’—The Mill Cit) nitcrpri»«, Thursday. Dec. 4. 1975 i ßo^ LUNCHEON SPECIAL Five Days A Week Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor Stop in and try our Luncheon Special BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER rd ri Wedding LV Af/f// n n I Cl Golden VIV’S STEAK HOUS1 Anniversary Dinner Honors Karrs Thurs. —OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK— Santini» Hwy Phone 897-27 X. V* V«. Ul* Celebrating their golden wedding anniversary with a Mill Citi' family Thanksgiving dinner I were Mi and Mrs. Bert Karr, 1 former residents of the area. ' Hosts for the dinner party, 1 which wa- held at McNary Golf Club were their children, I Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Mary) Coonradt, of Layton. Utah. Mr. i and Mrs. David Karr, of Slay- I 897-2291 ton and Mr. and Mrs. Jim] ¡(Laura' Kreiler, of San Jose.: The couple has eight grand- • children. Ada Coates and Bert Karr ere married on Nov. 27, 1925 Oakland. Calif. They have red in Salem for twenty ■ars, then in California and ick to Oregon. He is a re tired government worker for the U. S. Navy and has served as coordinator setting up a Senior Information and Re ferral Service Center in Sa- | lem. Both musicians, the cou- i pie is active in volunteer work and play often for the nursing homes, convalescent centers and senior clubs. First United Presbyterian Church MÇ RN I NG\VORSHIP- 11:00 i.m ^V isitors welc < í By Farah TAN — BROWN — GREEN — NAVY $3g°o B mk A nericarii $4100 Dick & Carols Shoesand Apparel 100 3rd Ave. 769-2762 Surprise Reception Honors Couple On Thirtieth Wedding Anniversary The 30th wedding anniver ens on. Mr .1 .lane Pumphreys, sary of Mr. and Mr. Howard Mr and All Claience Howe, Farmen wa celebrated with Mr and Mi John Fohl. Mrs. a surprise open house for them Lee Ro . M* r. and Mrs. Gale at the home of Mr and Mrs Ihn othy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fred Krecklow from 2 until 5 Scott, Mi und Mrs George o’clock. Sunday afternoon, lamg, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nov 30. Joint host and ho-te - Farmen, the guest <>f honor, with them were Mr and Mrs. and their son, Michael Farmen, ittul the hosts and hostesses, Joe Lalack i Mr. and Mr George Long Mr ■ind Mrs Joe Lalack and had driven th? Farmen- to a Mr and Mr Fred Krecklmv I Salem restaurant that morn-1 Levons Entertain With ¡ing for brunch," ostensibly m If the number following "Open House' observance of the birthday an Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon niversaries of both Alice und your name on The En entertained at their home with Norma, and upon dropping in I terprise label reads an “after 5” Thanksgiving at the Krecklow home after j open house on Saturday eve their return to town, they were ; 12-75 it's time to send ning, Nov. 29 About 30 guests really surprised to find a num i a check for renewal. enjoyed the informal visiting, ber of friends gathered there | af.er which a buffet supper in their honor. was served. A beautifully decorated tier- II Attending the affair were ed wedding-cake in pink and Anthony Bladas- Mr. and Mrs. white, and flanked by pink sare of Salem, Mr and Mrs. E. I from Santiam High School and tapers, served as the center Victoria Sue Olson, daugh- [ A. “Bud” Haugstad of Gates, serving table i later attended Chemeketa piece of the Mr. and Mrs. John Wills, Mr. ter of Mr. and Mrs. George, | Community College. She is where pink punch and coffee and Mrs. Vern Shaw. Mr. and Loveall. formerly of Mill City, currently employed by South were also served. Mrs. Jack Mrs. Fred Krecklow, Mr. and but now residing in Ketchi eastern Electric. The groom at Scott cut the anniversary Thursday, December 4 Club Christmas Mrs Don Walker. Mr. and Mrs. kan. Alaska, became the bride I tended Ketchikan High School, * cake; Mrs. Bill Fields presid- | Garden Carl Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. of Earl David Allain, at a 7:00 and is employed by the City cd at the punch bowl and Mrs. lunch* on. 12 :00 noon. Kenneth Shields ReMine. Mr. and Mrs. p.m. candlelight ceremony on of Ketchikan, where the couple George Ia>ng poured the cof turning home Charles Kelly, Rev. and Mrs Oct. 24. at the Methodist will continue to live. fee Mrs Farmen wa < present-1 Card party, Eagles Hall, 1:00 p.m John Heidbrink, Mr. and Mrs. Church in Ketchikan. lovely pink and Following the ceremony, a ed with a The bride was given in mar reception was held at the Sons white Vern Peterman, Mr. and Mrs. of roses,1 Friday, December 5 corsage Christmas Bazaar, Eagles Jack Scott, Mr. and Mrs. BiU riage by her father She wore of Norway Hall. and Mr Farmen with a pink Hall, 12:00 noon to 9:1)0 p.m , Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. John a white organza wedding gown carnation for his lapel. Sat. 10:00 am. to 4.00 p.m. Fohl, and the host and hostess, and veil with a beaded tiara. Alice Robert! Tally ^n" Sunday, December 7 She carried a bouquet of or Round Robin Pinochle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon. Howard Farmen were married i "That's Entertainment” chids with gold and yellow Club Meets At Pratt at the Christian Church here dance show, 4:00 p.m., Santlam daisies Maid of honor was Toni Home Monday Evening on Dec. 16, 1945, and have liv High School Auditorium. ed in Mill City their entire .Monday, December 8 Newberg, of Salem. Brides The Round Robin Pinochle married life. In fact, Alice was I Marilyn Chapter «145, OES. maid was Sharon Allain, sis ____ _______ ____ ~ , meeting 6:30 p.m ter of the groom, of Great Club met Monday evening at bom here She is at present smorgasbord the home of Mrs. Robert Pratt employed part-time at the Mill 8 ¿0 p m , IOOF HaR Falls, Montana. Wendy DeBoer, Clt> Enterpriseand the local C?ub'dinner meeting, also of Great Falls, was the for dessert followed by an eve- ing of cards. Mrs Olive Barn- branch of the U S National 6 30 pm FronUer Irul flower girl. Standing with Mr Allain as hardt was a guest. Mrs Arey Bank Howard is in his 25th Wr-dneaday, December 10 Podrabsky won pinochle; Mrs. year in the custodial service Steering Committee meeting, best man was Eric Bodding. Olive Barnhardt, high; and at the Mill City schools where 8 00 p in. at the home of Mar Ushering was James Olson, Mrs. George Davis, low he is now maintenance super- garet Snow brother of the bride They The December 15 meeting visor. City Council meeting, 8:00 also served as the candle- will be held at the home of Signing the guest-book at p m„ City Hall lighters. Mrs. Charlie Stewart, Sr. This the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Thmreday, December 11 The bride graduated in 1972 will be the club's annual Wilbur Meinert of Waldport, School Dtst #12W. Btard Christmas party and gift ex Mr. and Mrs Bill Fields meeting, 7:30 p m change. (Nancy Lalack) and Monte La Shaws Return From Attending Monday evening’s lack, all of Salem, Mr and Sponsored as a public earrice Plane Trip East party were Mrs. David Barn Mrs. Elmer Klutke of Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shaw hardt, Mrs. Burton Boroughs, Mr and Mrs Wilbur Harlan recently returned from Kansas Mrs. Don Carlson, Mrs Joe and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. where they visited relatives. Chailender, Mrs. George Davis, Robert Levon, Mr and Mrs To They made the trip by plane, Mrs. John MacGregor, Mrs. Elmer Shaw, Mr and Mrs. BEAUTY CENTER landing at Wichita where they Arey Podrabsky, Mrs Charlie Wesley Jahn. Mr. and Mrs. were met by her sister Mrs. Stewart, Sr , Mrs. Al Yankus, Vern Shaw, Mr and Mrs. Phone 897-2137 Mary McGill and her neice, Mrs. Tom Drynan from Stay Charles Kelly, Mr. and M rs. 230 3. W. Broadway Mrs. Robert Scott They had ton, Mrs. Olive Barnhardt and Lee Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Arey •:00 a.m. to 5:ou p.ni. dinner and spent one night Mrs. Robert Pratt. Podrab-ky, Mrs. Goldie Sor- Evenings by appointment with another sister, Mrs. Min nie Rainbolt at Great Bend be fore going on to Kingsley. At King ley a family re union was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Scott. Another sister and her hus band came from Arkansas and visited while they were there. They reported beautiful sun shine weather all the time they were gone. They returned home earlier than they had ex pected due to Mr. Shaw be- coming ill. Their return trip was rough and they had to circle the Denver Airport for one hour before they could land, due to ice on the runways. This made their plane two hours late. To They were met in Portland IM by their son and daughter-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Shaw. Allain-Olson Exchange Wedding Vows In Ketchikan Methodist Church Calendar Of Events LADIES GOWNS $6» $18» J LADIES DRESSES $10“ „ *30“ LONG DRESSES Women $g200$4QC0 $798 t $1293 MENS PANTS $12°o $20»“ DRESS 1 SHIRTS $1500 $^98 To JACKETS $g98 BALDWIN’S r /Itnenióse) Mary Wright Hosts Bid or Bunch Members The Bid or Bunch Pinochle Club met at the home of Mary Wright Monday evening, Dec. 1, wl h four tables in play. Gue ts were Edna Moffatt, Sharon Blaylock, Pat McClel lan, Hattie F'encl, Jean Rosa mond, Jeri I.edgerwood and Shirley Davidson. Edna Ross became a member of the club. High was held by Edna Gor don. Elsie Ohmart was low and ninochle was won by Pat McClellan. The D"c. 15 meeting will be the clubs’ annual Christmas party and gift exchange at the home of Betty Clark at 7:30 p.m. Lloyd Center In joy the ( hristnias Mayic of Llovd (enter I ( hristnkis isnt Christmas until youvr visited Lloyd Center.