft the area. of Estacada, but formerly of Donald Howe, son of Mr and McHenry guards our Balti Gates, Idanha, and Mill City, Mrs. Clarence Howe, was plan more I would rather feel we died Saturday at his home of ning a February wedding to had done our bit in this way, a heart attack. Sharon Chadrlch of Nehalem ' wouldn’t you? He was bom in Brunswick, Terry Morris, son of Mr and i ; Caroline said thoughtfully, Mo., and moved to Estacada' Mrs. Tom Morns was wed on | T wonder if Betsy Ross from Gates in 1948. See Our New November 27, to Pamela Ann | charged for her work.” Survivors include the wi hi-r some month.-, the flag Merchandise Reed from Washington For Week of Nov 25, 1975 dow. Irene; one daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Jim Girod and wasn't used Then one hot, me- Tursa.iy Pin Paia Don Baxter; two sisters, in Arriving Daily Mr and Mrs Charlie French mortal eventng it blazed in the Name of Team W L cluding Mrs. Herman Rose- sunset a mark of defiance Mel Round & Sons had gone to Portland to see the Unfinished Chests «24.00 7 helm, Hubbard, and three 1 flown by a small, young and show "Sound of Music ’’ Philippi Ford 7 grandchildren. Sleepers —Steck Tables 1 not always wise country about Bug A Boo Timber 7 Services were held at 1 00 1 Rockers, Sofia, Chair to take its stand against the Park ’N Shop 5 YEARS AGO — 197<l 6 pm Wed . Dec 3, at Clayvill 2 and Ottomans, Recliners Mr and Mrs Ruasell Reid strongest nation in the world. Stay ton Bowl 6 Mortuary in Estacada. Grave 2 unfinished furniture A rooster appeared from no and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans State Farm Ins. 4 4 side services and interment Gun Cabinets had purchased Jerry’s Tavern where. He mounted a parapet Plaza Restaurant were at 3:30 pm at Fairview 3 5 and began to crow The troops Pats Pill Box Adjustable Plant Stand in Gates 6 2 Cemetery, Gates. laughed and cheered and one Mr. and Mrs Adolph Brun- Highland Trk. 2 6 Open Evenings By TIRED OF WAITING Months ner had opened their floral man called out. "If I live to Call Us Upholstery 2 6 Appointment • ■e Baltimore again 1'11 treat for your business forma to outlet store next to the U S G&B Trk 1 7 BankAmericard Welcome that bird to a pound cake! come to you. Try the expert National Bank. Girods Hilltop 1 7 Some source has maintained printers at The Mill City Mr and Mrs George Davis High individual game Billie Sublimity- Aumsville Enterprise. Just a telephone and Karen had been to Hoodoo that France; Scott Key was a Duncan and B Stormer 189; Junction lawyer All day and all night call to 897-2772 will put the Rung; Mr ind Mrs Mel high individual series Billie he had hidden away on a ship efficient and fart printer» at Rambo accompanying them Phone 749-2975 Duncan 518; high team game— your service Also there enjoying the slopes in Patapsco Bay with his spy Philipip Ford 774; high team were Vem and Tom Rush and glass. He loath<*d this abom scries • Mel Round A- Sons, inable war. yet here he was in Jennie Chance. ln<- 2183 the middle of it. he was first and last an American and in I these hours of suspense he For Week of Dec. 2, fervently - desperately - pray Mel Round & Sons 11 ed that the big flag wave on Park 'N Shop All through the night he pac Bug A Boo Timber ed the deck, scarcely daring Philippi Ford to think what the daylight Pats Pill Box might bring i Stayton Bowl At 4:00 a m., the bombard ment suddenly stopped. Key G & B Trk snatched up his spyglass. Cal) Us Upholstery There waved the flag! Arm- State Farm Ins. ___ ___ 1 stead had not surrendered. Highland Trk Turbulent, fervent thoughts Plaza Restaurant raced through his mind, Tis Girods Hilltop Mkt. High individual game the star-spengled banner Oh series — June Lowder, long may it wave O’er the land of the free and and 564; high team game series — Pats Pill Box. 788 and the home of the brave. The big flag is carefully pre 2163 served in the Smithsonian In stitute in Washington, DC. Furniture PRE-FINISHED PANELLING Mill City, Orc. UM Eat Drink and Be Merry HOLIDAY SPECIAL Big Brazier, Fries and ALL FOR ORDERS TO GO Dairy N Queen^ Phone 769-5311 Stayton, Oregon Scrumpdillyishus Western Security Bank is pleased to announce BANK MORIT F DAILY SERVICE School Menu Thursday, December 4 INVENTORY REDUCTION TIRESALE Steel Belted Radials Monday through Friday for Friday, December 5 Barbecued Hamburgers French Fries Cubed Jello Salad Chocolate Chip Cookie Milk Lyons, Sublimity, Aumsville Monday, December 8 Spaghetti $3650 AS LOW AS Lasagna Bread and Butter Spinach Pineapple Ice Cream Milk Including Tax Mounted FREE Balanced at J Price Price« On Tires In Stock Only R&R Chevron Service Phone 897-2786 50« N. FL Rantfaun Blvd. Mill City FREE Pick Up and Delivery Service POOR (JAS MILEAGE? Bring Your Car In for a Tune-up today Bankmobile customers may transact business at any office of Western Security Bank as well as at any Bankmobile location on any legal business day. There are also night depositories at each office and Bankmobile site. Garlic French Bread Green Beans Pears Chocolate Chip Cookies Milk Tuesday, December 9 Weiner and Bun Peaches French Fries Milk Ice Cream Wednesday, December 10 Pizza Spinach Cubed Jello Fruit Salad Sugar Cookie Milk Thursday, December It Hamburger Gravy Hot Rolls Whipped Potatoes Mixed Vegetables Ice Cream Milk Friday, December 12 Barbecued Hamburgers French Fries Mixed Fruit Chocolate Cake Milk I I I I I ■ I CLIP AND SAVE BANKMOBILE SCHEDULE LYONS SUBLIMITY AUMSVILLE Daily 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m • Phone 859-2128 Daily 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. • Phone 769-6358 Daily 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Phone 749-2113 The Western Security Bank SALEM i ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■